View Full Version : The Need for a true Druid Movement

07-13-2009, 05:53 PM
There are a number of Asatru/Odinist Germanic religious revivalist groups that have an ethnic or 'folkist' outlook. They include in the UK the Odinic Rite and Woden's Folk. However there appears to be no comparable Druid/Celtic folkist organisations.
Part of the explanation for this is that many of the early revivalists of the Asatru religions were Germans who came from a tradition that involved a particular nationalist/racial outlook and they, along with their symbolism, became one of the strands that was to eventually feed into the National Socialist movement (even although the Nazi party never embraced 'Heathenism').
The Druid 'revivalist' in Britain took a different path. Starting in the 18th Century they had less hard evidence to begin with than their Germanic counterparts and of the evidence they did have they rejected most as being unpalatable. They therefore constructed their own preferred vision which they then back projected into the past. This indulgence of fantasy has continued today with Druid/Celtic groups incorporating facets of other traditions, like those of American Indians, to fill the gaps and create a sort of universal spirituality manifesting itself in hippy like sects.
However looking at the evidence that does exist about the Druids we find that it contains information that should be of interests to us.
Apart from being moral philosophers, healers and intermediaries between gods and men they also were, among the tribes they operated in, the keepers of their culture, identity and heritage. It is this latter aspect that ran them into major problems with the Romans. In all their conquests the Romans allowed the subject populations to carry on their religious beliefs and practices with little or no interference, however the Druids were a different matter. Whereas Celtic Kings were frequently seduced to the 'benefits' of Rome rule the Druids agitated and fermented rebellion. Apart from a propaganda campaign directed against the Druid’s 'barbaric and inhuman practices' by the Romans, they were eventually banned and suppressed (sound familiar?). The Druids last stand and destruction in Britain happened in the middle of the 1st century AD on Anglesey. By the year 71AD they had been destroyed as an organised force in other European ‘Celtic’ nations.
The 'Druids' who parade around Stonehenge and other prehistoric sites spouting cosmopolitan drivel and proclaiming how wonderfully anti-racist they are, in fact insult the memory of the original Druids and their fight to maintain the rights freedoms and identity of their tribes.

The 1st Century Roman Geographer and writer Pliny the Elder wrote that ‘‘Britannia is preoccupied with magic to such an extent that it were almost as if were she who taught the art to the Persians.’’ Part of the reason for today’s political division between Scotland and England is the line the Romans drew to mark where their empire finished. As more evidence comes forward to suggest that the ‘native’ people of the British Isles have overwhelming pre Roman origins it might well be stated that the Druids are part of all our heritage along with the indo-European ‘Celtic’ society that went with them. Perhaps now is the time for a folkish Druid group to emerge. Maybe ‘Druidism’ should be restored as part of an overall movement to restore the structure, culture and natural law of native indo-European society for the modern age?

In regards to politics, I think we all understand the forces that are lined up against nationalism. But worst of all we are faced with a public, the majority of whom seem to have memories of a goldfish as far as politics are concerned. Time and again they turn out and vote for the establishment parties, as if all the sleaze , corruption and policies that are destroying our identity, security and safety that they have brought about, have never happened. This ‘collective amnesia’ is facilitate by a media that can always convince that the answer to our problems lie with one of the old gang, and in spite of all that has gone before they can be trusted to turn things around. Whilst this happens the people are kept stupefied by inane celebrity game shows or reality television and their ambitions turned to coveting a place on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ or if not that a place as a baying hyena in the audience. This is truly the modern version of Rome’s ‘bread and circuses’ for the masses. Whilst the BNP breakthrough in the European elections is welcome ,what happens if it ever becomes apparent that sufficient numbers of the electorate will never vote Nationalist and render Nationalist political parties futile? Where does that leave those who do care?
An answer for us -that is those who want to preserve own ethnic identity and culture - is to become a Socio-Religious group of our own. A group that will be self contained with the aim (as mentioned above) to develop and to restore the structure, culture, lore and natural law of our native indo-European society for the age we live in? This group would really more on it’s own structure, laws and people that that of the society of the brainwashed, masses around it.
This is a very ambitious project but one that my own thoughts have been turning to with increasing frequency.

