View Full Version : Are the bullies to blame?

10-16-2012, 01:19 AM

Amanda Michelle Todd (November 27, 1996 – October 10, 2012) was a 15-year-old Canadian teenager who committed suicide attributed to cyber-bullying through the social networking website Facebook. On 7 September 2012, Todd posted a video on YouTube in which she used a series of flash cards to tell of her experience of being blackmailed, bullied, and physically assaulted. In it she mentions sending an image of her breasts to a man who later circulated it around the internet.


10-16-2012, 01:34 AM
You're not responsible for what other people do.

10-16-2012, 01:41 AM
You're not responsible for what other people do.

No but if your the cause for what the person did then you're just as responsible.

10-16-2012, 01:55 AM
I think most of us have been bullied in one way or another. I know that it's not a nice experience and to this day I am sure that we all want to punch those bullies in the face. But would the bullying itself actually drive you to commit suicide? I don't think so. However, what I do think is that something else was going on within the girl's personal life at home...

10-16-2012, 02:08 AM
I think most of us have been bullied in one way or another. I know that it's not a nice experience and to this day I am sure that we all want to punch those bullies in the face. But would the bullying itself actually drive you to commit suicide? I don't think so. However, what I do think is that something else was going on within the girl's personal life at home...

Everyone gets "bullied" and maybe at some point in your life you maybe avoided a few kids in the hall or wished you weren't in the same class as them but to be honest that's just kids being kids. In this case nothing she did or could have done would have helped. This is excessive bullying which is quite different. what was she gonna do? Remove the Internet?
Being told things like "drink some more bleach then go die in a ditch slutty bitch" by not just some bullies by practically everyone in her school and neighborhood is a clear drive for committing suicide. And by the way she didn't automatically kill herself she tried to avoid this issue and move to a new town yet the person that released the photos followed her there and then she killed herself.

10-16-2012, 02:48 AM
Bullying is part of the hazing ritual known as growing up. It happens to most of us. There is a part of my younger life I would completely omit if I could. However, in this modern age of information overload, I do believe bullying has taken on a whole new dimension..

10-16-2012, 02:55 AM
Bullying is part of the hazing ritual known as growing up. It happens to most of us.

It happened to me too. I remember I was scared. So when you are scared, you do not kill yourself.

As much as it is tragic and sad, I can't see how someone can end their life because of bullying. It looked to me that she had severe emotional issues even without the bullying.

10-16-2012, 03:06 AM
The people responsible for bullying her need to be found and taught a vicious lesson. She should not have killed herself though. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. If not... Grab a pickaxe. :wavey001:

10-16-2012, 03:38 AM
There is something called grey matter, at the top of your head.
You jave to utilize that.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Its a mean and nasty place, I don't care how tough you are, it'll beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. Now if you know how much you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you'd be willing to take the hits. Not sit around, pointing fingers that you ain't what you wanted because of him or her or anybody!
Cowards do that and that ain't you!
You are better than That!

10-16-2012, 06:42 AM
Yes they're to blame and their parents even more.

I'll share this story of this childhood incident of mine when i was in school..

This day i took my dads bike to school and was a chinese big bike, si big infact that u couldn't sit on the bike because my feet couldt't reach the pedals so i had to right standing on padels with my feet.

These four kids started fucking with me after school, so bad they wouldn't let me go with my bike, one took a swing at me and i quickly grabed the air pump made off metal off my bike and hit one of the kids in the head
His head started bleeding really bad lucky for me this distracted the rest of them to his aid so i could make a run for it.

Was such a big deal infact this neighbour of mine taxi driver quickly grabed me and took me home because i was at risk of gettin beat really bad or after this..leaving the bike on the street.

The neighbour told my dad the story and my dad grabed his shut gun, grabed me by the hand and draged me to those kids home..
Because those kids natually were looking for me and would have maded impossible for me to go to school.

My dad told this kids dad and his uncles and adult brothers in their home that i want peace, your kids messed with my child and if anyone dares touch my son i will kill you all.
The father of the kid i had hurt was a good man i never forgeted.
He even slaped the older brother for looking to beat me up without consoltin him.
And peace was reached on the spot. We even drinked coffee and tea at their house, and the kid i had hurt was all pached up from the hospital and we made friends.
The moral of this, the parents and the kids have a responsibility, dont mess with people that don't ow you anything.

10-16-2012, 07:47 AM
Exactly Drawing. Life is pitiless. If you want to gain respect you need to send a clear message that if they fuck with you they'll pay a hundred fold.

10-16-2012, 07:56 AM
She got to me with her flash cards and I'm quite cold.

