View Full Version : Ivanov seeks to establish breach of duty of the Minister of Defense

08-16-2012, 07:31 AM
Ivanov seeks to establish breach of duty of the Minister of Defense
President, supreme commander seeks to illuminate the case Besimi Slupcane and determine who abused his office. Associations of defenders and former defense ministers bow before the Army monument NLA assessed as wrong step.


Even there are demands for the resignation of Besimi Macedonian United Forces or IMC think Besimi violated the dignity of defenders and interethnic relations and it should go. Staff reserve the proceedings of the Minister of Defence. But today again stood side by side, and the Chief Minister Besimi Koteski-and photography and a meeting with former ministers and commanders in the Army. The meeting lasted over an hour, according to sources at Channel 5 was not discussed Slupcane but for defense activities for the upcoming anniversary 20 years ARM. Only General Koteski reacted negatively and said that Army should not be used in daily political purposes. For Besimi his procedure should mean reconciliation in the interest of the future and it is not illegal. It is after the framework agreement, said Besimi who believes that there is no need for his resignation nor that disturbed the peace coalition government. Despite Besimi claims acted legally, from the cabinet of President Ivanov assessed that were not complied with institutional rules and procedures . Uniformed officers were in the formative part of the Army, but members of the cabinet minister, said in a statement in which President Ivanov requested clarification of the case and determine the existence of abuse of official duty. Ivanov asked nobody abuses ARM uniform for political or partisan purposes. Besimi again invoke the framework agreement when asked if he told the Supreme Commander of the army bow before the statue of the NLA. ceremony in Slupcane had to arrange for the Deputy Prime Minister Musa Xhaferi Agreement. A spokesman for DUI Bujar Osmani yesterday claimed that the organizer is the Ministry of Defence. Besimi there appeared the officers were not the stately ceremonial uniforms of the Army but in olive ceremonial uniform with long sleeves at a temperature of plus 35 degrees. For this activity Besimi no information on the official website of the ministry, but even stranger is that no information about taking the wreaths of flowers at the monument in the grounds of the ministry, nor a word to mark the anniversaries of Karpalak and Ljubotenski Sheepfold when in ambush killed 18 Army soldiers during the ceasefire. There are worship Besimi although advocates for reconciliation. Miomir Serafinovikj

Crn Volk
08-17-2012, 01:08 AM
What do you expect when you put a shiptar in charge of defence? I mean really, this is beyond a joke :mad:

08-17-2012, 03:03 AM
Army officers who saluted the monument of NLA before disciplinary proceedings?
Two officers, NCOs and professional military officer-it was the composition of the military part of the delegation on Monday in Army uniforms then saluted the monument of the UCK.


All are part of a cabinet minister or the task in the ministry. The working uniform with the crown Major Bekim Maksuti, Head of Department of International Cooperation Ministry and the captain Hajrula Aslani department of logistics. The cloak uniforms are older sergeant Fatmir Ramadani of logistics in the Army and military police officer, professional soldier Bekim Latifi. Sergeant and soldier in the Army band, but taken by Cabinet Minister Fatmir Besimi. Four children of Army soldiers under Besimi supposed to cause inter-ethnic reconciliation in 2001. After its supreme commander President George Ivanov demanded an investigation into the case Slupcane, competent review options if you can initiate disciplinary proceedings for members of the Army uniform, and whether violated provisions of the Military Service. The law clearly states that under the Military Service are considered to be performing duties in the Ministry. Article 131 of Law on Military Service under paragraph 12 states that disciplinary offense means "express advocacy and political attitudes and beliefs in the service and inciting national, religious and racial intolerance." Under this formulation requires responsibility for children 4-ARM, and if found guilty can be punished by salary, to prevent progress in a career, to be degraded or to be deprived of rank or even be dismissed. But it will depend on the probe which required the President. Former Ministers of Defense of step Besimi evaluated as wrong move that violates the separation of civilian from military component in the defense as a constitutional category. Miomir Serafinovikj

Crn Volk
08-17-2012, 03:22 AM
They should be saluting this monunment;


Defenders of Macedonia, 2001

08-17-2012, 09:01 AM
What do you expect when you put a shiptar in charge of defence? I mean really, this is beyond a joke :mad:

Well, what do you expect? Gruevski is setting up Macedonia to be destroyed from the inside out with the appointment of Albanian ministers in critical positions.

Petros Houhoulis
08-18-2012, 01:39 AM
Well, what do you expect? Gruevski is setting up Macedonia to be destroyed from the inside out with the appointment of Albanian ministers in critical positions.

Did you ever realize that you never had a chance to survive?

Ever heard of Geopolitics?

Do you know what it means?