View Full Version : Palestinian Christian Woman

11-09-2012, 12:34 AM

11-09-2012, 12:39 AM
crusader effect?

11-09-2012, 12:42 AM
crusader effect?

Maybe, like some Lebanese christians. She can pass as French for example.


According to the CIA world factbook, as of 2009, the following statistics are available on Palestinian Christians.

Population group Christian population % Christian
West Bank* 167,000 8
Gaza Strip 10,000 0.3
Arabs in Israel 123,000 9.1
Non-Arabs in Israel** 29,000 0.4
Total (only Arabs) 302,000 6.0
Total (including non-Arabs) 331,000 3.0

11-09-2012, 01:03 AM
Westerners have a misplaced view of Near Easter looks. This is why they often look at Ashkenazi Jews and think they don't look Middle-Eastern so therefore they're converts, Khazars etc. The ancient Near East, while diverse, was a lot "whiter" than today because todays "natives" are often not native entirely but the result of 2000 years of the slave trade. While Ashkenazi Jews have about 2% subsaharan DNA from 72 generations ago modern Arabs can have as much as 20% subsaharan DNA from much more recently. This lady represents a more pure "Near Eastern" look.

The other thing is the Palestinians aren't really Arab (except for 4 ruling clans) they mainly spoke Aramaic until 100 years ago. Most are descendants of Jews and other Aramaic speaking peoples who we see in the case of Druze, Syrians (like Assad) often have blue eyes and fair skin.

This particular lady looks very Jewish to me, most Palestinians are of Jewish origin (http://www.examiner.com/article/are-palestinian-arabs-actually-jewish).

11-09-2012, 01:08 AM
Growing up in New York, I've seen plenty of girls who resemble her. She has what I would call a 'softer' Jewish quality.

11-09-2012, 01:09 AM
Where can I get me one of these hot Jewesses?

Supreme American
11-09-2012, 01:26 AM
It fits in with Biblical descriptions of the Jews of the ancient near east. Red hair, etc.

11-09-2012, 01:28 AM
Where can I get me one of these hot Jewesses?

11-09-2012, 01:28 AM
It fits in with Biblical descriptions of the Jews of the ancient near east. Red hair, etc.

From what I understand the ancient Near East was a little like Italy (or the UK etc) today with lighter people in the north and darker in the south. I've read that Galilleans were known for red hair (common among Jews today) while Judeans tended to be darker. This fits with Syria/Lebanon even today although they've had not only 2,000 years of the slave trade since then but also invasions by darker peoples from the North (Turks, Mongols) too.

11-09-2012, 01:31 AM
Where can I get me one of these hot Jewesses?

Here (http://www.ranker.com/list/top-30-hottest-jewish-women-under-40/greg)

11-09-2012, 01:31 AM
It fits in with Biblical descriptions of the Jews of the ancient near east. Red hair, etc.
My mother has pale white skin, freckles and rust red hair. I have always wondered where she got this from. Some Irish people have thought she was Irish, Italians have thought she may be Italian. I can tell she's Jewish, but that might be just an association.

11-09-2012, 01:32 AM

Is there a dating website?

11-09-2012, 01:41 AM
My mother has pale white skin, freckles and rust red hair. I have always wondered where she got this from. Some Irish people have thought she was Irish, Italians have thought she may be Italian. I can tell she's Jewish, but that might be just an association.

It's weird, Americans especially, think anyone with ginger hair must be Irish. There's plenty of others (Germans, Jews, Russians) with ginger hair as well. I think they've discovered all redheads have a common ancestor though, I'm talking like 10,000 years ago or something.

11-09-2012, 01:42 AM
Is there a dating website?


11-09-2012, 01:42 AM
^ why do you quote others like that?

Jdate, sweet jesus. Thanks!

11-09-2012, 01:42 AM
Westerners have a misplaced view of Near Easter looks. This is why they often look at Ashkenazi Jews and think they don't look Middle-Eastern so therefore they're converts, Khazars etc. The ancient Near East, while diverse, was a lot "whiter" than today because todays "natives" are often not native entirely but the result of 2000 years of the slave trade. While Ashkenazi Jews have about 2% subsaharan DNA from 72 generations ago modern Arabs can have as much as 20% subsaharan DNA from much more recently. This lady represents a more pure "Near Eastern" look.

