View Full Version : There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians

08-09-2012, 03:46 AM

Vecer, Macedonia: There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians
08 August 2012 | 17:45 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans
Skopje. “There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians. In Bulgaria there is no Macedonian minority, because Macedonians are a majority,” reads an article of the chairman of the non-governmental organization World Macedonian Congress Todor Petkov, the Macedonian newspaper Vecer writes.
“In Bulgaria only Gypsies and Turks are not Macedonians! The question is not whether the Macedonians in Macedonia are Bulgarians, but whether there are Bulgarians in Bulgaria without Macedonian roots,” reads the article.
According to the newspaper this was a response to Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovachev, who said there were no Macedonians in Bulgaria.
“Bulgaria is like Yugoslavia. If you divide it into Macedonia, Moesia and Thrace – there is no Bulgaria. Nothing remains from Bulgaria. Sofia’s problem is not Macedonians, but the processes of emigration – Roma and Turks become a majority. That’s why Sofia needs Macedonians and Macedonia to maintain an ethnic balance in the time and space,” writes Petrov.
According to him when Bulgaria joined the EU, about 2 million Bulgarians left the country, mostly young and educated people, and the epilogue was “a nation that ages catastrophically fast.”

Crn Volk
08-09-2012, 05:42 AM

Vecer, Macedonia: There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians
08 August 2012 | 17:45 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans
Skopje. “There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians. In Bulgaria there is no Macedonian minority, because Macedonians are a majority,” reads an article of the chairman of the non-governmental organization World Macedonian Congress Todor Petkov, the Macedonian newspaper Vecer writes.
“In Bulgaria only Gypsies and Turks are not Macedonians! The question is not whether the Macedonians in Macedonia are Bulgarians, but whether there are Bulgarians in Bulgaria without Macedonian roots,” reads the article.
According to the newspaper this was a response to Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovachev, who said there were no Macedonians in Bulgaria.
“Bulgaria is like Yugoslavia. If you divide it into Macedonia, Moesia and Thrace – there is no Bulgaria. Nothing remains from Bulgaria. Sofia’s problem is not Macedonians, but the processes of emigration – Roma and Turks become a majority. That’s why Sofia needs Macedonians and Macedonia to maintain an ethnic balance in the time and space,” writes Petrov.
According to him when Bulgaria joined the EU, about 2 million Bulgarians left the country, mostly young and educated people, and the epilogue was “a nation that ages catastrophically fast.”

There is a reason why Bulgarians do not recognise ethnic minorities...

08-09-2012, 10:45 AM
"Цялото северно полукълбо може да се нарича Македонско, но ме безпокои българското име на г-н Тодор Петров"
Божидар Димитров

08-09-2012, 10:49 AM
В България има всичко, но не и българи. В България няма македонско малцинство, защото македонците са мнозинство, пише в статия председателят на неправителствената организация Световен македонски конгрес (СМК) Тодор Петров, публикуван в скопския вестник “Вечер”.
„В България само циганите и турците не са македонци! Не е въпросът дали македонците в Македония с българи, а има ли българи в България без македонски корени”, се казва в текста, цитиран от "Фокус".

Според изданието това било отговор на българския евродепутат Андрей Ковачев, който заявил, че в България няма македонци.
„България е като Югославия. Ако я разделите на Македония, Мизия и Тракия – няма България. От България не остава нищо. Проблем за София не са македонците, а ако продължат процесите на емиграция - ромите и турците стават мнозинство. Затова на София и са необходими македонци и Македония, за да поддържат етническия баланс във времето и пространството”, пише Петров.

Според него с присъединяването на България към ЕС от страната са се изселили около 2 милиона българи, най-вече млади и образовани хора, а епилогът бил „катастрофално бързото стареене на нацията”.
„И не случайно Македония е най-голямата романтика за България. Културата и историята на македонците е внедрена като държавна култура и история и затова са едно и също. Честваме едни и същи дати, събития и личности, само зависи кой от коя страна на границата се намира. А основно никой от никого не краде, защото основата на България е Македония", смята авторът.

