View Full Version : Petitions of Serbs from Macedonia (19th Cent)

Novi Pazar
08-20-2012, 09:24 AM

Georgi Babadžanović and Vasil Teofilić from Ohrid in a letter to Jovan Ristić, President of the Minister's Council:

Mister Minister, it is very-well known to you, how the Bulgarians trough their Exarcho fooled us and promised us mountains of gold, and we hold that you know by whose initiative the Bulgarian propaganda took root in our peaceful and beautiful areas, but what are we going to do under such strong arm, we couldn't have resisted, but when the Bulgarians may do like this, and against us and against their liberators, than also we cannot, neither want to serve to the interests of Bulgaria, and that which we have done, we did it because of ignorance.

Mister Minister, we have nothing in common with Bulgarians, and everything among us, says that we are of Serbian breed and origin, and damned may be hundred times, the one who implies, to mix ourselves with Bulgarians.

Mister Minister, we haven't lost hope yet, it only depends on you, that as soon as possible yo come to the help of the schools and teachers, so that the Bulgariansm in our areas may be broken, and than the Serbian cause is achieved.
We would with all our heart work on this, we would brought our women and children here, so that Serbian dance may flourish within Macedonia..........

That we are exhausted and from decent families, as that we speak the truth, shall be confirmed by ouur compatriot Mr. Kosta A. Šumenković trad(er), loc(al), and we are also known to Milojko Veselinović, a civil servant loc(al) and the editor of the "Serbdom".

22. July 1887. year
Most humble ones,

Georgi Babadžanović
Vasil Teofilović

(Original. AIIS, collection of Jovan Ristić-Zbirka Jovana Ristica 12/541, XII/10)

Novi Pazar
08-20-2012, 09:25 AM

The men of the village of Lazaropole, North-Western FYROM, to the Government in Belgrade, 1887.

"Since when the Exarchate has been established all Orthodox Serbs of these areas suffer various discomforts because both the Patriarchate and the Exarchate are trying to keep the local people within its authority grabbing of theirs brings great harm to our people. That is because many of our best men are falling into prisons. Because of that many are renouncing the Patriarchate and do recognize the Exarchate which has won on its side only because of: to the our people it sends teachers for free and all the schooling necessities.

The smart people see that is all that foreign and that the Exarchate has an intention to bulgarize us a;;, but what we are going to do when the people is thirsty to have schools and teachers the Exarchate extended its arms into the county of Debar, and pays to the teachers in Varoš, in our village, in Galičnik and also into some other villages.

The undersigned chieftain of the village of Lazaropole and together with its teacher, know that our language isn't the Bulgarian language, that our customs are not Bulgarian, but Serbian and according to that we wish that our children do learn in Serbian language.

For that from the administration of the Prizren Theological Seminary we asked for and obtained quite a number of Serbian books for our school, but in order that our wish would be fulfilled in its entirety it is very necessary tha our teacher gets a salary, and later also all others, which are now payed by the Exarchate, know that Sima A. Igumanov left his property for the enlightenment of the local parts of our people, we are hopeful that you shall do good to us and provide our teacher a salary and his funds.

We think that we have a right on that, just like the other communities, to shake-off the foreign language, at we were obliged to learn until now.

To the our teacher the annual salary was 65 Turkish liras. We are asking you as soon as possible to report to us through the head of the Prizren Theological Seminary will you receive this our will and request, with such a hope , staying with greatest respect

1887, March 8
In the village of Lazaropole
(Seal:Sv Ve(lk)mch Georgi vo Lazaropole)

To you humble:
Ikonom pop Kosto
Pa(pa) Serafim
Isak Iosifov
Iosif Radević
Teacher Vasil A Ikonomović

(Original AC, MID, PP f. II br 28/1887)

Novi Pazar
08-20-2012, 09:26 AM

Request of the Serbs from the village of Bašino, near Veles (central FYROM) to the Dečani Ieromonach Ruvim, 1887.

"To the honorable gentlemen Ruvim the Ieromonach
of the Monastery of Visoki Dečani

The inhabitants of the Bašino village community until ten years ago have instructed their youth in the school of theirs in pure Serbian language, and were distinguished by thath, that they never approached Bulgarian preachers.

But for ten years in the Serbian school of the village of Bašino, the Bulgarian language is taught, not by the will of the inhabitants, but by force from several persons

And that science which is being taught in our school in Bulgarian language is devastating our society, and we cannot get rid of it because, we do not have - as always before ten years- a Serbian teacher.

We decided, to ask Mr. Ruvim, to send us a Slavic teacher, which will teach our youth on the natural Serbian and not unnatural Bulgarian alphabet, which for our speech is worthless, since our words, sveća, đubre etc. cannot be written in the Bulgarian alphabet. In hope that our request will be received, we remain.

28th December 1887, Bašino village

Seen by: Rufim Serafimovic
Monastery V. Dečani (Turksih seal from Dečani)

Humble dwellers of the village community of Bašino:

Ando Dzimat
Manče Pulšor
Petar M Tašov
Andrea Višnić
Kole Panov Diman
Gigo DZimrev
Nikola Micević
Jovan Anević
Joavan Dimanin
Lazo Mincić
Zafir Ranđelović
Risto Paple
Andria Eplun
Tošo Dimković Dushmorović
Sazdo Dimov
Koce Dolev

(Diplomatic Archive-Diplomatski arhiv III, department-odelenje F. I 13/1887)”

08-20-2012, 10:41 AM
Сърбомани (на македонска литературна норма: Србомани) е термин, използван в България и Република Македония за обозначаване на онези жители на географските области Македония и Поморавието, които имат български етнически произход, но които са избрали сръбството за своя национална ориентация. Така терминът е синонимен на сърбеещи се. В Република Македония често, а понякога и в България, се използва и терминът сърбофили (на македонски книжовен език Србофили). В Сърбия за тези хора се използва терминът южни сърби или южносърбиянци.

Сърбоманството се появява в Поморавието в средата, а в Македония в края на 19 век и е плод на Великосръбската доктрина и усилена сръбска културна, а по-късно и въоръжена пропаганда.

http://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%8A%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BD%D 0%B8

"На 30 март те били събрани в казармите и облеченн в нови войнишки дрехи. От 1 до 5 април при тях всеки ден дохождали офицери и учители да ги обучават във военен дух и агитират, че досега те са били заблуждавани от българите. Към 10 април дадена им била за разучаване войнишката клетва. На 14 вечерта били предупредени от командирите, че на другия ден ще се заклеват. На 15 април заранта всички новобранци били построени в казармення двор. В присъствието на граждани от Крагуевац и цялото духовенство начело с митрополита, с музика и знамето на полка дадена била заповед войниците да оставят пушките ои и да се построят в кръг. Свещеникът между войниците е готов да почне клетвата и когато офицери и граждани – всички със затаен дъх, чакат новобранците да повтарят клетвата, която той произнася, отвсякъде се чуват гласове: "Ние сме се клели вече, втори път не се кълнем!" Всред настъпилото между офицерите и присъстващите недоумение из гърлата на новобранците се изтръгва продължително "Ура!"...Свещеникът едва изговаря името на крал Петър, а новобранците го заглушават с непрекъснато ура" и "да живее България!" Тогава обезумелите от яд офицери се залавят за голите си шашки, втурват се срещу новобранците и започват да удрят кой къде завърне. Но и новобранците изкарват ножовете от пушките си и са готови за самоотбрана. Посред настъпилата паника... посред звънтенето на изпотрошени шашки и капеща кръв, по заповед на полковия командир Данаило Калафатович туря се край на тая кървава саморазправа. В тоя момент майор Божидар Загорич тича от един новобранец на друг и с треперяш от яд и злоба глас пита всекиго: "Ти приемаш ли?", на което всеки отговаря: "Не!" – Последва отделянето на селяните новобранци от гражданите.

Селяните, запитани кой им е внушил да не дават исканата клетва, отговорили, че те се считат вече обвързани, като са дали еднаж клетва като българи, затова не могат да дадат втори път. По-будните от тях тикват в затвора, а останалите – в казармата. Гражданите са били разпитванн поотделно. Търсили агитаторите между тях, за да бъдат изпратени в България. Десетдневен нечовешки арест не е установил никакви агитатори. Тогава сърбите изкарали арестуваните граждани от Радовиш на отделно мяето и им предложили: "Който иска да иде в България, да излезе 5 крачки напред". Пръв излиза Христо Кошевец, който, козирувайки, казал: "Аз съм българнн и искам да ида в България". След него същото направили и Ангел Андреев, Мильо Спиров, Коце Клисаров, Кирил Сарамандов, Иван Темкин. Останалите воички извикали задружно, че са българи.. Първите шестима били отделени, след което веднага изпратени на военен съд в Ниш, а всички други били подложени на казармени наказания. Така постъпили сърбите и с новобранците от другите места: гражданите и по-будните селяни – в тежък арест, а останалите – на казармени изтезания. Патилата на затворниците били грозни. Всеки затворник бил поставен в отделна килия, в която не е било възможно нито да се лежи, нито да се седи. За храна им се давало на 2 дни по малко хляб и вода, Ежедневно е идвал в затвора офицер, който е запитвал всеки затворник: "Ще се кълнеш ли?" И ежедневно е бил даван все краткият отговор: "Не!" Това е продължило 18 дена. Една вечер – това е било през една тъмна нощ – всички затворници са били изкарани вън от града и заставени да изкопаят един дълъг ров. Когато ровът е бил приготвен, един взвод войници с натъкнати на пушките ножове застанал срещу изправените мъченици, а един офицер, командуващ взвода, отправил за последен път заплашително въпроса: "Ще се кълнете ли?" Изправените пред гроба ои новобранци и тоя път произнесли непоколебимо: "Не! Убийте ни, има кой да ни жали и кой да търси сметка за нас!" Но офицерът нямал заповед да убие непреклонните ... " [153]

Най-същественото от този разказ се потвърждава и от сръбския прогресивен вестник "Радничке новине", който в броя си от 17 април 1914 г. дава следното описание:

"Радостни през великденските празници, новобранците тоя ден биха променили настроението си. Те бяха печални и мрачни. Най-после очакваният час настъпи. Новобранците бяха наредени пред казармите. Скоро дойдоха командирът и свещеникът и церемонията почна. Свещеникът напомни на синовете на "Нова Сърбия", че трябва да бъдат верни на отечеството, и припомни, че Сърбия трябва да се готви за нови жертви за освобождението на техните поробени братя оттатък Сава и Дунава. "Новоосвободените" слушаха тази патриотична реч неми и с наведени очи. Изведнаж отдалеч се разнесе вик: "Не искаме да се кълнем!" Цялата дружина като един човек отказа да положи клетвата. Смятаме за безполезно да описваме по-нататъшните събития. Ще прибавим само, че две отделения от 1 полк обградиха с ножове на пушките своите "новооовободени" братя... Между туй настана нощта. Дали тези нещастници са доживели утрото след своята спонтанна манифестация, това никой не би могъл да каже." [154]

Освен тези имена на светинколци и другите споменати от Радовиш нека прибавим и имената на водачите щипяни Панчо Тодоров – Калято и Панчо Янев – Яната.

Как постъпили сърбите с главната маса новобранци узнаваме от споменнте на Константин Ангелов:

"Нашият полк (наречен "Брегалнички пук") бе разформирован. Пушките ни бяха взети... Нас изпратиха подружинно в различни гарнизони без оръжие, карани като пленници от сръбските въоръжени войници, в следните градове: Зайчар, Ниш, Вальево, а 11 дружина – в Крушевац, за да се влее в 12 пук "Цара Лазара". С пристигането ни в Крушевац ни вкараха в казармата. Пред нея имаше новомобилизирани запасни сръбски войници. Строиха тях, строиха и нас. От нашия строй изкарваха по двама и ги смесваха между 10 сърби. И така ние си загубихме нашите другари, попаднахме в различни части. Сърбите нямаха доверие да ни оставят самостоятелно..."

Обстановката в самата Македония не е по-различна. Органът на сръбската социалистическа партия "Радничке новине" от 4 декември 1920 г. правдиво отбелязва:

"Резултатът от всичко това бе, че народните маси с омраза се отвръщаха от сръбския полицейски режим (1912 – 1915 г.) и не една най-напредничава част от градското население още тогава обръщаше своите погледи към социализма. Това нещо констатираха и самите буржоазни вестници през онова време. Други, особено селските маси и буржоазията, очакваха България като политически и икономически освободител от сръбското иго..."

Това е самата истина. Македония копнееше за пълно обединение с България. Никакъв македонизъм не смущаваше нито едно честно сърце в Македония. Той бе изобщо немислим, защото би имал срещу себе си поначало най-темпераментна съпротива.

Това впрочем се вижда в признанието на цитирания в. "Радничке новине". Като се има предвид, че този вестник бе орган на сръбската социалистическа партия, която се беше вече превърнала в комунистическа, става ясно, че сръбските комунисти от първите години след края на Първата световна война са били наясно какво е населението в Македония. И ако все пак по-сетне тръгнаха по пътя на сръбските националисти, приемайки Цвиичевите идеи за македонското население, че то е аморфна маса и може от него да става и сърбин, и българин, това е поради преобладаващото схващане сред сръбските комунисти, че "националният въпрос засяга само буржоазията, а не е въпрос на цялото общество, по-право на всички слоеве на съответната нация..." Спорът върху въпроса дали сърбите, хърватите и словенците са един или три народа, гледан през призмата на марксизма, няма практическо значение и за комунистите представлява само "известен теоретически интерес" [155]

Главен теоретик на това разбиране се оказа партийният виден функционер Сима Маркович, който в своята брошура "Националният въпрос в светлината на марксизма" (1923) засегна и македонския въпрос. За него не съществува македонска нация, при все че съществува някакъв македонски въпрос, комплициран поради етнографската пъстрота на населението. Следователно неговото уреждане ще стане само на икономическа основа, чрез преустройството на държавата. Това е достатъчно за аморфната маса...