"I have nobody"
"I need someone"

I feel sorry for her she was born on this planet


The Lawspeaker
10-16-2012, 10:21 AM
I personally hope that those responsible for her death will be hunted down before the police finds them. Anonymous seems to have found the main culprit (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/10/15/bc-amanda-todd-tormentor-anonymous.html).

Sultan Suleiman
10-16-2012, 10:50 AM

Tiny Tim (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCtQmwJ1WAY) provides way more better soundtrack :)

10-16-2012, 11:13 AM
We are currently experiencing a phase where the bully's are making out the bullied to be the bully's.

I'm sick of hearing the TV idiots tell me about bullying in schools. Bullying doesn't stop past adulthood and the only people who tell you it does are the bully's themselves.

10-16-2012, 11:20 AM
We are currently experiencing a phase where the bully's are making out the bullied to be the bully's.

I'm sick of hearing the TV idiots tell me about bullying in schools. Bullying doesn't stop past adulthood and the only people who tell you it does are the bully's themselves.

I think the essence was she was alone in this.

10-16-2012, 11:25 AM
In it she mentions sending an image of her breasts to a man who later circulated it around the internet.

No one can harm you more than you can...
Almost everyone has been bullied at least once, especially the not so social types. And not all of us commit suicide.

10-16-2012, 11:28 AM

Bullies may have driven her to feel that such action was necessary, but in the end it was her decision and hers alone. Many people are bullied severely and don't off themselves.

It's very unfortunate, nonetheless.

10-16-2012, 11:29 AM
I think the older you get, the more resilient you are against bullying. You've seen life and it doesn't affect you so much.

For teenagers it is different because they are so sensitive. It is very important to fit in somewhere and bullying can make a person feel completely alienated. Always the question: What is wrong with ME?

Technology has also made it easier for bullies to get to a person. If I must imagine that my teenage shenanigans were caught on a cellphone camera and broadcasted worldwide across Youtube I'd be extremely worried. I've done some stuff I'd rather keep buried. Luckily this sort of technology wasn't around back then but it is affecting lives today.

Teenagers also aren't known for always making the wisest choices, which makes them extremely vulnerable to the criticism of others. And bullies, once they detect a weakness, zone in and go for that soft spot which is already so soft in a teenager.

Bullies usually operate in gangs. It's easier to stand up against one person but so much harder against multiple ones.

Some people's constitutions are much more vulnerable than others. What one person brushes off, another one seriously takes to heart. And just because something isn't a big deal in your books, that doesn't mean it isn't in someone else's.

10-16-2012, 11:40 AM

If you can't beat em, arrange to have them beaten. I'll beat up any bullies you cannot, 100 euros per bully. Plane tickets price not included.

10-16-2012, 02:31 PM
There really is quite a trend on the Internet for people to act inhumanly with zero concern for how others will feel about their words. Just because they are not directly in physical contact with other people it does not mean that they should ignore the fact that their words have emotional weight. I find the whole thing to be disgusting. These people should take responsibility for the messages they shared. This isn't another world with imaginary non-existant characters, there are real humans with real feelings behind each name you get to see on the screen.

Also, the blackmailer should be incarcerated, what he did was illegal.

10-16-2012, 02:49 PM
There's a huge gap between responsibility and being an asshole.
If a bully says nasty things, thats being an asshole
If a bully says nasty things about you to other people, that's being an asshole
If a bully hurts you physically, thats assault.
You can 'tell on' this person, hold him/her responsible,even sue him/her, but that will not guarantee no one will ever do that to you again.

You are not what happens to you, you are how you react to what happens to you.

I was bullied troughout highschool and I had to learn myself a very valuable lesson: I dont give a shit about assholes and what they think about me.This was e very valuable lesson and I still enjoy having learned that one.

My sister was bullied by a kid, he pulled her hair and pinched her and stuff.
So my father waited for this kids father, grabbed him, pushed him against the wall and swore that if his son ever touched my sister again he would personally make sure that he would not be able to pick up his son again without crutches.

My brother was bullied this one time, but he punched the kid on the nose.
I guess that's the most effective way to get rid of bullies.

The girls' suicide is tragic and, considering the things she has been through,
not inconceivable, but it still is her responsibility.
The bullies are assholes, though, and instead of making a
criminal out of every asshole, we should treat them in an apropriate way:
shun them, point out their assholery, and mock them publicly for their behaviour.

10-16-2012, 03:11 PM
Also, the blackmailer should be incarcerated, what he did was illegal.

Agreed, but it would not have worked for this girl, since he was clearly intending to hurt her, not just blackmail her.
The law is not going to protect anyone from people being mean.
Your emotional and physical safety is first and foremost your own responsibility (and your parents). No one can guarantee there's a policeman at every doorstep, a lawyer on every shoulder and a social worker on every sofa.

