View Full Version : Pan-European Nationalism

British and Proud
07-02-2009, 11:32 AM
From European Action (http://www.europeanaction.com/):

Not Federal but National - One Europe, One People

European Action Points of Policy

1. No less than the creation of a European Nation State in the spirit of brotherhood and European kinship.

2. That this Europe a Nation be embraced by all Europeans and to supersede and replace the EU and all other such arrangements.

3. The creation of an insulated European economy based on a partnership of syndicalism and private enterprise. Europe is a large enough area to become independent of international competition. We can then develop the European home market to consume our own production.

4. Opportunity for all and privilege for none. All shall serve the European community of peoples. The wage price mechanism shall control wages and prices as the standard of living improves. Wages shall be regulated on an equal level throughout Europe.

5. The establishment of occupational franchise whereby the electorate of a European government shall be represented by trades, professions and social groupings. An end to the sham of party politics and the career politician.

6. The government of Europe a Nation shall guarantee the rights of individual member states. These rights include cultural and social issues peculiar to these member states. The Flemish, the Scots, the Basques, etc, shall find truer representation within the greater strength of the Union of Europe. We oppose any idea of a "melting pot" on the American model.

7. The creation of an independent European defence force subject to an independent European foreign policy. European arms are for European defence only. The United States must retreat to within its own borders while we establish friendly relations with all Arab and Muslim countries, our natural allies in the Middle East, and former European colonies and protectorates.

8. The preservation of civil and religious liberties. No one must be discriminated against on grounds of religious belief, a religious faith being the personal choice of all.

9. A return to a strict penal code whereby justice is seen to be done. A national debate on capital punishment. Let the people decide.

10. Withdrawal from all existing global agencies, including the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. The world should be organised as larger federations which should convene on an equal level on a regular basis. This will bring an end to the "security council" of privileged nations. All countries shall have security against invasion from another. This will mean an end to war.

11. The development of agricultural communities in order to grow all our own foodstuffs to keep a healthy population on the land. A surplus will be used to feed the hungry of the world instead of the present waste and destruction dictated by international competition.

12. Free health care and education for all. Health care will include the promotion of physical sport on a European scale. A European Games should be established to encourage competition between member states.

13. An end to the open system of asylum and the immediate return of all illegal immigrants and those immigrants who have committed imprisonable offences to their lands of origin. Europe shall act as one in order to guard our borders against further influxes of extra-European peoples.

14. A common currency for Europe for the purposes of exchange. In an insulated European economy this will facilitate equilibrium and an end to the racket of the money markets.

15. Our complete support to the Palestinian people and their right to a Palestinian state shall define our policy in the Middle East.

16. The withdrawal of all British and other European military forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. An end to further military co-operation with the United States.

©European Action 2006

This group is very critical of the BNP, unfortuantely.


Published in European Action number 15


We are often mistaken for ‘fellow-travellers’ of the narrow nationalistic far-right and lumped together with the entire reactionary groupings that call themselves ‘British patriots’. When I say this is mistaken, I mean it to be completely misguided and based on an ignorance of our unique ideological viewpoint.

We are NOT nationalists in the sense that we cling to an older form of territorial identity. We have gone beyond the old nation-states. That is the reality. Yet the ‘reactionary’ myth is perpetuated by both Left and Right. Permit me to explain by unravelling the twisted distortions that most ‘anti-fascists’ are so fond of using by way of explaining us away.

Parties like the British National Party trade on sentiments that belong to another age, a perceived Golden Age of imperial might and industrial strength. John Tyndall used to rant on about it in his perorations. It is unreconstructed ‘empire loyalism’, a loyalism to something that no longer exists. How absurd, you might think. The BNP’s political roots are from the immediate post-war League of Empire Loyalists (among other small groups) that clung to the idea of British dominion over a quarter of the globe. They wanted to restore that pre-eminence but were not quite sure how to go about it. All they had was nostalgia for the past and a few smoke bombs.

Another force in British politics had emerged with an idea that dealt with the problem of Britain’s changes of fortune, largely as a result of the Second World War. Sir Oswald Mosley alone had the vision and he made it the core thinking of his new Movement. It was at this point he broke from the past and offered solutions for present and future. The main point here is, he rejected the narrower nationalism of pre-war fascism while the reactionaries of today, in the form of the BNP, actually try to revive it. The BNP and its satellite factions adhere to policies that are essentially those of the pre-war British Union of Fascists with one important element missing ... the great resources of the British Empire that once inspired the BUF’s economic theory of an Empire Insulation Policy.