Той пита, ако татарите са протобългари, а в България днес имат статут на малцинство, какво е мнозинството, както и защо централата на Световния български конгрес не е в София, а в столицата на Татарстан – Казан.

"Защо Тодор Живков на времето е заявил пред Стане Доланц. „Как да поставя македонския въпрос в България, когато мнозинството членове на Политбюро на ЦК на БКП са македонци?”. Защо Георги Димитров е предлагал на Тито обединяване на Пиринска с Вардарска Македония и обединяване на македонския народ от двете страни на границата? Защо корените на българите като политическа нация се свързват с Китай и Монголия, а упорито бягат от генезиса на Македония, империя чак до Индия? Между другото и там има историческа школа, която разкъсва заблужденията за връзките с Далечния Изток и съвременната българска история и свързва със старата, една и единствена Македония”, пише Петров.

„Квазиисторията на платежниците и (нео)върховистите, който ги има и при нас и агитират за това, че македонците са българи, е трайно, минало свършено време. А ние трябва да ги разберем и да им помогнем на хората от другата страна на границата, защото са наши – други на тези пространства са създали държави, чертаели граници и писали истории за тези територии като техни колонии, не са носили нови народи, а културата и историята на македонците я внедрявали като държавна в държавите на тези пространства. И затова всичко е еднакво, от всички страни на границите, тъй като в основата на Балканите е Македония", пише в статията.

Петров смята, че не живеем на Балканския, а на Македонския полуостров.
"Тази истина пуска корени и ще поникне. Като Феникс от пепелта Македония отново е тук. Аладин от вълшебната лампа отново е тук и никой не го връща назад. Ееей, Македония отново е държава. Да, Македония е държава и това никой, никъде и никога няма да го смени. Историята на Македония вече не се пише в София, а в Македония и я пишат македонци. Амин”, завършва текста си Петров.

Статията е поредната, в която Македония има претенции към исторически факти спрямо България.
Климент Охридски бе обявен за родоначалник на македонската писменост, Орфей също бил роден в Македония.

Скопско издание пък се оплаква, че интернет-енциклопедията Уикипедия „побългарила” македонските възрожденци. Братя Миладинови, Григор Пърличев, Райко Жинзифов и други възрожденци са посочени като българи, при това сами се определяли като такава.

През 2009 г. Българското посолство в Македония негодува срещу издаването на т.нар. "Македонска енциклопедия". В нея имаше статия "Асимилация на македонците в географските рамки на Македония", в която пишеше: "в България процесът на асимилация напредва по-бързо... И днес продължава натискът на българските власти върху македонците да се отрекат от правото на идентичност и да формират собствена политическа партия".

Премиерът Бойко Борисов няколко пъти е заявявал подкрепа към Македония.
"Ние първи ви признахме, ние сме ви били винаги подкрепа, работихме да ви паднат визите", каза наскоро Борисов по повод филма "Трето полувреме", в който се насажда омраза срещу България.

Той обаче втвърди тона, след като съдът в Скопие окончателно отне детето на македонката с българско гражданство Спаска Митрова. Тогава Борисов заяви, че България ще има това предвид, когато се решава членството на Македония в ЕС.

It seems the Serb grandomania has entered permanently into the Macedonian psyche.

08-09-2012, 12:05 PM
According to him when Bulgaria joined the EU, about 2 million Bulgarians left the country, mostly young and educated people, and the epilogue was “a nation that ages catastrophically fast.”

Thats already why EU accepted poor Bulgaria to be a member of their organization. They transferred the youth from there to let them work in EU but at the same time, they sent gypsies back to Bulgaria like Sarkozy did last year.

If/when Bulgaria enters Schengen zone, probably 1-2 million more will leave the country and the process would be completed. The human resource of one more country would be leeched by the EU elites.

08-09-2012, 05:49 PM
Thats already why EU accepted poor Bulgaria to be a member of their organization. They transferred the youth from there to let them work in EU but at the same time, they sent gypsies back to Bulgaria like Sarkozy did last year.