С почти същия по дух лозунг и в пълно единодействие с южните български врагове действуваше от север сръбската терористична четническа организация. В нейния устав намираме директиви от гръцки тип:

“... Вменява в дълг на революционерите:

- да избягват сблъсквания с турската войска;
- да ратуват срещу българските чети – враговете на сръбските исторически права в Македония;
- да покровителствуват ония славяни, които по независими от тях причини се казват българи;
- да спечелят за сръбската кауза всички, увлечени от българската пропаганда села, като им посочват величието на сръбската нация...

В случай, че четите бъдат преследвани било от войска, било от властите или от населението, те са длъжни да си послужат с оръжие.

Притеснителите на народа ще бъдат изтребвани. На същото наказание ще се подлагат и българите, които се отнасят неприязнено към сръбската кауза..." [152]

Тези лозунги признаваха, че в Македония има също българи и единични чужди агенти, но не и някакви македонци. Като се има предвид, че както андартите, така и сърбоманските чети бяха в съюз с турците и се бореха срещу Революционната организация при взаимодействие, можем да разберем, че борбата стана особено кървава на три фронта. Организацията бе принудена да се бори срещу всички тези нашественици по планини и поля, по села и градове, в защита на българщината. С това тя все по-ярко се очертаваше като български страж. Ще припомним няколко вълнуващи събития в разни места по Македония във връзка с тая нейна роля. В Солун бе наказан със смърт сръбският агент Илия Пейчинович, убиец на българския учител Ганов; в Прилеп бе съсечен от героя Стоян Лазов (възпят в народните песни) сърбоманинът Тоде Попантов; в Охрид безсмъртният войвода Христо Узунов, подпомогнат от героя Методий Патчев (по-сетне прилепски войвода, загинал със славна смърт в Кадино село) и от сина на Григор Пърличев – Кирил Пърличев, затри сръбския агент и турски шпионин Гърдан; в Костурско героят Лазар Поптрайков унищожи сръбските агенти Цуцулот и Клянчето; в Скопйе бе наказан сръбският агент Яневич, в Гевгели – Наумович, в Бащино село – Ташевич, в Дойран – Димитриевич, в Солун – Вангелович и пр. Но най-великото жертвоприношение в борбата срещу сръбската пропаганда и в защита на нападнатите околии във Велешко и Прилепско е славната битка на "Ножот" край с. Ракле, Прилепско, през 1907 г., когато съединените чети на организацията тръгнаха да очистят страната от четите на сръбската пропаганда, идващи от Сърбия, но, предадени от нейните агенти, бяха принудени да се бият с многохиляден турски аскер при небивал дотогава героизъм и дадоха 67 млади жертви, все бойци от Костурско, Прилепско, Леринско, Битолско и пр.


08-20-2012, 11:16 AM
i dont think anyone reads this super long posts:D

08-20-2012, 11:39 AM
Wow, so much Serbian propaganda.

"Georgi Babadžanović and Vasil Teofilić from Ohrid in a letter to Jovan Ristić, President of the Minister's Council:"

Since when have their been Serbs in Ohrid? The surnames of those supposed individuals also freak me out. No one had surnames ending in 'ic' in Macedonia in the 1880's, unless the Serbs changed them by force.

08-20-2012, 11:48 AM

http://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D 0%BB%D0%B8



We have all kinds of -fili and -mani in our country :D

08-20-2012, 11:51 AM
http://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D 0%BB%D0%B8



We have all kinds of -fili and -mani in our country :D

Fyromians calling other Fyromians Balgarofils is just too funny tbh. How one can be Bulgarian follower and that be a negative thing when the Fyromian was already Bulgarian before becoming Macedonian?

08-20-2012, 11:53 AM
The surnames of those supposed individuals also freak me out. No one had surnames ending in 'ic' in Macedonia in the 1880's, unless the Serbs changed them by force.

Babadžan and Teofil doesn't sound Serbian to me. The first one sounds Macedonian, and the other sounds Macedonian/Bulgarian.

08-20-2012, 12:03 PM
Babadžan and Teofil doesn't sound Serbian to me. The first one sounds Macedonian, and the other sounds Macedonian/Bulgarian.
Babacan is a Turkish word;


08-20-2012, 12:04 PM
Babacan is a Turkish word;


Baba also means grandmother in Macedonian and Bulgarian. :thumb001:

08-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Baba also means grandmother in Macedonian and Bulgarian. :thumb001:

It also means father in Turkish and Albanian.

08-20-2012, 12:14 PM
It also means father in Turkish and Albanian.

They got it backwards then. :D

08-20-2012, 12:16 PM
They got it backwards then. :D

Like most things Albanian and Turkish :D

08-20-2012, 01:15 PM
Like most things Albanian and Turkish :D
says the muslim serb:D

08-20-2012, 01:17 PM
says the muslim serb:D

Latinised Slav :D

08-20-2012, 01:19 PM
Latinised Slav :D
those are romanians:D
i'm true illyrian:thumb001:

08-20-2012, 01:24 PM
those are romanians:D
i'm true illyrian:thumb001:

Vlach with an identity crisis :coffee:

08-20-2012, 01:41 PM
Wow, so much Serbian propaganda.

"Georgi Babadžanović and Vasil Teofilić from Ohrid in a letter to Jovan Ristić, President of the Minister's Council:"

Since when have their been Serbs in Ohrid? The surnames of those supposed individuals also freak me out. No one had surnames ending in 'ic' in Macedonia in the 1880's, unless the Serbs changed them by force.

there were Serbs from Ohrid, for instance Kosta Abrasevic or Janko Popovic

that`s not true about -ic, it`s just communist and nationalistic propaganda, last names that use personal name as there root and end up with -ski, are a recently new invention, last names with - ski did exist but never from personal names, there roots were made from places, occupation and so on.

08-20-2012, 01:43 PM
there were Serbs from Ohrid, for instance Kosta Abrasevic or Janko Popovic

that`s not true about -ic, it`s just communist and nationalistic propaganda, last names that use personal name as there root and end up with -ski, are a recently new invention, last names with - ski did exist but never from personal names, there roots were made from places, occupation and so on.

I heard Catholic Bulgarians had surnames that ended in -ic. So I guess if you believe in the Bulgarian origin of Macedonians, those Macedonians with -ic that know they have no immediate Serb ancestry could have descended from Catholic Bulgarians?

08-20-2012, 04:18 PM
I heard Catholic Bulgarians had surnames that ended in -ic. So I guess if you believe in the Bulgarian origin of Macedonians, those Macedonians with -ic that know they have no immediate Serb ancestry could have descended from Catholic Bulgarians?

The Catholic Bulgarians which surname ends with -ic probably have Ragusan ancestors, just like me (the difference is that my ends with -ov).

PS There were Serbs in Vardar Macedonia, that's for sure and their surnames ended with -ic but they were not more than 15 000.

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 06:45 AM
The Catholic Bulgarians which surname ends with -ic probably have Ragusan ancestors, just like me (the difference is that my ends with -ov).

PS There were Serbs in Vardar Macedonia, that's for sure and their surnames ended with -ic but they were not more than 15 000.

There were never bulgars in macedonia, l can prove it again!

PS I wonder why my topic 'Significance of the term Bulgar' was deleted....l thought this forum is about freedom of speech! Not to worry, l will re-post it in the Serb forum.

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 06:46 AM
I heard Catholic Bulgarians had surnames that ended in -ic. So I guess if you believe in the Bulgarian origin of Macedonians, those Macedonians with -ic that know they have no immediate Serb ancestry could have descended from Catholic Bulgarians?

And there were catholic serbs in dalmatia....so whats your point?

08-22-2012, 06:47 AM
And there were catholic serbs in dalmatia....so whats your point?

Catholic Serbs? What happened to them, and when did they exist?

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 06:59 AM
^ they did exist don't you worry. Do your research and you'll see :D

08-22-2012, 07:05 AM
^ they did exist don't you worry. Do your research and you'll see :D

If I try to do research on 'Catholic Serbs' it will come up with books and articles on the idea that all Štokavian speakers are Serbs, regardless of religion and self-identification.

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 07:05 AM
Wow, so much Serbian propaganda.

"Georgi Babadžanović and Vasil Teofilić from Ohrid in a letter to Jovan Ristić, President of the Minister's Council:"

Since when have their been Serbs in Ohrid? The surnames of those supposed individuals also freak me out. No one had surnames ending in 'ic' in Macedonia in the 1880's, unless the Serbs changed them by force.

Its mind blowing that people here cannot refute to date what l have been posting....so in defence they call it Serbian propaganda. I ask you Vojnik, is Serbian toponyms like Srbinovo or Gostivar, serbian propaganda. If it were Bulgarinovo etc...you wouldn't be calling it Bulgarian propaganda but accept it.

PS Have a look at my topic called Serbian colony of Thessalonica.

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 07:15 AM
Petition to the "King" of Serbia, dated Skoplje, June 20, 1878,
with the seals of more than 50 communes affixed. Nobody
had dared to sign, as of the signatories to the Bozince
petition 250 had been arrested in Skoplje alone, of whom
only 50 had come out of prison alive. In the face of such
intimidation it is truly amazing that the mayors of 50 com-
munes yet had courage to affix their seals. The petition runs : —

"Having heard that under the terms of peace we are to come
under a Bulgarian State, as if we were Bulgars and not pure Serbs
of true Serbian stock, we on our knees implore you not to consent
to let us pure and true Serbs fall into Bulgarian bondage. We
were never under Bulgarian rule; we never were nor ever can
be Bulgars. We citizens of Skoplje are of the purest and best
Serbian stock, as also are the inhabitants of the districts of
Tetovo, Debar, Kicevo, Prilep, IStip, Veles, Kratovo, Kocani,
Kumanovo, Palanka, Banjska, etc. Our pure Old Serbian speech,
the speech of our Kings and Tsars, our customs, usages, dress,
songs, etc., bear this out. Equally it is borne out by the ancient
Serbian buildings in our country, viz. the Holy Archangel and
Ilija's on the Karadag, founded by Stephan Nemanja; the
Holy Archangel and Blessed Mother of God (Sv. Arangjel and
Bogorodica), founded by Uros the Infant; St. Nikita's in Cucar,
founded by King Mulutin ; Sv. Bogorodica (Blessed Mother of God)
in Ljubinac, founded by the sister of Tsar Dusan, St. Dimitrije
in Susica, where the Kings Vukasin and Marko are buried;
St. Vasilje, founded by King Andrejas, and containing his tomb ;
St. Pantelija's in Porec, founded by Nemanja; St. Andrija's, founded
by and containing the tomb of Queen Simonida ; St. Athanasije in
Lesav, founded by Tsar Lazar.

" It is further proved by our city of Skoplje, once the capital
of Serbia; by the ruins of Kaeanik, the stronghold of Starina
Novak." (Here follows a list of numerous ruined castles famous
in connection with Serbian heroes and of sundry Metropolitan
sees, etc.)

"It is further borne out by many documentary monuments of
our past and literary history, all penned in this heart, centre, navel,
and storehouse of true and pure Serbia.

"We therefore beseech you on our knees to save us from other,
harsher and more cruel oppressors and assassins, who are worse
than the Turks, and have already under the Turkish rule oppressed

us through their bishops and teachers, have threatened and de-
stroyed our language, our Slava, our nationality, and Serbian
antiquities. Unite us as soon as possible with your principality
of Serbia, otherwise we shall be left no choice but to emigrate or
to perish in the conflict with the Bulgars."

I will post more in time.

08-22-2012, 08:14 AM
We citizens of Skoplje are of the purest and best
Serbian stock, as also are the inhabitants of the districts of
Tetovo, Debar, Kicevo, Prilep, IStip, Veles, Kratovo, Kocani,
Kumanovo, Palanka, Banjska, etc.

I can say only one thing - fuck you.

My great grandmother was not Servian.

ioan assen
08-22-2012, 08:23 AM
Its a petition by the Serboi minority, who has always been absolutely insignificant and probably few Serbomans which were counted on one hand. Of course there is always possblity of falsification, knowing the Serboi.

08-22-2012, 09:25 AM
serbs trying to grab some more land,apparently one firework in belgrade wasnt enough:D

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 09:37 AM
I can say only one thing - fuck you.

My great grandmother was not Servian.

I know, just like George Miletic's decendant in Sofia would say as well :picard2:

Baba Vanga's real origin was Serbian, she was one of the Bulgarianised individuals who called herself Bulgar. Vladimir the grammarian was a Serb, so too was Marko. Nothing in Vardar Macedonia is Bulgarian, only that it ruled over a Serbian mass and demanded some taxes from them.

