View Full Version : Tell us who are the celebrities you have met?

07-04-2009, 06:09 PM
Over the years i have been lucky enough to go overseas quite a lot, and have met celebrities, tell us who you have met.
The latest is Meyrick Sheen, the father of Michael Sheen, who is a Jack Nicholson impersonator, we met him on holiday at Little haven.

Ringo Star
Alan Whicker
David Soul
Bob Willis
Barbara Bach
Peter Gordino
Sugar Ray Leonard
Philip Schofield
Rick Stein
Vinnie Jones
Princess Anne
Peter Doherty
Mongo Jerry
Ray Reardon
Doug Mountjoy
Martin Fitzmaurice


07-04-2009, 06:22 PM
I'll have to let my memory run on this one, as I've met a few. The first one I can remember, is Anneline Kriel, an Afrikaner Miss World of 1974. Stunning natural blonde, she was absolutely gorgeous. And nice to chat to as a young boy. :thumb001: Good that I wore an overhanging jacket that day, though. :embarrassed





07-04-2009, 06:25 PM
I've met the Prince (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales) and Princess of Wales (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales), Kris Akabusi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriss_Akabusi), Bill Thomas (http://www.citystats.org.uk/playerdetail.asp?id=702&filter=T), a load of other City players, Sepultura (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepultura), Ray Dorset, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Dorset) Machinehead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Head_%28band%29), ??? My mind has gone blank!

I'll come back to it as I remember them. :)

Edit: I've met the Duchess of Kent (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine,_Duchess_of_Kent). She visited an old peoples home near my school and we went down to meet her. She was really warm and kind towards us all. It's a shame I forgot meeting her.

07-04-2009, 06:31 PM
[QUOTE=Loki;65790]I'll have to let my memory run on this one, as I've met a few. The first one I can remember, is Anneline Kriel, an Afrikaner Miss World of 1974. Stunning natural blonde, she was absolutely gorgeous. And nice to chat to as a young boy. :thumb001: Good that I wore an overhanging jacket that day, though. :embarrassed


Lolrof.....@Good that i wore an overhanging jacket that day:embarrassed

07-04-2009, 07:14 PM
Many famous musicians (celebrities for me) and some politicians (blah), actors, sportsmen, etc...

07-04-2009, 08:16 PM
Óðinn (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2302) ;)

07-04-2009, 08:30 PM
I never met any A-list celebrities or the like. But I met a whole slew of other metal musicians in some form or another, the most memorable:

I met the guys of Apocalyptica on one of the off days of the Metalcamp festival last year while we were hiking in the forests in that area. We spoke a bit, then hiked up a mountain together to visit the fortress ruins on top.

I met Gunther Theys from Ancient Rites and Lion's Pride at a re-enactment festival and we had an interesting chat about metal, about good moral values, about patriotism, etc.

I also met many local celebrities already, ranging from Reality Show candidates to actual talented TV and Radio personalities, but none of them would be known outside of Flanders. Some of them may have some tiny popularity in the Netherlands, and that'd be it.

07-04-2009, 08:45 PM
Jeremy Paxman told me to F off. I was getting him to sign a friend's book that he'd authored, and happened to mention what I thought of it... :D

Um. I saw the Queen far far away. Her daughter, less far.

Lots of old Manchester City players, Ken and Peter Barnes, Franny Lee, Summersby and some others...

07-04-2009, 09:39 PM
The Queen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth_II) back in 2002, when she came to present colours to a local military regiment. Prime Minister Stephen Harper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Harper) twice, both times during election compaigns. I've also met, or seen from afar, a number of European footballers, including David Beckham, Olof Mellberg (former Sweden captain), and some others.

07-04-2009, 09:58 PM
A significant portion of "batman begins" was filmed in Iceland. I noticed him in convenience store, he was in-character as Bruce Wayne. Bale was rehearsing the scene where he buys groceries(a deleted scene). I recognized him, I affably approached him and asked him in an transparently inquisitive manner if he was that 'American psycho' guy, he frowned upon me and replied in a very harsh and irritated tone of voice "Are you trashing my scene?"