If/when Bulgaria enters Schengen zone, probably 1-2 million more will leave the country and the process would be completed. The human resource of one more country would be leeched by the EU elites.

Don't have worries for Bulgaria. You should focus on Turkey and the big Kurdish minority there. Nobody needs opinion from a Turk on Balkan issues, you anyway suck at Balkan history/economics/relations, probably you will have more luck on Anatolia.

You every day post nonsense on Balkan countrie's forums, especially in the Bulgarian forum, are you obessed with us? I don't see Bulgarians posting in the Turkish forum for the problems of Turkey. I think that this has to do with the kicking out of your family from Bulgaria. You are still butthurt because of that.

As for the another crap posted from you, the Bulgarian demoghrapic problems start in 1980 when Bulgaria is far from being EU member.

These two milion Bulgarians are the people which left the country from the period from 1990-till now, not from 2007-till now. There are many Bulgarians that left Bulgaria after 2007, thats true, but they are mainly students, which are going to return.

The gypsies and the turks have the same birthrate as Bulgarians (many gypsies go to western europe and scandinavia). Not to mention that people from our "master" country Russia come here to live. Only in my municipality settled 100 000 Russians. In whole Bulgaria they are 337 000 (number similar to gypsy's population). These people will work and live for the prosperity of Bulgaria.

08-09-2012, 05:54 PM

Vecer, Macedonia: There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians
08 August 2012 | 17:45 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans
Skopje. “There is anything in Bulgaria, but Bulgarians. In Bulgaria there is no Macedonian minority, because Macedonians are a majority,” reads an article of the chairman of the non-governmental organization World Macedonian Congress Todor Petkov, the Macedonian newspaper Vecer writes.
“In Bulgaria only Gypsies and Turks are not Macedonians! The question is not whether the Macedonians in Macedonia are Bulgarians, but whether there are Bulgarians in Bulgaria without Macedonian roots,” reads the article.
According to the newspaper this was a response to Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovachev, who said there were no Macedonians in Bulgaria.
“Bulgaria is like Yugoslavia. If you divide it into Macedonia, Moesia and Thrace – there is no Bulgaria. Nothing remains from Bulgaria. Sofia’s problem is not Macedonians, but the processes of emigration – Roma and Turks become a majority. That’s why Sofia needs Macedonians and Macedonia to maintain an ethnic balance in the time and space,” writes Petrov.
According to him when Bulgaria joined the EU, about 2 million Bulgarians left the country, mostly young and educated people, and the epilogue was “a nation that ages catastrophically fast.”

Do you actually believe all that bullshit? :D

08-09-2012, 06:05 PM
You just cannot being Bulgarian and survive to chauvinism.

08-09-2012, 06:15 PM
You just cannot being Bulgarian and survive to chauvinism.

A Serb said it.

What an irony.

08-09-2012, 06:26 PM
A Serb said it.

What an irony.

I don't think an average Serb is so impulsive as a patriot like a Bulgarian is. For me it denotes just a malaise among you.

08-09-2012, 06:28 PM
You every day post nonsense on Balkan countrie's forums, especially in the Bulgarian forum, are you obessed with us? I don't see Bulgarians posting in the Turkish forum for the problems of Turkey. I think that this has to do with the kicking out of your family from Bulgaria. You are still butthurt because of that.

How about bugarash? that guy was really a pathetic and near 80% of his posts was about Turks.

and please loser, stop talking about burthurtness, we were your masters for +500 years. :laugh:

08-09-2012, 06:30 PM
How about bugarash? that guy was really a pathetic and near 80% of his posts was about Turks.

and please loser, stop talking about burthurtness, we were your masters for +500 years. :laugh:

It's so funny, how dare you write this in an European forum?

08-09-2012, 06:35 PM
How about bugarash? that guy was really a pathetic and near 99% of his posts was about Macedonians and Serbs.