08-22-2012, 09:44 AM
I know, just like George Miletic's decendant in Sofia would say as well :picard2:

Baba Vanga's real origin was Serbian, she was one of the Bulgarianised individuals who called herself Bulgar. Vladimir the grammarian was a Serb, so too was Marko. Nothing in Vardar Macedonia is Bulgarian, only that it ruled over a Serbian mass and demanded some taxes from them.


Vanga once answered;

"Там, дека е текло, пак ке тече — един народ-една държава."

on the question are Bulgaria and Macedonia going to be one country again. :cool:

Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 09:46 AM
Its a petition by the Serboi minority, who has always been absolutely insignificant and probably few Serbomans which were counted on one hand. Of course there is always possblity of falsification, knowing the Serboi.

Sure and srbomans all over vadar macedonia naming their male sons SRBIN is a big freaken deal. Falsifications happened with the Bulgars, lets read some of their stupidities:

A few samples will suffice to show what Bakovski is. In his efforts to
raise the Bulgarian nation, "high in the eyes of its
own sons, and afterwards in those of the world," » he
has recourse to the realm of fairy tales, which is not
the way of intelligent persons. He denies the ancient
Greek sources, and places the Bulgars as precursors
of the European nations ; the Bulgarian language does not
differ from the Sanscrit ; Bulgarian national mythology
is Indian, 2 even before the advent of Christianity
the Bulgars could read and write and possessed a
literature ; Bulgaria was " at one time the chief of
the Slav nations, the mightiest and most extensive
1 Sofia paper Mir, February 3, 1917, ■= Pipin and Spasovic.


Empire in Europe in olden times;" " moral truth
appeared among the Bulgars first of all the Slavs,"
" the most ancient relics of the old Slav customs
and language have been preserved in various parts
of Bulgaria and among the Bulgars of to-day."
The Bulgars lived in the Balkan Peninsula before
the Greek immigration; Demosthenes was a Bulgar;
so was Marko Botsaris, a hero of the Greek insurrec-
tion ; x all European languages and all European
culture originated with the Bulgars. The ancient
Peons and the Kelto-Kimbers were Bulgars; Clovis
and Merovaeus were Bulgars; the first Christian
Church in Europe was founded among the Bulgars ;
they helped to establish the other churches, and they
were the founders of Christian missionary activity ; the
Bulgars received Christianity earlier than the Greeks,
" because they believed in one God, in the immortality
of the soul, and in recompense after death " ; the Greeks
were converted later, because they were polytheists.
Even the Olympic Zeus could not exist without the
Bulgars. He was nursed and reared by the Bul-
garian Mountain Villa (fay) Neda. 2

In Bulgarian school-books we find it is stated that Alexander the
Great was a Bulgar, because he was born in Macedonia, and that
Aristotle was a Bulgar for the same reason. It is true that he wrote
in Greek, but he did so only in order to educate the southern bar-
barians. He wrote also in Bulgarian, but the Greeks destroyed
the MSS. (see Mormntf Post of February 8, 1916). According to
Bulgarian school-books Constantino the Great was also a Bulgar, as
he was born in Nis, which is — according to them — a Bulgarian town.
According to the same authority Cyril and Method are Bulgars,
because they were born in Salonica ; Aleksa Nenadovi6 and Hajduk
Veljko, those heroes of the Serbian liberation, are likewise Bulgars,
and also the heroes of the Greek insurrection Botsaris, Karaiskis,
Kanaris, Miaulis, and others.


Novi Pazar
08-22-2012, 09:51 AM

Vanga once answered;

"Там, дека е текло, пак ке тече — един народ-една държава."

on the question are Bulgaria and Macedonia going to be one country again. :cool:

Sure, sure, sure l think some desparate Bulgars are manipulating sources, just like when they planted the fake stone inscription. You Bulgars are fanatics, seriously!

ioan assen
08-22-2012, 09:52 AM
Sure and srbomans all over vadar macedonia naming their male sons SRBIN is a big freaken deal.
In Bulgaria GERMAN is very popular name. Yet no German has come to claim Bulgaria for Deutchland. Why? Because its a stupid ground to claim anything on it. But I guess serboi are cleverer than the Germans :).

ioan assen
08-22-2012, 09:56 AM
Sure, sure, sure l think some desparate Bulgars are manipulating sources, just like when they planted the fake stone inscription. You Bulgars are fanatics, seriously!
We could fake old Serbian, Croatian, Greek, Papal, German, French sources. Basicly all the sourcess? Uou. Its not the Jews who rule the world but the Bulgarians! Novi go read a book. Real one. Everyone is tired of your copy pasted propaganda which FAILED big time in Macedonia eventhough you ruled the country for centuries. If your propaganda was 1 percent right we would ve had "pravi Serbi" not Macedonians.

08-22-2012, 10:12 AM
In Bulgaria GERMAN is very popular name. Yet no German has come to claim Bulgaria for Deutchland. Why? Because its a stupid ground to claim anything on it. But I guess serboi are cleverer than the Germans :).

In Russia as well, you can find people called 'German'.

08-22-2012, 10:59 AM
Its mind blowing that people here cannot refute to date what l have been posting....so in defence they call it Serbian propaganda. I ask you Vojnik, is Serbian toponyms like Srbinovo or Gostivar, serbian propaganda. If it were Bulgarinovo etc...you wouldn't be calling it Bulgarian propaganda but accept it.

PS Have a look at my topic called Serbian colony of Thessalonica.

YES, it is plain and simply Serbian propaganda which has existed in Macedonia for a very long time. You blood sucking genocidal maniacs have been tormenting Macedonia and Macedonians with your propaganda for centuries. I am sure you have heard personal stories by me on this forum where I stated that my surname was Serbianized by force in the early 1900's? My ancestors did not want it but it happened never the less.

You can not use toponyms such as Srbinovo as proof that Macedonians are Serbs. Kumanovo is named after the Kumans, does this mean Macedonians are Kumans?

If their was a Bugarinovo in Serbia, would you say Serbs are Bulgarians? I doubt it.

08-22-2012, 12:15 PM
Dobrica Cosic Former Serbian President “We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others; we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else’s misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying ie is the trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate smartness. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.”

"Serbia's Secret War----Propaganda and the Deceit of History
"Philip Cohen’s book provides a useful counter to current myths about Serbia’s history during the Second World War. By detailing the reality of past Serbian national socialism and anti-Semitism he allows us to understand more clearly the mentality which has been at work in Belgrade, and so the roots of today’s Yugoslavian tragedy."
—Lady Margaret Thatcher,
House of Lords, former British prime minister"

"Writing in June 1941 in German-occupied Belgrade, Stevan Moljevic argued that "the Serbs' first and fundamental duty" was the setting up of a Serbian state "uniting all Serbs and all lands where Serbs live" (Mojevic in Grmek 1993:128 & 131). This Greater and ethnically "homogeneous" Serbia was to include all lands where any Serbs lived, together with whatever additional territories they might want for economic, strategic, or other reasons. That added up to almost 70% what had been Yugoslavia, a third of Albania, and large chunks of Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. This was mandated by the Serbs' "historic mission," which was hegemony in Yugoslavia and throughout the Balkans (Mojevic in Grmek 1993:130). "

08-22-2012, 12:15 PM
South Morava je Bulgarian land.





08-22-2012, 12:23 PM

Request of the Serbs from the village of Bašino, near Veles (central FYROM) to the Dečani Ieromonach Ruvim, 1887.

"To the honorable gentlemen Ruvim the Ieromonach
of the Monastery of Visoki Dečani

The inhabitants of the Bašino village community until ten years ago have instructed their youth in the school of theirs in pure Serbian language, and were distinguished by thath, that they never approached Bulgarian preachers.

But for ten years in the Serbian school of the village of Bašino, the Bulgarian language is taught, not by the will of the inhabitants, but by force from several persons

And that science which is being taught in our school in Bulgarian language is devastating our society, and we cannot get rid of it because, we do not have - as always before ten years- a Serbian teacher.

We decided, to ask Mr. Ruvim, to send us a Slavic teacher, which will teach our youth on the natural Serbian and not unnatural Bulgarian alphabet, which for our speech is worthless, since our words, sveća, đubre etc. cannot be written in the Bulgarian alphabet. In hope that our request will be received, we remain.

28th December 1887, Bašino village

Seen by: Rufim Serafimovic
Monastery V. Dečani (Turksih seal from Dečani)

Humble dwellers of the village community of Bašino:

Ando Dzimat
Manče Pulšor
Petar M Tašov
Andrea Višnić
Kole Panov Diman
Gigo DZimrev
Nikola Micević
Jovan Anević
Joavan Dimanin
Lazo Mincić
Zafir Ranđelović
Risto Paple
Andria Eplun
Tošo Dimković Dushmorović
Sazdo Dimov
Koce Dolev

(Diplomatic Archive-Diplomatski arhiv III, department-odelenje F. I 13/1887)”

Константин Димитриевич Петкович, познат и като К. П. Дмитриев-Петкович, български учен, публицист и поет и руски дипломат. Брат е на Андрей Петкович и Димитър Петкович.
Петкович е роден в 1824 година българското македонско село Башино село, тогава в Османската империя. Учи в Ришельовския лицей (1842-1846) и в семинарията в Одеса, от 1848 до 1852 г. — славянска филология в Петербургския университет.

Един от първите патриоти, които се обявяват за възстановяването автокефалността на Българската църква. През 1852 г. предприема заедно с Натанаил Зографски (Стоянов) пътувания с научна цел: Цариград, светогорските манастири, Македония, Сърбия, Хърватско, Словения, Австрия, Чехия и Полша. Двамата замислят създаването на литературно общество „Българска матица“ ...

http://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D 0%B8%D0%BD_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0 %B8%D1%87

Презъ 1893 година пропагандата подъ закрилата на турската власть иска да се наложи на Башино-село, като въ черквата да се редуватъ единъ пъть български, другъ пъть сръбски свещеникъ. По поводъ на това сръбско искане въ гр. Велесъ става голѣмъ митингъ, на който се взема резолюция и се изпраща на централната турска власть, въ която велешани съ възмущение протестиратъ за претенциите на сръбската пропаганда официално да се настани въ Башино-село. Поради явната подкрепа отъ страна на властьта, която фаворизира пропагандата за сметка на българското население, въ града Велесъ и околните черковни настоятелства затварятъ своите черкви, гдето цели 6 месеци не се служи литургия, само и само да не позволятъ на сръбската пропаганда — съ съдействието на турците — да се намести въ некои черкви въ града и селата.

За първъ пъть въ Велесъ се отваря сръбско училище презъ 1895 година, съ директоръ Давидъ Димитриевичъ. Въ началото училището е функционирало само съ табелата си и учителския персоналъ, безъ да е имало нито единъ ученикъ отъ града. Поради отказа на велешани да пращатъ децата си на безплатенъ пансионъ въ училището на пропагандата, сърбите, за да видятъ минаващите презъ града чужденци, че въ Велесъ има сръбско училище, довеждатъ ученици изъ селата на Поречието, албанчета отъ Призренъ и отъ Сърбия, като ги настаняватъ на безплатенъ пансионъ при велешкото училище. Обаче за голяма радость на велешани нито единъ ученикъ отъ града Велесъ не е билъ записанъ въ сръбското училище. Гражданите съ възмущение са гледали преминаването на сръбските учители и са ги дюдюкали по улиците. Поради липса на ученици отъ града, впоследствие това училище престава да съществува.


Bashino selo (http://books.google.bg/books?id=eYVpAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA121&lpg=RA1-PA121&dq=%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE+%D1%81%D0% B5%D0%BB%D0%BE&source=web&ots=8i0SAEcXk7&sig=rColDWtSfWWgtOONdf5m_bBUezw&hl=bg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%20%D1%81%D0 %B5%D0%BB%D0%BE&f=false)

08-22-2012, 01:38 PM
Препис от писмото на войводата на сръбската чета Крива Река до свещеника на бъл. село Орах (Орех), Куманов. каза, поп Ване

Поп Ване,

Jа сам ти едно писмо писао досад и наредио ти да не идеш да попуjеш у Скачковци. Ти не си послушао ту наредбу него опет идеш и натураш се Скачковчанима. Знаj и упалити добро да то више неħу да допустим веħ ħу те жива уватити и браду погупати.

Поред тога jавльам ти да ħу са 150 моjх четника у дарити на Орашац**** и да ħу све село попалити, само ако се неко успротиви. Те би пак наредуjем да мируjеш и да се предаш сам чим лично доħем у Орашац со моjих друштвом, иначе тешко те би.

Поздрав от Войвода Криворечанина"

Б. м.,
19 март 1907

Браħо сеноковци,

виjе разбравте нашата сила и разбравте вчерашната работа оти бугарите не можат со нас да се биjат виjе да не берите гаиле човеците ħе ви ги пуштиме и пушките ħе ви ги дадеме и друзи пушки ħе ви дадеме без гаиле да бидите питат ħе ви биде отворен на сите страни от сега на вамо.

Виjе ħе идете у Прилеп кан наши човеци србски и ħе им се преставите што ħе ви речат опи това ħе биде. Да се допрашуjете до долненци оти они се сега наши човеци.

Среħа све имале оти не пукна пушка от ваше село и за това све ħе ви опростиме и от сега на вамо виjе ħе бидете наши и бугарска чета неħе примате.

Гледjте што чуете одма да чинете абер на селата наши. Ниjе за све што било до сега ви опроштаваме и од сега ако биде нешто ħе отговарате.

