View Full Version : Classify Rasul Chunaev

08-22-2012, 12:07 PM
Also, where could he pass?





08-22-2012, 12:15 PM
Looks exactly what he is ...Mtebid from the Caucasus.

08-22-2012, 12:35 PM
Looks exactly what he is ...Mtebid from the Caucasus.

^^ This, nothing else.

08-22-2012, 12:47 PM
I think he looks slightly Turanid/Turkic

08-22-2012, 12:56 PM
Robust Mtebid/Cro-Magnoid and can pass in South Eastern Europe.

08-22-2012, 04:11 PM
Robust Mtebid/Cro-Magnoid and can pass in South Eastern Europe.

'Yeah right'....:picard2:

08-23-2012, 12:28 AM
I think he looks slightly Turanid/Turkic
Google says he is an Azerbaijani Turk, a wrestler.

08-23-2012, 12:30 AM
Google says he is an Azerbaijani Turk, a wrestler.

Yeah. It's confusing though, because I've heard he was an Azerbaijani Avar (Dagestani/Caucasian), and he comes from Belokan which is in an area that Avars inhabit, but he definitely looks slightly Turkic to me.

08-23-2012, 01:19 AM
1.Turkic is not a race.
2.Nothing Turanid in him
3.Turanid is not the only one type which the Turkic people possess

08-23-2012, 01:23 AM
North Azeris are Turkified Caucasian Albanians. Caucasian Albanians were a subgroup of Northeast Caucasians. Avars, Chechens, Lezgins, etc are modern day Northeast Caucasians. So it doesn't really make a difference if he's Azeri or Avar.

08-23-2012, 01:25 AM
'Yeah right'....:picard2:


08-23-2012, 01:30 AM

Something funny lad?

08-23-2012, 01:39 AM
A bunch of Turkic wannabe's....Just stick with your own,be proud of what you are and stop 'passing' obviously non Balkanic people in the Balkans..

Hurrem sultana
08-23-2012, 01:43 AM
he could pass in bulgaria and maybe macedonia,,,not bosnia,croatia,serbia

08-23-2012, 02:38 AM
Looks exactly what he is ...Mtebid from the Caucasus.
I think so too.

08-23-2012, 03:37 AM
North Azeris are Turkified Caucasian Albanians. Caucasian Albanians were a subgroup of Northeast Caucasians. Avars, Chechens, Lezgins, etc are modern day Northeast Caucasians. So it doesn't really make a difference if he's Azeri or Avar.
Azeris have %4-7 Mongoloid admixture and it's absent in Caucasian Avars.Some Azerbaijani Turks like Ganire Pashayeva shows Turanid admixture also.

A bunch of Turkic wannabe's....Just stick with your own,be proud of what you are and stop 'passing' obviously non Balkanic people in the Balkans..

Turkic wannabes?Think once again:

Turks have Mongoloid admixture whereas their Greek,Georgian and Assyrian neighbours don't.Turks from western parts(like Aydın) are even like half-Turkmen.

08-23-2012, 05:31 AM
This guy is born in an area where last pockets of North Caucasian languages South of Caucasus are spoken. He doesn't look like a Turk/Iranian, he looks like a certified Chechen, he's born in an ethnic minority area, thus chances are very high he's just Avar.

08-24-2012, 12:26 PM
North Azeris are Turkified Caucasian Albanians. Caucasian Albanians were a subgroup of Northeast Caucasians. Avars, Chechens, Lezgins, etc are modern day Northeast Caucasians. So it doesn't really make a difference if he's Azeri or Avar.

Yeah right. :picard1:

And a fun fact for you, Azeri Turks of Dagestan are known as Derbent Turkmens.

08-24-2012, 12:29 PM
he could pass in bulgaria and maybe macedonia,,,not bosnia,croatia,serbia

Yeah right.....:picard1:

08-24-2012, 12:33 PM
he could pass in bulgaria and maybe macedonia,,,not bosnia,croatia,serbia

No, he can pass at Caucasus and... Caucasus only :cool:

Very typical for the area and impossible to be found anywhere else.

