View Full Version : Islam Is a Cancer Eating Away at Our Freedoms, Says Nick Griffin

07-14-2009, 12:14 PM
“Western values, freedom of speech, democracy and rights for women are incompatible with Islam, which is a cancer eating away at our freedoms and our democracy and rights for our women and something needs to be done about it,” said British National Party leader, and Member of the European Parliament, Nick Griffin. Speaking during an interview with Channel 4 News, Mr Griffin said there was “no place in Europe for Islam” and that he agreed with the sentiments previously expressed by a member of the Flemish VlaamsBelang party who had said that Europe needed chemotherapy against Islam to save civilisation.

(The following overview of Islam in Europe is extracted from chapter 13 of ‘Jihad: Islam’s 1,300 Year War on Western Civilisation’ available here (https://excalibur.bnp.org.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Islam_19.html)).
What are the facts about Islam in Europe and Britain today?

In 1900, Western Europe as a whole had just fifty thousand or so resident Muslims, almost all of them living in France.
In 1970, the figure was only around three or four million in Western Europe.
In 2008, this figure is estimated to be in the region of 20 million-this in Western Europe alone, and growing rapidly.
Europe as a whole, from Ireland to the Carpathians, presently has about 29 million Muslims (more if Turkey is added to the European Union, as seems increasingly likely).
Over a third of this Muslim population is the result of the centuries-long occupation of parts of Europe by earlier Muslim invasions, and originates in European countries hardest hit by the Islamic yoke: Albania, Bulgaria, the nations of the former Yugoslavia, and Cyprus.
Europe has in excess of 10,000 mosques, prayer rooms, and “Islamic Information Centres,” and dozens are added every month as the Muslim population continues to increase. There are plans to build Europe’s largest mosque, capable of seating 40,000 worshippers, in London.
The European country with the largest Muslim population is Russia, which has in excess of 20 million Muslims out of a national population of 143 million.
Muslim populations have a higher birth rate than that of Europeans.
Increased immigration is set to boost the Muslim population even further, with conservative estimates pointing out that a combination of natural reproduction rates combined with falling European birth rates, and increased immigration, will mean that many Western European nations will have Muslim populations of between 25 and 40% by 2035.

The Five Characteristics of Islam in European Nations
Five characteristics have marked the rise in Muslim populations in Western Europe in particular, although the same principle can be applied to all countries of European origin facing the same problem (e.g. United States, Canada, and Australia).

1. The first characteristic is a rise in anti-Semitism, most notably in France. This is driven by the clash between Zionism, which supports the state of Israel, created at the expense of the largely Muslim Palestinian population, and the Muslim Arab states.
As Muslim populations increase, so does a violent anti-Zionism, which very often crosses over into anti-Semitism. The perpetrators of anti-Semitic incidents in France are not right-wing extremists; the 700 or so anti-Semitic incidents documented in that country during 2005 were all the work of Muslim youth of North African origin.

2. The second characteristic is the appearance of Islamic extremism amongst many first, second, or even third generation Muslim immigrants.
This extremism has as its primary root the traditional Islamic call to spread its religious worldview to all people, by force if necessary.
Other factors driving Islamic extremism include an understanding of the pro-Israeli policies of most European nations, which in itself is seen as “anti-Palestinian” and therefore anti-Muslim; and then also the involvement of many European nations in blatantly illegal and immoral wars in Muslim parts of the world, such as Iraq, which have been “justified” on the basis of patently transparent lies.

3. The third characteristic of Muslim immigrant populations in European nations, which sets them apart from almost all other previous historical immigrant populations, is their refusal to take on the native culture, and instead import their originating culture as part of a colonisation process.
In this way, the dress (burkas, prayer coats, etc.), social behaviour (ritual animal sacrifice, religious practices which intrude, dominate, and drive away indigenous cultural practices-see mosque prayer calls in the traditionally British Christian city of Oxford as a primary example), arranged marriages, “honour killings” (where male family members kill female family members for alleged or real indiscretions), and many other Islamic cultural attributes are maintained, taught, and encouraged, while indigenous culture is deliberately suppressed.
Examples are legion: Muslim medical students in Britain have refused to wash their arms (standard practice for all medical procedures) because it would mean revealing parts of their bodies which they’re forbidden to show to strangers according to Islamic law.
There are already 37 Muslim faith schools in London, and more are planned, all in a deliberate attempt to ensure that Islamic culture remains untouched by Western secularism.