07-04-2009, 10:36 PM
A couple of musicians like Dickey Betts and Uli Jon Roth, athletes like Mohamed Ali, Merlin Olsen, and football coach Joe Paterno. My favorite famous person that I met was Ron Paul, who should be president of the United States.

07-05-2009, 06:00 AM
Ron Paul is the most famous person I've ever met personally, as in shaken hands with.

Also a couple other Congressmen, and various other state & local officials, including Barry Goldwater Jr (while working on the Ron Paul Campaign).

Ed Brown (during his longterm standoff with the US govt over his refusal to pay his federal income tax), Randy Weaver was also there that day (some members of his family were killed in a similar standoff)

Just about every 'nationalist scene' celeb in North America as well as some in Europe.

The closest I've come to royalty was when the Crown Prince of Japan walked right past me during some ceremonial visit where I happened to be.

07-05-2009, 06:24 AM
There's a Dr Who set near where I work so I haven't really met them, but they were practicing their parts for the show - David Tennant, Kylie Minogue and Dr Who writer, Russell T Davies.

When I worked at our local stadium I met loads of people - Elton John, John Toshack, Michael Sheen, Peter Hain, Neil Kinnock, Bonnie Tyler, Colin Jackson, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kathryn Jenkins. Most of the Welsh rugby team are based at the same stadium so over a period of about 3 years I probably spoke to most of them.

07-05-2009, 07:59 AM
I met Gunther Theys from Ancient Rites and Lion's Pride at a re-enactment festival and we had an interesting chat about metal, about good moral values, about patriotism, etc.

I saw him few years ago on gig in Czech Republic his band "Lions Pride" had a lot of troubles with Czechian police... I'm a big fan of Gunther and his bands I like especially his great patriotic and pan-European lirics!
Personaly I didn't met any famous people...well maybe except some international RAC music "stars":rolleyes: from Canada, Netherlands, Wales and Russia.:D

07-05-2009, 08:13 AM
Sadly noone yet.

07-05-2009, 09:34 AM
I haven't really met any celebrities in a formal sense, but I did spend a large part of my life in the Los Angeles area, so I have seen countless celebrities and musicians. In 1985, I saw Michael Jackson at Disneyland with a posse of youngsters, though, disemabrking from the Space Mountain roller coaster ride. :)

Fortis in Arduis
07-05-2009, 11:54 AM
I met Matt Lucas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Lucas) of Little Britain fame, in Edinburgh when I was helping a friend with a production at the Fringe Festival.

07-05-2009, 08:39 PM
I saw him few years ago on gig in Czech Republic his band "Lions Pride" had a lot of troubles with Czechian police... I'm a big fan of Gunther and his bands I like especially his great patriotic and pan-European lirics!

It's actually surprising I don't meet him more often. He lives only a few miles from my place, I even know which street he lives in, though I'm not certain which house :p

07-05-2009, 08:58 PM
Mrs Germanicus is a big big big big ......you get the idea...... fan of Anthony Hopkins, she has memorabilia around the house, on walls, on furniture, she has a vast collection of DVD'S, and other things that are too many to mention.
Anyway, she heard that Anthony Hopkins was coming over to unveil a statue of Tommy Cooper, of course she wanted me to take time off work and take her to the ceremony.
But alas, she got her dates wrong and sadly she missed seeing her heart throb.(i was gutted too)..................not

07-05-2009, 09:09 PM
A couple of musicians like Dickey Betts and Uli Jon Roth

Funny, I met Uli Jon Roth (plus wife and daughter) twice last year. And back in the good old times when I wrote reviews for several metal mags I met (and often drank myself almost unconscious with) Lemmy, L'Ame Immortelle, Yngwie Malmsteen, Wendy O. Williams, Mick Mars, King Diamond, members of Anthrax, S.O.D., M.O.D., Trouble, Candlemass, Uriah Heep and a few other bands. God, I miss those times, but if I had carried on that lifestyle I probably would have died at 25 or so.