08-24-2012, 12:49 PM
No, he can pass at Caucasus and... Caucasus only :cool:

Very typical for the area and impossible to be found anywhere else.

I am telling you,all those try outs of the Turkish and other Near Eastern members to 'pass' in Europe is getting pathetic.

With the same logic I can 'pass' in Sweden,cos I am fair skined with light eyes and 'I walked in the streets of Stokholm and saw shit load of people(of course from the Balkans) who looked like me'....:picard2:

08-24-2012, 12:50 PM
cromagno-alpine with some mtebid.

08-24-2012, 12:54 PM
Azeris have %4-7 Mongoloid admixture and it's absent in Caucasian Avars.Some Azerbaijani Turks like Ganire Pashayeva shows Turanid admixture also.

4-7% Mongoloid genes are hardly enough to justify racial "Turkic" origin when 96-93% of your genes are Caucasian.

08-24-2012, 12:56 PM
We have plently of people with clear "Asiatic" features, I can name you plenty of even known people, so please. Morover, who said that Oghuz Turks were even Mongoloid or lets say "THAT" Mongoloid? There are tribes among Turkmens of Central Asia that are completly non-Mongoloid.

We don't compare ourselves to Kazakhs or Kirghiz, but to our own Oghuz kin. Qashqais still live to this day in their original nomadic traditions from Central Asia, but they don't resemble Genghis Khan if thats what you except, or even nomadic Azeri tribe of Shahsevens, they are not different from rest of Azeri Turks (most of Azeri Turks were nomadic but became gradually sedentary during Safavid era). And one thing is these nomadic tribes, including Azeri Shahsevens live in Yurts, which is a Turkic tradition.

08-24-2012, 01:02 PM
We have plently of people with clear "Asiatic" features, I can name you plenty of even known people, so please. Morover, who said that Oghuz Turks were even Mongoloid or lets say "THAT" Mongoloid? There are tribes among Turkmens of Central Asia that are completly non-Mongoloid.

We don't compare ourselves to Kazakhs or Kirghiz, but to our own Oghuz kin. Qashqais still live to this day in their original nomadic traditions from Central Asia, but they don't resemble Genghis Khan if thats what you except, or even nomadic Azeri tribe of Shahsevens.

But Turkic tribes started up from Kirghiz everything else was later settled including modern day Turkmenistan which was Parthia just 1-1,5 thousand years ago.

No one said original Turkics were fully mongolid yet almost all Turkic people in Central Asia are like ~ 50% Mongolid, this is hardly comparable to 4-7%

I can find you even Kurdish, Chechen, Armenian and more people with pseudo Mongoloid looks. Not every slanted Eyed person is real mongoloid influenced.

08-24-2012, 01:11 PM
I'm not familiar with these stuff like % this and that, these are things of mentally challenged people. And there is no way you can prove these things anyway, nothing objective about testing few people even if they really do, which I really, really doubt, its not like they go around and test people, its if someone do it by his/her own will. But returning to actual facts, we do know that Azerbaijani Turks were divided between tribes in medieval era, of all which was Oghuz or Turkoman as others called them, and were largely nomadic until Safavid era.

Azerbaijan's geography were not foreign for Turkic tribes, its at the western coast of Caspian Sea and there were always some Turkic presence there through Derbent passage. It is said that after Khazar-Alban (Caucasian Albania) peace treaty, the Khazar Khagan gave his daugther to Albanian prince Javanshir, and thousands of Khazar families following this also settled in plains of Azerbaijan (most of Azerbaijan unlike adjacent regions are pretty non-mountainous, mostly composed of Kur-Aras, Aran, Shirvan lowlands aswell Mughan Steppe).

