View Full Version : Personality vs. Intelligence - A litterature review and future study proposal

08-09-2012, 11:15 AM
An interesting and informative read.


The possibility of a relationship between intelligence and personality has
generated great controversy in psychology. This study involves the very
specific question of the relationship between the Myers Briggs Type
Indicator version of Jungian Personality and the Woodcock Johnson III test
of Cognitive abilities as the Intelligence test. Myers posited that there
would be a relationship but the cluster of intelligence experts working for
the Educational Testing Service (on the SAT) strongly disagreed. Our
contribution to the empirical study of this question was to review the
literature on measures of these concepts, place the indicators to be used
in context, gather data on about a quarter of the 60 cases needed to test
the question empirically, and propose a future study which could be
based on a larger data set. This involved a search for an IQ test that was
credible but took 20 minutes rather than 2-3 hours (as the WJ-II did) to