The other thing is the Palestinians aren't really Arab (except for 4 ruling clans) they mainly spoke Aramaic until 100 years ago. Most are descendants of Jews and other Aramaic speaking peoples who we see in the case of Druze, Syrians (like Assad) often have blue eyes and fair skin.

This particular lady looks very Jewish to me, most Palestinians are of Jewish origin (http://www.examiner.com/article/are-palestinian-arabs-actually-jewish).

If an Askenazi jew looks europeans it is because they are european geneticially for the most part einstein:picard1:

It fits in with Biblical descriptions of the Jews of the ancient near east. Red hair, etc.

From what I understand the ancient Near East was a little like Italy (or the UK etc) today with lighter people in the north and darker in the south. I've read that Galilleans were known for red hair (common among Jews today) while Judeans tended to be darker. This fits with Syria/Lebanon even today although they've had not only 2,000 years of the slave trade since then but also invasions by darker peoples from the North (Turks, Mongols) too.

Yeah right the biblical Jews were white people and the Turks and Mongols made them dark. You are the dumbest Jew I ever met.

11-09-2012, 01:43 AM
My mother has pale white skin, freckles and rust red hair. I have always wondered where she got this from. Some Irish people have thought she was Irish, Italians have thought she may be Italian. I can tell she's Jewish, but that might be just an association.

It's weird, Americans especially, think anyone with ginger hair must be Irish. There's plenty of others (Germans, Jews, Russians) with ginger hair as well. I think they've discovered all redheads have a common ancestor though, I'm talking like 10,000 years ago or something.
Is it possible that the common ancestor would also share with Vikings?

11-09-2012, 01:51 AM
Is it possible that the common ancestor would also share with Vikings?

I think Vikings looted with no remorse, people had no choice but to share with them.

11-09-2012, 02:05 AM
Westerners have a misplaced view of Near Easter looks. This is why they often look at Ashkenazi Jews and think they don't look Middle-Eastern so therefore they're converts, Khazars etc. The ancient Near East, while diverse, was a lot "whiter" than today because todays "natives" are often not native entirely but the result of 2000 years of the slave trade. While Ashkenazi Jews have about 2% subsaharan DNA from 72 generations ago modern Arabs can have as much as 20% subsaharan DNA from much more recently. This lady represents a more pure "Near Eastern" look.

The other thing is the Palestinians aren't really Arab (except for 4 ruling clans) they mainly spoke Aramaic until 100 years ago. Most are descendants of Jews and other Aramaic speaking peoples who we see in the case of Druze, Syrians (like Assad) often have blue eyes and fair skin.

This particular lady looks very Jewish to me, most Palestinians are of Jewish origin (http://www.examiner.com/article/are-palestinian-arabs-actually-jewish).

Not true. Ashkenazim are more European genetically than Near Easterner. Mizharim Jews look Levantine and they are not White as Ashkenazim. Yes in the case of North Africans, like Moroccans especially Southern Moroccans that the case yes. However Northern coastal regions also gained a good amount of European admixture, due to the Barbary raids that went as far as Iceland. Levantines are different case, and they don't have much Afro or Euro admix, although it's there. areas of Oman and coastal Yemen are admixed but even then not most of them.

Now going back the women looks indeed Near Easterner but she could be admixed. Christian Levantines have Crusader blood for example proven by genetics, especially paternally from Germans, French, Norman, and English knights.

Real Jews are the Samaritans and Mizharim who look like any Levantine camel jockey


Mizharim Jew


11-09-2012, 02:12 AM
my message to the jews, dont fvck with christianity


11-09-2012, 02:17 AM
If an Askenazi jew looks europeans it is because they are european geneticially for the most part einstein

That's not true. You're confusing many things. If an Iranian looks white is it because of European mix? No. It's because Caucasians can be fair outside Europe too.

Yeah right the biblical Jews were white people and the Turks and Mongols made them dark. You are the dumbest Jew I ever met.

You, like a typical illiterate Muslim, didn't read what I said. I said that Syrians are often fair (like Assad) but have been influenced (like the rest of the Middle East) but 2000 years of mixing with Black (slaves and immigrants) but it's not simplistic to say that there's a fairer band in the region as their was in ancient times because darker Turkic groups have also invaded from the North. This is a historical fact.