We do also know from historical sources that a large Kypchak army attacked Shirvanshah, they wanted to settle in pastures of Azerbaijan, which Shirvanshah ruler didn't accept, and in turn they sacked Shamakhi, today Azeri Turks from Tovuz upto Borchali are regarded as mix between Kypchak and Oghuz.

And lastly the constant settlement of Oghuz Turks which took place in several waves of migratinos through centuries.

Today Azerbaijani Turks are a branch of Oghuz, and Azerbaijani Turkish a branch of western Oghuz. And historically we were always known as Turks to others as evident from our names. Rest is nonesense.

08-24-2012, 01:14 PM
I'm not familiar with these stuff like % this and that, these are things of mentally challenged people.

So Genetics and all Profs who studied this are mentally challenged :rolleyes:

Thats enough for me to know.

08-24-2012, 01:17 PM
How funny you only quote a tiny part of my post.

BTW, what has this to do with a caveman Kurd anyway? And how did you even connect a internet to your cave? Or even other people, like Tannis. Its really weird, I never comment such things about other nations, neither am I obsessed about it or even interests me.

You know, it will never change what Azerbaijani Turks are no matter how much Persians or other people internet write, you will only see that Azeri Turks are branch of larger Oghuz peoples, and its language a branch of western Oghuz.

Now please stick to "cromagno-alpine with some mtebid."

LOL, I burst into laugh all the time I see these stuff.

08-24-2012, 01:21 PM
How funny you only quote a tiny part of my post.

BTW, what has this to do with a mountain goat humper Kurd anyway? And how did you even connect a internet to your cave? Or even other people, like Tannis. Its really weird, I never comment such things about other nations.

After you couldnt bring any arguments start insulting typical attitude of a weak ass Internet warrior.
Cave would be considered as Luxury where you live, you wanabe slanted eyed monkey xD

go rape a camel and sniff some cow dung or whatever your people use to heat their tents xD

08-24-2012, 01:24 PM
So Genetics and all Profs who studied this are mentally challenged :rolleyes:

Thats enough for me to know.

No, but most of people here are, and they are also teenagers by looks of it.

Such things that exist here in minds of many does not exist in real life or socities.

08-24-2012, 01:30 PM
4-7% Mongoloid genes are hardly enough to justify racial "Turkic" origin when 96-93% of your genes are Caucasian.

Even Turkmens are like %16 Mongoloid and Chuvashes around %20 :picard1:

I agree with Alinei's Paleolithic Continiuty Theory about proto-Turkic people being Caucasoid and later mingling with Mongoloid people.Otherwise,it's impossible to explain Kyrgyzes have %63 R1a.

08-24-2012, 01:34 PM
Turkmens of Turkmen-Sahra (Iran)

Do you see any "Genghis Khan" among them?


Azeri Turks of Southern Azerbaijan (Iran)


08-24-2012, 01:35 PM
Even Turkmens are like %16 Mongoloid and Chuvashes around %20 :picard1:

As I said Turkmens are hardly representative of real Turkic people they are almost as much real Turkic as Anatolia Turks. Their Genetic make up is most similar to Iranian one.
Turkmenistan as a country was given to Turkmens in 1991 by Russians.

I agree with Alinei's Paleolithic Continiuty Theory about proto-Turkic people being Caucasoid and later mingling with Mongoloid people.Otherwise,it's impossible to explain Kyrgyzes have %63 R1a.

No it is actually very easy to explain and it makes no sense to assume a people speaking a language closely related to only mongoloid people to be originally of Caucasian stock. It seems rather that Kirghiz were extremely ruled by Iranic tribes this is why you only find Caucasian Haplogroups in half of the paternal line in Turkic tribes while their maternal line is almost fully East Asian.

08-24-2012, 01:38 PM
Learn about the different Turkic branches please. :picard2:

Turkmens are Oghuz like Azerbaijani and Anatolian Turks. Its not like we are in same group as Kazakhs or Kirghiz or comparing ourselves to them.

All of Oghuz are similiar to one another, this does not leave any question.