4. The fourth characteristic of Islamic immigrant populations is large scale social unrest. This takes the form of violent street riots, as have happened almost everywhere in Europe, but most noticeably in Paris and other French cities in recent years.
It also takes the form of social exclusion at schools: Muslim students perform less well than non-Muslim students. In inner London, 37 per cent of 16- to 24-year-old Muslims have no qualifications. When it comes to university education the picture is equally gloomy: Muslims are half as likely to have degree level or above qualifications than other inner London young people.

Other problems of a more serious nature have also emerged: in Britain (but also in other European countries, the practice of “grooming”-where young White females are lured in sex abuse traps by Muslim males has now been officially recognised as a real issue. The Times of London commented in an article on 11 August 2007, while reporting on the trial of two Muslim men convicted for the crime, that “(T)he trial came amid growing concern at the attitudes of some Asian men towards white girls which campaigners for women claim few people wish to address. Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist. Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has been at the forefront of attempting to tackle the problem after receiving complaints from mothers in her constituency about young Asian men targeting their under-age daughters.
Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it.”

There have also been conclusive links established between Pakistani Muslim gangs and drug traffic in Britain and elsewhere, with one Muslim-dominated area in East London being described by a member of Parliament as “Britain’s heroin capital.”
In Australia, the mufti, or senior Islamic cleric, Sheikh Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, stirred controversy in 2006 when he defended a series of Muslim gang rapists, who had targeted White girls, by saying that it was the victims’ fault because they were “improperly dressed” like “meat being left out for cats. Who is to blame if the cats eat meat, the cats or those who leave out the meat,” the leader of Australia’s Muslims preached at his mosque in Sydney.

5. The fifth characteristic of immigrant Muslim populations in all nations has been their widespread support for terrorism. A survey of Muslim opinion in Britain, undertaken by NOP Research in 2006, revealed attitudes which have been shown to be common to all Muslim immigrant populations:

Forty-five percent of Muslims in Britain say that the World Trade Centre attacks of 9 September 2001 were a conspiracy by the American and Israeli governments. This figure is more than twice as high as those who say it was not a conspiracy.
A quarter of all British Muslims believe that the London underground bombings of July 2005 were justified because of British support for the U.S. led “war on terror.”
When asked, “Is Britain my country or their country?” seventy-five percent said that it was not.
Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law. According to the report, “Half of those who express a preference for living under Sharia law say that, given the choice, they would move to a country governed by those laws.”
Twenty-eight percent hope for the U.K. one day to become a fundamentalist Islamic state.
One-third of Muslims in Britain believe that Western society is decadent and immoral and that Muslims should seek to end it.
Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who publish cartoons featuring the prophet Muhammad.
Sixty-eight percent support the arrest and prosecution of British people who “insult slam.”
When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims chose the “no, it should not” answer.
“Hardcore Islamists” constitute 9 percent of the Muslim population in Britain. Twenty nine percent class themselves as “staunch defenders of Islam.” Individuals in this group aggressively defend their religion from internal and external threats, real or imagined.

Before the London train bombings (carried out by first and second generation Muslim immigrants living in Britain), British intelligence services estimated that one percent of British Muslims either supported or were involved in terrorism. The British government believes that, in recent years, 3,000 British Muslims have returned home from al Qaeda training camps. Intelligence experts estimate that there are at least 1,200 Muslim radicals (80 percent of Pakistani origin) in Britain who have terrorist intentions.
In the United States of America, every single one of the terrorists who committed the attacks of 11 September 2001, were first generation Muslim immigrants, or visa overstayers, to that country.
In Spain, every single one of the terrorists who carried out the Madrid bombings on 11 March 2004, were first or second generation Muslim immigrants, or visa overstayers, to that country.

Libyan Leader Mu’ammar Al-Qaddafi summed up the modern Muslim invasion of Europe in a speech aired on Al-Jazeera TV on 10 April, 2006. He said: “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe-without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Allah mobilises the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union. That’s another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims.”
(The overview of Islam in Europe is extracted from chapter 13 of ‘Jihad: Islam’s 1,300 Year War on Western Civilisation’ available here (https://excalibur.bnp.org.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Islam_19.html)).