Electronic God-Man
07-05-2009, 09:25 PM
Technically I didn't meet him, but in the winter when my mom was pregnant with me she fell on some ice and Harrison Ford helped her up.

07-05-2009, 10:10 PM
I've met the wife of one of the Doobie Brothers, my mom used to swim with her all of the time. She was really cool, and she and her daugther went to Target one time when I worked there, and the daughter said that I was pretty. :)

James Hetfield is also in my town, and my brother has met him, as he would come into the Kragen Auto parts store. He would drive up in his car that had the license plate FIXXXER. One time, a girl with going into a liquor store, and he was coming out of it. She went "Oh my god, are you James Hetfield?!!" "Yeah, what's it to you?" was his reply, and she swore to never listen to Metallica again after that. I've also met his bodyguard, as he would shop at the grocery store I worked at all the time.

My step dad is also a clock repairman, and before George Lucas required all persons going onto Skywalker Ranch to have insurance, he would go out there to do housecalls.

I also did a voice acting seminar last October, and got to meet Samatha Paris, who is the preeminent voice acting talent in the country, as she was the one who was teaching the seminar. She was also the voice of Roxy from Jem, among many other things. She was totally awesome, and a great coach. I could tell that she liked my enthusiam, and my ability to take direction decently well. I wish that I had continued with it, but it's very expensive to take the courses, so I've not followed through with that. *sigh* Her school is Voicetrax.

07-05-2009, 10:28 PM
I forgot to mention that I also met (to be precise: accidentally walked into) Ziad Jarrah, allegedly one of the 9-11 pilots, when he was drinking tea with his girlfriend in a cafeteria on the campus of the University of Bochum. When the pictures of the two were shown on national TV and in all newspapers I immediately recognized him.

07-06-2009, 02:49 AM
I saw up close, since they were both in an electronics store I used to work at, the late Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. I also saw Matt Hardy about the same time. This was when a WWE show was in town.

07-06-2009, 11:13 AM
I was on a concert of Prāta Vētra in Latvia and i got a autograph of Renars Kaupers --- he is the lead singer and swarm of all girls in Latvia!! :tongue :embarrassed And i could shake his hand!! That was very cool and super awesome for me! ^_^

He has common with me German ancestry in his family line:

Renārs Kaupers ancestors were probably Baron Friedrich von Stuart from Courland (1761-1842) and Immanuel Kant's niece Henrietta Kant.

What a sweet one :pinklove:


They make songs in English too


07-06-2009, 01:46 PM
The only somewhat famous person that I've met is former NHL star, Cam Neely (primarily played for the Boston Bruins).

I was at a bar in Montreal and I met these two gals from Boston (of all places) and they said "oh, guess who's here?" "Dunno" I said. "Look over there!"

And sure enough, there was Cam Neely sitting at a big, round table all by himself. There was evidence that we was recently surrounded by a posse as there were empty glasses & bottles all over the table, but at that moment, he was solo.

So, having a bit of liquid courage going on, I waltzed over and said hello. ;)



07-07-2009, 06:32 PM
I just remembered a few other celebrities I've seen in and around Manchester.

At the Hacienda (yes, this was a long time ago), I spied Ryan Giggs, who plays for Manchester United. Earlier that night, I had seen Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays at a bar, getting sloshed. More recently, I saw Sir Alex Ferguson at the Manchester Airport. He nodded to me! :D

07-07-2009, 10:45 PM
Undoubtably, the nicest celebrity i have met is Alan Wicker. My friends and i were on a get off the ship trip, we hired a people carrier for the day and drove up into the hills on Papua new Guinea.
Several hours into the trip we had a puncture, and yes we had no jack to lift the vehicle.There was about 10 of us so we lifted the side of the vehicle and one of us put the new tyre on.
By the time we had finished and drove back to the ship it was late, we managed to get a lift back on the last tender as the ship was anchored 2 miles out.
Not realising who he was at first we soon engaged this affable man in conversation, his camera crew, and his female partner were also on board.
Alan Wicker was on ship making a Wickers World series at the time on board the QE2.
If you ever get to see a rerun of that old series look out for him when he visits the crew mess at dinner time, you can just see me holding out my plate for chips.:D

