View Full Version : Psychopaths: Good or Evil

08-15-2012, 10:21 AM

08-15-2012, 10:27 AM
(I've not watched the video, just caught the catchy title)
Personally, Psychopaths are a class of idelogical killers (in many cases), victims of mental oppression (in almost all cases) and complete nutjobs (in somecases).
I tend to view the first two as their way of trying to fit in the world.
And i don't grudge their excruciatingly eccecntric methods, because i've never trashed any socially awkward or any other 'quiet' person.
They are victims of Society's crucible, which is more wrong than any moral weighing pan.

08-15-2012, 10:31 AM
I think the easiest way to summarize an extreme psychopath is that they view other people how we view animals. We can be attached to certain animals, and we can manipulate them, but we never think of them at the same level as ourselves. There are various degrees of psychopathy, I'd say, though.

08-15-2012, 11:50 AM
They are neither. Most of the times they are indifferent.

08-15-2012, 11:55 AM
Psychopaths are too emotionally invested in the present and themselves to factor in long term goals and the social consequences of their actions. This in itself is morally neutral - it's the brutal narcissism that produces results commonly called evil.

Bobcat Fraser
08-16-2012, 02:19 AM
They're good for ratings. They're evil to the rest of us. What would *you* call individuals who lack compassion and empathy? You be the judge.

08-16-2012, 02:24 AM
I think the easiest way to summarize an extreme psychopath is that they view other people how we view animals. We can be attached to certain animals, and we can manipulate them, but we never think of them at the same level as ourselves. There are various degrees of psychopathy, I'd say, though.

I think you summarized it very well, I personally think & speaking
experience-wise, they lack empathy for other humans & beings,
it's literally creepy... :confused:

08-16-2012, 02:53 AM
I think the easiest way to summarize an extreme psychopath is that they view other people how we view animals. We can be attached to certain animals, and we can manipulate them, but we never think of them at the same level as ourselves. There are various degrees of psychopathy, I'd say, though.

That is roughly correct. It's dysfunction of the mind. Mind that is clear will not kill, steal, lie, or commit sexual misconduct. Depending on the degree/severity/flavor of the dysfunction mind will do all or some of the above in any combination.

That's why developing the mind is the most important task in life, it heals it, clears it and makes it a perfect tool to observe reality and act accordingly.

08-16-2012, 03:07 AM
I think of them more like very dangerous predators- like a tiger or polar bear.I know that they are unable to feel empathy and compassion, and would never trust one or try to change them, they should be locked away forever or killed. However, they were also abused, most likely , as children, and are to be pitied.
So, they are damaged beyond repair, and not evil/good. Dangerous.

08-16-2012, 03:17 AM
I knew someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She told me she had taken many drugs including a large bag of mushrooms when she was younger and she had had a psychotic episode. She was promiscuous, an alcoholic, and there were times when she completely lacked any empathy. She would use her affairs with men to hurt people. On the other hand, she seemed empathetic when in a normal mood and she was very inviting and warm when it suited her.

She would cry easily when anyone criticized her, and she cried when an old Viet Nam veteran/ mental patient lover of hers died. She lost a job by having an affair with yet another mental patient. You cannot make this shit up.

I have a hard time understanding whether she had bipolar (she certainly had extremely volatile moods) and / or she was a downright sociopath. Whether she is evil or not, part of me doesn't want to believe so, but other times I just simply don't know. We are no longer in contact.

08-16-2012, 03:19 AM
I knew someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She told me she had taken many drugs including a large bag of mushrooms when she was younger and she had had a psychotic episode. She was promiscuous, an alcoholic, and there were times when she completely lacked any empathy. She would use her affairs with men to hurt people. On the other hand, she seemed empathetic when in a normal mood and she was very inviting and warm when it suited her.

She would cry easily when anyone criticized her, and she cried when an old Viet Nam veteran/ mental patient lover of hers died. She lost a job by having an affair with yet another mental patient. You cannot make this shit up.

I have a hard time understanding whether she had bipolar (she certainly had extremely volatile moods) and / or she was a downright sociopath. Whether she is evil or not, part of me doesn't want to believe so, but other times I just simply don't know. We are no longer in contact.

Sounds like borderline personality

Bobcat Fraser
08-16-2012, 03:20 AM
I think of them more like very dangerous predators- like a tiger or polar bear.I know that they are unable to feel empathy and compassion, and would never trust one or try to change them, they should be locked away forever or killed. However, they were also abused, most likely , as children, and are to be pitied.
So, they are damaged beyond repair, and not evil/good. Dangerous.

Both Ted Bundy and Bernie Madoff are/were psychopathic. They took advantage of individuals in different ways. Neither man expressed any true remorse over their crimes, and they exhibited no semblance of a conscience. Their crimes were quite different, though. One wonders if there's a psychopathic spectrum. Not all psychopaths are serial murderers or regular murderers. For example, I read that a disproportionate percentage of CEOs are psychopaths. I'm sure that more than a few politicians are too.

