View Full Version : South African police kill 34 protesters

08-18-2012, 10:54 PM
You can see the killings here (graphic, be warned):


08-18-2012, 10:56 PM
South Africa Lonmin killings: Anger over missing miners (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19305698)

Many families of miners caught up in violence at a platinum mine in South Africa are unaware of their fate, two days after 34 people were killed when police opened fire at striking workers.

Angry relatives say the authorities have not produced a list of the dead.

At least 78 people were also injured and more than 200 people arrested.

Meanwhile, thousands of the miners have cheered on controversial youth leader Julius Malema who called for the president to resign over the clashes.

On Friday, President Jacob Zuma visited the area - about 100km (60 miles) north-west of Johannesburg - and announced an inquiry into the violence, calling the deaths there "tragic".


The circumstances that led police to open fire remain unclear, but reports from eyewitnesses suggest the shooting took place after a group of demonstrators, some holding clubs and machetes, rushed at a line of police officers.

Police, armed with automatic rifles and pistols, fired dozens of shots.

"I am convinced that the Commission of Inquiry will uncover the truth and facts will emerge," he said in a statement after meeting police and injured workers.

'Illegal strike'

Thoe Nkonke, a reporter for South Africa's Radio 702 at the scene, told the BBC that women had been going to local hospitals and mortuaries to look for their relatives, but without success.

They are angry that no central register has been produced of the victims of the violence that took place at a platinum mine in Marikana, owned by Lonmin.

Police spokesman Captain Dennis Adriao said officers were using the mine's database to contact the families of those killed, injured or arrested, but it could take some time.

08-18-2012, 10:58 PM
I saw the video a few days ago, horrible stuff. From what I've read, both sides were partially in the wrong; the police are incredibly corrupt and, but the strikers were heavily armed and prone to extreme violence.

08-18-2012, 11:10 PM
It`s horrible. I cant imagine how this happens in 2012.

08-18-2012, 11:21 PM
Dont you know South Africa became a paradise once the Kaffer took over? Negros acting all savage and killing each other, thats unheard of, the ANC has no sins! I blame white people...

08-18-2012, 11:51 PM
Dont you know South Africa became a paradise once the Kaffer took over? Negros acting all savage and killing each other, thats unheard of, the ANC has no sins! I blame white people...


That's clearly a black man from the Hutu clan. Look at the "nigger" who dares to show his face after ordering the shootings. Damn "niggers"...:picard2:

08-19-2012, 01:01 AM
This is the kind of news you'd expect from a country under dictatorship or heading towards civil war or what not.

Haven't seen the video. Heard about police being killed by the miners before this happened. Machettes and other weapons.

Both sides being guilty. But you can understand if it's self defence.

08-19-2012, 01:15 AM
Watching the video now. An example of 'Overkill'.

The rates at which they are payed is crap for mining Platinum. I sympathise to that point.

08-19-2012, 01:19 AM
Watching the video now. An example of 'Overkill'.

The rates at which they are payed is crap for Platinum.

I can't see the video anymore - I get a "bad gateway". Anyone else experiencing this?

08-19-2012, 01:28 AM
You can see the killings here (graphic, be warned):


I clicked on this and got bad gateway.

08-19-2012, 01:46 AM
Still ok for me. :)

08-19-2012, 02:26 AM
Video works fine. You would think with white cops on scene the police would have a bit more discipline but I guess not. :\ The cops look horrendously trained and ill-prepared in handling unruly crowds. I guess we are fortunate that no riots happened during the World Cup otherwise bloody massacres would have been certain!

08-19-2012, 05:59 AM
I can't see the video anymore - I get a "bad gateway". Anyone else experiencing this?

Works again now for me.

08-19-2012, 07:06 AM
You can see the killings here (graphic, be warned):


There is another side of the story every one is silent about. A day prior to the shoot out the miners decapitated/dismembered some Policemen and took their weapons, those same weapons were used the following day in the attack on the police.

Perhaps this is the reason why the cops looked as frightened as they did.

08-19-2012, 07:14 AM
I saw a documentary on the new 'shoot to kill' policy in SA. The police in South Africa have implemented 'Extraordinary Powers' allowing them to use force due to the unusually high and heinous crime rate. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

08-20-2012, 09:38 AM
There is another side of the story every one is silent about. A day prior to the shoot out the miners decapitated/dismembered some Policemen and took their weapons, those same weapons were used the following day in the attack on the police...