Со братски поздрав,

Jован Бабунски
Jован Долгач
Jосиф Михаjло
Бошко Наце

Србски воjводи"

Писмо на сръбския войвода Цено Марков до свещеника, кмета и старейшините на с. Вълковие, Тетовска каза, с внушение да станат сърбомани

"Скопие, 22 март 1907 Г. Свещенику, Кмету и Старешинама села Валковиjе. Чувено jе моjе име jер сам толико година провео као бугарашки воjвода, а живео сам у заблуди, па кад сам се свестио нашао сам, и увидао сам, да мене и моj народ за кога сам се жертвовао може обадити само српско сунце и то ми е Св. Богородица у сну ]авила, па за то сам сада челик србиц и прави српски воjвода, а ви — залутале овце. Сам jе Бог мене послао да вас изведем на пут истинен да вам слободу пружим. Покаже се. Ако то не учините тежко вам. Ни оних 50 малихерки, що су вам пружили буга-раши, кад су ваше село организовали не могу вам помоħи, па ни ова турска воjска. Одговорите одмах оħете ли ме примити братски и српски. 10 Марта 1907 г.
(под.) Воjвода Цено Марковиħ
Секретар (под.) Никола Шкодранче"

Заплашително писмо от сръбски войвода до българите в с. Крайница, Велешко, с нареждане да се обявят за сърби

"14 Априла 1907 год. Шума
До свите сельани село Краjнице,

Здраво живо од нас српските воjводе, као што смо влегли во други села сега jе ред и на вашето село.
Ако мислите да ви се не стори во селото као што се стори во Извор и во Никодинево, сега братски ве каниме да се откажете от тиjа кокошкари коjито се прават jунаци само на сельани, а каде треба jуначки да се биjат тиjа бегат, а остават сиромасите коjито не са видели пушка да се биjат и да гинат.
Миjе от борч излегу еме и еве сега ве молиме да доjдете и да не поземете за у ваше село. Ако и да не доjдете да не поземете миjе сами ħе си доjдеме, али и ваше село нема да бидет. Ако со добро да се предаjете каj нас на свите проштаваме и нико од наша страна нема да се пибнот, а ако се не предаjете со добро тога миje немамо никакав кабаeет зашто ħе ви гори селото и народ ħе ви гинет.
Мислимо да во ваше село има умни лъуди и тиjе ħе се премислат за дa ви пакос не направи. Чекамо одговор у имена српска организациjа братски ве поздравльа воjвода.

(Подпис) Вaсилиjе"

Заплашително писмо от сръбския войвода Аца Кочански до мухтара Стефан от с. Градец, Кривопаланско

"Стеване, Ти найвише запиреш твоето село да врли арзевал ако си селото за 3 три дена не врли арзевал азъ ште те заколу тебе и сичкото што имаш на кштата и све мал што имаш ште да ти изгору а такой штем дауработу и да сичкити твой уродници они су кабаат за овой што сега селото пати, а знай хубаво да сичките уредници знаем и кштете куде су на ни. За три дена да си дойдеш сас арзевал при мене не уработиш ли такой сам ште видиш какой щтем да направу сас тебе и сас сичкити тия што такой праву. реонски войвода

(под.) Аца Кочански"


08-22-2012, 01:43 PM
Писмо от сръбския войвода Йован Бабунски до жителите на с. Крива Круша, Велешко, с което се нарежда да се обявят за сърби

"13 деценбар 1907 год.

(Кръгъл печат с надпис: „За Планина крст частни ислободу златну")
До сите сельани во Крива Круша,
До сега много пати ви пишавме писмо и ве поканивме да доjдете и да се представите каj нас, но виjе нашите писма предавахте на турците. Сега последен пат ве покануjеме да доjдете каj нас и да се представите. Ако не доjдете каj нас от сега за десет дена, да знаjете оти каj да наjдемо човек от ваше село ħе загубимо. Во планина, на пат, по дрва, на оране и каj да наj-деме ваш човек ħе загубимо.
И това да знаjте оти ово ви jе последно писмо од наша страна.

С поздравни ШЕФ ГОРСКОГ ШТАБА Jован Бабунски"

Заплашително писмо от войводата Василие Тръбич до жителите на с. Бистрица, Велешко, с ултиматум да се обявят за сърби

17 март 1908 г. Шума

"До сите сельани в село Бистрица.

Со ово писмо идам да вас поздравим сите во ваше село малки и големи. Ето стана две години како сите околни села станаха српски а само се задържаха ваше село и Црешньево. Колико от това инате знам то ви най-добро знате. Но миe секой пат сме се издржавали да не правиме лошо на вашето село за што сме веровали, да сме братйа и да кога да е сите ке се сториме едно.
Мие ви знаеме нивите ваши и патот кай што врвите, но никой пат не сме сакали да ви направиме лошо.
Сега со ово писмо идам кай вас, да вас со братско срце поканим да дойдете кай нас да се преставите и да се сториме едно сите да бидеме братиа.
Не треба да мислите што миe сакаме да сториме лошо на някой ваш селанец. Мие ви проштаваме на сите братски и кои били работници, и кой не е бил на сите ке простиме от се срце. Ете и по друзи села имало е работници но на сите им е простено за што на та страна беха и така им беше заповед па така и работеха. За това пак ви давам збир да никой не берете гайле, дойдете кай нас и сето до сегашно ке заборавиме и ке си останеме братйа до веки.
На ово писмо чекам одговор по брзо. Братски поздрав на сите от

Воjвода Василиjе"

Печат: кръгъл, в средата с буквите "С. Р. О." и околовръст с надпис: „Василиjе Трбиħ * Воjвода Велешки".

Заплашително писмо от сръбския войвода Щипланац до жителите на с. Градец, Кривопаланска кааза, с ултиматум да се обявят за сърби, ако искат да останат живи

24 май 1908 г. Чисти път

"Селанима села Градца


Ово що йе са десило 18 майа ове године са Малиновску малу то вамо йе последня опомена. За то ве опет Братски учим предайте арзовал у Па-ланку най долье до „Свети тройице" (Духови) ако ни сте до ск предали. Иер ви како по обичай има тако и по свему осталом припадате да сте „срби" а не Бугари, йер само „срби" имайу тия обичайи койи имате и ви, а Бугари немаю. За то немойте да квачите србско име и обичайи, па да се викате бугари кад нисте бугари, иер сте ви срби. Те зато немойте да слушате неколико издайице, койи се плаħайиу а ви да патите. Ск смо само Ма-линску малу запалили зато што мислимо да ке те предати арзовал у Па-ланку да сте срби и и ни смо иедног србина из ваше село убили.

Ако арзовал не предате до „свете тройице" (Духови) да сте срби по-паликемо вам све куħе (ограда), убиякемо све што нагемо у село, и жена е деца, мушко и женско, неке вам нико помоки ни аскер да jе пуно у селом и у Паланку нити пак ма койи други. Зато ве опет братски учим немой да гинете лудо кад можемо братски да живимо, а не да се убиямо, да ве горимо и рушимо и уништавамо све што имате и за живот (храну) како за човеци тако и за стоку. Ако коя мала има да иска да преда арзовал ви немойте ню да слушате, предайте арзовал и без ню, ако пак има само jедна мала коя ако да преда арзовал нека само она преда немой да слуша друге мале. Ако ли па нема неке ни една мала да преда арзовал да jе србска, онда цело село да напише писмо да не ке да предаю арзовал да прелу на србску страну онда нека ни се врати одма оне (15) петнаjес пушке и барут коjе смо вам дали.

Писмото ваше чекам до подле света тройице (Духови) до 5 шна ове године. Ако писмото не добиjем – рачунам да искате да предадете арзовал. А я йош са три войводе што кемо да ви правимо ви кете да видите што ке биди од вас, ни пепел у куки не ке имате, а камо ли живе дише.

Поздравля вас све три Войводе горнjе Паланечке казе.


Избрано от: Ст. Трифонов, В. Георгиев. Документи за сръбската и гръцка пропаганди в Македония, края на ХІХ-началото на ХХ век. С., МНИ, 1995.


08-22-2012, 02:11 PM
Една от задачите на сръбската пропаганда в Македония била да се изпращат деца и младежи за обучение на държавни разноски в Сърбия. Там те били подлагани на системна обработка в духа на сръбската политика и ставали проводници на тази политика. На други внушавали идеите на македонизма, които обективно водели към същия резултат — откъсване на македонските българи от българската


национална общност и подчиняването им по еи път на сръбските държавни интереси. Такъв .характер има дейността на т. нар. „Македонски клуб"-, създаден по инициатива на сръбските възпитаници Ст. Дедов и Д.Т. Мишайков в Белград. Този клуб организирал в 1902 г. издаването на в. “Балкански гласник", в който се „обосновават" идеите за „национален сепаратизъм"' сред македонските българи.

Необходимо е да се отбележи, че съществува дълбока принципна разлика между идеята на Вътрешната македоно-одринска революционна организация (ВМОРО) за автономия и идеята на дейците от „Македонски клуб" за национален сепаратизъм. Първата идея приема македонските славяни за българи и издига лозунг за освобождаване на Македония от турска власт чрез масовата революционна борба. ВМОРО е за организиране на отделна политическа единица — автономна република Македония в състава на една Балканска федерация, без да се изменя националното съзнание на македонските българи, без откъсване от Екзархията и без да се образува отделен македонски литературен език.
Дейците от „Македонски клуб" стоят на други позиции. Те приемат, че македонските славяни са уж отделен народ, различен от българите. Те развиват „теорията", че този народ бил подложен в продължение на дълго време на претопяване от чуждите пропаганди — българска, гръцка и сръбска. Въз основа на това свое твърдение издигат лозунга за борба не само против турската власт, но и против чуждите пропаганди.
Тази постановка на „Македонския въпрос" била напълно в духа на идеите на Новакович. Дейците на „Македонски клуб" не били привърженици на революционната освободителна борба, което било в съгласие с тогавашната руска политика. Те свързвали освобождението на Македония с това на Южна Сърбия и изтъквали необходимостта от създаване на македонски литературен език възоснова на някои от местните български наречия. Изказвали се благоприятно за назначаването на сръбски владика в Скопие и се обявявали против дейността на Българската екзархия в Македония.
Тези разбирания на дейците от „Македонски клуб" обаче не се покривали с тогавашната официална сръбска политика. За официална Сърбия славянското население в Македония се смятало за сръбско. Тезата на Новакович, че то не е нито българско, нито сръбско, а „македонско", макар да се ползувала със симпатия сред някои по-умерени среди на сръбската интелигенция, не получавала официална подкрепа. Затова дейността на „Македонски клуб" и издаването на „Балкански гласник" били прекратени. Ст. Дедов и Д. Мишайков трябвало да търсят покровителство другаде. Такова покровителство те намерили временно в Петербург където пристигнали през есента на 1902 г.
Нежеланите в Белград „македонисти" били взети под защита от руския пълномощен министър в Белград П. Менсуров. Той не само им помогнал да заминат за Русия, но им дал и специално препоръчително писмо лично "до началника на I Азиатския департамент Хартвиг. [8]
Очевидно дейността на Дедов и Мишайков допадала на някои от ръководителите на балканската политика на Русия. Затова говори и самият Дедов при една своя среща с Eвтим Спространов на 2. ІІ. 1903 г. след пристигането си от Петроград в София. [9]
Сръбското правителство не позволявало да се води пропаганда от „македонистите" в Сърбия, но неговата политика вън от страната била друга. В доклад от 22 ноември 1902 г. Новакович, който вече бил сръбски дипломатически представител в Петроград, уведомява за пристигането на Дедов и Мишайков в града и за явяването при него. На срещата те обяснили целите на своята мисия,


като заявили, че а против Сърбия и политиката й в нейната цялост, защото „пътят на македонския сепаратизъм е единственото средство да се разбие Екзархията и връзката й с българите и българските стремежи".
В споменатия вече доклад от Петербург Ст. Новакович съобщава, че Дедов и Мишайков първи донесли сред тамошната българска и сръбска студентска младеж идеята за македонски сепаратизъм. По-нататък той предава основните положения на тази идея: „В случай .че Македония добие някакви автономни права, те (сепаратистите — б. а., Хр. Хр.) мислят, че това трябва да се придружава с отцепване на църквата от българската Екзархия в Цариград, с организиране на отделна църковна управа под закрилата на Цариградската църква... и с издигане на македонския диалект за държавна и литературна употреба, с фонетичен (подобен на сръбския) правопис, за да се избегне употребата на българския език. Върху тези три основи: отделна църква, отделен език и отделна автономна организация под защитата на султана, според техните мисли, би се основавала бъдещата автономна организация на Македония. За да се подготви това, те започват агитация в тази насока между македонците."
След това Новакович излага свои съображения в подкрепа на „македонистите", като предлага да им се отпусне материална помощ от страна на сръбското правителство. „Понеже наистина в близко бъдеще — пише той — не можем да очакваме нито разделяне на Турция, нито разделяне на Македония и понеже мъчно ще могат да се осуетят реформите в Македония и да се отложат за по-дълго време, защото и днес цял свят ги иска, сръбската политика също така трябва да има за цел да търси средства, които могат да освободят или отслабят връзките на македонците с България, които днес са все още здрави със старата екзархийска организация."
„Ако с реформите в Македония — продължава Новакович — се постигне някаква автономия, без съмнение и безспорно най-голяма опасност за сръбските интереси би бил и би останал стремежът на българската партия в Македония да извърши присъединяване към България по примера на Източна Румелия, която се споменава така често. Заради това и мен ми се струва, г-н министре, че дейността на тези млади засега ни най-малко не противоречи на интересите на Сърбия и че би имало основание да се помогне и с материална помощ, ако е възможно." [10]
Какви били тези „македонисти" и кому служели с идеята за национален сепаратизъм на македонците, се вижда още по-добре от един друг доклад на Новакович с дата 19 декември 1902 г. „В пратеничеството (сръбското дипломатическо агентство — б. а., Хр. Хр.) се явиха завършилите своето образование юристи, възпитаници на (сръбското) министерство на външните работи г. Стефан Якимов (Дедов), македонец, родом от Охрид, и Д. Трпкович (Мишайков), родом от Битоля, и помолиха занапред помощта да им се изплаща в злато в Петербург, където искат да изучат руския език и да слушат в Университета два-три семестъра правните предмети." [11]
В действителност пребиваването на Дедов и Мишайков в Петербург не е имало нищо общо с усъвършенствуването на руския език и със слушането на лекции по правни науки в университета. Там двамата отиват с материалната подкрепа на сръбското правителство, за да пропагандират сред_ руската общественост идеята за национално отделяне на „македонците" от българската народност. Това най-добре се вижда от меморандума, изпратен от Стефан Дедов до руското правителство на 12 ноември 1902 г. В него се обосновава тази идея, като се съобразява тя и с политиката на руското правителство, насочена против подготовката