08-16-2012, 03:27 AM
Both Ted Bundy and Bernie Madoff are/were psychopathic. They took advantage of individuals in different ways. Neither man expressed any true remorse over their crimes, and they exhibited no semblance of a conscience. Their crimes were quite different, though. One wonders if there's a psychopathic spectrum. Not all psychopaths are serial murderers or regular murderers. For example, I read that a disproportionate percentage of CEOs are psychopaths. I'm sure that more than a few politicians are too.

Very scary to consider. The positions of power must draw them, and arrogance and sense of entitlement, and no empathy gives them the ability to harm others without remorse. Scary.I wish the world was nicer.

Bobcat Fraser
08-16-2012, 03:34 AM
Very scary to consider. The positions of power must draw them, and arrogance and sense of entitlement, and no empathy gives them the ability to harm others without remorse. Scary.I wish the world was nicer.

Look at how John Edwards and Newt Gingrich treated their sick wives. That's not to mention all of the tyrants throughout the ages. The societal mores of each era must be recalled when leaders are labeled as tyrants. That said, some of them stand out as sadists, even for the times in which they lived.

08-16-2012, 03:36 AM
If I had the ability to do what Bernie Madoff did, I think I'd do it. Or maybe I'd only take a minimum amount from thousands of bank accounts til it added up to say $5 million. I don't think that makes me a sociopath.

Bobcat Fraser
08-16-2012, 03:43 AM
If I had the ability to do what Bernie Madoff did, I think I'd do it. Or maybe I'd only take a minimum amount from thousands of bank accounts til it added up to say $5 million. I don't think that makes me a sociopath.

He stole from old widows. He ripped off both religious and secular charities. The man has no conscience. That makes him a sociopath, in my book.

08-16-2012, 06:52 AM
Both Ted Bundy and Bernie Madoff are/were psychopathic. They took advantage of individuals in different ways. Neither man expressed any true remorse over their crimes, and they exhibited no semblance of a conscience. Their crimes were quite different, though. One wonders if there's a psychopathic spectrum. Not all psychopaths are serial murderers or regular murderers. For example, I read that a disproportionate percentage of CEOs are psychopaths. I'm sure that more than a few politicians are too.

I have seen this in real life, I have spent allot of time with many executives, quite a few have little or non humanity in them but can fake humanity and charm on demand. I heard a gems like this coming from them:

"Most people are expendable material,like toilet paper."
"She is recently married, we should fire her before she gets pregnant."
"They are stupid, more like animals than any thing else." (Referring to her workers)
"Oh her, yeah she is a good worker, works for 16 hours a day never asks for over time, some time she works weekends too, I guess she knows what would happened if she dose not." ( later this worker developed a near fatal disease and got fired)

Some other interesting things I seen regarding psychopaths were in my personal and dating arena. Which led me to believe that there is nothing more cruel than a beautiful and intelligent woman who is a psycho. I have one in my family and I have met a few in dating and through my friends.

My family member has left a trail of ruined lives broken house holds and many other tragedies that should not be mentioned but I have to be thankful to them becouse they taught me through experience how to recognize crazy emotionless people. :)

In the dating arena I have met some "crazy social climbers", woman who are always trying to date richer and more powerful men. Some times they break relationships to get what they want some times they break marriages, with no regard to the consequences to other people that are involved in that situation. These woman then some times leave this broken situation simply because they found some one more powerful or richer, leaving the victims to flop around like fish on land trying to figure out what happened.

I have noticed one thing in all this, there is a link between money and psychopaths, I am not sure what it is but there is most definitely a connection.

The Lawspeaker
08-16-2012, 08:23 AM

I think that Ayn Rosenbaum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand) a.k.a Rand was a good example of a psychopath (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/paul-ryans-biggest-influence-10-things-you-should-know-about-lunatic-ayn-rand?page=0%2C1).

08-16-2012, 09:07 AM
I think of them more like very dangerous predators- like a tiger or polar bear.I know that they are unable to feel empathy and compassion, and would never trust one or try to change them, they should be locked away forever or killed. However, they were also abused, most likely , as children, and are to be pitied.
So, they are damaged beyond repair, and not evil/good. Dangerous.

Actually, it's a neurological disorder. The part of the brain that deals with empathy and guilt is simply disabled. I remember reading at university this is highly correlated with prenatal vitamin deficiency.

I don't think pity is the appropriate response. Society must be defended - and psychopaths should be either incarcerated or destroyed.

08-16-2012, 01:22 PM

I think that Ayn Rosenbaum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand) a.k.a Rand was a good example of a psychopath (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/paul-ryans-biggest-influence-10-things-you-should-know-about-lunatic-ayn-rand?page=0%2C1).

I think you may be right

08-16-2012, 01:39 PM

I think that Ayn Rosenbaum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand) a.k.a Rand was a good example of a psychopath (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/paul-ryans-biggest-influence-10-things-you-should-know-about-lunatic-ayn-rand?page=0%2C1).