Source (http://bnp.org.uk/2009/07/islam-is-a-cancer-eating-away-at-our-freedoms-says-nick-griffin/)

07-14-2009, 09:02 PM
I'm not a Brit, but I'd vote for that Griffin character tomorrow!

07-15-2009, 02:57 AM
I'm a big fan of cartoons...


Creeping Death
07-15-2009, 06:31 PM
"Islam Is a Cancer Eating Away at Our Freedoms"
It is not Islam per se, it really is non-European immigration into Britain, Hinduism is just a greater threat than Islam, as Hinduism is an alien religion which refuses to allow its adherents to assimilate into European society, (not that I want them to assimilate). Even if they are Christian the alien status is still valid, there is no hope of these people of assimilating you only have to look at the Moslem/Turkish segment in Bosnia and Albania or even the Jews to see they will never give up on there alien beliefs that are tearing away at Europes social fabric.

07-15-2009, 08:25 PM
Western values, freedom of speech, democracy and rights for women are incompatible with Islam, which is a cancer eating away at our freedoms and our democracy and rights for our women and something needs to be done about it

Those "values", freedom of speech and "democracy" are already being removed and it isn't Islam that's to blame. It's the Liberals who really run the show on this one.

- Liberals opened the gates to the Islamic and immigrant hordes to swamp Europe.

- Liberals encouraged more to come through the handing out of housing and welfare payments.

- The Liberal media played a major role to recondition society into accepting this, to make it fashionable and to attack and stigmatise those who questioned it.

- The Liberal politicians and lawmakers introduced and passed "positive discrimination" type laws which favour ethnics, feminazis and other rainbow coalition types.

- The Liberals are reforming the schoolsystems by which more and more propaganda and social engineering is introduced into the classroom.

- The Liberals are at the forefront of stifling "freedom of speech" under the banner of so-called "anti-fascism". Those who read the news would be aware of numerous incidents where the BNP were targeted and even physically attacked by hatemobs whose purpose was to deny them a chance to present their case. In other words, it's "democracy" on Liberal terms only, and only when it benefits them.

- The democratic system itself has become corrupted and is being turned into the opposite of what it is supposed to represent. The major parties are all represented by people from similar backgrounds, with similar sponsors. They have similar goals. They fraternise in the same circles. At least in the UK, it has been shown beyond reasonable doubt that a very significant portion are corrupt. If they had been individual members of the public who had been caught out and who didn't have "the network" to protect them, charges would have been layed and jailterms would have been likely. Instead, politicians present a token apology and then continue stealing and lying.

NONE OF THESE ABOVEMENTIONED PROBLEMS WERE CAUSED BY ISLAM OR THIRD WORLD IMMIGRANTS. The real cancer in our societies created all these problems beforehand and then shifted the blame to Islam in order to foment unrest and ill-feeling amongst the sheeple whilst the ringleaders get away scotfree.

The Muslims and other thirdworld immigrants are opportunists who seized their chances to get a foot in the front door AFTER IT WAS DELIBERATELY AND SYSTEMATICALLY OPENED UP FOR THEM.

Another thing I take exception to is the claim that "the rights of our women" are being eaten away at by Islam. Whatever happened to rights of white British men under the Liberal onslaught? They've become virtual pariahs to be exploited and sneered at by the PC Brigade.

The Islamics didn't and still don't control the media, the courts, the police, the government or the business and industrial sectors in the UK yet traditional Western values, traditional Western Democracy and traditional Western Freedom of Speech have been steadily eroded over the past couple of decades.

Things aren't always what they seem to be.

Finsterer Streiter
07-16-2009, 09:39 AM
If Islam is a cancer then Europe needs a strong chemo-therapy. Some shrinkage included. But in this case, the end justifies the means.

07-16-2009, 09:48 AM
"Islam Is a Cancer Eating Away at Our Freedoms"
It is not Islam per se,

Not specifically Islam, but it is without question the biggest threat to our society and security.

