View Full Version : "Либертас", Македония: Расте броят на млад

08-18-2012, 02:23 AM
Белград, Сърбия /КРОСС/ Само с едно подписване на декларация, че са "стари южни сърби" мнозина млади хора от РМакедония днес учат в Сърбия за сметка на държавата и имат същите права като студентите, които са родени в самата Сърбия. Това твърди сръбския вестник "Прес", цитиран от македонското електронно издание "Либертас. Разследване на сръбската медия обаче показва, че много от тези заявления са... фалшиви. И все пак - на какви привилегии се радват новите "КръстеМисирковци" и "БлажеКоневци" от Македония, избрали да учат в Белград?

Според сръбския "Прес", всеки един от тях, който се представя за "сърбин" има възможност да се храни с намаление в мензите, да живее в студентските общежития и безплатно да се лекува на територията на страната. Всичко това се покрива от страна на държавата, твърдят журналистите. Иначе те са наясно, че мнозина от записалите се "сърби" са всъщност използвачи, които целят да се домогнат до привилегиите, които Сърбия по традиция дава на своите общности в чужбина.


08-18-2012, 02:26 AM
the only way to understand bulgarian is to read english translation

Belgrade, Serbia / CROSS / Just signing the declaration that "old southern Serbs" many young people today learn from R. Macedonia in Serbia at the expense of the state and have the same rights as students who were born in Serbia itself. It says the Serbian newspaper "Press", quoted by the Macedonian electronic edition "Libertas. Investigation of the Serbian media, however, shows that many of these applications are ... fake. And yet - what a privilege to enjoy the new" KrasteMisirkovtsi "and" BlazheKonevtsi "from Macedonia, chose to study in Belgrade? According to Serbian "Press", each of them pretending to be "Serb" is able to eat with a reduction in the refectory, living in student dormitories and free should be treated within the country. All this is covered by the state, according to journalists. Otherwise they are aware that many of enrollment "Serbs" are actually explorers who seek to acquire privileges that Serbia is traditionally given to their communities abroad . http://www.cross.bg/1322237

08-18-2012, 02:33 AM
the only way to understand bulgarian is to read english translation

Belgrade, Serbia / CROSS / Just signing the declaration that "old southern Serbs" many young people today learn from R. Macedonia in Serbia at the expense of the state and have the same rights as students who were born in Serbia itself. It says the Serbian newspaper "Press", quoted by the Macedonian electronic edition "Libertas. Investigation of the Serbian media, however, shows that many of these applications are ... fake. And yet - what a privilege to enjoy the new" KrasteMisirkovtsi "and" BlazheKonevtsi "from Macedonia, chose to study in Belgrade? According to Serbian "Press", each of them pretending to be "Serb" is able to eat with a reduction in the refectory, living in student dormitories and free should be treated within the country. All this is covered by the state, according to journalists. Otherwise they are aware that many of enrollment "Serbs" are actually explorers who seek to acquire privileges that Serbia is traditionally given to their communities abroad . http://www.cross.bg/1322237

so now I can comment...nothing new in bulgaria that has been practice for many years ..and of course pretending to be bulgarians for the same advantage...but the good thing in the bad serbo - bulgarian nacionalizam is that those who pretend will be seen as not pretenders

08-20-2012, 05:51 PM
the only way to understand bulgarian is to read english translation

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