07-12-2009, 07:36 PM
I'd like to meet with Paris Hilton, pink White House don't bad choise. :p

07-12-2009, 08:22 PM
Whilst walking around the city of Kobe (Japan) i bumped into the comedy entertainer Bernie Clifton, his comedy routine was to ride about on an ostrich. He was shopping around for a gift for his wife, whilst i was in the market for a samurai sword.
Eventually we found a shop that i was after, and i made a right idiot of myself
in front of everybody in the place, as it was full of Jap school kids, as it sold airgun replicas, the shop keeper asked if i knew how to draw a sword to which i said yes, he offered me it and i duly withdrew it from it's scabbard to howls of laughter, and a dry smile from the shop keeper.
After leaving the shop Bernie put his arm round my shoulder and said "that was bloody strange them kids laughing in there, but it was funny just to see your face when you realised the shop keeper set you up"
Bernie and i found the gift that was suitable for his wife.(i forget what it was)
After that we went into the large department stores to try the free saki they were offering.

07-12-2009, 08:32 PM
Whilst walking around the city of Kobe (Japan) i bumped into the comedy entertainer Bernie Clifton, his comedy routine was to ride about on an ostrich. He was shopping around for a gift for his wife, whilst i was in the market for a samurai sword.
Eventually we found a shop that i was after, and i made a right idiot of myself
in front of everybody in the place, as it was full of Jap school kids, as it sold airgun replicas, the shop keeper asked if i knew how to draw a sword to which i said yes, he offered me it and i duly withdrew it from it's scabbard to howls of laughter, and a dry smile from the shop keeper.
After leaving the shop Bernie put his arm round my shoulder and said "that was bloody strange them kids laughing in there, but it was funny just to see your face when you realised the shop keeper set you up"
Bernie and i found the gift that was suitable for his wife.(i forget what it was)
After that we went into the large department stores to try the free saki they were offering.
Bernie's a great guy.

07-13-2009, 01:15 PM
Does Albin Julius count? :p

I've also met a lot of greek celebrities due to my father's profession, but I don't give a toss about those interactions.

07-13-2009, 02:16 PM
I once had a random encounter with Chuck Norris. I found him wrestling a goat in a field in Western Papua New Guinea. I asked him if he had the time and he turned a luminescent green and absorbed me into his beard. The universe imploded and I was suspended in limbo for approximately 3 million years. He then roundhouse kicked me through the core of the Earth, across the universe and I landed back in the field. He then did a little tap dance and went for a nap.

07-13-2009, 03:50 PM
I have met some authors of some books.

Sally Fallon~ author of Nourishing Traditions, and the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. I was at the Wise Traditions Conference in San Francisco, and attended her all day talk on Traditional Diets. In there, she had talked about how one of the first foods that mothers gave their babies was liver that they had chewed in their mouths, and then fed to their infants. She went on to say that modern mothers may grind their liver in the food processor and then feed them that. I wanted to ask after the lecture a question that I decided against, as it sounded dumb to me. That night, after dinner, my mother and I got to personally meet her without a bunch of people around. My mom and I thanked her for writing her book as it had changed our lives for the better. I then asked her, "I had wanted to ask a question in your lecture, but didn't because I thought that it was dumb." She then replied with "There are no stupid questions." I then braved it and asked "When you were talking about the primitive mothers who would chew the liver for their babies, and then you said that modern women could grind it in a food processor, I was wondering if it would be appropiate to spit in there so that your baby could get the microorganisms, and enzymes from your mouth?" I was happy to hear that she agreed that it would be an appropiate thing to do, being a way to inoculate your baby with good microbes.

