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View Full Version : Trauma Model Of Mental Disorders

10-26-2012, 05:08 PM
Is anyone here famiar with the trauma model of mental disorders. It is basically the idea that mental disturbances are caused by trauma one experiences during ones life rather than being caused by genetics. These traumas can be verbal abuse, physical abuse, or the trauma can be a trauma to the brain caused by taking some sort of drug... there may be other means through which trauma occurs too... too much work or too much athletics may bring about trauma as well.

A wiki on it.


I believe that mental disorders are caused by trauma, I do not believe they are genetic. Furthermore I think psychiatry is a scam and the drugs they give people cause mental disorders... the drugs psychiatrists give people do not heal mental disorders.

The "mainstream" perspective is that mental disturbances are genetic and require medication. The notion thay are caused by genes is not supported by any hard evidence. The efficacy of the pills they use has not been proven either. The pills clearly are harmful.

10-26-2012, 10:21 PM
I'm familiar with it. I'm living it. But I resent the word "disorder" I reacted healthfully to what was going on and conditioned by the world and the circumstances I've been in.

I could be wrong but it's not usually disorders that are considered genetic but mental illness. The first is some sort of injury and the second is (supposedly) endogenous.

Symptoms of mental illness can accompany a "disorder" but I compare it to an infection that comes with a cut or broken bone.

I sort of agree about Psychiatry but still unsure. I think the worst part about Psychiatry are certain psychiatrists and the lay person's understanding of that and psychology (pop psychology) and not psychiatry itself as much.

10-27-2012, 10:43 PM
Axis I disorders are mainly genetic such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. There is no doubt that they are genetic. Schizophrenic and Bipolar brains are different on MRI scans. These illnesses are mainly physical in origin.

Axis II disorders, on the other hand, are personality disorders. People are not born with personality disorders. Personality disorders are created, mostly by how a child is brought up. And this usually includes sexual abuse, domestic violence etc etc.

The trauma model holds true for personality disorders, which are very common. It does not hold true for illnesses which are physical in origin.

If I can convert it to an easier way to understand.

If a child is born with a congenital heart problem, it is there from the get-go. The child may have surgery and take medication, but the congenital problem is there. (Axis I)

Heart attacks and strokes as a result of bad eating habits, smoking and lack of exercise are like Axis II disorders. You are not born with them but they are created.

10-27-2012, 11:59 PM
Axis I disorders are mainly genetic such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. There is no doubt that they are genetic. Schizophrenic and Bipolar brains are different on MRI scans. These illnesses are mainly physical in origin.

Brain scans are different because the drugs used to treat bipolar and schizophrenia cause brain damage. The brains are revealed to be different by the scans because of the drugs that those people have been taking to treat the condition they have been diagnosed with. What they have been diagnosed with does not cause the difference in their brain, the difference in their brain is a result of drugs.

10-28-2012, 12:03 AM
Brain scans are different because the drugs used to treat bipolar and schizophrenia cause brain damage. The brains are revealed to be different by the scans because of the drugs that those people have been taking to treat the condition they have been diagnosed with. What they have been diagnosed with does not cause the difference in their brain, the difference in their brain is a result of drugs.

If you say so. I suppose you're an expert in the field.