07-13-2009, 06:17 PM
I agree so strongly with everything that you've said there that I'm going to request we become friends ;). Oh and welcome to the forum.

You said that the Celtic/Druid tradition applies to English lands also, which is an important point and the main reason that I am influenced by both Celtic and Germanic spiritual traditions. The two are compatible as far as I'm concerned.

Your point about the 'Cosmopolitan' Druids is pertinent. Several months ago I met a black girl who considered herself a Druid. I kept my mouth shut out of sheer laziness. Furthermore, I remember seeing a black men participating in the Druidic procession at a summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge once. Druidism these days amounts to nothing more than paleo-hippy'dom - a kind of mutual revival of the 1970s and the pre-BC's. Neo-Druidism is almost completely non-folkish in outlook. This is near-impossible to resurrect due to the established Druid groups and their naive pro-multicultural attitudes... but it must be resurrected and saved. Neo-Heathenry is more folkish and sincere due to its 'Germanic' connotations and the fact that many participants are linked with nationalist movements.

07-13-2009, 09:21 PM
I agree so strongly with everything that you've said there that I'm going to request we become friends ;). Oh and welcome to the forum.

You said that the Celtic/Druid tradition applies to English lands also, which is an important point and the main reason that I am influenced by both Celtic and Germanic spiritual traditions. The two are compatible as far as I'm concerned.

Your point about the 'Cosmopolitan' Druids is pertinent. Several months ago I met a black girl who considered herself a Druid. I kept my mouth shut out of sheer laziness. Furthermore, I remember seeing a black men participating in the Druidic procession at a summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge once. Druidism these days amounts to nothing more than paleo-hippy'dom - a kind of mutual revival of the 1970s and the pre-BC's. Neo-Druidism is almost completely non-folkish in outlook. This is near-impossible to resurrect due to the established Druid groups and their naive pro-multicultural attitudes... but it must be resurrected and saved. Neo-Heathenry is more folkish and sincere due to its 'Germanic' connotations and the fact that many participants are linked with nationalist movements.

I also agree.

Germanic and Celtic Heathenry are compatible.

I met a black "Druid" female about 15 years ago. I insisted you have to be Celtic to be Druidic. It did not register with her.

07-13-2009, 09:42 PM
Whilst taking my dogs out one sunday morning, we went into an area of the Cotswolds that is hardly known to most walkers, this is a picture of our young peoples Celtic heathenry....:D

Baron Samedi
07-14-2009, 01:29 AM
Whilst taking my dogs out one sunday morning, we went into an area of the Cotswolds that is hardly known to most walkers, this is a picture of our young peoples Celtic heathenry....:D


07-17-2009, 08:50 PM
I think that I actual make a common mistake and have misused the word Druid in implying that ‘Druidism’ is a religion.
‘Druidism’ was not a religion as such. The Druids were an important class of men who operated in their own society and were, among other things, the guardians of both the law and lore of the tribe. The religion itself had no name, but the worship of the Gods, Ancestors and spirits were an indivisible part of the tribe’s life. This is an entirely different world view than that of the modern were religion and day to day life are more compartmentalised. We need a Teuta (Tribal) based socio/religious concept in Britain.

07-17-2009, 09:38 PM
I would welcome a mass tribal Druid revival, it would unite the populace in a way mainstream religion cannot......:thumbs up

07-17-2009, 11:54 PM
Here's one thing I see as being a problem with any Druidic revival. The Druids were, as you say, an upper caste within the Gallic society. So, for a revival of Druidism to have any meaning whatsoever it would have to be within the larger context of an ethnically conscious Celtic Reconstruction religion and to be comprised of the cream of the crop within that movement. Given that Celtic Reconstructionism is decidedly universalist (open to all peoples) nowadays and that most people involved in universalist polytheism are too individualistic to accept that there exists a whole class of people who have spiritual authority over them, such a resurrection of Druidism is unlikely to happen. It would be wonderful if it did, but Celtic Reconstructionism would first have to start walking down the same folkish road that the Germanic Reconstructionists are.