08-09-2012, 06:37 PM
It's so funny, how dare you write this in an European forum?

answer is simple; because there is no obstacle for this.

08-09-2012, 06:39 PM
It's so funny, how dare you write this in an European forum?

It's more funny that Turks here claim that they are not Europeans, yet they are in "European forum".

08-09-2012, 06:41 PM
It's so funny, how dare you write this in an European forum?

When you have nothing to say.. its easy ! you are not europeans :( quit whining and tell this moderators for advice ;)

08-09-2012, 06:42 PM
answer is simple; because there is no obstacle for this.

I know that but if I was in some Asian forum I would have some respect for it's members. Your attitude is really arrogant, and believe me your lineage ancestors probably did nothing to Bulgaria :D

08-09-2012, 06:43 PM
When you have nothing to say.. its easy ! you are not europeans :( quit whining and tell this moderators for advice ;)

Our opinion wont matter since there are so many Semitic/Muslims staff members already :rolleyes:

08-09-2012, 06:44 PM
Our opinion wont matter since there are so many Semitic/Muslims staff members already :rolleyes:

then quit whining :rolleyes:

08-09-2012, 06:45 PM
and please loser, stop talking about burthurtness, we were your masters for +500 years. :laugh:

Wow, a Turk say me to stop talking in forum for Europe and Europeans !!!

08-09-2012, 06:47 PM
then quit whining :rolleyes:

So when you have nothing to say you mention "your" 500 years of killing South Slavs? :D

08-09-2012, 06:49 PM
So when you have nothing to say you mention "your" 500 years of killing South Slavs? :D

Not just South Slavs.. Greeks suffered under the Ottomans too.

08-09-2012, 06:52 PM
You every day post nonsense on Balkan countrie's forums, especially in the Bulgarian forum, are you obessed with us? I don't see Bulgarians posting in the Turkish forum for the problems of Turkey.

Thanks Pecheneg and mcan. You two proved my point. :coffee:

08-11-2012, 03:27 AM
Bulgarian Identity crisis
Even the Bulgarians do not know who they really are, just follow the lead down:


The first barbarians to settle permanently in the Balkan Peninsula coming from the northeast were the Bulgars, a Finnish people whose home was the middle Volga districts...


08-11-2012, 08:25 AM
Are we Finnic people now :clap2:

08-11-2012, 08:40 AM
The ad-hominem attacks against the Turks in here are getting so pathetic. Out of words? Just tell them they are not Europeans and that therefore there opinion doesn't count.


Just ignore if you don't have anything relevant to say.

08-11-2012, 08:48 AM
Does anyone have a statistic about the population (demographics regarding all the ethnicities) in Bulgaria, but not the wikipedia one ? All my Bulgarian Turkish friends are telling me 1/3 Bulgaria is Turkish/Muslim but in wikipedia it's like 15%.

08-11-2012, 08:59 AM
The ad-hominem attacks against the Turks in here are getting so pathetic. Out of words? Just tell them they are not Europeans and that therefore there opinion doesn't count.


Just ignore if you don't have anything relevant to say.

But it's okay if they keep bragging with the fucking great intelligent Ottoman empire? Thanks for the double standarts.

08-11-2012, 09:02 AM
Does anyone have a statistic about the population (demographics regarding all the ethnicities) in Bulgaria, but not the wikipedia one ? All my Bulgarian Turkish friends are telling me 1/3 Bulgaria is Turkish/Muslim but in wikipedia it's like 15%.

There is no such thing, the even 15% looks too much for me. Your dear muslims live mostly isolated in villages and are not that free to go outside them and live as normal people in the big cities (their family laws are too outdated and conservative), there are a few exceptions though. For example one Turkish girl was forced by her family to return to their forgotten village just because she was dating a Bulgarian guy in the city where she used to study :picard2:

08-11-2012, 09:11 AM
Thanks Pecheneg and mcan. You two proved my point. :coffee:

We can now add SometimesYes and Ashina. :coffee:

Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 09:28 AM
We can now add SometimesYes and Ashina. :coffee:

PS More Turkish nomads coming?

