View Full Version : Power Of The Mind - Your Experiences?

07-17-2009, 12:30 PM
Has anyone had any experiences, however big or small, which confirm for you that the mind has incomprehensible powers? Events which indicate our ability to create our own reality in some small way? Please share.

Just now I was driving home from the gym listening to an mp3 CD compilation I'd made for my car. It has about 180 tracks by dozens of different artists, sometimes a few tracks from the same artist. I had it on random.

This song was playing by this band, and when it came to the end I kind of hummed the start of the next song that would have begun had I been listening to the band's album - start to finish. I chuckled to myself, thinking how weird it would be if that song actually came on next (it was also part of the compilation). Then I had an inner monologue with myself thinking: wouldn't it be strange if just thinking that this song should come on next had the power to make it happen, then moments later... IT DID!

A 1/180 chance? Perhaps. But at the time it felt more significant than that because I'd actually considered whether my mind had the power to make it happen. A lot of people would analyse that and conclude coincidence, but for me, it confirmed what I already believe - that we can, at least partially, create our own reality with our consciousness.

07-17-2009, 06:00 PM
I think we've all had experiences like that. I know I have.

Not in the same vein as your example, but me and Ceallach have had many occasions where one of us was thinking of the other and wishing they would phone and talk to us. Even had many occasions where I have phoned her when she was texting me about the same reason I was ringing her.

SPQR has had similar occurrences like this, but in my childhood I would get very strong senses of this reality being only the physical plane and have felt my mind wonder to a different plane.
The last time that happened I was at Cubs playing some game. Very odd.

EDIT: Two books I found interesting in discovering at least the scientific explanations for what happened to me as a child, were:
'The Human Mind: And How to Make the Most of It' (http://www.amazon.com/Human-Mind-How-Make-Most/dp/0553816195) and 'Human Instinct' (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Human-Instinct-Robert-M-L-Winston/dp/0553814923)by Dr. Robert Winston.

Very good.
