View Full Version : Riga

07-16-2009, 12:08 PM

I kept postponing this thread because I have been so lazy plus otherwise occupied eversince I came back, that I still haven't got the time to upload the photos from my camera and upload them here. :rolleyes:

But I might as well start and reserve the photo space for later.

Well, one thing I must say is that I was really impressed with Riga. And when I say really, I mean *really*...

You know my favorite travel destination so far has been Stockholm, but I can safely say now that Riga is #2 as it is not only absolutely beautiful but also affordable (as opposed to Scandinavia) and (the best part comes here) completely immigrant free! :lightbul:

Yes, in 7 days I did not see one single non-European and it was quite refreshing as I had totally forgotten the feeling of living in Europe before the invasion :(


Riga has the most breathtaking architecture I have ever seen, I haven't been in Prague or Wien to do the comparison yet (as they say those are the most well-preserved cities in the architectural sense) but I have the feeling that they will not measure up to the artistic architecture in Riga.

The best part is that the Art Nouveau buildings are not restricted in the Old Town, but they can be found outside the Old Town as well.

Some famous examples:


I was staying behind the red building on the right:


Asides from the breathtaking architecture, Riga has enormous, very green and clean parks everywhere, with lots of water and spectacular natural beauty.
Most of the parks I visited are trully enchanting and peaceful, but there is also fun activities to do if one is interested :D


The people in Latvia are simply amazing, they are so kind and hospitable that I really have no words for them.

I was acquainted to around 20 different young Latvians in various occasions, asides from my friend's family, and subracially I can say they are more nordic and scandinavian-looking than anything else.
I failed to see a single "typical Baltic" face, as most of them were either dolichocephalic or faelid, with nordic bone structure rather than baltid.

It might as well be a coincidence but this is what I personally experienced.

They are very graceful and elegant, and far from the "post-soviet Banana republic" stereotype. In fact the only trully disturbing element in Riga was the Russians, sorry if I offend anyone but they are trully hideous.

You can tell them apart from miles away because of the way they dress (men dress like whiggers, women dress like hookers), and, oh, by the fact that they only speak Russian even though the youngsters have been born and raised in Riga :rolleyes:

Also they are the loudest and rudest bunch, the type of which shoves you aside to get a seat in the bus, etc. Anyways. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately Latvian food does not have a reputation for being special, but everything I tried was rather tasteful, especially the cheeses. I can say they make the best smoked cheeses I have ever tried, and since I am not a big fan of meat I was very happy living on cheese, fish, potatoes, and some other local delicacies.

Their nightlife is very lovely and balanced, there is a place for all tastes.

There is Rock in Riga for the rock/metal fans (strongly recommended because it has a view to the river), there is Spacedog for the youngsters, there's a lot of places with live music, there is a variety of small bars and pubs that offer a pint of beer for less than 1 euro, but the most impressive place they took me was a DIY industrial club, "hidden" inside an old and abandonded factory :thumb001:

We also went to Jēkabpils for the summer soltice and that was another amazing experience, as it was an awesome experience to spend some days in a really traditional setting along with peasant Latvian families, and celebrate the Solstice in the way that they do (bonfires and gallons of beer and mead ;)).

Well, all in all I recomend that everyone goes to Riga, and I mean it, it is a place worth seeing and it is really inexpensive, plus the people are wonderful and really hospitable.

They say that Tallinn is the most beautiful city in the Baltic region, and I have to agree in that it is very lovely indeed, but I will also be the heretic in saying that it does not measure up to Riga even in the bit least.

Of course in Tallinn they have done a much better job in attracting tourists, and maybe that is the problem: too many tourists, I felt kind of uncomfortable in such an overcrowded and international Disneyland-like small town.
It is wonderful to visit as well but not nearly as majestic and aristocratic as Riga.

(to be cont. soon) ... :)

07-16-2009, 07:05 PM
Hey i am glad that you liked it in Riga and my country!! :thumb001: You know, some people dont trust me when i tell that Latvians are not backward and very different to Russians but maybe they trust your words more!

The nightlife is very good, yes, but there are some bad places also. I think your friends have not show you that places and that was a good idea.

But you say a mistake only a non-Latvian can do ---- sorry :rolleyes: :

But I can safely say now that Riga is #2 as it is not only absolutely beautiful but also affordable (as opposed to Scandinavia) and (the best part comes here) completely immigrant free! :lightbul:
Riga is not immigrant free because the largest part of Riga are immigrants now.....Russians!! :( Sort them under "native" is not fair and blurs the history!!

Yes if you see all Russians as European then Riga is nearly free of Non-Europeans but i dont know......would you like it if in Athen 51% people are of republic Mazedonia?? They are neighbours but not native people!! The same with Russians in Latvia.

You visited the freedom statue with the three stars and the powder tower?? :wink

07-16-2009, 07:19 PM
No, I didn't mean that Russians are "native" but they're officially not considered as immigrants either... I know it's an unfortunate situation but anyway, when I said "immigrant-free" I meant muslim-free and african-free, basically :)

But I totally know what you're saying because it's the same in Greece with the Albanians. Of course those are immigrants in every sense, but that doesn't make them less worse than Russian "citizens" in Latvia.

You visited the freedom statue with the three stars and the powder tower??

Of course... especially the freedom monument was quite impressive. I took many photos of it. But the most impressive site was most likely the Art Nouveau street :)