View Full Version : BBC article on Communism and Czech dissidents

07-12-2009, 11:02 PM
The interesting thing about it is not the predictable and rather boring BBC lecturing and moralising but rather how closely the accusations and grievances in the opening paragraph appears to be related to the modern EUSSR. It seems we have come full circle where "Communism was evil, LONG LIVE LIBERAL COMMUNISM v 2.0!"

Dissidents in Eastern Europe had a bitter joke about the communist approach to compromise. "What do you do when you've made someone 99% communist," it went. Answer: "Beat the other 1% out."

Just ask Harriet Harperson or Jackboot Jacqui.

Communism wanted to control not just politics but the entirety of daily life. It dictated how people should behave and think. It wanted to run industry, set university syllabuses, and decide what they could read.

Just like the modern PC Liberal Society which has spread its tentacles across the UK and Europe.

Those who questioned the state could lose their jobs, and their homes. Everyday life could be made a misery by denying them the right to buy furniture or travel to another town. Their children's education could suffer.

Question PC and life will soon become rather uncomfortable. Already a member here has reported receiving harrassing messages due to ISP monitoring of his supposedly un-PC Internet browsing habits.

When I was stationed in Moscow I ran up against government controls all the time.

Uh oh.... sounds unnervingly familiar. This will hopefully serve as a wakeup call to those who still think the EU is such a wonderful pan-European paradise. It has all the hallmarks of the former USSR but worryingly it has a lot more control over citizens and tools with which to monitor them and intimidate them into submission.

While all this is happening the media and politicians work non-stop convincing the masses how they are freer than ever while in reality they are becoming more and more enslaved.