If that's the case then they had a legitimate concern for their safety and had to open fire. I read that some demonstrators holding clubs and machetes rushed at a line of police officers, giving them no other choice. i didn't hear about this in the us media news, weird.

"South Africa is the most dangerous country in the world, which is not at war." quote from BBC

08-20-2012, 10:54 AM
Watching the video now. An example of 'Overkill'.

The rates at which they are payed is crap for mining Platinum. I sympathise to that point.

I don't think it's really overkill.Once at close range a machete is every bit as dangerous as a gun,and can normally disable anyone even faster,so nobody is going to wait until they get close.The video below shows my point (caution,graphic) The policeman at 1:45 thought he could approach the guy and paid with his life.


08-20-2012, 11:05 AM
I don't think it's really overkill.Once at close range a machete is every bit as dangerous as a gun,and can normally disable anyone even faster,so nobody is going to wait until they get close.The video below shows my point (caution,graphic) The policeman at 1:45 thought he could approach the guy and paid with his life.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3LpYN9777U&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dman%2Bkills%2Bpolice%2Bwith%2Bmachete%2 6oq%3Dman%2Bkills%2Bpolice%2Bwith%2Bmachete%26gs_l %3Dyoutube-reduced.3...75559.86013.0.86228. 2410.15j9.24.0...0.0...1ac.ACXqq2k8Lbo&has_verified=1

Shit no wonder why Nicaragua is no Man's Land with such a lame Police Force.

08-20-2012, 11:12 AM
Regarding the original video it's sad they only captured the shooting part and not what happened before to get an idea of the whole situation.

08-20-2012, 06:39 PM
This is very, very sad. And it makes me very angry how people are being exploited by capitalists. This has everything to do with greed.

Imagine working 10 hours a day, 1-2km underground in some or the most dangerous conditions on earth. Your chances of dying increase every day you go down there. And imagine getting $350 a month for your efforts (which is what these guys are getting paid). They work for the richest mega-corporations in the world. These mines gross trillions of dollars every year and they cannot afford to grant their workers a raise??

And then they get shot at for being pissed off. There's justice for you.

Hacking up cops and shooting down crowds, one as equally wrong at the other. But inspired by what exactly? Pure, corporate, capitalist greed. I hope the CEO's choke to death on their Sunday roast.

Those mines should be nationalised.


08-23-2012, 06:56 AM
I don't think it's really overkill.Once at close range a machete is every bit as dangerous as a gun,and can normally disable anyone even faster,so nobody is going to wait until they get close.The video below shows my point (caution,graphic) The policeman at 1:45 thought he could approach the guy and paid with his life.


Shocking! :(

08-23-2012, 07:15 AM
You have to be stupid not to shoot if you're in any of those police officers shoe. I seen the video on CNN

10-13-2012, 02:55 PM
Hoo boy! Let's see. The miners were NOT paid as little as what was stated. Cleaners who have just started earn perhaps $350 per month here. That's a liveable wage in South Africa. The lowest paid miners were given about 11% increase, and their salary jumped to R11500 per month. Others got a 22% increase and their salaries jumped to R22000 per month. So they LIED.

Platimum, gold, diamond etc mines are just like other businesses - there to make a profit, as they should. They entice shareholders who invest, enabling a mine to grow, and hence create more jobs. The workers don't realise that those shareholders need to recoup their capital input and make a profit as well.

The miners went on a wildcat/illegal strike. It was so bad the army had to be called in. On the Monday, two police officers attempted to enter into negotiations with the miners. They were savagely and horrifically hacked to death and their weapons stolen.
Prior to this, the miners had murdered at least 10 of their coworkers.

On the day of the killing of 34 miners, the police were completely outnumbered. The miners started outflanking them and opened fire. The police responded accordingly, and opened return fire.

The media was selective in their videos, and those shown had been edited to make the police look bad.

The entire episode has set a very dangerous prescedent for this country as Lonmin caved in and gave murderers what they wanted. Strikes here will be even more violent, and the death toll will rise even higher, with police showing brutal force at the first murder of any officer.