на въоръжено въстание в Македония от Вьрховнатата македоно-одринска революционна организация.
Меморандумът не е запазен изцяло, но и това, което е налице, дава основание той да бъде преценен като реформистки акт, съставен в дух на национално от-стъпничество и враждебност спрямо идеите на организацията. „От всичко досега казано (относно „съществуването'" на отделен македонски народ и създаването на отделен македонски литературен език и отделна македонска църква — 6. а., Хр. Хр.) е ясно — се казва в меморандума, — че за подобряване положението на християнското население в Македония като първа стъпка трябва да послужи обединяването на славянското население като най-значително в Македония. Това обединяване трябва да бъде както национално, така и духовно. Затова не са потребни никакви революции; достатъчно би било руското обществено мнение заедно с руската дипломация да въздействува над балканските държави да се откажат от завоевателната си политика и да изтеглят от Македония пропагандите си. . . Всичко това, както казахме, може да се направи тихо и мирно, по еволюционен път, без нарушаване на мира и унищожаване на славянския елемент, а дотогава, докогато албанският въпрос не съзрее политически и национално, дотогава, докогато не се реши въпросът, кой ще завладее Дарданелите, Македония по необходимост трябва да бъде съставна част от Отоманската империя, защото всякакви въстания не могат да дадат никакви други резултати освен изтреблението на славянското население... Единствените подобрения, които могат засега да се направят и за които трябва да се съгласят и балканските държави, се свеждат, според нашето мислене, към следното:
1. Признаване на македонските славяни от страна на Турция като отделен народ с отделен литературен език, който наравно с турския става официален в трите вилаета на Македония — Косовски, Битолски и Солунски, и признаване на самостоятелна (македонска) църква.
2 Назначаване на един генерал-губернатор и един негов помощник за тази провинция от споменатите три вилаета. Генерал-губернаторът може да бъде турски поданик от господствуващата националност в тази провинция, а неговият помощник от по-малко господствуващата националност.
3. Местно изборно народно събрание и даруване на Македония на органически статут от негово императорско величество султана.
4. Осъществяването на правата, дадени от негово величество султана на Македония, се гарантира от европейските велики сили." [12]
Както се вижда, тези искания са в противоречие с революционната програма на Вътрешната македоно-одринска революционна организация. Те са реформистки, съглашателски, контрареволюционни. Поради това Дедов и Мишайков били гледани от прогресивните кръгове в Русия не като защитници на интересите на македонското население в борбата му за освобождение, а като проводници на чужди, сръбски интереси. Дейността на македонистите „национални сепаратисти" се преценявала като дейност, инспирирана от Белград и главно от Новакович.
Дедов и Мишайков не били посрещнати добре и от преобладаващата част на руската общественост, която не искала да къса връзките си с България, с освободения от турска власт с помощта на Русия български народ. Поради това в началото на 1903 г. Дедов напуснал Петербург на път за България, а Мишайков се озовал в Битоля, където сръбският консул Ристич ходатайствувал пред сръбското правителство да му се отпусне месечна издръжка от 80 динара, „за да не бъде изгубен за нас (сърбите — б. а., Хр. Хр.) поради оскъдицата". [13]


Неправилно се смята обаче, че Дедов и Мишайков били единствените последователи на Групчевич и Еврович в националното бтетъпничество и в обосноваването на идеята за национално отделяне на славянското население в Македония от българската народност. Изострянето на националноосвободителната борба в Македония в края на XIX и началото на XX в., съпроводено с голямо материално разорение и даване на скъпи жертви от страна на българското население, руската политика на запазване статуквото на Балканите и засилването на сръбската пропаганда подтиквали и други представители на македонската интелигенция да възприемат идеите на сепаратистите. Такива били Кр. Мисирков и П. Чуповски, членове на създаденото в Петербург македонско студентско дружество и на Тайния македоно-одрински комитет. Те двамата, както Дедов и Мишайков, били сръбски възпитаници, а заедно с това и сръбски агенти з осъществяването на противобългарската политика на сръбското правителство в Македония.
Дейността на македонистите „национални сепаратисти" се осъществявала не в Македония, а вън от нея, вън от борбата за освобождение от поробителя в лицето на турската феодална държава. „Националните сепаратисти" нямали никаква връзка с населението в Македония и с национално-революционното дви-шение, те били негови врагове. Поради това напълно основателно може да се твърди, че македонизмът на „националните сепаратисти" бил лишен от социални основи и опора вътре в Македония. Той бил креатура на сръбската политика по македонския въпрос, по-точно на едно течение в сръбската политика по този въпрос, обосновано и инспирирано от Ст. Новакович.
Идеологията на „националните сепаратисти" не изразявала интересите на македонското население. Тя била плод на компромиси с тези интереси в полза на отоманската власт и на сръбските пропагандни цели. Поради това не могла да си спечели никаква популярност сред населението в Македония и сред многобройната хмакедонска емиграция. Вътрешната македоно-одринска революционна организация гледала на „националните сепаратисти" като на национални предатели. Стоян Новакович, духовният баща на „националните сепаратисти", нямал друго мнение за тях, освен че са платени оръдия на сръбската власт в борбата й против българското национално съзнание на населението в Македония, което тази власт се стремяла да унищожи.
В 1889 г. Ст. Новакович обнародва „изследване" върху македонските диалекти, в което се стреми да докаже, че те уж стоят по-близо до сръбския език. [14] Това изследване се посрещна критично от всички най-известни слависти. Н. С. Державин, занимавал се дълго с македонския въпрос и българо-сръбските отношения, пише следното: „В интерес на пълнотата на предложената работа аз лично прегледах грижливо македонските текстове на Новакович и намерих в тях цялостна система на български език с всички фонетични и морфологични особености, характерни само за този език." [15]
В заключителната част на „изследването" си Ст. Новакович разглежда заселването на славяните на Балканския полуостров. Той твърди, че славяните, заселили се в Македония, нямат един и същ произход и не са дошли от едно и също място със славяните, заели Северна и Южна България. Процесът на образуване на българската народност според него не е обхванал славянските племена в Македония и българското владичество там не е оставило трайни следи. Той твърди също, че още в средните векове македонските славяни се колебаели между двата центъра на славянството на Балканския полуостров — сръбската и българската държава. От политическия напредък и от успехите на тези държави зависело


дали македонските славянски племена щели да бъд; ърби или българи. Според Новакович процесът на формиране на македонските славяни в определена народност още не бил завършен. „Задача на нашето време — пише той — е това формиране да се завърши със средствата на съвременната просвета, книжовност и държавен живот."
Оттук идва идеята, че от македонското славянско население може да се направят и сърби, и българи в зависимост от това, към коя държава ще се присъединят. Преди да стане това, според теорията на Ст. Новакович, македонците не са нито сърби, нито българи, а аморфна маса, която той определя само като славяни. [16]
Разбира се, тезата на Новакович противоречи на всички исторически извори за средновековната българска държава и за историята на славянското население в Македония, което от втората половина на X в. насам винаги се е изявявалг. и е било представяно като българско. Тази теза е в пълно противоречие и със самото обективно развитие на историческия процес, защото още през среднш векове славяните, в това число и балканските славяни, престават да бъдат въобще славяни, а се оформят като българи, руси, чехи, хървати, поляци, сърби и пр.
По-късно тезата за неопределеността на македонските славяни е възприета и 5 „подкрепена" с нови аргументи от Й. Цвиич. В 1906 г. той отпечатва в сп. „Дело" статия върху етнографията на македонските славяни, която след това излиза като брошура на сръбски, френски, английски, немски и руски език.
В тази статия Цвиич се старае да „докаже", че македонските славяни не са п нито сърби, нито българи, а близка до тях аморфна маса, без определено народ-'.' постно съзнание, от която могат да се направят и сърби, и българи. В миналото в зависимост от политическото развитие на Сърбия и България и от други фактори те са преминавали ту към сърбите, ту към българите и са приемали последователно името на едните и на другите. През Средновековието сръбското име било по-разпространено, но по време на турското владичество то се изгубило и било изместено от името българи. Затова съдействувала най-много Българската екзархия.
Понеже македонските славяни според Цвиич нямат определено национално съзнание, името българи, с което те се наричат, не е народно име и не означава принадлежност към определена националност. В устата на местните хора името българин означавало прост, потиснат човек, който говори славянски. Същия смисъл то имало за гърците и турците, както и за европейците, които посещават Македония и пишат за нейното население. Оттук изводът на Цвиич, че описанията на европейските учени и картите за народностния състав на населението на Македония, които те издават, нямат научна стойност, не са достоверни извори за историческата наука.[17]
Лесно е да се види, че македонистите от групите на Групчевич и Еврович, на Дедов и Мишайков възприемат концепциите на Ст. Новакович за неопределеността на славянското население в Македония, като го определят само като славянско. Това население те наричат македонски славяни или македонски народ, стремейки се да заличат проявите на неговото българско народностно и национално самосъзнание през вековете. По същия път вървят и съвременните маке-донисти, които заменят името българи във всички документални материали и писмени сведения с името „македонци" и се силят да представят тоза като израз на някаква си научност.

Из "Македонизмът като политическа концепция в края на ХІХ и началото на ХХ век"


08-22-2012, 05:31 PM
YES, it is plain and simply Serbian propaganda which has existed in Macedonia for a very long time. You blood sucking genocidal maniacs have been tormenting Macedonia and Macedonians with your propaganda for centuries. I am sure you have heard personal stories by me on this forum where I stated that my surname was Serbianized by force in the early 1900's? My ancestors did not want it but it happened never the less.

You can not use toponyms such as Srbinovo as proof that Macedonians are Serbs. Kumanovo is named after the Kumans, does this mean Macedonians are Kumans?

If their was a Bugarinovo in Serbia, would you say Serbs are Bulgarians? I doubt it.

Serbs started to rule over todays BJRM in 1912, and those were very turbulent times, so how come they Serbianized, as you say, your last name in the early 1900's?

ioan assen
08-22-2012, 07:04 PM
Morski, great finds!!! I knew smth was fishy about those "petitions". Turns out the Serboi terrorized to Bulgarians to "write them". I guess the unbearable tortures of Serboi do not start after the Balkan wars. So much for Novis fairytales that the Turks preffered "submissive Bulgars", rather they suppoted the relatives from Dagestan!

08-22-2012, 11:57 PM
Dobrica Cosic Former Serbian President “We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others; we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else’s misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying ie is the trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate smartness. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.”

"Serbia's Secret War----Propaganda and the Deceit of History
"Philip Cohen’s book provides a useful counter to current myths about Serbia’s history during the Second World War. By detailing the reality of past Serbian national socialism and anti-Semitism he allows us to understand more clearly the mentality which has been at work in Belgrade, and so the roots of today’s Yugoslavian tragedy."
—Lady Margaret Thatcher,
House of Lords, former British prime minister"

"Writing in June 1941 in German-occupied Belgrade, Stevan Moljevic argued that "the Serbs' first and fundamental duty" was the setting up of a Serbian state "uniting all Serbs and all lands where Serbs live" (Mojevic in Grmek 1993:128 & 131). This Greater and ethnically "homogeneous" Serbia was to include all lands where any Serbs lived, together with whatever additional territories they might want for economic, strategic, or other reasons. That added up to almost 70% what had been Yugoslavia, a third of Albania, and large chunks of Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. This was mandated by the Serbs' "historic mission," which was hegemony in Yugoslavia and throughout the Balkans (Mojevic in Grmek 1993:130). "

Dobrica Ćosić (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobrica_Cosic)

Novi Pazar
08-23-2012, 04:23 AM
YES, it is plain and simply Serbian propaganda which has existed in Macedonia for a very long time. You blood sucking genocidal maniacs have been tormenting Macedonia and Macedonians with your propaganda for centuries. I am sure you have heard personal stories by me on this forum where I stated that my surname was Serbianized by force in the early 1900's? My ancestors did not want it but it happened never the less.