Is it possible that the common ancestor would also share with Vikings?

Yes. I think it would probably be around the time of the last ice age though so I assume would be an IndoEuropean trait brought to ancient Israel by the Hittites.

11-09-2012, 02:21 AM
If an Askenazi jew looks europeans it is because they are european geneticially for the most part einstein

That's not true. You're confusing many things. If an Iranian looks white is it because of European mix? No. It's because Caucasians can be fair outside Europe too.

Yeah right the biblical Jews were white people and the Turks and Mongols made them dark. You are the dumbest Jew I ever met.

You, like a typical illiterate Muslim, didn't read what I said. I said that Syrians are often fair (like Assad) but have been influenced (like the rest of the Middle East) but 2000 years of mixing with Black (slaves and immigrants) but it's not simplistic to say that there's a fairer band in the region as their was in ancient times because darker Turkic groups have also invaded from the North. This is a historical fact.

Is it possible that the common ancestor would also share with Vikings?

Yes. I think it would probably be around the time of the last ice age though so I assume would be an IndoEuropean trait brought to ancient Israel by the Hittites.

Jews have Semitic Facial Structure, Jews have Nigger/Arab Hair Texture, Jews have Nigger Blood. No matter how white their skin or how red their hairs or how blue their eyes, they are mongrols destined to wander the earth because they rejected Jesus Christ

11-09-2012, 02:24 AM
Not true. Ashkenazim are more European genetically than Near Easterner. Mizharim Jews look Levantine and they are not White as Ashkenazim. Yes in the case of North Africans, like Moroccans especially Southern Moroccans that the case yes. However Northern coastal regions also gained a good amount of European admixture, due to the Barbary raids that went as far as Iceland. Levantines are different case, and they don't have much Afro or Euro admix, although it's there. areas of Oman and coastal Yemen are admixed but even then not most of them.

You're mixing up Sephardi Jews and Mizrachi Jews for a start.

Jews, regardless of where they lived, intermarried with their neighbours meaning they are lighter in lighter areas and darker in darker areas obviously but the core DNA is almost the same between the two groups as genetic studies show.

You're being overly simplistic.

Here are some fair Jews from Iraq:


Moshe Kahtan (famous Iraqi family)

An American Ashkenazi actor with dark colouring;


Another Askenazi;


11-09-2012, 02:25 AM
Jews have Semitic Facial Structure, Jews have Nigger/Arab Hair Texture, Jews have Nigger Blood. No matter how white their skin or how red their hairs or how blue their eyes, they are mongrols destined to wander the earth because they rejected Jesus Christ

Interesting thing for a gypsy to say.

11-09-2012, 02:28 AM
Jews have Semitic Facial Structure, Jews have Nigger/Arab Hair Texture, Jews have Nigger Blood. No matter how white their skin or how red their hairs or how blue their eyes, they are mongrols destined to wander the earth because they rejected Jesus Christ

Interesting thing for a gypsy to say.

In Gypsies it is simply because they are nomads, Old Jews have not been Nomads but they are metaphysically destined to roam the earth because they rejected Jesus Christ.

11-09-2012, 02:29 AM
She's probably a Bushnaq, or something along those lines :D

11-09-2012, 02:37 AM

reminds me a lot of


11-09-2012, 02:40 AM
Marissa Tomei looks Greek/Italian. The girl in this original post looks almost like a European Jew.

11-09-2012, 02:42 AM
Yemini Jews have about 7% negro admixture, Yemini Muslims about 20%, but you're just making my case for me that in more ancient times the area was lighter when less mixed.

11-09-2012, 02:52 AM
Palestinians are often light like these 2 girls with Abbas;


11-09-2012, 12:46 PM
Extremely untypical. Crusader blood certain. Looks NW European pred. with Levantine admixture (in eyes region). Very attractive...

