View Full Version : Which region of Portugal would you want to visit the most?

10-26-2012, 10:30 PM
Besides your own region. Which is the one you would most want to visit/live.

Damião de Góis
10-26-2012, 10:41 PM
I don't know the north too well besides Porto, so that would be on the list. Places like Minho or Trás-os-Montes:


And of course Azores:


This would be to visit. I'm quite happy to live in the region i do.

10-27-2012, 11:43 AM
Os Açores sem duvida.

10-27-2012, 03:56 PM
I have the great pleasure to know most of Portugal and my favorite regions of Portugal are Minho and the Alentejo for totally different reasons. The city I love the most is Coimbra in Beiras region.
I like Galicia and Asturias too and especially Galicia, I truly see it as common ancestry. I'm not wrong about that. It's impressive how much we are alike after all we passed thru and all the time living back to back.

Guimarães, Minho

Évora, Alentejo
http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w420/1Catrau/Facebook/Alentejo/313134_2360357646872_1188234743_2838993_669623533_ n.jpg

We truly live in a wonderful place, anyone who doesn't understand that must be blind. I have immense pride in who we are and in our history as a people and a society and we will come out on top and strongest of the great hardship and ordeal we are experiencing at the moment. Honestly I think that our society will be destroyed by these fools and that we will have rise from the ashes. If only we could get rid of these shitty politicians, would be a great achievement, we would live better without them as the Belgians did.

Atlantic Islander
10-27-2012, 08:55 PM

10-28-2012, 02:02 AM
I'd want to go to Alentejo, I guess. My aunt's been in the Algarve and she says there's not much to tell, except I would like to go to Sagres. I've lived in Chaves, been to Porto and to Lisbon and traveled in-between. I haven't seen much else. I did go by ferry from Lisbon to an island one time but I can't remember the name of the island. All I remember them saying was that it had surfaced and was fairly new.

10-28-2012, 02:03 AM

Be careful not to step in shit.

Atlantic Islander
10-28-2012, 02:08 AM
Be careful not to step in shit.

Well this sounds quaint:

There is a popular saying: "Beyond Marão, those who rule are those who're there" ("Para lá do Marão mandam os que lá estão"). Lisbon has paid little attention to this area until recent years. According to Padre Fontes, a local ethnographer, "in this centuries-old "corner of the corner of Europe", alone, in a struggle against the harsh soil and inclement climate, a character was formed: "that of the sad demeanor, the mistrusting air, courageous, daring, hardworking, loyal, and with strength of character a way of life." Etnografia Transmontana, Lisbon, 1992

The Transmontanos are known in Portugal for their often plentiful table, usually filled with wine, olive oil, sausage and bread.

Damião de Góis
10-28-2012, 02:16 AM
I did go by ferry from Lisbon to an island one time but I can't remember the name of the island. All I remember them saying was that it had surfaced and was fairly new.

Hum... the only islands i can think of are the Berlengas Islands but they are a bit far from Lisbon.

10-28-2012, 02:45 AM
I'd like to visit Minho, because my Tuga ancestors were from Braga.

10-28-2012, 08:52 AM
Hum... the only islands i can think of are the Berlengas Islands but they are a bit far from Lisbon.

Talvez um Ilhéu.

10-28-2012, 10:29 AM
Talvez um Ilhéu.

O Bugio.

10-28-2012, 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Transmontano

Be careful not to step in shit.

Well this sounds quaint:

There is a popular saying: "Beyond Marão, those who rule are those who're there" ("Para lá do Marão mandam os que lá estão"). Lisbon has paid little attention to this area until recent years. According to Padre Fontes, a local ethnographer, "in this centuries-old "corner of the corner of Europe", alone, in a struggle against the harsh soil and inclement climate, a character was formed: "that of the sad demeanor, the mistrusting air, courageous, daring, hardworking, loyal, and with strength of character a way of life." Etnografia Transmontana, Lisbon, 1992

The Transmontanos are known in Portugal for their often plentiful table, usually filled with wine, olive oil, sausage and bread. Well this sounds quaint:

Yea, it's a truism, which reminds me, don't start shit there either.

Atlantic Islander
10-28-2012, 11:14 PM
Yea, it's a truism, which reminds me, don't start shit there either.

Some of my ancestors can be traced back there, what's your problem? Do you not like my signature? Maybe people (Antrhowhateverhisname) should stop using Azoreans as scapegoats to explain away exotic looking Portuguese.

10-29-2012, 12:33 AM
Some of my ancestors can be traced back there, what's your problem? Do you not like my signature? Maybe people (Antrhowhateverhisname) should stop using Azoreans as scapegoats to explain away exotic looking Portuguese.

Err, um, okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Nevermind. Something's just going "woosh" straight over your head.

You might be getting some kind of complex or something.

I have no idea what you're talking about or what I said to make you react or what it has to do with what I said.