You can not use toponyms such as Srbinovo as proof that Macedonians are Serbs. Kumanovo is named after the Kumans, does this mean Macedonians are Kumans?

If their was a Bugarinovo in Serbia, would you say Serbs are Bulgarians? I doubt it.

If it was BuLgarinovo or BALgarinovo, then l would say, yes the people are Bulgars. Bugarinovo is not good enough because its spelt in Serbian fashion! Serbianized by force? The Exarchos was still in operation by 1912? Who are you kidding man, the Bulgars?

Lets be more honest about things, here we have a SOURCE written in 1923, so your claim of Serbianisation of force isn't right, please read the bold:

Primary Documents - Statement by the League of Neutral Countries on Bulgaria's Occupation of Serbia, 1917

Serbian infantrymen Reproduced below is the text of a statement released by the Holland Section of the League of Neutral Countries in 1917. Dealing with the mistreatment of Serbians by Bulgarian forces following the latter's entry into Serbia, the statement details a catalogue of atrocities conducted by the Bulgars, both officially and otherwise.

Click here to read the statement issued by the Bulgarian Peace Delegation to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference on the subject.
Report from the Holland Section of the "League of Neutral Countries," 1917 by Dr. Niermeijer

Deportations from Serbia began with the driving forth of 5,000 men, women, and children by the Austrians at the time of the occupation of Belgrade. Because of bad housing and insufficient food one-half of these unfortunates succumbed to typhoid fever in less than a year.

The Bulgarians made their first use of deportations in the countries that had been given to Serbia by the peace of Bucharest in 1913, notably in Southern Serbia and a part of Macedonia. Thus they deported into Bulgaria almost all the Serbian families of Prizren and Prishtina; from Prilep, 170; from Krushevo, 70.

At the end of 1915 an order was given to assemble and conduct away all the male population between the ages of 15 and 70 years from the districts of Veles, Poretch, and Prilep, where already torrents of blood had been shed.

The Bulgarian Bishop of Kitchevo, who had just been appointed, protested. He wrote to King Ferdinand that such a measure would demonstrate to the whole world that Macedonia sympathized with Serbia and not with the Bulgarians.

This argument may have had some effect; at any rate, the King ordered that the deportations should cease, although the men might already be on the road. However, 500 notables and their families were selected and interned in the environs of Sofia. Their property was immediately confiscated by the Bulgarian Government and most of their houses were rented to Mohammedans.

When the Rumanians declared war the deportations were continued in still greater numbers, both by the Austrians and by the Bulgars, reaching their maximum after the capture of Monastir.

The victims always included men, women, and children, but especially men of 17 to 70 years. A special method was applied to boys. In May, 1916, the reopening of the schools was announced, and the enrolment lists were accessible. The Austro-Hungarian authorities had the lists copied, and the deportations were based on these.

Not less than nine internment camps for Serbs were established in Austria-Hungary, three of the principal ones being situated in the Danube marshes, where the health conditions are extremely bad; the most distant are the camps of Heinrichsgrils in Bohemia and Braunau in Upper Austria, near the German frontier.

In that at Braunau there are not less than 35,000 Serbians; it is quite correct, therefore, to speak of deportations en masse. Among these interned prisoners one finds high officials of the Serbian Government, members of the Council of State, Deputies, besides physicians, lawyers, merchants, etc.

The sanitary conditions are very bad in these places, where the Serbs are obliged to live in great wooden barracks that are penetrated by wind and rain; they are ill-fed, and are compelled to sleep upon straw on the ground, where the children especially are dying in great numbers. At Braunau there was an epidemic of typhus.

Like the Austrians and Hungarians, the Bulgars have been making deportations since July 1916, from all the Serbian territory they occupy. The northern part of the country is subject to Bulgarian rule. The families deported by the Bulgarians alone in the last six months of 1916 are estimated at 10,000.

The Bulgarians are inhumane in their treatment of prisoners. They do not permit these unfortunates to prepare themselves, or to take away from their homes even the most indispensable articles, as the Germans do in Belgium. At Nish prominent persons were made prisoner in the streets without permitting them to say good-by to their families.

The largest Serbian internment camp in Bulgaria is situated in a swampy plain near Sofia, where the families are housed in miserable sheds, and where they are dying of cold, hunger, and wretched sanitary conditions. Thus without any military necessity a part of the Serbian population has been systematically killed.

What is the object of such actions? The answer will be found in what follows.

It has long been known that the Museum of Belgrade was pillaged immediately after the Austrian occupation. The same thing has happened to the Ethnographical Museum, which contained objects of high value. Not a single souvenir of the history or the life of the nation has been left there.

The Bulgars have gone still further; they have deported into Bulgaria all the priests of the Serbian Church. The Bulgarian Synod has sent priests from Bulgaria and subjected all the occupied country to the Bulgarian Exarchate, which was obtained by force from the Sultan in 1871, but which the other Orthodox Greek Churches regard as schismatic.

All the Serbian churches and convents have been pillaged. All the inscriptions recording the foundation of these institutions by Serbian Princes have been broken with axes. The famous convents of Ravanitza and Manassia have suffered most, though they date from the thirteenth century and had been respected even by the Turks.

Furthermore, whatever the Bulgars have found written in the Serbian language they have destroyed absolutely. With this object they have made house-to-house search, and have confiscated all the books and manuscripts, even those of the churches, courts, and archives. All these were burned - until the Minister of Commerce at Sofia ordered all papers to be sent to the national printing office, stating that they would make good material for manufacturing paper.

Immediately after occupation the Bulgarian authorities compelled the Serbs, whose family names usually end in "itch," to change that termination to "off," like those of Bulgarian families.

Naturally, it was also at Belgrade that the Serbian teachers were interned; they were replaced by Bulgarians and the Bulgarian language was made compulsory. The children were compelled to learn the popular Bulgarian songs and heard the war explained from the Bulgar viewpoint; they were given to. understand that henceforth they were Bulgarians.

A great number of reading rooms were opened, whose names recall Bulgarian patriots, and through these centres the authorities are spreading every sort of writing in favour of Bulgarian chauvinism. Thus they are trying to kill the spirit of the Serbian people.

As long ago as October 1916, Prime Minister Pas**tch formulated a protest in the name of the Serbian Government against the recruiting of Serbs by the Bulgars. Since then the Serbian Government has received many Bulgarian newspapers that speak openly of such recruiting.

These publications refer to Macedonia, but from other sources it is learned that compulsory recruiting has also been introduced into Old Serbia, so that thousands of Serbs have been forced to fight in the Bulgarian army against their own country.

We do not know whether Bulgaria has denied this accusation, which is extremely grave.

In Macedonia the Bulgars began immediately after their arrival to put to death the authorities of cities and towns. These murders reached extreme proportions in the three districts of Macedonia which we have mentioned in connection with deportations.

The deported victims were generally the objects of the greatest cruelty. Some were obliged to make the journey on foot, poorly clad, without shoes, in the terrible cold; they were given only half a loaf of bread a week. The Bulgarian soldiers drove them onward with blows from rifle stocks, like cattle; many died on the way.

The Austrian soldiers acted with the same brutality, driving children with the bayonet, so that many had to be taken to the hospital at Szegedin; women about to become mothers were forced to march with the rest.

Many priests were killed by the Bulgarian troops. By a refinement of cruelty the Serbs who fled are prevented from corresponding with their families who remained behind.

We have believed in these circumstances that it was our duty to cite the facts more in detail than ordinarily. Before the Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian Governments can clear themselves of the odium imposed by this simple enumeration of facts, they will have to try to draw up a denial of its truth.

We believe that such a denial will be very difficult to formulate.

The mass of documents placed at our disposal has left a profound impression of an attempt to achieve the complete ruin of a free nation by means the most brutal and cruel.

Among all the horrors of war practiced en masse against an entire nation, the worst certainly is the wholesale murder of the Armenians by the Turks under the indifferent or approving eye of the Germans.

The systematic destruction of the Serbian Nation is a pendant to the enslavement of Belgium. The latter, perhaps, has suffered more in certain regards, because it is nearer to one of the fronts, but in other respects there is something still more grave in the treatment inflicted upon the Serbians; and the civilized world has known less about it.

Le Tenips of Paris has expressed a desire to see the neutral Governments realize that they also have signed the international conventions which have been violated, adding that now is the moment to protest, since they have neglected thus far to do so.

We also have formerly expressed the same hope, but our disillusionment has been too great; we will not return to that prayer again.

Happily the neutrals that have the power to do so are going to oppose themselves to these crimes, abandoning their neutrality. The only thing we can do is to take care that, later, no one can say that from Holland no voice was raised against such barbarities.

Permanent Committee of the League of Neutral Countries:
DE LA FAILLE, Home Secretary
DIEPENBROCK, Foreign Secretary

Source: Source Records of the Great War, Vol. IV, ed. Charles F. Horne, National Alumni 1923


Novi Pazar
08-23-2012, 04:26 AM
^ a western source, like all my other sources!

08-23-2012, 01:20 PM
Nothing different from what the Serbs did to Bulgarian clergy, teachers and town elders when they occupied MAcedonia in 1912.

08-23-2012, 01:23 PM
Reproduced below is the text of a statement issued by the Bulgarian Peace Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. The statement specifically deals with - and repudiates - charges that Bulgarian forces committed atrocities in occupied Serbia during wartime.

It is notable that much of the text is given over to suggestions that other nations' forces - Serbia being most often cited - conducted far worse atrocities than those allegedly committed by the Bulgarians.

Click here to read a statement issued by the Holland Section of the League of Neutral Nations in 1917 on the same subject.
The Bulgarian Peace Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on Alleged Bulgarian Atrocities Committed in Serbia

Our Serbian and Greek neighbours had no sooner returned to the territories formerly occupied by the Bulgarian armies than they opened against them a campaign of denunciations, charging them with massacres and destruction, and appealing to the civilized world to brand "the criminal conduct of the Bulgarians."

By this means they succeeded in bringing on two inquiries in Serbia and Eastern Macedonia which, carried out in a perfunctory fashion and without sufficient precautions being taken against possible errors, have, as might have been anticipated, resulted in a series of grave accusations against Bulgaria and the Bulgarian nation.

These accusations, of which only a faint echo reached us in our isolation after hostilities had ceased, making all defence well-nigh impossible, did not come to our full knowledge until after the arrival of the Bulgarian Delegation in Paris.

Without denying that reprehensible acts have been committed in the territories under Bulgarian occupation, the Bulgarian Delegation ventures to remind the Peace Conference that similar methods of accusation, employed by the Serbians and the Greeks in 1913, were soon after unmasked by the impartial and neutral Carnegie inquiry.

The report of the Allies' commission is divided into a series of paragraphs which we shall examine in their order.

Massacres of the Civilian Population

There is no doubt that certain offences against the Law of Nations were committed in the Morava region during the war.

But it is no less certain that the individuals guilty of violations of the laws of war have not escaped the sternness of Bulgarian justice; some of them were punished by the military courts during the occupation itself, while over the others legal proceedings are now pending.

Whoever desires to ascertain the real sentiments of the Bulgarian people toward the inhabitants of the occupied country has but to turn to the testimony of MM. Katslerovitch and Popovitch, well-known leaders of the Serbian Socialist party.

Speaking in their memorandum to the International Socialist Conference at Stockholm of the conduct of the Bulgarian soldiers in the Morava region, they say the following:

One of the two signers of this memorandum had during the first months of the war the opportunity of gaining a personal knowledge of the two administrations, that of the Bulgars and that of the Austro-Hungarians.

He was able to observe them at close range, and to compare them. The Bulgarian soldier, that is to say, the Bulgarian serving under the colours, made a good impression upon the entire Serbian population wherever he came in contact with it.

During the first days of the invasion, when every soldier had, so to say, the right of life and death over the subjugated population, when his discretionary power was unlimited and his responsibility was almost null, when there was no legal order in existence, the situation in the territory conquered by the Bulgarian army was easily better.

There was more order and liberty then than later, when the occupation authorities had come and introduced official "order."

During that first period, assassinations, cases of rape and pillage were unknown, and no one amused himself by maltreating the population.

The situation in the East of Serbia, occupied by the Bulgars, was at that time better, less intolerable, than that of the West, occupied by the Germans and Austrians.

The Bulgarian government has never shielded those who have been guilty of crime in the Morava region. When such cases came to its knowledge, it insisted on the exemplary punishment of their authors, irrespective of the position which they occupied.

In perfect accord with the aroused conscience of the nation, the Bulgarian government appointed on 18th of December, 1918 a Commission at the Ministry of War to investigate all offences committed in the occupied territories during the war and to arraign the culprits.

The principal offenders, such as Major Ilkoff, Colonel Kalkandjieff, who are mentioned by the Commission of Enquiry, Colonel Airanoff, Colonel Popoff and others responsible for the crimes perpetrated, are already in the hands of justice which will soon pronounce on the misdeeds which are imputed to them.

Major Kultchin, town commandant at Kyupriya during the war, whose prosecution was begun early in 1918, has been sentenced to death and executed in Sofia. Bulgarian justice was proceeding with rigour against offenders long before the conclusion of the armistice.

During the Morava insurrectionary movement in February 1917, which, as we shall see farther on, was instigated and directed from the Serbian Headquarters and seriously threatened the sole line of communication between the rear and the front of the Bulgarian army, the Bulgarian authorities prosecuted and punished none but rebels and comitadjis, some of whom even crossed over into Bulgaria and gave themselves to murdering and looting the population.