Jessica Prentice~ author of Full Moon Feast. She was a vendor at Wise Traditions, and a presenter at the Freestone Fermentation Festival in May. I had brought a small mason jar of my own homemade sauerkraut along with a packed lunch, as food at festivals is always quite expensive. I listened to her lecture about fermentation, and her demostration of making sauerkraut. I was then inspired to ask her if she wanted to taste some of the ferment that I had made, and she agreed. And she said that it was really good! :D She was a pleasure to meet, and I wish that her presentation could have been longer then an hour, as when it comes to fermented foods, you could talk for a week and not repeat yourself.

Sandor Ellix Katz~ author of Wild Fermentation, and The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved. He did a presentation/demostration at Point Reyes in 2007. I really started to learn about fermentation there. He was so goofy, and affable, and zealous about fermented foods, and he gave his joy for these foods without holding back. You couldn't help but be inspired. I liked him.

Elizabeth Davis~ author of Heart And Hands, A Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy And Birth. She is teaching my midwifery course. She is very passionate about all things dealing with midwifery (pronouced mid-whiff-re) and passing that knowledge on. She's been a major factor in California legislation for more freedoms for midwives, without having physican supervision. She dealt with my dumb questions pretty well. When she was talking about the persuection that the Catholic Church enacted against midwives, and other healers, I asked, "Well, what was the Church's answer for the midwife? People still have to have babies, so how would the Church deal with delivering babies?" I think that I annoyed her a little, since she said that the Church had no answer. I hope that I can get through the rest of the course without embarrassing myself too much! :D

07-14-2009, 09:28 PM
I had a run-in with (then) President Richard Nixon back in the early '70s (or late '60s--memory is a bit fuzzy on that). I was with my family at the Illinois State Fair, and I remember riding my father's shoulders through the crowd. Nixon and his Secret Service men were working the fairgoers, but there was a glitch when he ran into my dad--Dad refused to shake Nixon's hand. All I knew back then (I was more interested in getting a corn dog at this point) was that Mr. Nixon looked mildly peeved--I was close enough that I was looking straight down into his face--(and immediately moved on) and two agents gave my dad the look-over (and a nasty look).

I've also met Roland Burris, back in the '80s, when people thought he was one of the 'good guys' in Illinois politics. Now, he's just another corrupt Federal schmuck.

11-07-2009, 08:43 PM
I had the pleasure of meeting Peter Gordeno when he and his family were on the cruise ship QE2, sadly he is no longer with us, but i remembered him as a truly warm generous family man, he was a big man, but he had a bigger heart.
He was in the film "West Side Story" and in the "UFO" sci fi series, he played the part as Capt Peter Carlin.


11-07-2009, 08:52 PM
does attending a MJ concert count?

11-07-2009, 08:57 PM
does attending a MJ concert count?

Sadly no, but if on the otherhand you have met "Bubbles" it will count?

11-07-2009, 08:57 PM
How about Rocky the Flying Squirrel? (aka June Foray, we speak on the phone from time to time as she is my dad's 1st cousin)

11-07-2009, 08:59 PM
How about Rocky the Flying Squirrel? (aka June Foray, we speak on the phone from time to time as she is my dad's 1st cousin)

most certainly...:)

11-07-2009, 09:00 PM
Does the name Jere Karalahti ring any bells for anyone?

And oh, I used to know a dumbass Somali wannabe con-artist whose line was that he was Haile Selassie's grandson. :D

11-07-2009, 09:12 PM
During the 70s my father was County champion at darts, on a exhibition display where my father competed, i met Leighton Rees.