10-16-2012, 03:40 PM
I was a sickly timid child., I went through six years of hell during school recess periods until I finally entered junior high school where there were no
recess periods.

To this day, 76 years later, I bear on my forehead the scar acquired in my first week of school. I acquired it by falling into the edge of a stone step trying to escape a boy chasing me with a big stick.

I never bothered anybody, all I wanted was to be left alone, but I was weak and a sissy and I cried a lot. I.e., the perfect victim for schoolboy aggression.

I loved school. I wanted to learn, but I hated and dreaded recess. It was a rare recess period in which I avoided a beating but there was no escaping derision and verbal abuse.

I never provoked any of this. Yes, the bullies were to blame.


10-16-2012, 03:46 PM
The thing is, if you be a man and face a beating once or twice, bullies don't bother you after that.
But its the initial ice which is the most feared. To break it means to break out of the vicious cycle of bullying.
In prison to avoid rape, many inmates fight back, get thrown in solitary confinement and never get bothered after they return.

10-16-2012, 08:50 PM
This is so sad. :( But why didn't she leave Facebook? Her bully had no chance to find out to which new schools she moved!

10-16-2012, 10:34 PM
There is something called grey matter, at the top of your head.
You jave to utilize that.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Its a mean and nasty place, I don't care how tough you are, it'll beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. Now if you know how much you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you'd be willing to take the hits. Not sit around, pointing fingers that you ain't what you wanted because of him or her or anybody!
Cowards do that and that ain't you!
You are better than That!
Is that from a movie by any chance?

10-16-2012, 10:51 PM
Anonymous posted informations and location of the bastard.

clic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEWk1xpjLDg)

I hope that bastard will never sleep quiet anymore. :mad:

10-16-2012, 10:58 PM
Anonymous posted informations and location of the bastard.

clic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEWk1xpjLDg)

I hope that bastard will never sleep quiet anymore. :mad:

Go Anonymous!!!!

Kody Maxson it is then!

The Lawspeaker
10-16-2012, 10:58 PM
Anonymous posted informations and location of the bastard.

clic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEWk1xpjLDg)

I hope that bastard will never sleep quiet anymore. :mad:

All hail Anonymous ! :thumb001:

10-16-2012, 11:05 PM
When a 15-year-old girl is exploited, blackmailed, harassed and abused to the point of suicide, of course you wanna know who’s behind it so you can kick his teeth in.

So it makes sense that after a slew of threats from vigilante justice-enforcers, the accused — a 32-year-old Vancouver man — might try to pre-empt the imminent sh*tstorm, and contact law enforcement.

Just one day after hacker group Anonymous released the alleged identity of Amanda Todd’s tormenter, a man with the same name appeared in court for charges of sexual assault and sexual interference of a person under 16.

Outside the court, a reporter asked if Maxson knew Amanda Todd. They were “friends,” he responded. He claims he tried to protect her by helping to identify a man in New York who was harassing her. He says he turned in the information to officials.

Now he wants to protect himself. He recently scrubbed his online footprint of anything connecting him to child porn — including images of sexualized teens he traded in jailbait forums.

Three years ago, when Todd was 12, a stranger coerced her into exposing her breasts online. A year later, the same stranger contacted her, threatening to spread screenshots of Todd to her friends and family if she didn’t “give him a show.” She refused, and the man, true to his word, passed images of the preteen to her close contacts.

In a haunting self-produced video, Todd writes her story on index cards: Her peers at school began harassing her, abusing her verbally and physically. She turned to drugs. She attempted to take her own life by drinking bleach. And a week ago, after she posted this plea for help, she tried to kill herself again — and succeeded.

Maxson’s info matches that of a user known as Kody1206 on teen chat hub Blogtv (where Todd was an active user) and various jailbait hubs. But what do we really know about Kody, and how is he connected to Amanda Todd? Very little, and there’s nothing conclusive IDing him as the one who blackmailed and harassed her.

From the Daily Dot:

In a single image, NJAnon collated what it said were Maxson’s pseudonymous (and apparently recently altered)Facebook account, his uploads to a Web forum called Jailbait Gallery, his address, a Google street view image of the house, conversations in which Maxson is berated for lying about his age on BlogTV, his Google+ account, his alma mater (a school for youth with emotional and behavioural issues) and more.

The Pastebin includes links to his Facebook photos (now set to private), lists of his social media accounts and accounts on teen pics sites sites and sites like Jailbait and Teenhut, among other details. Back in March someone uploaded a chat snippet to Pastebin that seems to show Maxson threatening a teen. Although there’s a censored picture of Amanda Todd apparently flashing the camera, there’s nothing in the roundup image or pastebin that specifically ties Maxson to her case. He was seemingly in certain places online at certain times doing certain activities that got him called out, but as is often the case, the web is mystifyingly short on specifics.