11-09-2012, 03:03 PM
Westerners have a misplaced view of Near Easter looks. This is why they often look at Ashkenazi Jews and think they don't look Middle-Eastern so therefore they're converts, Khazars etc. The Khazar myth is wrong. Only the ruling class of the Khazars converted, that's why we see some Turkic haplogroups in Ashkenazi Jews (like Q1b) but very low Central Asian admixture. This people intermarried with the rest of Jews and lost all of the Turanid traits, I personally have not seen a lot of Mongoloid looking Jews

The ancient Near East, while diverse, was a lot "whiter" than today because todays "natives" are often not native entirely but the result of 2000 years of the slave trade. While Ashkenazi Jews have about 2% subsaharan DNA from 72 generations ago modern Arabs can have as much as 20% subsaharan DNA from much more recently. This lady represents a more pure "Near Eastern" look. Jews are ''whiter'' from Lebanese and Palestinians. I don't know if this is because Lebanese and Palestinians mixed with Arabs and Africans or because Jews mixed with Europeans, probably it's both. As for the native element of the Levant, if it really looked like this girl, then Phoenicians and Jews were similar in appearance with southern Europeans

11-12-2012, 10:12 PM
its true that modern Arabs have some African admixture which can show up in their looks, but Italians are too North European admixed to be representative of the ancient Near East. Also Ashkenazi Jews have some more North Europe admixture to be typical.

If anything the ancient Near East looked like this

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Qartvelebi_poloneti.jpghttp://www.lessonsofliberty.org/Georgia/Georgians.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Georgians_in_folklorist_dance_with_national_clothe s.jpghttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2131/2263738041_0b8f36c4ed.jpg

a criss cross between Sardinian and Georgian like people + maybe some other smaller admixture.

11-12-2012, 10:48 PM
This looks like Sikeliot


11-12-2012, 10:55 PM
She looks allot like a girl i dated awhile back...she was from the same rural area my family is from...Ive seen a few Iranians with such pale features, but we rarely see many of the "whiter" upper class middle eastern people here...

11-12-2012, 10:58 PM
This looks like Sikeliot


He actually does. Where is he from?

11-12-2012, 11:09 PM
He actually does. Where is he from?

I think he's Sardinian, there you go.

11-12-2012, 11:09 PM
He actually does. Where is he from?

Sardinian, I think, I did mention it. :)

11-12-2012, 11:24 PM
Westerners have a misplaced view of Near Easter looks. This is why they often look at Ashkenazi Jews and think they don't look Middle-Eastern so therefore they're converts, Khazars etc. The ancient Near East, while diverse, was a lot "whiter" than today because todays "natives" are often not native entirely but the result of 2000 years of the slave trade. While Ashkenazi Jews have about 2% subsaharan DNA from 72 generations ago modern Arabs can have as much as 20% subsaharan DNA from much more recently. This lady represents a more pure "Near Eastern" look.

The other thing is the Palestinians aren't really Arab (except for 4 ruling clans) they mainly spoke Aramaic until 100 years ago. Most are descendants of Jews and other Aramaic speaking peoples who we see in the case of Druze, Syrians (like Assad) often have blue eyes and fair skin.

This particular lady looks very Jewish to me, most Palestinians are of Jewish origin (http://www.examiner.com/article/are-palestinian-arabs-actually-jewish).

I agree. My grandfather was originally Jewish and he was typically European looking. Very tall with fair skin. Spoke Kurdish and Aramaic.

11-12-2012, 11:39 PM
its true that modern Arabs have some African admixture which can show up in their looks, but Italians are too North European admixed to be representative of the ancient Near East. Also Ashkenazi Jews have some more North Europe admixture to be typical.

If anything the ancient Near East looked like this

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Qartvelebi_poloneti.jpghttp://www.lessonsofliberty.org/Georgia/Georgians.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Georgians_in_folklorist_dance_with_national_clothe s.jpghttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2131/2263738041_0b8f36c4ed.jpg

a criss cross between Sardinian and Georgian like people + maybe some other smaller admixture.

Before the Arabian invasions that's a possiblity, which occurred long before Islam. The Nabateans already were present in the Levant for example. The same was also true of the Saitific, Thumidic and Midianite tribes. Anyways some regions especially like Iraq gained an important Arabian gene flow especially through the female line, and eventually the Arabian shift occurred between the 15th to the 19th century, when nomadic Arabian tribes from Nejid, Al-Yamama, and Northern Yemen migrated. The last of these nomadic Arabian tribes was the Shammar and Rawalah who are both behind the Syrian revolt. Especially the Jebali clan of the Shammar which were made to settle by the British in Mosul and joining regions.