Please add me too

Because of Armani Morski Bugarash Trio my positive attitute towards Bulgaria has evoporated .Before than Bulgarians were rakia and tarator folks ,despite problems in the past i was thinking them a friendly country..

Are we enemies ?

harmony would bring prosperity to Balkans ,but childish komsu won't understand this

08-11-2012, 09:51 AM
Please add me too

Great, all horse riders are here.

Because of Armani Morski Bugarash Trio my positive attitute towards Bulgaria has evoporated .Before than Bulgarians were rakia and tarator folks ,despite problems in the past i was thinking them a friendly country..

I'm happy because of that. We were never friendly countries and i doubt that we will be such in future.

Mothers here scare their children with the Turks, if they do something bad. People see you as animals. No offence.

Are we enemies ?

Yes, forever.

harmony would bring prosperity to Balkans ,but childish komsu won't understand this

Please don't talk about prosperity, because the backward Ottoman empire made us backward.

08-11-2012, 09:57 AM
We can now add SometimesYes and Ashina. :coffee:

I asked a question about the demographics that is RELATED TO THIS TOPIC :picard1:, if that caused a butthurt :rolleyes: then fill out the following form and submit it to Amnesty International (http://www.amnesty.org.uk/) :thumb001: :


Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 09:57 AM
Great, all horse riders are here.

I am not good at horse riding yet..I need more courses

I'm happy because of that. We were never friendly countries and i doubt that we will be such in future.

Too bad..I was expecting a TRANSBALKAN Bulgarian Turkish Svarovski express highroad !!

Mothers here scare their children with the Turks, if they do something bad. People see you as animals. No offence.

Lol I'd rather laugh :D

Yes you proved me right

You guys are (still) childish crybabies..

08-11-2012, 10:03 AM
I asked a question about the demographics that is RELATED TO THIS TOPIC :picard1:, if that caused a butthurt :rolleyes: then fill out the following form and submit it to Amnesty International (http://www.amnesty.org.uk/) :thumb001:

Sorry, but the thread is about the new Macedonian discovery that there are no Bulgarians in Bulgaria, only ethnic Macedonians. No Turks mentioned.

Your post was obviously trollish attempt.

08-11-2012, 10:08 AM
One of the Bulgarian members already submitted the butthurt form but instead of send it to Amnesty International the person sent it to me via pm anyway :


He filled out following options:


08-11-2012, 10:08 AM
I am not good at horse riding yet..I need more courses

That's bad. Your ancestors are not going to be proud of you. :(

Too bad..I was expecting a TRANSBALKAN Bulgarian Turkish Svarovski express highroad !!

What can i say? Bad luck you have.

Lol I'd rather laugh :D

Yes you proved me right

You guys are (still) childish crybabies..

Well, i'd better die than being friend with a Turk.

Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 10:13 AM
That's bad. Your ancestors are not going to be proud of you. :(

What can i say? Bad luck you have.
Well, i'd better die than being friend with a Turk.

What ..Am I suppose to answer these wee sentences one by one ?:picard2:

Armani I feel like i m back to kindergarden :p
Thank you for nostalgia, but now I am going back to grownups realm..be a good boy

08-11-2012, 10:23 AM
What ..Am I suppose to answer these wee sentences one by one ?:picard2:

No one makes you. You started to post bullshit in the thread.

Armani I feel like i m back to kindergarden :p
Thank you for nostalgia, but now I am going back to grownups realm..be a good boy

No problem nomadic sister. I'm happy that you will gtfo from here.

All Turks should stop posting in the Bulgarian forum since every post from a Turk starts a shitstorm.

Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 10:28 AM
PS More Turkish nomads coming?
You invited us ...Think before writing next time :bored:

PS:I sent a positive post..remember?

who started shitstorm my balkanic exturkic exnomadic finnic thracian slavic brother? (is the list complete?)

