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08-14-2012, 04:28 PM
Hello. My name is Vladimir.

I'm doing a translation of the biography of the outstanding Norwegian anthropologist Halfdan Bryn. It will be as a supplement to the Russian edition of his remarkable work - "Nordisch Mensch".

But I can’t translate some paragraphs from Norwegian. Could you help me to translate it in english?

For example, “Det som fremfor alt karakteriserer Bryns liv, er ikke hans lægevirksomhet og hans interesse for alt menneskelig, men det er hans virksomhet som militærlæge og de konsekvenser denne kom til å få. Allerede før embedseksamen var Bryn vernepliktig sekondløitnant i armeens sanitet, og her avanserte han 1ste februar 1891 til fastlønnet premierløitnant, 21de mai 1894 til kaptein, hvorefter han 1ste oktober 1901 blev chef for Nordenfjelske linjekompani, fra 1ste april 1904 chef for sammes landvernskompani, overgikk i 1907 til sanitetsvesenets stab og blev i 1911 divisjonslæge for 5te divisjon, en stilling han, som nevnt, tok avskjed fra i 1924”.


08-19-2012, 01:49 PM
There are a few words that are rather hard to translate, but here goes:

What most of all characterize Bryn's life, is not his medical practice or his interest in everything human, but it is his practice as a military doctor and the consequences it would have. Already before his exams Bryn was a conscripted Second-Lieutenant in the Army's sanitary and from here on he advanced on the 1st February 1891 to Premier-Lieutenant with pay, 21th May 1894 to captain and thereafter in 1901 he became the chief of the Nordenfjellske line company and on the 1st april 1904 he became chief of Sammes home-defense company, in 1907 he went over to the medical sanitary stab and in 1911 he became the division doctor for the 5th division, a position he as mentioned retired from in 1924.

08-20-2012, 03:47 PM
There are a few words that are rather hard to translate, but here goes:

Thanks a lot, Pallantides.

Here are some more individual suggestions, that I did not catch the meaning:

1. "I sitt efterlatte, sammenfattende arbeide nevner han iallfall for Strinda og Selbu sorenskriveri intet om Cro-Magnontypen."

2. "...samt det sammen med K. E. Schreiner i 1929 utgitte "Die Somatologie der Norweger", en bok på ikke mindre enn 608 sider og 115 plancher, vidner herom."

3. And especially:"I senere arbeider utvikler han denne hypotese videre, og mener at vi her i Norge har 2 varianter av den blåøiede, nordiske rase, begge langskallet, dels den trønderske, nu for tiden mest typisk i Namdalen, og som Bryn mener er kommet inn i landet østfra, dels den noget avvikende østlandske type, nu for tiden mest typisk i Vest-Telemark, efter Bryn innvandret sydfra."