Arabia always looked these people

http://s12.postimage.org/rmsg2944d/php_V3h3_Wn.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
image hosting sites (http://postimage.org/)

http://s7.postimage.org/bcttugd6j/phprmx9v_T.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
online photo sharing (http://postimage.org/)

http://s7.postimage.org/nfz5i0o8r/php_UDp_Yc5.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
picture hosting (http://postimage.org/)

11-12-2012, 11:50 PM
LOL everytime i login in an anthro forum it looks i'm living a sort of hallucinogen trip caused by drugs.
Today comes the turn of a Kurdish (i think the same one that i met in zetaboards months ago), selecting logically the most exotic people and iper tanned ones, not the average people, even including persons photographed in an international festival of Folklore (the UFI festival of Macomer).

anyway these are thousands photos of average sardinians, and i show also name and surname, not photos with anonymous people:
open the spoiler


11-13-2012, 12:16 AM
LOL everytime i login in an anthro forum it looks i'm living a sort of hallucinogen trip caused by drugs.
Today comes the turn of a Kurdish (i think the same one that i met in zetaboards months ago), selecting logically the most exotic people and iper tanned ones, not the average people, even including persons photographed in an international festival of Folklore (the UFI festival of Macomer).

anyway these are thousands photos of average sardinians, and i show also name and surname, not photos with anonymous people:
open the spoiler


Askra I am sorry but when I googled Sardinians this was what came out. Also I simply tried to show what I consider the most Mediterranean like types, since my main point was that the ancient Near East was made up of the Mediterranean (which peaks in Sardinians) and West Asian(which peaks in Georgians) components.

It was not my intention to show typical Sardinians indeed I cherry picked the more darker ones since modern Sardinians have some North European admixture which makes the average of them somehow a bit lighter as how the original Mediterranean Neolithic population looked like. This is why I took the darker ones which I consider representative for the Neolithic farmer Mediterranean component.

11-13-2012, 12:21 AM
Arabia always looked these people

From a genetic point of view, we know that the Southwest Asian component is simply an slightly East African shifted (maybe through more recent out of East Africa migrations?) version of the ancient Neolithic Mediterranean component.

11-13-2012, 12:27 AM
Askra I am sorry but when I googled Sardinians this was what came out. Also I simply tried to show what I consider the most Mediterranean like types, since my main point was that the ancient Near East was made up of the Mediterranean (which peaks in Sardinians) and West Asian(which peaks in Georgians) components.

It was not my intention to show typical Sardinians indeed I cherry picked the more darker ones since modern Sardinians have some North European admixture which makes the average of them somehow a bit lighter as how the original Mediterranean Neolithic population looked like. This is why I took the darker ones which I consider representative for the Neolithic farmer Mediterranean component.

Well you should cherry pick also rapresentative photos of unmixed caucasians, because everyone of us know that the Caucasus Region was under russian domination for centuries, and still today north caucasus is part of the Russian Federation, and great part of its population is ethnically russian (so north eastern european)!

11-13-2012, 01:08 AM
Well you should cherry pick also rapresentative photos of unmixed caucasians, because everyone of us know that the Caucasus Region was under russian domination for centuries, and still today north caucasus is part of the Russian Federation, and great part of its population is ethnically russian (so north eastern european)!

I am sorry but these photos are pretty representative for the general look of the more northern Caucasians in whom this component peaks. You can ask whoever Russian you want they will confirm that most of them look nothing like Russians and Russians can spot them from miles

especially this one look very Caucasian

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Georgians_in_folklorist_dance_with_national_clothe s.jpg

I could have also posted this one, but I didnt because they make weird faces.

I also took into account that Sardinians have generally (~20%!) more of the North European component compared to Georgians which would make their appearance technically much more North Euro influenced.

You are not understanding what I am watching for. I try to show what I consider the most representative for the components ones dominating the Near East. the Mediterranean on one hand peaks in Sardinians but they are considerably (almost 30%) admixed with North European component, so their average appearance can be viewed as a bit too lightened up for the typical Med component person, while the West Asian component which peaks in Georgians is not "diluted" that much by the North European component. In contrary they have more Mediterranean admixture. This is why the average or maybe even the a bit lighter Georgians are representative for the West Asian component.