Creeping Death
07-18-2009, 12:10 AM
The Need for a true Druid Movement
I cant understand it, hasnt this religion been dead and lost for 1500+ years? Unfortunately this Celtic religion has not had time over the centuries to grow with its European children. I think what needs to be done is find a way as to make this belief somehow fit in with todays thinking.

07-18-2009, 01:17 PM
Here's one thing I see as being a problem with any Druidic revival. The Druids were, as you say, an upper caste within the Gallic society. So, for a revival of Druidism to have any meaning whatsoever it would have to be within the larger context of an ethnically conscious Celtic Reconstruction religion and to be comprised of the cream of the crop within that movement. Given that Celtic Reconstructionism is decidedly universalist (open to all peoples) nowadays and that most people involved in universalist polytheism are too individualistic to accept that there exists a whole class of people who have spiritual authority over them, such a resurrection of Druidism is unlikely to happen. It would be wonderful if it did, but Celtic Reconstructionism would first have to start walking down the same folkish road that the Germanic Reconstructionists are.

Please let me expand a bit., we need a socio-religious entity that unites the indigenous peoples of the British Isles (including of course Ireland) under one identity. That unity needs a founding principle to explain it. The oldest known name for the inhabitants of Britain is Pritani. This is may well be a name of native origin. A Celtic name for people or tribe is ‘Teuta’ which is an element in the name of the God Teutates as well as the word Teutonic. We therefore can speak of a Teuta Pritani. Thus:-

Teuta Pritani’s foundation is that the Pritani are an ethnic entity. Teuta Pritani accepts the definition of an ethnic identity as thus:
‘A ethnic group is a group of people who associate with themselves on the basis of a perceived common heritage, history, culture and mythology and legendary foundation.
Ethnic identity is further marked by the recognition from others and/or by the group itself of the group's distinctiveness, and the recognition of common behavioural or biological traits real or presumed, as indicators of contrast to other groups.
Ethnicity is an important means through which people can identify themselves
People originally outside of the group can become part of it providing they are accepted, become indistinguishable from it and have no oblivious other ethnic identity’.

Teuta Pritani recognise themselves as the indigenous people of what is known as the British Isles. They have over many millennium absorbed a number of other very similar West European peoples and a small number of people from further afield without affecting its essence.
Teuta Pritani believe that the Pritani have been torn away from its heritage and destiny by the imposition of outside rule and doctrines. The most notable of these has been the invasion of the Romans resulting in the destruction of the Druids and the imposition of Christianity. Teuta Pritani reconnects with the original principle that a religion is personal to a tribe and is a natural and indivisible part of the tribes identity.
Teuta Pritani recognises that there are many millions who are ethnic Pritani but that centuries of enchantment have separated them from the Teuta. However to be accepted back into the Teuta they must themselves shake off that enchantment reconnect with their origins and accept the principles of the Teuta as the only mean by which the Teuta can be fully re-established and maintained.


The Pritani are an ethnic group entitled to re-establish and maintain its own identity within in its own exclusive living space within the Islands of Britain.

That the Pritani have a right to defend its identity

That the Pritani have a right to rediscover and live by its own tribal law and customs

That the Pritani must in religious matters honour only the Gods and Ancestors of its tribe and the spirits of the land of the Islands of Britain.

That the Teuta Pritani are the only ones to have any say in who should be a part of and accepted into the Teuta Pritani.

07-18-2009, 05:43 PM
Please let me expand a bit., we need a socio-religious entity that unites the indigenous peoples of the British Isles (including of course Ireland) under one identity. That unity needs a founding principle to explain it. The oldest known name for the inhabitants of Britain is Pritani. This is may well be a name of native origin. A Celtic name for people or tribe is ‘Teuta’ which is an element in the name of the God Teutates as well as the word Teutonic. We therefore can speak of a Teuta Pritani. Thus:-

Teuta Pritani’s foundation is that the Pritani are an ethnic entity. Teuta Pritani accepts the definition of an ethnic identity as thus:
‘A ethnic group is a group of people who associate with themselves on the basis of a perceived common heritage, history, culture and mythology and legendary foundation.
Ethnic identity is further marked by the recognition from others and/or by the group itself of the group's distinctiveness, and the recognition of common behavioural or biological traits real or presumed, as indicators of contrast to other groups.
Ethnicity is an important means through which people can identify themselves
People originally outside of the group can become part of it providing they are accepted, become indistinguishable from it and have no oblivious other ethnic identity’.

Teuta Pritani recognise themselves as the indigenous people of what is known as the British Isles. They have over many millennium absorbed a number of other very similar West European peoples and a small number of people from further afield without affecting its essence.
Teuta Pritani believe that the Pritani have been torn away from its heritage and destiny by the imposition of outside rule and doctrines. The most notable of these has been the invasion of the Romans resulting in the destruction of the Druids and the imposition of Christianity. Teuta Pritani reconnects with the original principle that a religion is personal to a tribe and is a natural and indivisible part of the tribes identity.
Teuta Pritani recognises that there are many millions who are ethnic Pritani but that centuries of enchantment have separated them from the Teuta. However to be accepted back into the Teuta they must themselves shake off that enchantment reconnect with their origins and accept the principles of the Teuta as the only mean by which the Teuta can be fully re-established and maintained.


The Pritani are an ethnic group entitled to re-establish and maintain its own identity within in its own exclusive living space within the Islands of Britain.

That the Pritani have a right to defend its identity

That the Pritani have a right to rediscover and live by its own tribal law and customs

That the Pritani must in religious matters honour only the Gods and Ancestors of its tribe and the spirits of the land of the Islands of Britain.

That the Teuta Pritani are the only ones to have any say in who should be a part of and accepted into the Teuta Pritani.

All of this sounds great, when can i sign up for acceptance to Teuta Pritani?

07-20-2009, 05:18 PM
All of this sounds great, when can i sign up for acceptance to Teuta Pritani?

Thanks everyone for their input. I am floating this idea in a number of areas to see what kind of interest there is and will give future updates.

07-20-2009, 09:34 PM
Whilst taking my dogs out one sunday morning, we went into an area of the Cotswolds that is hardly known to most walkers, this is a picture of our young peoples Celtic heathenry....:D

The Hexagram has meanings beyond the Star of David in Judaism. It is also used in mystical diagrams in Hinduism. It represents the Union of masculine and feminine, and the connection between the Earth and the Heavenly Realm. It has been used in every major world religion including occultism. There is no reason to believe that it was not also used in paganism.

There are 6 points, six triangles, six sides. 666 is a number which was very important in geometry and sacred architecture in Greece, Rome, Egypt and in the modern age.


07-20-2009, 09:38 PM
I met a black "Druid" female about 15 years ago. I insisted you have to be Celtic to be Druidic. It did not register with her.

How about remembering those 100.000 or so more or less totally lost lines by root learning, travelling and teaching?
Let alone being something of a engineering, math and astronomy wiz?

I wonder if anyone younger than 50 and having spent their entire life learning is up to the task.

07-20-2009, 11:37 PM
Whilst taking my dogs out one sunday morning, we went into an area of the Cotswolds that is hardly known to most walkers, this is a picture of our young peoples Celtic heathenry....:D
[clip image]

Grrrrr...leave nothing but footprints, unobstrusive votive offerings and the echoes of your words on the wind.

Why I always tidy up before I give Offering and clean up afterwards.

Sorry, one of my hot buttons...