08-24-2012, 01:43 PM
As I said Turkmens are hardly representative of real Turkic people they are almost as much real Turkic as Anatolia Turks. Their Genetic make up is most similar to Iranian one.
Turkmenistan as a country was given to Turkmens in 1991 by Russians.

Whatever,Seljuks came from Turkmenistan and our Turkicness comes from there.Also Yakuts and Kazakhs are less Turkic than Turkmsn,since one got mixed with people like Nenets while other has Mongol/Kalmyk admixture.

No it is actually very easy to explain and it makes no sense to assume a people speaking a language closely related to only mongoloid people to be originally of Caucasian stock. It seems rather that Kirghiz were extremely ruled by Iranic tribes this is why you only find Caucasian Haplogroups in half of the paternal line in Turkic tribes while their maternal line is almost fully East Asian.

They speak Turkic language,right?It's generally males who spread language and culture,not females.So if their paternal side was Iranic,they'd be Iranicised like Tajiks.

For example Kazakh is extremely Mongol influenced by language,it's because of they got mixed with Mongols(and that's why they are only Turkic people who carries majoritly C haplogroup)

08-24-2012, 01:49 PM
Whatever,Seljuks came from Turkmenistan and our Turkicness comes from there.Also Yakuts and Kazakhs are less Turkic than Turkmsn,since one got mixed with people like Nenets while other has Mongol/Kalmyk admixture.

So that means Seljuks were already more Iranic than Turkic by looks and DNA and if I am not mistakent they spoke a Perso-Turkic language.

They speak Turkic language,right?It's generally males who spread language and culture,not females.So if their paternal side was Iranic,they'd be Iranicised like Tajiks.

No you are wrong they arent fully Caucasian by paternal lineages but something around 50-60% depending on the group which indicates a strong Caucasian (most probably Iranic) rule over them. They were probably enslaved by the Scythians, the reason why they later, after they had learned enough from the Scythians, raised up against the Rulers.

As I said it makes no sense to assume a people to be originally Caucasian if they speak a language only related to mongolic people. Its only possible if you assume the real Turkic people were the Iranic tribes which ruled over the Mongolids and were absorbed by them. But this sounds much less plausible to me since the ethnogenesis of Turkic people starts in East Asia and you should expect to find older Turkic traces in Central Asia if they moved from there into East Asia.

08-24-2012, 01:53 PM
So were Seljuks already more Iranic than Turkic by looks and DNA and if I am not mistakent they spoke a Perso-Turkic language.

So do English speak Helleno-Germanic because %15 of English words are derived from Greek? :picard1:

BTW their Caucasoid doesn't have to be Iranic,check Paleolithic Continuity Theory.

Nop you are wrong they arent fully Caucasian by paternal lineages but something around 50-60% depending on the group which indicates a strong Caucasian (most probably Iranic) rule over them. They were probably enslaved by the Scythians, the reason why they later, after they had learned enough from the Scythians, raised up against the Rulers.

I agree with Caucasian rule but those Scythians weren't Iranic at all,only Iranicised by language.Check Alinei's article on Kurgans and Scythians:


08-24-2012, 02:01 PM
So do English speak Helleno-Germanic because %15 of English words are derived from Greek? :picard1:

BTW their Caucasoid doesn't have to be Iranic,check Paleolithic Continuity Theory.

You compare a language classified as mongoloid by all linguists with British just influenced with some words of Helenic (which both are Indo European) to support your claims? :picard2:

I agree with Caucasian rule but those Scythians weren't Iranic at all,only Iranicised by language.Check Alinei's article on Kurgans and Scythians:


I am sorry but I dont buy that, why are you Turks always coming up with your own payed sources. Just look at the link "Turkic" :picard2: who is that Alinei Guy anyway never heard of him. I am not going to even argue with you about them being Iranic or not since the whole world except Turks accepted them as Iranic. The original Royal Scythians and most of the tribes considered as Scythic were related Iranic tribes this is proven. Everything, their clothes, traditions, language and historic references prove them being Iranic.

I am out for now.

08-24-2012, 02:07 PM
You compare a language classified as mongoloid by all linguists with British just influenced with some words of Helenic (which both are Indo European) to support your claims? :picard2:.

Who cares about biological races?Anglo-Saxon and Hellene people are also foreign to each other.

I am sorry but I dont buy that, why are you Turks always coming up with your own payed sources. Just look at the link "Turkic" :picard2: who is that Alinei Guy anyway never heard of him. I am not going to even argue with you about them being Iranic or not since the whole world except Turks accepted them as Iranic. The original Royal Scythians and most of the tribes considered as Scythic were related Iranic tribes this is proven. Everything, their clothes, traditions, language and historic references prove them being Iranic.

I am out for now.

Alinei is an objective Italian professor,who was retired from Utrecht University in Netherlands.Today's Iranocentrist history thesis about Scythians were invented due of imperialist interests of certain big states.But we're in 21.th century,we have more documents and better technology for observing history.

08-24-2012, 02:16 PM
Alinei is an objective Italian professor,who was retired from Utrecht University in Netherlands.Today's Iranocentrist history thesis about Scythians were invented due of imperialist interests of certain big states.But we're in 21.th century,we have more documents and better technology for observing history.

Alinei has authored hundreds of publications and is a well known scholar in the field of dialectology. He is also the main proponent of the Paleolithic Continuity Theory, which contends that the Indo-European languages originated in Europe and have existed there since the Paleolithic.

Etrusco: una forma arcaica di ungherese, 2003, Il Mulino. The Etruscan language as an archaic form of Hungarian.
And you show me that Guy as source against hundreds of respected and real linguists and ethnologists?

Enough with that bullshit :picard2::picard2: 99% of the sources used by Turks to support their claims always belong to weird people with weird hypothesis.

08-24-2012, 02:25 PM
And you show me that Guy as source against hundreds of respected and real linguists and ethnologists?

Enough with that bullshit :picard2::picard2: 99% of the sources used by Turks to support their claims always belong to weird people with weird hypothesis.

Those respected real linguists just serve Aryanocentrist Imperialist claims...Alinei is an independent scholar,Turkey isn't supplying him for his works :D

08-24-2012, 02:28 PM
Yeah. It's confusing though, because I've heard he was an Azerbaijani Avar (Dagestani/Caucasian), and he comes from Belokan which is in an area that Avars inhabit, but he definitely looks slightly Turkic to me.

To me he looks Turkish, if he was in Turkey I would guess him as an ethnic Turk (remember we got 75 million of citizen in Turkey and somewhat 20 millions are kurds and we got also in good numbers Arabs etc.).

08-24-2012, 07:04 PM
I am telling you,all those try outs of the Turkish and other Near Eastern members to 'pass' in Europe is getting pathetic.

With the same logic I can 'pass' in Sweden,cos I am fair skined with light eyes and 'I walked in the streets of Stokholm and saw shit load of people(of course from the Balkans) who looked like me'....:picard2:
You are imagining things in your mind. Show me a single quote from Turkish members who are trying to present Turkish people as "European"!!! There is no such thing.

I think you are just expressing your own disappointment because the pictures of the Turkish people you see here and there doesn't fit to your stupid Balkan stereotypes and you are being butthurt because of this.

I agree with Caucasian rule but those Scythians weren't Iranic at all,only Iranicised by language.
Partizan, there is not even single proof for Scythian language supposedly being Iranian. No one was able to discover even a single piece of document written in Iranic tongue in Eurasia. Everything we have is Turkic runic and some Tocharian writings about Buddhism discovered in somewhere close to modern day China.

We only know that Scyhtians was also using runic writings, carving letters on wooden tablets and thats it. Scythians being Iranid and using Iranian language is ONLY a theory without any proof.