11-07-2009, 09:15 PM
Gérard Depardieu (at the ski station Les Arcs in the 80's)


Jean-Paul Belmondo (before his vascular accident)


Daniel Prévost (he called me a "ringard", I loved it :D)


Benoît Poelvoorde (in Paris after one of his shows, then in Namur some years later)


Guy Bedos (I especially knew his daughter)


Daniel Cohn-Bendit


Jean Reno


Tchéky Karyo


Frédéric Taddéï


Amira Casar (she has a genuinely extraordinary ivory white skin)


Marc Cécillon (knew him at the end of a memorable drunken night in 2002, two years before he assassinated his wife :D)


Laurent Fabius (former Prime Minister)


Ségolène Royal (beaten by Sarkozy in the second round of the last presidential elections)


Daniel Herrero


Claudia Cardinale (in a restaurant)


Edouard Baer (all over the place :D)


Jonathan Zaccaï (in a theater, especially at the bar :D)


Emma de Caunes


11-07-2009, 09:16 PM
Johann Hari (journalist), Louis Theroux (filmmaker), Richard Dawkins, Jack Straw (idiot) and Gordon Brown (wanker), Ian Wright (former footballer).

la bombe
11-07-2009, 09:19 PM
I met Mike Tyson. God, is that man a douchebag.

11-07-2009, 09:32 PM
Some more.

Jean-Marie Le Pen (very quickly, a friend of mine was his gardener)


Dieudonné M'bala M'bala


11-07-2009, 09:34 PM

I received a diploma from her in a prize giving ceremony and we shook hands later the same day.

11-07-2009, 09:43 PM
A significant portion of "batman begins" was filmed in Iceland. I noticed him in convenience store, he was in-character as Bruce Wayne. Bale was rehearsing the scene where he buys groceries(a deleted scene). I recognized him, I affably approached him and asked him in an transparently inquisitive manner if he was that 'American psycho' guy, he frowned upon me and replied in a very harsh and irritated tone of voice "Are you trashing my scene?"


You were lucky,though! This is how he behaves when he's really angry...:D


Seriously,what an asshole.

11-07-2009, 09:50 PM
a few folks with whom I've had short conversations over the years:

Don Roeser (Blue Oyster Cult), Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple), Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac)

Adolph Galland and James M. Burt, heroes on opposing sides in WW II

Howard Hill, an archer I've admired since meeting him in grade school.

11-07-2009, 09:55 PM
I have took a cigarette of Atilla of Mayhem, not cause it's an honour or anything, but cause i needed a cigarette and i knew he have one - he smokes Pall Mall

11-07-2009, 09:56 PM
I have took a cigarette of Atilla of Mayhem, not cause it's an honour or anything, but cause i needed a cigarette and i knew he have one - he smokes Pall Mall
I've also met with Attila :D Somewhere I have pictures with him, I'll post them when I find them :D

11-07-2009, 09:58 PM
I have took a cigarette of Atilla of Mayhem, not cause it's an honour or anything, but cause i needed a cigarette and i knew he have one - he smokes Pall Mall

My grandfather, Harold, smoked 3 - 4 packs of Pall Malls (or Chesterfields) every day...stopped just before he turned 64. Didn't like the taste anymore...lived almost 20 more years.

11-07-2009, 10:09 PM
I forgot Jean-Pierre Mocky. I thought some half-homeless bumped into me (out of a sordid bar-tabac of the XVth borough), and "damn! Jean-Pierre Mocky". :bowlol:


11-07-2009, 10:41 PM
I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I briefly met the murdering asshole Chris Benoit at the mall where I used to work. WWF/E was in town for a local show and some of the grapplers were there, including him. I despised him in life and I despise him now.

Damião de Góis
11-07-2009, 10:43 PM
Not much and only portuguese celebrities.

I once saw this football player drunk in a club in Setúbal:

In the subway in Lisbon i saw the leader of the main far left political party in Portugal:

This singer, i used to see him all the time when i was doing my internship in Lisbon:

And i once saw this singer when i was going to play football with my friends near Setúbal:

11-08-2009, 01:22 AM
Ugh...gee...I have met a lot of celebrities and semi-celebrities...

