View Full Version : Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria dies at 98

ioan assen
11-06-2012, 05:36 PM
SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) — Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria, who weathered a revolt over his communist-era ties to lead the Balkan country's Orthodox Christians for more than 40 years, has died. He was 98.

The patriarch died of heart failure early Tuesday at a Sofia hospital where he had been for a month, the Holy Synod said in a statement.

The Holy Synod of 13 senior clergy will meet to make funeral arrangements and choose an interim patriarch until a larger Church Council is held within the next four months to pick Maxim's successor, church officials said.

Orthodox Christianity is Bulgaria's dominant religion, followed by more than 80 percent of the country's 7.4 million people. Maxim was the church's leader for more than four decades, bridging the country's transition from communism and withstanding efforts to oust him by the new democratic government and rebel priests who saw him as a communist stooge.

Born on Oct. 29, 1914 as Marin Naidenov Minkov, he graduated from the Sofia Seminary in 1935 and entered Sofia University's theology department in 1938, before rising through the church ranks to be named Patriarch on July 4, 1971.

After the collapse of communism in 1989, the new democratic government sought to replace communist-appointed figureheads, including the patriarch, but because of the division between church and state such a decision could only be made by the church. It split between supporters of Patriarch Maxim and breakaway clergymen, who attempted to oust him and then formed their own synod.

The division plunged the church into turmoil, with occupations of key church buildings; priests breaking into fistfights on church steps; and water cannons and tear gas being turned on rebel bishops to clear the main Alexander Nevski cathedral.

For more than a decade, the two synods existed side by side, with the dissidents claiming to have rallied 30 percent of the country's 1,000 priests to their cause. The majority of believers stayed loyal to Maxim, who was recognized as legitimate by the church's other patriarchates.

The schism ended in 2010, when the head of the alternative synod, Metropolitan Inokentii, called for a healing of division between the groups and the rival synod was dissolved.

A panel reviewing communist-era collaborators with the former security services found no links to Maxim, though it said that 11 out of the country's 15 bishops had been working with the communist regime.

The church leader largely kept away from political life, though he remained an influential figure throughout his career.

He was hailed for meeting with Pope John Paul II during the pontiff's visit to Sofia in 2002, a trip seen as warming the frosty relationship between the Orthodox Church and the Vatican.

Pope Benedict XVI sent his condolences in a telegram, expressing thanks "for the good relations that the patriarch developed with the Roman Catholic Church" along with hope that they would continue. Benedict recalled "the cordial hospitality" reserved for his predecessor during the historic visit, and said Maxim "served God and his people with devotion."

The patriarch also rallied support among his Orthodox colleagues in other countries for the release of six Bulgarian medics sentenced to death by the Gadhafi regime in Libya for allegedly deliberately infecting children with HIV.

The church said Maxim's funeral will be held Friday at the Troyan Monastery, near the village of Oreshak where Maxim was born. The funeral will be preceded by a memorial service at Sofia's landmark Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Bugarash 1893
11-07-2012, 11:33 AM
The Bulgarian Church...untill she doesnt serve the goals of the Exarchate it will be nothing more than just a organization.

Crn Volk
11-13-2012, 01:23 AM

Vecer, Macedonia: New Bulgarian patriarch should retain proper attitude to Macedonian Church
09 November 2012 | 10:42 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans

Skopje. The head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church archbishop Stefan and metropolitan bishop Peter of Prespa and Pelagonia are to represent the Macedonian Orthodox Church at the funeral of Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim, writes Macedonian Vecer daily on Friday.
The newspaper says the Macedonian Orthodox Church representatives will be present thanks to the correct attitude of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to the Macedonian one. Patriarch Maxim and the prelates who are contenders for his successor have always had a proper attitude towards the Macedonian church issue, writes Vecer and says the only problem the two churches encounter is the insistence of the Macedonian Orthodox Church on a bond with Ohrid Archbishopric, which Bulgaria historically considers its own.

Hurrem sultana
11-13-2012, 01:31 AM
oh well he had a long life,why the sad face? :D he had to die eventually :D

11-13-2012, 01:33 AM

11-13-2012, 05:48 AM
The Bulgarian Church...untill she doesnt serve the goals of the Exarchate it will be nothing more than just a organization.
Which church is something more than just an organization?

11-13-2012, 05:57 AM
The churches aren't any different than the sects, they are the same, the difference is that the church is the official and the biggest of them. They talk about orphans, poverty and hunger while they are covered in gold and have the newest cars... I dont see how the death of this patriach is of some importance, there are many others like him who are ready to replace him.

ioan assen
11-13-2012, 07:13 AM
I think its of importance, because:
1) he was the spiritual leader of the church which saved bulgarianism for 5 centuries;
2) the church that was the first recognized slavic patriarchate;
3) the old bulgarian literature (the first slavic one) was centred around this very same church;
4) whats left from the medievil bulgarian writings was saved in the monesteries of this very same church;
5) i might disagree with alot of the teachings and the way of life of certain bishops (parading in expensive cars with expensive clocks etc.), but in itself christianity is a religion of forgiveness and tolerance (new testament which isnt interpreted right in my view);
6) i feel connected to orthodoxy :) although i m not following the cannons
7) last but not least, maxim was a quiet honorable man, who had dignity and rarely spoke, but now i see certain precious value in this: the last years were so negative that nothing said could ve changed them... also i fear what a talkative and unspiritual patriarch could bring to the country...

Bugarash 1893
11-13-2012, 11:38 AM
Which church is something more than just an organization?

The greek church,even the serbian.
They are active on all fields not just being there just so the churches wont remain empty.

The greek church is a motor behind greek nationalism.
Have you heard the bulgarian church to say something about everyday problems,about bulgarian national ideals...

The serbian church is active in the issue about the so called Macedonian Orthodox Church,the serbian church is claiming as theirs the eparchies the Exarchate left behind in Macedonia!
While the bulgarian church watches from aside.

Todays bulgarian church is just a shadow if its former self.

Look at the situation of the bulgarian state and you will know the situation of the bulgarian army and church,I always say.

Hurrem sultana
11-13-2012, 12:12 PM
Lol people usually complain the churches,mosques talk too much about politics...and you complain that your does not? :D

11-13-2012, 12:25 PM
Poor young man. He died too early.


11-14-2012, 12:32 PM
Българският патриарх Максим и след смъртта си успя да засрами повечето български, а и сръбски владици, пише сръбският вестник „Прес“.

По повод отвореното завещание на патриарх Максим изданието посочва, че за 40 години Максим не е придобил нищо за себе си, защото не е имал лична банкова сметка, нито автомобил, апартаменти, вили, земя... Цялото му „богатство“ се състои от много стар ръчен часовник и пишеща машина, която купил през 1968 г. Пари също не са открити, тъй като от месечната си заплата от 680 лева оставял по 100 лв. за лични нужди, а останалата част десетилетия наред давал на дом за деца с увреждания в София, като за това почти никой не е знаел.
