View Full Version : The Romans, Christianity and the Globalist Agenda

07-10-2009, 04:13 PM
An article I wrote for on the forum www.abovetopsecret.com over a year ago, which I then posted up on Skadi several months ago. I still find that it explains well my belief in the purpose behind Christianity.

Forgive my bold claim, but I can't help thinking I've really uncovered a holy grail of truth here. Others may have discovered it before me, and if that is the case, my arriving at the same conclusion independently would only strengthen the integrity of the revelation. I'm now more sure than ever that the religion of Christianity is nothing more than a deception - a weapon fabricated to serve the interests of the NWO. Actually, the connotations of this go beyond Christianity. I now know that the secret NWO agenda has been alive for more than 2,000 years.

The Ancient Legacy of the Secret Elite

The first thing to be understood is that the NWO agenda did not begin in 1913 when central banking authority was handed over to the US Federal Reserve. It has been in existence since the Ancients first desired control over more than their immediate family, community or tribe. At this point I'd like to state that I'm not talking about the Freemasons (whose precursor were the Knights Templar). I believe there's more than one legacy of secret societies going back to antiquity - some good, some bad. But as an example, examine the links between Ancient Egypt and modern Freemasonry - pyramids, sacred geometry, the eye etc. Those same elements are found throughout elite groups spanning Egypt 2,500 BC to the present day - think the Seven Sages of Greece, the Celtic Druids, the Roman Empire, the Knights Templar (who used the sacred geometrical knowledge they had inherited to develop complex gothic architecture - see image below) and lastly the Freemasons.


So if there exists a lineage of preserved sacred knowledge, it follows that - whether within the same lineage or through a seperate one - there exists an ancient, malevolent agenda. This isn't the place to go into depth about the ancient legacy of secret societies. There are numerous ATS threads already dealing with this more comprehensively and the information is out there to be sought.
The legacy of sacred geometry:
Link 1 (http://www.kch42.dial.pipex.com/sekes0.htm)
Link 2 (http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_sage1.htm)

To summarise, my studies have shown me that much of our modern predicament has been a carefully-planned agenda since at least the time of the Romans, possibly the Egyptians. But once this plan was forged, how was it set into motion?

The Liberating Power of Paganism

Around the time of the Romans (where I postulate the NWO plan was conceived), the world consisted of disparate Pagan tribes, each represented by unique races and subraces. Paganism does not require that anyone beyond the immediate family, community or tribe share those beliefs and furthermore, the culture and identity is seen to belong to those folk alone. Family and community values were paramount under the Pagan systems and nothing in the world could unite them for they had no interest in merging or sharing their individual cultures. In short, Paganism = Pan-Nationalism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-nationalism). Paganism is a folkish belief system and in its original form, did not allow for Multiculturalism. In a world of Nationalist (or Tribalist) peoples, Globalism and one-world Government is an impossibility. Seperate, homogenous communities have far too much spiritual, cultural and communal strength to be broken down by a force mustered by the elites. What they needed (and still need) was a way to destroy Paganism - thereby destroying Pan-Nationalism and the individual potency of the world's tribes.

Enter Christianity:

A new belief system that DOES require the entire world to believe what you believe.

The Romans fabricated a new way of life and set forth spreading it far and wide. Of course, this legacy of Missionaries kept on long after the Romans, systematically wiping out the world's Pagan cultures and making what was once impossible an inevitability - Globalism. Through Christianity, the world began to merge, and not because it was the one true religion, no! Christianity, the lie of all lies, spread because it demanded from its adherents that they convert - by force if necessary - until the entire world was united under one God. 'Spiritual' unity paves the way for Political unity and by this method, the world would be primed for Globalism and eventually, a one-world Government.

Movements Artificially Engineered By the NWO Since

But Christianity was just the beginning. Long after the initial Christianization of much of the world, those Pagans who had secretly held onto their indigenous, ancestral beliefs were persecuted without mercy:


The orders to do this were of course handed down from the very top - Church leaders, Kings and Queens. These were members of the elite very much sympathetic to the grand age-long agenda of the elite legacy. They knew that in order to set the scene for ultimate power they eventually had to eliminate any form of Folkish, cultural strength. Spirituality being the most powerful element within any individual culture or folk, the remaining Pagans were targetted with ferocious animosity.

The Women's Liberation movement was another way of attempting to destroy traditional family and community values. For the NWO know that the family is the root of all culture and unity and by destroying its sovereignty, the world could be broken down and mixed together like the ingredients for a mighty global soup - one which only those few elites pulling the strings would get to drink from. See: How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society (http://100777.com/node/69).

Likewise, the current incarnation of society destabilzation tactics is Multiculturalism. Ever wonder why, despite the massive outcry in the West against mass-immigration, the borders are effectively open and unprotected? Ever wonder why, in Britain particularly, the indigenous Britons are being replaced by immigrants (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23409386-details/196,000+out,+574,000+in:+Record+numbers+leaving+Br itain+for+new+life+abroad+-+as+immigration+to+UK+soars/article.do)? It's not because the elite think a multicultural world would be better for us, or because 'immigration is good for the economy', it's because Multiculturalism furthers their ultimate agenda. It renders the strength found in folk, culture and nation useless. It paves the way for a borderless world where a one-world Government can have complete jurasdiction and control.


Don't be fooled into believing the lie that is Christianity. And don't be fooled into thinking that individual, sovereign nations, cultures and races is a bad thing. The Romans perpetrated the greatest, most evil deception imaginable when they fabricated the religion called 'Christianity'. It is the most powerful tool ever used to weaken the human spirit and to create a terrifying political situation. That Christianity is a deception is not a new revelation, but I believe I've discovered precisely WHY it was conceived of in the first place. It wasn't merely to centralize religious belief and trick adherents into being good citizens. It was more than that. It was about deliberately destroying the world's unique cultures and breaking the cultural ties which are so important in helping us avoid enslavement. Without those folkish, cultural bonds, we are rootless, and a rootless tree can be pulled from the ground with the greatest of ease. Hold onto your culture and hold onto your family. For with those intact, we at least have some power to resist Globalism and the NWO.