All of Black Sabbath (when Ozzy was with them)
Charlie Daniels (and his band)
Grateful Dead (when Jerry Garcia was alive)
Pat Benataur (before she was famous, we worked at the same restaurant)
Don Mclean (American Pie singer/writer)
Paul Simon
Art Garfunkel
Steve Earle
Grace Slick
Dave Matthews and his band (but, I lived near Dave, so he was close by)
...crap, just loads and loads of bands..some before they made it big, some while they were big, some after they declined...

I have met many of the old guys from the WWF/WWE, including Undertaker, Vince McMahon, Jake the Snake, Doink the Clown (of which there were 12, I met the Southeast US region Doink), Ultimate Warrior (the first one) many others ...never met Chris Benoit, though.

Actors/Actresses...lets see...Cissy Spacek lived down the road from me in Virginia and we used to run into each other at the local feed store, lol! Met Ally Sheedy during a 28 hour layover at LAX (my travel agent screwed up BIGTIME!). Sheedy kept bumming cigarettes off of me, lol. Don Johnson (Miami Vice) is a cousin of a good friend of mine and I met him once at a family picnic my friend took me to. Several more...

Lots of politicians...too many to name...

11-08-2009, 10:59 AM
Oh,I forgot Javier Bardem,I was ordering some drinks in a bar in Madrid years ago when I noticed him by my side talking to somebody else.I disliked him immediately,he was very arrogant(and quite drunk),but he's not exactly the guy that you would want to get into a fight with.He looks as strong and mean as a bull.

11-10-2009, 12:30 AM
Marilyn Horne, mezzo-soprano
Mignon Dunne, mezzo-soprano
Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichordist
Joseph Payne, harpsichordist
Andrés Segovia, guitarist
Lynn Harrell, violoncellist
Admiral Chester Nimitz

11-10-2009, 12:42 AM
Jerome Bettis, former running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers. 4th all-time leading rusher. My mom either threw out the autograph (it was messy as Hell on the back of a roster sheet) or I hid it someplace and can't find it.

My friend knows Danzig. Maybe I'll get to meet him one day.

I got really close to Werner Herzog at a lecture at my college once.

11-10-2009, 07:41 PM
Fergie (Duchess of York) came to our school once. I've spoke to Nick Griffin and I stood in a que for a hot dog with Taka Hirose (bass guitarist for Feeder).

11-10-2009, 08:25 PM
No real international celebrities so far. But I have met Frank Rennicke, he's a well renowned bard who sings old and new folk songs. He was one of the three candidates for the office of the Federal President of Germany this year. Gesine Schwan and Horst Köhler were the other two, and Köhler won.


11-10-2009, 08:32 PM
Avril Lavigne, Paris Hilton.

As for the local celebrities I've met almost all of them.

11-12-2009, 01:08 PM
I have took a cigarette of Atilla of Mayhem, not cause it's an honour or anything, but cause i needed a cigarette and i knew he have one - he smokes Pall Mall

LOL, found it (he was quite a pleasant character, actually) :p

11-12-2009, 01:40 PM
Marilyn Horne, mezzo-soprano
Mignon Dunne, mezzo-soprano
Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichordist
Joseph Payne, harpsichordist
Andrés Segovia, guitarist
Lynn Harrell, violoncellist
Admiral Chester Nimitz

Are you a classical music lover by a chance? Because of my job I've also worked with many well known soloists:

Radu Lupu
Murray Perahia
Truls Mörk(I don't have the right character for that Norwegian letter)
John Adams
James Conlon
Gunther Schuller
Emmanuel Pahud
Esa Pekka Salonen
Jukka Pekka Saraste
Leif Segerstam
Paavo Berglund
Olli Mustonen
Jordi Savall
Oliver Knussen
Anne Sofie Von Otter
Joshua Bell
Hugh Wolff
Michael Bolton(!)
Herbert Blomstedt
Karita Mattila

And many others that I don't remember right now.

11-12-2009, 06:55 PM
As for the local celebrities I've met almost all of them.

Terrence & Philipp? Kenny & Spenny?