Its all about the components not how the typical Georgians or Sardinians look like.

11-13-2012, 05:14 AM
[QUOTE=Anglojew;1149432]My mother has pale white skin, freckles and rust red hair.

ruste red with curls/waves = early Roman. :)

Prince Carlo
11-14-2012, 10:48 AM
@Demhat The Med component is not native of the middleast and is interfered on the Sards, who are Southern Europeans. You are confusing it for the Southern component which is the main component of the Sards on the low Ks.

Arabia always looked these people

^. No I don't think so because Arabia have been colonized by many people in the last 10.000 years.

11-14-2012, 12:35 PM
@Demhat The Med component is not native of the middleast and is interfered on the Sards, who are Southern Europeans. You are confusing it for the Southern component which is the main component of the Sards on the low Ks.

No I am not confusing it. When I say Mediterranean, I meant the Mediterranean component of k10a. Which peaks in Sardinians this is true but this doesnt mean it originated there. We know from Neolithic samples from Bulgaria that this area was ones populated by Sardinian like people, today there is very little remained of it. The Mediterranean component which peaks in Sardinians is also very strong in the Levant and even Saudi Arabia.

It reaches 48% among the Samaritians of the Levant. and peaks in Sardinians with 70%. I believe the Mediterranean component was strongly replaced by the West Asian component on one hand and on the other it got admixed through new waves out of East Africa and shifted to what is known as "Southwest Asian".

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadC1kRjhxcHNfSGhPYlUxbEI0VVZPR 0E#gid=0

Prince Carlo
11-14-2012, 06:10 PM
No I am not confusing it. When I say Mediterranean, I meant the Mediterranean component of k10a. Which peaks in Sardinians this is true but this doesnt mean it originated there. We know from Neolithic samples from Bulgaria that this area was ones populated by Sardinian like people, today there is very little remained of it. The Mediterranean component which peaks in Sardinians is also very strong in the Levant and even Saudi Arabia.

It reaches 48% among the Samaritians of the Levant. and peaks in Sardinians with 70%. I believe the Mediterranean component was strongly replaced by the West Asian component on one hand and on the other it got admixed through new waves out of East Africa and shifted to what is known as "Southwest Asian".

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadC1kRjhxcHNfSGhPYlUxbEI0VVZPR 0E#gid=0

The Med component is not a real component because it appears only on the high Ks and is a set of alleles interfered on the Sards. So it is a composite of various stuff: atlantic, southern, west asian,... etc

11-14-2012, 06:26 PM
Marissa Tomei looks Greek/Italian. The girl in this original post looks almost like a European Jew.

And she's prettier than Marisa Tomei.

11-15-2012, 04:19 AM
^. No I don't think so because Arabia have been colonized by many people in the last 10.000 years.

Arabia was never colonized. It was always Arabian, not even the Ottomans colonized Arabia directly, since the Arab tribes could never be subdued. Well they did rule the other areas directly. In fact Arabia was pretty much independent. However the only real colonizers of Arabia were the British, they also did it indirectly than directly and of course then left. Though I am sure Southern Italy never bee colonized;)

Prince Carlo
11-15-2012, 06:58 AM
Arabia was never colonized. It was always Arabian, not even the Ottomans colonized Arabia directly, since the Arab tribes could never be subdued. Well they did rule the other areas directly. In fact Arabia was pretty much independent. However the only real colonizers of Arabia were the British, they also did it indirectly than directly and of course then left. Though I am sure Southern Italy never bee colonized;)

Dude you are tripping. Modern Arabians are 40% West Asian and 10% SSA-South Asian in the low Ks. But if you think that those components are all native of Arabia so be it.

11-15-2012, 04:22 PM
The Med component is not a real component because it appears only on the high Ks and is a set of alleles interfered on the Sards. So it is a composite of various stuff: atlantic, southern, west asian,... etc

First of what do you mean with "Sards" (Sardinians?)

The Med component is however more real than the "Atlantic_Med" component which appears in even higher Ks. However Dienekes oddly considers Atlantic_Med as very real too. The Southern component peaks in Levantines and Saudis.