Still, Anonymous says they plan on ruining him. But the attack is off to a bad start: What was supposedly Maxson’s address actually belongs to a man named Simpson, who stated, “Not really, we’ve got nothing to do with this. So you can start looking somewhere else. ‘Cause it’s not here, I can tell you right now.” Police investigated and left within 15 minutes.


Siberian Cold Breeze
10-17-2012, 12:15 AM
Anyone seen Ben X ? Can you imagine what happens to a diagnosed or not diagnosed autistic child ,if he is constantly being bullied ?
Well ,I ve seen that movie may be you know about it.
As an alternative to getting bullied at school, an autistic teenager retreats into the world of online role-playing games.


10-17-2012, 02:49 AM
The thing is, if you be a man and face a beating once or twice, bullies don't bother you after that.
But its the initial ice which is the most feared. To break it means to break out of the vicious cycle of bullying.
In prison to avoid rape, many inmates fight back, get thrown in solitary confinement and never get bothered after they return.

IF they don't get shanked first.

10-17-2012, 03:03 AM
Is that from a movie by any chance?

No, I made that up :D
Its from Rocky VI

10-17-2012, 04:48 AM
Their should be stricter restrictions around Internet access. It's ridiculous these days... a 5 year old child can be listening/watching anything, or chatting with god knows who.

Incel King
10-17-2012, 09:04 AM
Girl shows her boobs when she was just 12. Without problem. After some words like "you are cute" through internet. Than she killed herself because someone make a screenshot of this...

Soon we will legalize pedophila and zoofilia. Look at both sides of this suicide, rather than one.

People. First look, than think - girl was just a 12-year-old whore. She had no problems and self-resistance to undress and do a naked show on the Internet at the age of 12 years old... So what's the problem?

10-17-2012, 11:13 AM
^Are you saying that 12 year olds have the good judgment on such matters? You just have to tell such girls a few soft words for them to have a teenage crush on you. They actually think it's relevant and real, she probably didn't suspect the guy to be some 35 year old pedophile blackmailer, obviously. Can we really blame her? At the state of confusion of society itself nowadays as well as her age, I'd say no.

10-17-2012, 11:15 AM
Poor girl :( Can't imagine how bad, that would've been for her.

10-17-2012, 12:52 PM
The suicide of the girl is also a failure of her parents and the authorities. In her video she said that she has committed two failed suicide attempts: Drinking bleach and taking an overdose of her anti-depressants. She was hospitalized in both cases! :eek:

Someone who has a very recent history of suicide attempts has to be monitored and brought to a save environment! How could she be left alone in such a dangerous mental state!?

Go Anonymous!!!!

Uhm, Anonymous is a network of leftie- and anarcho hackers who shut down patriotic sites and fora all around the web! :picard2: They deserve no respect nor sympathy although they have spotted a right target this time. They were responsible for the temporary shut down of the largest German political blog a few weeks ago, 'PI-News' with political news against the mainstream and Islam.

10-17-2012, 01:53 PM
I voted No to this particular case.

Call me insensitive...but that's a given fact.
The aftermath falls to the 13 year old teen (and her parents), whom in consequence she "flashed" her bosom on the internet, to a 32 year old man.

I mean, this his is what you get.

It's excused to plead innocence, when the Internet itself is full of sexual predators, and adverts are being constantly illustrated (even in educational facilities, for this matter) on how the Internet is dangerous for kids, and susceptible to people alike. So, there's no pretext for that part, but to be negligent.


As for the public dealing with this subject, I find it funny how the plurality feels affection for the supposedly allegedly innocent victim, when she was the one who ignited this whole event.
There's usually a term to identify people like her, it's called "attention whore".

Sorry, no sympathy from my part.
Both are culprits. An Internet slut and a Sexual predator who enrolled in the classic act of Cybersex.

This new generation of teens ought to know better.
They grew up in an alerted space.

Incel King
10-17-2012, 04:57 PM
^Are you saying that 12 year olds have the good judgment on such matters? You just have to tell such girls a few soft words for them to have a teenage crush on you. They actually think it's relevant and real, she probably didn't suspect the guy to be some 35 year old pedophile blackmailer, obviously. Can we really blame her? At the state of confusion of society itself nowadays as well as her age, I'd say no.

She was stupid, that's all.

Siberian Cold Breeze
10-17-2012, 05:13 PM
She is not a slut..she is just immature..That's why children needs guidance and protection .Poor girl has no one to guide or protect her, no parents no relatives no teachers now is she the one to blame?
She can't predict consequences what she did..
Everyone played doctor when they were children but it doesn't make them sluts..

Her family do not deserve having a child ..so they lost her