11-12-2009, 06:56 PM
LOL, found it (he was quite a pleasant character, actually) :p



11-13-2009, 02:29 AM


Cripes, I'd like to meet them- especially the one in the middle. :eek:

11-13-2009, 02:34 AM
Wrong answer! :grumpy: Pick again :D


11-13-2009, 02:47 AM
I've met many of the oi musicians from the US and a few from Canada and Britain. As for politicians, aside from my own congressmen I've met Benigno Aquino (just before his assassination), Daniel Ortega, some bigwig South Korean named Kim, and a major Taiwanese player whose name I never could pronounce. I've seen Bill Clinton, Giscard D'Estaing, Queen Beatrix, Fidel Castro, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Charles.

11-13-2009, 02:54 AM
I knew most of the older musicians involved with the sludge/metal scene down in New Orleans. My brother grew up with them and was a friend of most of them, so I didn't think anything special about them at the time. Also met Brad Arnold from Three Doors Down when I was little; his first cousin lived down the road from me and he happened to show up there one day while we were playing video games. Not really into their music but he was an interesting enough person.

If it counts I also met Carlos Marcello as a baby, and my father's best friend was a refugee from Guatemala, where his father had been a secretary or something to President Jorge Ubico and barely escaped with his life during the revolt.

11-13-2009, 03:17 AM
I've lost track of the philosophers and that ilk. I remember Derrida, Lyotard, Nagel, Chomsky at the top of my head.

11-13-2009, 03:19 AM
Kadu. Pics of the evil Islamo-Communist summit coming soon. :cool:

11-13-2009, 10:09 AM

My friend knows Danzig. Maybe I'll get to meet him one day.

Have seen Danzig, the above picture is life size :D

(I do have all his albums and they are in regular rotation on the CD player.)

11-13-2009, 12:02 PM
I saw one in the mirror this morning.

11-13-2009, 03:04 PM
I knew most of the older musicians involved with the sludge/metal scene down in New Orleans.

Can't be too many. I only know Eyehategod, Exhorder, Goatwhore and Crowbar. And the whole scene is pretty incestuous.

11-13-2009, 04:40 PM
For those asking, Paris Hilton looks even faker up close lol. Contact lenses, "hay" hair. And so on. Gosh that woman is not one I'd call beautiful. And yes she's not just thin, she's skinny. Also arrogant as fuck, but I didn't need to meet her to know that.

Avril Lavigne is short lol. Très petite. I think she liked the fact that although I was enthusiastic I still treated her as a person, not just a worshipping idol. Also there was a bit more of interest once she knew some of my folks came from Belleville-Napanee (where she's from). In fact I ahve a second cousin who was friendly-ish with her before she made it big lol.

11-13-2009, 04:44 PM
Can't be too many. I only know Eyehategod, Exhorder, Goatwhore and Crowbar. And the whole scene is pretty incestuous.

There's actually a lot more to it but none of the others ever got anywhere :D

Mangina's one of my favorites to see live. I thought it was great that they picked up some random black kid at one of their shows and decided to make him their DJ. I'm still not sure if he realizes it's a joke or not. Their music's shit though, but that's not the point.

11-13-2009, 05:18 PM
I got to meet all the members of a little known band called Pleasure Maker last night. I am not a fan of that type of music, but they thought that I was funny. They all laughed when I told them that the name of their band sounded like it was a brand of dildo! :D The trombone player Allen (I don't know his last name, but he's a nice man) really liked me and answered a lot of my questions, and seemed to appreciate that I wasn't drooling all over him and the other band members.

Horka Ozul
11-13-2009, 06:34 PM
I meat some romanian footballers and some well known romanian intellectuals, and some hungarian politicians but I don't care about meeting famous people, they are with nothing better than me.

11-19-2009, 01:52 PM
Barret Oliver used to attend my high school for a while in the late 1980s. He was in Cocoon, D.A.R.Y.L. and The Neverending Story. I remember him mentioning that he received some pretty insane fan mail. ;)

Wil Wheaton (Stand by Me and Star Trek) grew up in the area I was raised in, too, and I saw him around town frequently.