Creeping Death
07-16-2009, 09:52 AM
Not specifically Islam, but it is without question the biggest threat to our society and security.
No get it right the biggest threat is multi-culturalism or multi-racialism, if Islam is a big threat then why is America literally tearing it a new Arsehole in the Mid Eat? Islam is a paper Tiger, it is the tidal wave of Third World immigrants which is the threat, as they are tearing the West down a path to medieval poverty and they come in all different faiths.

07-16-2009, 01:47 PM
I agree with Brian Foley, pointing out only the Islam is so simplistic and naive. It is in fact jut sell the reality.

Immigration in general is the real cancer, who are the culprits? Liberal left and the big business (generally supported by "conservative" governments), not forgetting the disaster called Europe Union..

The European country with the largest Muslim population is Russia, which has in excess of 20 million Muslims out of a national population of 143 million.

Tatars, but haven't they lived there for centuries?

07-16-2009, 05:57 PM
Not specifically Islam, but it is without question the biggest threat to our society and security.

It isn't Islam which is the biggest threat to our societies and security. The biggest threat to our society and security are

- those people who targeted our societies with Islamic and Third World mass immigration,
- those people who keep the public in a stupor via media lies and manipulation and
- those people who have implemented massive social programs with which traditional family values are attacked, males are presented as "unnecessary and undeserving", boys are programmed to become homosexuals and girls are programmed to become sluts.

Islam is just one tool in the arsenal of the real enemies. In this game the Islamics don't even realise their purpose or mission.

Safeguarding our societies would have been the simplest thing in the world to do if WE didn't allow a small band of usurpers to hijack government, local government, the media and all institutions promoting globalisation, multiculturalism, unregulated mass-immigration and the allocation of (our) taxes to fund all this.

Security starts at the border post and after that with border police and Home Affairs. If it had remained under the control of true representatives of the nation state today's problems wouldn't have existed.

Furthermore, some of the security issues surrounding "Islam" has to do with our countries' unfortunate proclivity to interfere in Middle Eastern countries through measures ranging from crooked wars to propping up cruel and unpopular dictatorships or through choosing sides between disputing parties. It's hardly surprising why in some cases "terrorist backlashes" occur. It's logical that when certain warring sides are favoured, funded and armed by our countries that the opponents of our countries' local allies would hold our countries responsible for the damage and fallout of those actions. This then has a knockon effect on us.

We have a responsibility to rid ourselves of the corrupt political leadership in our countries who put our lives and our countries' security at risk through their greedy and crooked dealings and unfortunately we are also collectively responsible for failing to do this and for failing to see through the sham of modern "big party democracy".

07-16-2009, 06:02 PM
Tatars, but haven't they lived there for centuries?

Tatarstan was conquered by (what was the then Russia) centuries ago and incorporated into what has become current Russia.

07-16-2009, 06:13 PM
I completely agree with Roy on this one. Islam isn't that cancer, it is the symptom - the loss of hair our loss of cultural sovereignty, the weakness our incapacity to question alien ways, the fatigue our frustration.

The cancer, in reality, is marxism and that small group of hidden elites who stand to prosper from it. Their tactics have been to encourage the symptoms of their insidious growth - Islam, political correctness and media propaganda. Islam will not go away until we are first rid of the forces driving its growth within Europe. It is not achieving this much on its own, it is being aided by non-Muslim powers whose selfish ambitions are strengthened by doing so.

07-16-2009, 07:46 PM
As another poster pointed out (apologies forgot who it was), Islam is only one of the "flavours" of the problems facing us.

It's simply impossible to "deal with Islam", other mass immigration, moral decay, worship of Mammon, the media's glorification of mediocrity and the lowest common denominators (as illustrated with reality TV) and so forth while our hands our deliberately tied to prevent us from doing so by those who own the media, who own governments, who own the police etc!

For example, in countries like Sweden there is a virtual media blackout on any kind of discussion about mass immigration, in this case particularly Islamic immigration.

When one considers that the media and political parties in Sweden are certainly not controlled nor owned by "Islamicists", shouldn't we start asking ourselves the questions about

- WHO owns the media
- WHO controls and owns the politicians and political parties (it certainly isn't the public electorate)
- WHAT their agenda is?