08-11-2012, 10:45 AM
Your dear muslims live mostly isolated in villages and are not that free to go outside them and live as normal people in the big cities (their family laws are too outdated and conservative)
The reason for this situation is because you expelled out ~350.000 prominent Turks out from Bulgarian cities in 1989 and only the ones who lives in rural villages remained in there. Probably because your commie state regarded he educated ones as "dangerous" but the rural ones on top of mountains as "harmless". About 200.000 of them never returned to Bulgaria because they found a job in Turkey and created a new life for themselves. Mostly the uneducated ones returned to Bulgaria after your commie regime was no more.

I'm happy because of that. We were never friendly countries and i doubt that we will be such in future.

Mothers here scare their children with the Turks, if they do something bad. People see you as animals. No offence.
Armani, do you really think we or anyone in Turkey cares about what Bulgarians thinks about us? You cant even be a nuisance to us even if you want to. Your people and your state is trivial to us, totally ineffective.

Too bad..I was expecting a TRANSBALKAN Bulgarian Turkish Svarovski express highroad !!
SCB, this was one of the funniest comments i have ever read here :)

08-11-2012, 10:55 AM
The reason for this situation is because you expelled out ~350.000 prominent Turks out from Bulgarian cities in 1989 and only the ones who lives in rural villages remained in there. Probably because your commie state regarded he educated ones as "dangerous" but the rural ones on top of mountains as "harmless". About 200.000 of them never returned to Bulgaria because they found a job in Turkey and created a new life for themselves. Mostly the uneducated ones returned to Bulgaria after your commie regime was no more.

That's simply not true since the reason of their returning is far from what you are saying and you know it very well. Most Turks returned because Turks in Turkey were racist toward them.

Armani, do you really think we or anyone in Turkey cares about what Bulgarians thinks about us? You cant even be a nuisance to us even if you want to. Your people and your state is trivial to us, totally ineffective

Honestly, before i registered i thought that Turks don't care about us, but the Turks in TA prove the opposite. All of you are obessed with the Balkans, especially you Onur.

Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 10:59 AM
SCB, this was one of the funniest comments i have ever read here :)

Bulgarians love shinies , It's in their blood may be :D

08-11-2012, 11:23 AM
Bulgarians love shinies , It's in their blood may be :D

That's part of our Ottoman heritage.

The clothes of the belly dancers are indeed very shining. I'm glad that Turks gave us so many shining things, after all we Bulgarians love them.


BTW Siberian Cold Breeze, can you make video while doing belly dance? I'm sure that your clothes are not less shining!

08-11-2012, 11:59 AM
BTW I think that Onur has to do his work to lock this thread.

Siberian Cold Breeze
08-11-2012, 11:59 AM
Armani;Lol, somebody is upset.

on the contrary i m having great fun here :D

08-11-2012, 06:13 PM
It's true that there is still some leftover animosity and it's mostly due to the anti-Turk propaganda during the time of Communist Bulgaria.

It is also true that Bulgarian revolutionary organizations who fought against the Ottoman Empire were welcoming of Turks who too were tired of the poor administration of the empire.

The Ottomans are guilty of many brutalities, but then again, every empire that has left a mark on history is guilty of this.

From a Bulgarian historic perspective, the Ottomans, the Serbs, and the Greeks fall into the same category. In fact, the Muslim Turks seem to have had more respect for Bulgarians in comparison to the 'Orthodox Brotherhood' composed of Serbia and Greece.

When Serbia annexed Vardar Macedonia, the local population was put through significant hardship. People were beaten, raped, tortured, imprisoned, and even murdered simply for identifying as Bulgarians. Bulgarian churches and schools were ravaged, and those that weren't entirely destroyed were transformed into Serbian Orthodox Churches.

Yet, there is no animosity toward Serbs. And it's all because that same Communist propaganda aimed at establishing some sort of 'Slavic brotherhood'.

History is not black and white. There are many variances and it is the political agendas of any given time period that decided which part of history is to be emphasized and which part is to be concealed altogether.

Personally I think that with a little mutual respect we can all get along.

08-11-2012, 06:19 PM
Детски насрани гъзове...