11-15-2012, 04:31 PM
The swarthy half negroes of the Levant are swarthified by people from the Arab Peninsula. Many of them are darker than the original Levantines.

Sultan Suleiman
11-15-2012, 04:36 PM
She's probably a Bushnaq, or something along those lines :D

Yup, Bosnian, Albanian and Serb administrators round those parts took that ius primae noctis to heart with them kaffir and Muslim girls.

Prince Carlo
11-15-2012, 04:38 PM
First of what do you mean with "Sards" (Sardinians?)


The Med component is however more real than the "Atlantic_Med" component which appears in even higher Ks. However Dienekes oddly considers Atlantic_Med as very real too. The Southern component peaks in Levantines and Saudis.

The Atlantomed is Med with a western pull and is interfered on Sards and Basque.

11-17-2012, 05:31 AM
No I am not confusing it. When I say Mediterranean, I meant the Mediterranean component of k10a. Which peaks in Sardinians this is true but this doesnt mean it originated there. We know from Neolithic samples from Bulgaria that this area was ones populated by Sardinian like people, today there is very little remained of it. The Mediterranean component which peaks in Sardinians is also very strong in the Levant and even Saudi Arabia.

It reaches 48% among the Samaritians of the Levant. and peaks in Sardinians with 70%..

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadC1kRjhxcHNfSGhPYlUxbEI0VVZPR 0E#gid=0

I hope you are kidding, because i can't believe that you are speaking seriously.
Do you realize that those plots change everytime their results if you omit, add or focus a component on another population?
Do you realise that in K10a weren't considered many components like the north african one, and also the south west asian component that peaks in arabian peninsula? so it's quite obvious that south west asians and also people from Levant have gained higher levels of mediterranean, resulting predominantly west asians and mediterraneans, though they aren't.
(for example) Why don't you try to remove the atlantic-baltic component to see what happen? Northern europeans will get mediterranean or west asian and they won't be northern europeans anymore. Why don't you erase the west asian component next time? may be people from Caucasus will become Siberians, Arabs or South Asians.

Now i show other plots like k10a but that have different variables:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJDEoCgzRKedGR2ZWRoQ0VaWTc0dlV1cHh4ZUNJR UE#gid=1

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadDUyeEtjNnBmY09EbnowN3M3UWRyN nc&authkey=COCa89AJ&hl=en_US&authkey=COCa89AJ#gid=0

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadExjVnpKbHFEeGVZOEZPOXBxWnA2W nc#gid=0

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadC1kRjhxcHNfSGhPYlUxbEI0VVZPR 0E#gid=0

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJDEoCgzRKedEY4Y3lTUVBaaFp0bC1zZlBDcTZEY lE#gid=0

In conclusion:
If i considered these plots reliable at 100%, i would claim that human beings are some mutants, because their genetics change depending on the mood of the genetician who decide which population consider, which component add or cancel. :picard2:

Prince Carlo
11-17-2012, 07:34 AM
Askra there is no Med component. It appears on the high Ks as a set of alleles interfered on the Sardinians and is a mix of various stuff. Without the Sardinians there won't be any Med component.

10-15-2021, 02:49 PM
Not true. Ashkenazim are more European genetically than Near Easterner. Mizharim Jews look Levantine and they are not White as Ashkenazim. Yes in the case of North Africans, like Moroccans especially Southern Moroccans that the case yes. However Northern coastal regions also gained a good amount of European admixture, due to the Barbary raids that went as far as Iceland. Levantines are different case, and they don't have much Afro or Euro admix, although it's there. areas of Oman and coastal Yemen are admixed but even then not most of them.

Now going back the women looks indeed Near Easterner but she could be admixed. Christian Levantines have Crusader blood for example proven by genetics, especially paternally from Germans, French, Norman, and English knights.

Real Jews are the Samaritans and Mizharim who look like any Levantine camel jockey


Mizharim Jew


Not true. Mizrahi Jews are far from the "real" Jews. Based on my experience and knowledge, even iraqi jews don't look like camel jockey bedouins and arabians. Northern mizrahi jews even more so. Samaritans however and lebanese christians represent the original stock from the south-central levant and look pure levantine.