After reading that, I agree, she seems like a sociopath/psychopath or at the very least a narcissist, as she seems to lack the more impulsive ASPD traits. I like the idea of objectivism though, excepting the bolded. There are limits to what a man should do for "his own happiness." Although, one will gain happiness by helping one's nation.

"the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."

I'm certainly a strong promoter of productivity and individual work-effort, although I don't view all government endeavors in the way of social benefits as bad, as long as the political entity is mono-national, which isn't the case in the United States. I think social benefits should be regulated more at the local and state levels, where people are more similar. It would maintain competition while still promote national awareness. If we are to take more from the top, it should be clear where that money is going as well. I'm unsure if it's truly being used to help the poor. I think much of what goes to the poor comes from the not so endowed middle-class.

08-16-2012, 02:16 PM
Both Ted Bundy and Bernie Madoff are/were psychopathic. They took advantage of individuals in different ways. Neither man expressed any true remorse over their crimes, and they exhibited no semblance of a conscience. Their crimes were quite different, though. One wonders if there's a psychopathic spectrum. Not all psychopaths are serial murderers or regular murderers. For example, I read that a disproportionate percentage of CEOs are psychopaths. I'm sure that more than a few politicians are too.



08-16-2012, 03:57 PM

A great documentary on the types of psychopaths.

08-16-2012, 05:45 PM

08-16-2012, 05:59 PM
I knew someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She told me she had taken many drugs including a large bag of mushrooms when she was younger and she had had a psychotic episode. She was promiscuous, an alcoholic, and there were times when she completely lacked any empathy. She would use her affairs with men to hurt people. On the other hand, she seemed empathetic when in a normal mood and she was very inviting and warm when it suited her.

She would cry easily when anyone criticized her, and she cried when an old Viet Nam veteran/ mental patient lover of hers died. She lost a job by having an affair with yet another mental patient. You cannot make this shit up.

I have a hard time understanding whether she had bipolar (she certainly had extremely volatile moods) and / or she was a downright sociopath. Whether she is evil or not, part of me doesn't want to believe so, but other times I just simply don't know. We are no longer in contact.

Shit, call me crazy, but I know of a very simmilar case aswell,
she had tried drugs since a young age & was also raped, but
it didn't really affect her that much...:confused: She was also
very promiscuous & had sex with random men (including me),
an alcoholic & despite the fact she is a very attractive woman
would shift from super confident to very self-critical.

She also spent some time in a mental hospital & even had
a relationship with a woman, despite the fact she knew she
was not attracted to women, she said she met the love of
her life, blah blah blah & when the fling ended, she couldn't
care less, really weird personality & let us not speak of her
bipolar moments, jeez... Even having a conversation with her
was unbearable at times, but she was a great listener & I
know that somewhere deep inside her, there is a very good-
hearted person, it's just that it's not her fault she's affected
by this, it appareantly runs in the family...:(

08-16-2012, 06:47 PM
A great documentary on the types of psychopaths.

Thank you

Bobcat Fraser
08-17-2012, 03:42 AM
Some other interesting things I seen regarding psychopaths were in my personal and dating arena. Which led me to believe that there is nothing more cruel than a beautiful and intelligent woman who is a psycho. I have one in my family and I have met a few in dating and through my friends.

They are out there. Some of them can be extremely clinical and surgical in their sadism when they discover your sensitive spots. They get this expression on their face. It's like when a kid is contemplating mischief. They then verbally hit and kick you in your testicles in the foreknowledge that you can't fight back. Of course, this behavior is not limited to beautiful girls. Unattractive women can be cruel too. People should closely observe how their dates treat other people to avoid making a huge mistake.

08-17-2012, 06:32 AM
They are out there. Some of them can be extremely clinical and surgical in their sadism when they discover your sensitive spots.

It is actually amazing/terrifying to see my psychopathic family member go to work on some one. She sizes up her target and proceeds to to prod and probe them through conversation, the target is usually ignorant of this become my family member is very charming and hides every thing in humor or witty remarks. When she has enough information she proceeds to bend her target to her will with the greatest of ease.

They get this expression on their face. It's like when a kid is contemplating mischief. They then verbally hit and kick you in your testicles in the foreknowledge that you can't fight back.

Oh I know that look very well, I call it the "look of madness".To me it looks some where between a child's grin and the intense stare of a maniac.

Of course, this behavior is not limited to beautiful girls. Unattractive women can be cruel too.
People should closely observe how their dates treat other people to avoid making a huge mistake.

Those words should be made into a sticky in the dating section.

I remember once long ago I took a very beautiful girl out for a 2nd or 3rd date. Every thing was proceeding perfectly until we were getting back into my car, where we were approached by a homeless child. I only give food to the homeless, since I had non I dismissed the child with my hand and unlocked the car. At that point the child walked around the car to beg for change from the girl I was with. As the child approached her she quickly jumped into the car; slammed the door violently and locked it. I got into the car and lent over to ask her what happened, at which point I saw in the reflection in the the car window the "look of madness "on her face. I just quietly pulled off and drove her home and ended it.