So you see, the BUF was not really nationalist - it was imperialist. The reason for this was simple. Mosley wanted to harness all the resources of Empire in order to create an insulated economy that could be planned and also be free of the international trading system that undermined the living standards of the British worker.

Continues here (http://europeanaction.blogspot.com/2008/04/national-europeans-were-never-far-right_12.html).

07-02-2009, 01:29 PM
Fully disagree with the idea. We don't need a 'pan' anything to co-operate and trade with our neighbours. Such a movement would, without a doubt, be hijacked by the same forces behind the EU anyway.

07-02-2009, 10:06 PM
Stupid misuse of, and thus misunderstanding of, the word nation. A good job that there's no need to take them seriously.

07-02-2009, 10:48 PM
We are not USA and there are European nations, not European nation!

07-03-2009, 02:15 AM
This sounds like the same thing as the EU with some extra fantasies thrown in, like free health care and a food surplus that will feed the world magically appearing.

In some cases, it appears even worse than the EU, for example:

4. Opportunity for all and privilege for none. All shall serve the European community of peoples. The wage price mechanism shall control wages and prices as the standard of living improves. Wages shall be regulated on an equal level throughout Europe.

WTF? So wages in places like Ireland, Luxemburg and Britain would be forced to be at the level of places like Romania and Bulgaria? That's insane. That would be even worse than the results when the EU expanded into eastern Europe.

07-11-2009, 05:46 PM
European Action is run by Robert Edwards, a veteran of Mosleyism in the UK. Mosley's post war Union Movement espoused the idea of 'Europe a Nation' - God knows why, there's no such thing.

07-15-2009, 11:07 AM
Complete nonsense. It is not viable, nor it will ever be. Pan-Europeanism exists today only in heads of some beaurocrats in Brussels, although they don't call it that way.

07-15-2009, 11:52 AM
Pan-Europeanism exists today only in heads of some beaurocrats in Brussels, although they don't call it that way.

If this was truly the case, then the EU could have been a force for good. But I doubt it -- they want to embrace Turkey and North Africa. In addition to opening migration centres in Africa. Great pan-Europeanism, eh?

07-15-2009, 12:17 PM
If this was truly the case, then the EU could have been a force for good. But I doubt it -- they want to embrace Turkey and North Africa. In addition to opening migration centres in Africa. Great pan-Europeanism, eh?

Actually, I was speaking of something else. I was telling something like "all-European nation" is an impossibility, never existed, nor it ever will. I said somewhat ironically that the only really existing "pan-Europeanism" (note the quotation marks) is that of beaurocrats, of rules and regulations, taxes, edicts from the European Commission etc. Clearly, it has no relation to any idea thought up by idealists, like the writers of this proclamation in the introductory post.

And I don't think that "euro-beaurocratism" is any force for good, even on condition EU doesn't spread to North Africa and Turkey, because it is impossible to invent nations through beaurocratic decisions. Only unstable and absurd monsters.

07-15-2009, 12:24 PM
Actually, I was speaking of something else. I was telling something like "all-European nation" is an impossibility, never existed, nor it ever will. I said somewhat ironically that the only really existing "pan-Europeanism" (note the quotation marks) is that of beaurocrats, of rules and regulations, taxes, edicts from the European Commission etc. Clearly, it has no relation to any idea thought up by idealists, like the writers of this proclamation in the introductory post.

And I don't think that "euro-beaurocratism" is any force for good, even on condition EU doesn't spread to North Africa and Turkey, because it is impossible to invent nations through beaurocratic decisions. Only unstable and absurd monsters.

I know what you meant.

Your interpretation is on the extreme end -- I think perhaps only a tiny minority would wish for Europe to become so intertwined that nations are no longer unique. We can be pro-European cooperation, without sacrificing individual national ideals and cultures. This, I do support. It's illogical to assume all European nations should continually be at loggerheads with each other, engaging in never-ending conflict. Nothing good can come out of that. This isn't the dark ages anymore, let's permit ourselves to evolve and mature a bit as civilized people.