The Bulgarian army was indeed magnanimous towards the rebels. As evidence of this we may mention the following example. The revolutionary band of the Plavtchitch Brothers who on 27th of January, 1918, had waylaid and assassinated seven Bulgarian soldiers, including a corporal, and seriously wounded two others, were merely interned in Bulgaria, upon consenting to surrender voluntarily to the Bulgarian authorities.

Today all those comitadjis are back in their homes and one of them, Ivan Plavtchitch, is mayor of the village of Borovtsi, district of Lebane.

The Bulgarian authorities did their utmost to protect the inhabitants from the activities of the revolutionary ringleaders, and even endeavoured to win over the rebels by kindness and persuasion, publishing to that effect a series of amnesties.

It is very characteristic of Serbian conduct and methods that the Serb comitadjis have always tried to charge the Bulgarian authorities with the crimes which they themselves committed.

A comitadji writes the following in one of the letters: "Sinadine Yankovitch (one of the prominent comitadjis in the district of Lebane) assassinated Sava Dragovitch in the fields, in broad daylight, and attributed this crime to the Bulgarian authorities."

It is difficult to imagine how many of these crimes are today ascribed to Bulgarians. Certain it is, that the figures given by the Serbs in their report also include the victims of their own comitadjis in the Morava region.


As much must be said of the Serbian charges in the matter of alleged tortures committed by the Bulgarian authorities upon the inhabitants of the province.

Here, in fact, is what the famous rebel chief Costa Petchanatz wrote himself in June 1917, to his colleague Dmitry Dmitrievitch: "You and your infamous bandits have burnt children, old men and old women in order to extort money from them."

Another Serb voivode, Tosho Vlakhovitch, wrote about the same time:

We at once broached the topic which was the object of our meeting. I asked Costa Petchanatz why he had permitted the comitadjis to pillage and carry on in this wicked manner. He explained to me that it was impossible to stop this nuisance because the men were bad characters. Later I talked to him of the pillaging in the villages of Lapotintsi and Stuble and pointed out to him the comitadjis who had done it. He thereupon said that it was a trifling matter in comparison with what other comitadjis were doing, and cited as example that three children had been cooked on the fire because their parents had not given money.

The Bulgarians are accused of having thrown living men into wells. This charge is surely of the same origin.


Internments are not sanctioned either by International Law or by the Hague Conventions; nevertheless they have been practised by all the belligerents. We therefore believe that it would be unjust to hold none but the Bulgarians strictly answerable for them.

It is not true that the interned were not told the reasons for the measure taken with regard to them. Order No. 48 of 10th July 1917, issued by the General Officer in command of the Morava Military Inspection Area, is categorical in this respect. He directs that the person whom it is proposed to intern should be acquainted with the motives of his internment, and that his objections and the opinion of the local notables should be considered, before carrying out the measure.

The remaining Serbian charges on this count are no better founded:

1. It is false to pretend that the Bulgarian authorities left the interned no time to prepare for the journey. T he orders of the Military Inspection tended all the other way and were always carried out. To enable the interned to set their private affairs in order and to get what they required after their internment, leaves from 15-20 days were granted from time to time.

More than that, with the object of hastening the arrival of the clothing which the families of the interned forwarded, a special courier visited the villages of the interned to receive the parcels and bring them to the internment camps. As for the complaint that the interned were conveyed in cattle trucks, it should be remembered that the Bulgarian soldiers and even the officers fared no better in that respect...

The Attitude o f the Bulgarian Authorities in Macedonia

We now come to the most astounding of all the accusations: that concerning the conduct of the Bulgarian authorities in Macedonia.

The Serbians have the audacity to speak of "general massacres" perpetrated upon "compact Serbian populations" constituting the "centre of the opposition to the Bulgarian propaganda" in Macedonia and to assert that the Bulgarians, in their wish "to annihilate all the more compact Serbian populations," interned the male population in such large numbers "that the traffic on the roads leading to Bulgaria was congested and the Germans, unable to proceed freely with the dislocation of their troops, had to ask on military grounds for a temporary suspension of the internments."

The least one can say of such accusations on the part of the Serbs is that they are out of place. There certainly was a time when the roads in Macedonia were encumbered, but that was during the mournful days of the exodus of Macedonians who, in 1913 and 1914, fled in thousands to Bulgaria to escape from the "favours" with which their "deliverers" the Serbians wished to overwhelm them.

There have also been murders and revolting massacres; but that was during the sad period of the Serbian occupation, when entire populations were moved away because they would remain Bulgarian, and when all those who dared show their affection for Bulgaria, the mother country which had just sacrificed the best of its children for their liberation, were persecuted and pitilessly exterminated.

We have no wish to dwell on these facts; the honourable Conference will find a full account of them in the "Enquiry in the Balkans" of the Carnegie Commission, as well as in the memorandum entitled "The Bulgarian Question and the Balkan States."

Our only purpose here is to show the absurdity of an accusation which might with better cause be addressed to those who have formulated it.

Source: Source Records of the Great War, Vol. IV, ed. Charles F. Horne, National Alumni 1923


Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 03:56 AM
Nothing different from what the Serbs did to Bulgarian clergy, teachers and town elders when they occupied MAcedonia in 1912.

If it was today Morski, l would call for the natural removal of Bulgars from the region who arn't supposed to be there. These people were brought IN by the Exarchos from Bulgaria and caused alot of harm to the local population, so inessence, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 04:08 AM
Difference between an untrustworthy Bulgar, and a Serb, is that a Serb will say ,yes, it was a war and ofcourse Serbs did commit crimes. While the untrustworthy Bulgar will keep denying and denying until the person just gives up....won't work with me ;)

Again, Bulgars FIRST occupy and Serbs later LIBERATE, ofcourse crimes were committed, whoever holds a gun and kills, has sinned from god and has committed a crime from human law.

PS I'm glad the Serb had rid of the shifty Bulgar from Slavic terroritories.

Crn Volk
08-24-2012, 04:09 AM
Bulgars and Serbs have employed similat tactics in Macedonia in order to Serbianize or Bulgarize the Macedonians. You both failed, now move on....

Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 04:22 AM
^ sorry Sokol, Serbs didn't have an Exarchos to Serbianise people. When the Serb liberated the Macedonians from the Ottomans and from the Bulgars, she found people who felt to be Serbs and people who hated/resented Serbs (Bulgarianised ones).

The Ottomans and Russians were supporting Bulgars in their quest for Macedonia.....why was the name Serb so hated in Ottoman controlled Macedonia? Why, because they were stung from Serbian success in liberating her northern portion. Macedonians were MURDERED for calling themselves a Srbin during those times. What happened after 1912 is just BS.

Where is DUSAN to explain this:

During World War I, the Bulgarian troops under the command of first lieutenant Alexander Protogerov (a high-ranking VMRO member) were ordered to inflict reprisals upon the population east of Kumanovo for an attack made on some Bulgarian troops .Before the reprisal measures were begun, the entire population declared that it was Bulgarian, purely in order to avoid being punished.Protogerov was greatly perplexed. Here is a quote by Gilbert in der Maur regarding this event:

"Then Protogerov's aides had an idea: they asked who celebrated the 'slava'.Those who did so were shot, since the celebration of the 'slava' is a sign that one is a Serb: it is a custom which the Bulgarians do not have".

Gilbert in der Maur "Jugoslawien einst und jetz" Leipzig-Vienna, 1936,pp.330

08-24-2012, 04:33 AM
^ sorry Sokol, Serbs didn't have an Exarchos to Serbianise people. When the Serb liberated the Macedonians from the Ottomans and from the Bulgars, she found people who felt to be Serbs and people who hated/resented Serbs (Bulgarianised ones).

The Ottomans and Russians were supporting Bulgars in their quest for Macedonia.....why was the name Serb so hated in Ottoman controlled Macedonia? Why, because they were stung from Serbian success in liberating her northern portion. Macedonians were MURDERED for calling themselves a Srbin during those times. What happened after 1912 is just BS.

Where is DUSAN to explain this:

During World War I, the Bulgarian troops under the command of first lieutenant Alexander Protogerov (a high-ranking VMRO member) were ordered to inflict reprisals upon the population east of Kumanovo for an attack made on some Bulgarian troops .Before the reprisal measures were begun, the entire population declared that it was Bulgarian, purely in order to avoid being punished.Protogerov was greatly perplexed. Here is a quote by Gilbert in der Maur regarding this event:

"Then Protogerov's aides had an idea: they asked who celebrated the 'slava'.Those who did so were shot, since the celebration of the 'slava' is a sign that one is a Serb: it is a custom which the Bulgarians do not have".

Gilbert in der Maur "Jugoslawien einst und jetz" Leipzig-Vienna, 1936,pp.330

i agree with the most part of your comment with one note that the "liberation" of the macedonians didn't mean that they became free just one ruler the turks had been replaced by three

Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 07:42 AM
^ Alright my friend, but why did the Balgarin 'Protogerov' ordered the Macedonians to be killed for having a SLAVA. I'm telling you now, if the Serbs didn't shed her blood, you Macedonians would had LOST all your original traditions, and believe me, without serbian sacrifice, you would not be free today, but ruled by the BOLGARI!

PS Zebrnjak should not be spat on brate!

08-24-2012, 07:44 AM
I'm telling you now, if the Serbs didn't shed her blood, you Macedonians would had LOST all your original traditions, and believe me, without serbian sacrifice, you would not be free today, but ruled by the BOLGARI!

No offense Novi Pazar, but if Serbs had their way, there would be no such thing as 'Macedonians' and 'Macedonian traditions'.

Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 08:00 AM
No offense Novi Pazar, but if Serbs had their way, there would be no such thing as 'Macedonians' and 'Macedonian traditions'.

No offense Medvjed, did Milosevic have a WAR with Macedonians? Today, isn't it IRONIC, that Serbs have the least ambition to invade Macedonia while the related peoples, MENTALLY, Albanians and Bulgars are desparate to rip the country up!

PS Macedonian traditions ARE the same as slavs from Old Serbia and Montenegro! Lets be for REAL for a moment Medvjed, l'm actually much older than you, and l know what went on in Yugoslavia, and let me tell you, IF ALIJA ISZETBEGOVIC'S IDEAS FROM THE ISLAMIC DECLARATION WAS THE ORDER OF THE DAY, WE CHRISTIANS IN BOSNIA WOULD HAD BE F'ED!

08-24-2012, 08:04 AM
No offense Medvjed, did Milosevic have a WAR with Macedonians? Today, isn't it IRONIC, that Serbs have the least ambition to invade Macedonia while the related peoples, MENTALLY, Albanians and Bulgars are desparate to rip the country up!

I'm not talking about modern politics, of course Serbs wouldn't dare attempt to Serbianise Macedonians again. I was referring to Serbian Kingdom, then Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

PS Macedonian traditions ARE the same as slavs from Old Serbia and Montenegro!

I'm not the one denying that, you're the one that called it 'Macedonian traditions', not me.

Novi Pazar
08-24-2012, 08:08 AM
"I'm not talking about modern politics, of course Serbs wouldn't dare attempt to Serbianise Macedonians again. I was referring to Serbian Kingdom, then Kingdom of Yugoslavia."

Evidence for your claims?

08-24-2012, 08:13 AM
Evidence for your claims?

It is well known that you tried to Serbianise Bulgarians in Vardar Macedonia.

Read again the thread "Henri Pozzi: THE BLACK HAND OVER EUROPE".

There you have enough evidence. Even the Macedonian member Vojnik said that one of the things described there happened to his family.

08-24-2012, 08:46 AM
Evidence for your claims?

Who Are the Macedonians? (Hugh Poulton)

In the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Serbian was compulsory in schools and for official purposes in both Macedonia (referred to as South Serbia) and Kosovo. The Macedonians (or Bulgarians) were not recognised and Serbianisation of the population was attempted. In September 1920 the unification of the new state's Orthodox churches was proclaimed and henceforth the Vardar Macedonian Orthodox community fell firmly under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church-the Istanbul Patriarchate was prepared to sell out its control for a payment of 800,000 francs on 19 September 1919.
__________________________________________________ _____

Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992 (Dejan Djokić)

Understandably, most Macedonians' attitude to Communist Yugoslavia, where they were recognised as a distinct 'nation of Yugoslavia', and the federal state apparatus helped finance and support their culture, was in marked contrast to their attitude to Royalist Yugoslavia, where they were faced with with a policy of forced Serbianisation.
__________________________________________________ _____

Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century--and After (R.j. Crampton)

The second Balkan war left Greece with Salonika and the Aegean coast, Bulgaria with the small mountainous are of Pirin Macedonia, and Serbia in control of most of the heartland of the area, the Vardar valley. The Serbs, in their area, immediately imposed serbianisation upon those Macedonians who had until then not considered themselves Serbs.

08-24-2012, 11:41 AM
Serbs started to rule over todays BJRM in 1912, and those were very turbulent times, so how come they Serbianized, as you say, your last name in the early 1900's?

Well, when you occupy a piece of land against the wishes of the local population, you have no choice but to try and change the ethnic and national conceouss of those people living on that land, in this case it is the Sebianisation of Macedonians of Vardar Macedonia.

Surname endings were changed from 'ov' and 'ev' with the addition of 'ic' to make it more Serbian. The Serbian language was also made compulsory. Referring to yourself as something other then Serbian would result in imprisonment.

My surname back then was Filipov changed to Filipovic.

These three points I have stated are enough to consider the treatment of the Slavic Macedonians as forced Serbianisation.

Nie Makedonci mnogu maka vidovme togas od vas. Sega sme vo 21 vek, I uste ne macete. :mad:

08-24-2012, 02:07 PM
Well, when you occupy a piece of land against the wishes of the local population, you have no choice but to try and change the ethnic and national conceouss of those people living on that land, in this case it is the Sebianisation of Macedonians of Vardar Macedonia.

Surname endings were changed from 'ov' and 'ev' with the addition of 'ic' to make it more Serbian. The Serbian language was also made compulsory. Referring to yourself as something other then Serbian would result in imprisonment.

My surname back then was Filipov changed to Filipovic.

These three points I have stated are enough to consider the treatment of the Slavic Macedonians as forced Serbianisation.

Nie Makedonci mnogu maka vidovme togas od vas. Sega sme vo 21 vek, I uste ne macete. :mad:

an before that Bulgarian exarchate changed peoples last names by droping -ic on a very wide scale, same as the Macedonian communists later did, so it`s not just a Serbian thing

08-24-2012, 02:12 PM
an before that Bulgarian exarchate changed peoples last names by droping -ic on a very wide scale, same as the Macedonian communists later did, so it`s not just a Serbian thing

Bulgarian Exarchate was not a state. How could it change people's names? It lacked law-enforcement structures. Further more, why would it? SOme of the most famed Bulgarian national revivalists had surnames ening in -ic. Ridiculous!

08-24-2012, 02:17 PM
Bulgarian Exarchate was not a state. How could it change people's names? It lacked law-enforcement structures. Further more, why would it? SOme of the most famed Bulgarian national revivalists had surnames ening in -ic. Ridiculous!

simple, if you want to go to school, for instance, drop -ic..... there were a lot of casses documented

ioan assen
08-24-2012, 02:23 PM
simple, if you want to go to school, for instance, drop -ic..... there were a lot of casses documented
And those cases must be well "documented" by Serboi and/or Serbomans.

08-24-2012, 02:23 PM
simple, if you want to go to school, for instance, drop -ic..... there were a lot of casses documented

Give us documents then.

08-24-2012, 02:35 PM
And those cases must be well "documented" by Serboi and/or Serbomans.

there were certainly not documented by the same people that changed other peoples last names for political and nationalitical reasons :rolleyes:

08-24-2012, 03:05 PM
there were certainly not documented by the same people that changed other peoples last names for political and nationalitical reasons :rolleyes:

Were they documented by the same blokes who did this:



ioan assen
08-24-2012, 03:10 PM
there were certainly not documented by the same people that changed other peoples last names for political and nationalitical reasons :rolleyes:
so they werent documented by Serboi and Serboman. Post it then.

08-24-2012, 03:29 PM
Were they documented by the same blokes who did this:



and what about 500 last names of Serbian soldiers that die to capture Jedrene who-ic were deleted by Bulgarians from the tomb stones?

08-24-2012, 03:34 PM
and what about 500 last names of Serbian soldiers that die to capture Jedrene who-ic were deleted by Bulgarians from the tomb stones?

Can you prove your statement? First time I hear such a thing. Untill proven I will regard your statement as a foul act of libel!:mad:

08-24-2012, 03:42 PM
Can you prove your statement? First time I hear such a thing. Untill proven I will regard your statement as a foul act of libel!:mad:

from the book Јаша Томић: Рат у Маћедонији и Бугарској, page 75

08-24-2012, 03:48 PM
from the book Јаша Томић: Рат у Маћедонији и Бугарској, page 75

Can't find the text. What's his source? Is he an eye-witness?

Does he attach photographic evidence?

08-24-2012, 03:53 PM
Can't find the text. What's his source? Is he an eye-witness?

Does he attach photographic evidence?

source: testimonials of the dead soldiers mothers that went to visit their sons graves after the London treaty

Novi Pazar
08-26-2012, 02:52 AM
It is well known that you tried to Serbianise Bulgarians in Vardar Macedonia.

Read again the thread "Henri Pozzi: THE BLACK HAND OVER EUROPE".

There you have enough evidence. Even the Macedonian member Vojnik said that one of the things described there happened to his family.

Henry Pozzi needs to go back to school, his a failure of epic proportions.

Novi Pazar
08-26-2012, 03:04 AM
Who Are the Macedonians? (Hugh Poulton)

In the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Serbian was compulsory in schools and for official purposes in both Macedonia (referred to as South Serbia) and Kosovo. The Macedonians (or Bulgarians) were not recognised and Serbianisation of the population was attempted. In September 1920 the unification of the new state's Orthodox churches was proclaimed and henceforth the Vardar Macedonian Orthodox community fell firmly under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church-the Istanbul Patriarchate was prepared to sell out its control for a payment of 800,000 francs on 19 September 1919.
__________________________________________________ _____

Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992 (Dejan Djokić)

Understandably, most Macedonians' attitude to Communist Yugoslavia, where they were recognised as a distinct 'nation of Yugoslavia', and the federal state apparatus helped finance and support their culture, was in marked contrast to their attitude to Royalist Yugoslavia, where they were faced with with a policy of forced Serbianisation.
__________________________________________________ _____

Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century--and After (R.j. Crampton)

The second Balkan war left Greece with Salonika and the Aegean coast, Bulgaria with the small mountainous are of Pirin Macedonia, and Serbia in control of most of the heartland of the area, the Vardar valley. The Serbs, in their area, immediately imposed serbianisation upon those Macedonians who had until then not considered themselves Serbs.

Do all those authors know about the forced Bulgatisation which happened prior to their outragous comments of Serbianisation? As it is, people here are content with Bulgarisation, but hate all things Serbian.

As Dimo Kazasov pointed out that hatred of the Serbs was the principal motive of all shades of opinion among those championing the Macedonian cause who, after the second Balkan War and WW1, refused to reconcile themselves with a fait accompli. THESE GROUPS PERSISTED IN SPREADING DISTRUCT OF THE SERBIAN REGIME AMONG THE POPULATION OF SERBIAN SERBIA.

08-26-2012, 04:14 AM
Do all those authors know about the forced Bulgatisation which happened prior to their outragous comments of Serbianisation?

Not sure. How would that justifies forced Serbianisation?

As Dimo Kazasov pointed out that hatred of the Serbs was the principal motive of all shades of opinion among those championing the Macedonian cause who, after the second Balkan War and WW1, refused to reconcile themselves with a fait accompli. THESE GROUPS PERSISTED IN SPREADING DISTRUCT OF THE SERBIAN REGIME AMONG THE POPULATION OF SERBIAN SERBIA.

So criticising anything done by Serbs or a Serb is automatically hate speech? You guys can never be wrong? It sounds like you're using victimisation as justification for crimes.

08-26-2012, 02:55 PM
Henry Pozzi needs to go back to school, his a failure of epic proportions.

mad, the torlak is mad. :D

Novi Pazar
08-27-2012, 03:07 AM
Not sure. How would that justifies forced Serbianisation?

So criticising anything done by Serbs or a Serb is automatically hate speech? You guys can never be wrong? It sounds like you're using victimisation as justification for crimes.

What did l say Medvjed, SERBS did commit crimes, whoever holds a gun and shoots has inessence committed a crime.

PS I get really amazed here, we had TITO who turned the region into Macedonia, he was the ONLY COMMUNIST EVER who actually supported a new church (Macedonian Church) whilst all other commies sort to rid religion in some way.

Please read the following:

"Toward the end of 1912, the non-Slav national minorities in Southern Serbia began to unite in resisting the new situation. A delegation of Macedonian Turks submitted to the peace conference in Lausanne a memorandum, signed by Halim-bey Sami, who acted as their chairman, Nesim Ruso and Mehmed Galib, containing demands which Turkey had consistently opposed while she had been in control of these regions-i.e., (1) the formation of an autonomous region with Salonica as its capital; (2) a gurantee from the great powers that this autonomy would be respected; and (3) European control over this territory. A similar request, supported by Italy, was submitted by the Macedonian Rumanians in the area of the Pindus Mountains.
An appeal had also been addressed to the peace conference by a group of Slavs, who, ON SINSTRUCTIONS FROM THE BULGARIAN GOVERNMENT, demanded the formation of an autonomous Macedonia."

I want you and some sympathizers to the Bulgarian agenda to explain the following from ELISABETH BARKER:

Ivan Mihailov :mad:, whom Elisabeth Barker describes as a "KILLER AND A GANGSTER ON LARGE SCALE, NOT A REVOLUTIONARY," was torn between his loyality to BULGARIA and the propaganda of his organisation advocating an independant Macedonia. By his conduct, he CAUSED CASUALITIES THAT WERE LATER EXPLOITED FOR PROPAGANDA PURPOSES. THE WHOLE WORLD RESOUNDED WITH REPORTS OF SERBIAN ATROCITIES AGAINST BULGARS AND MACEDONIANS IN YUGOSLAVIA.
With the consolidation of reactionary and expressly anti-Serbian circles in the positions of authority in Bulgaria, IMRO was able to intensify its activity, both in Macedonia and abroad. In the middle of June 1927, when the left wing of IMRO had already greatly extended the scale of its activities, the paper La Macedoine began to come out in Geneva. In its first issue, dated June 13, its editor Simeon Jeftimov, printed a leading article under the heading "Our Program." The paper was officially the organ of IMRO, BUT IT WAS BACKED BY THE BULGARIAN GOVERNMENT, WHICH IT USED AS A MEANS OF PROPAGATING ITS VIEWS ON THE BULGARIAN CHARACTER OF MACEDONIA."

Why do you think Turkey gave that mad man Mihailov asylum in Turkey?

PS I haven't yet finished my point regarding correct and truthful history prior to 1912, l will focus on this (post 1912) later in more DEPTH.

08-27-2012, 11:50 AM
What did l say Medvjed, SERBS did commit crimes, whoever holds a gun and shoots has inessence committed a crime.

PS I get really amazed here, we had TITO who turned the region into Macedonia, he was the ONLY COMMUNIST EVER who actually supported a new church (Macedonian Church) whilst all other commies sort to rid religion in some way.

That's not what I was arguing. I said that Serbia Serbianised Macedonian Slavs in Vardar Macedonia after the first Balkan War to 1945. You refuted those claims and asked for evidence, so I showed you evidence. Now you admit it was done, but you're changing the subject to the legitimacy of the Macedonian Church.

I'm not even Christian, so discuss it with Dusan or some other Macedonian; they'd know more about the MOC that I would.

Novi Pazar
08-27-2012, 12:52 PM
^ Re-read ONCE again here:

Ivan Mihailov , whom Elisabeth Barker describes as a "KILLER AND A GANGSTER ON LARGE SCALE, NOT A REVOLUTIONARY," was torn between his loyality to BULGARIA and the propaganda of his organisation advocating an independant Macedonia. By his conduct, he CAUSED CASUALITIES THAT WERE LATER EXPLOITED FOR PROPAGANDA PURPOSES. THE WHOLE WORLD RESOUNDED WITH REPORTS OF SERBIAN ATROCITIES AGAINST BULGARS AND MACEDONIANS IN YUGOSLAVIA.

Your sources are BS, understand. There were Bulgarianised individuals like Ivan Mihailov who murdered his own and then called it as Serbian butchery, which unfortunately your authors from your own sources NAIVELY called it brutal Serbianisation or Serbianisation by force. I know the game Medvjed!

PS Your going to see my sources that will analyse, in-depth, there won't be this BS, which Bulgars tend to post, saying:

They are Bulgars because l said so.

08-27-2012, 02:45 PM
^ re-read once again here:

ivan mihailov , whom elisabeth barker describes as a "killer and a gangster on large scale, not a revolutionary," was torn between his loyality to bulgaria and the propaganda of his organisation advocating an independant macedonia. By his conduct, he caused casualities that were later exploited for propaganda purposes. The whole world resounded with reports of serbian atrocities against bulgars and macedonians in yugoslavia.

your sources are bs, understand. There were bulgarianised individuals like ivan mihailov who murdered his own and then called it as serbian butchery, which unfortunately your authors from your own sources naively called it brutal serbianisation or serbianisation by force. I know the game medvjed!

Ps your going to see my sources that will analyse, in-depth, there won't be this bs, which bulgars tend to post, saying:

They are bulgars because l said so.

Аре, у лево, торлаче! Немаш си идея какво е било, само ни тролиш тука.

08-27-2012, 03:07 PM
Your sources are BS, understand. There were Bulgarianised individuals like Ivan Mihailov who murdered his own and then called it as Serbian butchery, which unfortunately your authors from your own sources NAIVELY called it brutal Serbianisation or Serbianisation by force. I know the game Medvjed!

PS Your going to see my sources that will analyse, in-depth, there won't be this BS, which Bulgars tend to post, saying:

They are Bulgars because l said so.

What proof is there that Ivan Mihailov actually did this? You have one source that just claims this happens without explaining it. I gave you three sources of the contrary, one of them being Serbian.

And you only addressed one aspect of Serbianisation; what about the denial of Macedonian rights to self-identify as Bulgarian? What about the banning of the Macedonian language in schools in Vardar Macedonia?

08-27-2012, 03:19 PM
Here is Ivan Mihaylov himself:

