View Full Version : Which temperament corresponds to your personality

11-09-2012, 02:59 PM
The four temperament types:


The sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and romantic. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence. Sanguine people are warm-hearted, pleasant, lively and optimistic


The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings


The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others


The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive

11-09-2012, 03:01 PM
Interesting. I'd classify myself as melancholic

11-09-2012, 03:03 PM
I'm between melancholic and phlegmatic, but I'm more on the phlegmatic side.

11-09-2012, 03:04 PM
None of these, though phlegmatic would be the closest if there was no other choice.

This "The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet" and this "They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant" fits. The rest does not.

Mindful, and neutral for the most part. Reality and common sense based. Though unfortunately still somewhat playful and silly at times :(

Not fully enlightened yet, but working on it! :D

11-09-2012, 03:05 PM
sanguine with phlegmatic and a spice of melancholic

11-09-2012, 03:09 PM
sanguine with phlegmatic and a spice of melancholic

and finally some olive oil to add taste.

11-09-2012, 03:10 PM
sanguine with phlegmatic and a spice of melancholic

Quite a mix

Zmey Gorynych
11-09-2012, 03:13 PM
Choleric with melancholic tendencies :) I have certain sanguinic traits as well (not following tasks all the way through, sarcastic, losing interest). Sanguinics are probably the best people to have around, they are positive, confident but not overly so, they can stand for themselves without being aggressive, talkative, etc. The sanguinic is the most balanced (in a positive way) type.

Atlantic Islander
11-09-2012, 05:34 PM
Choleric for sure.

11-09-2012, 05:38 PM
Alternating between choleric and melancholic. I may be bipolar.

11-09-2012, 06:08 PM
Mix of choleric and melancholic.

11-09-2012, 10:27 PM
Phlegmatic. Definitely.

So phlegmatic that I never get anything done. I don't lose interest halfway through because I never start it to begin with. I'm very relaxed and easy-going. I'm definitely not social and social situations tire me out terribly. I'm not prone to depression either. I don't have a temper and very little gets me worked up. I'm one of the few people who is the same every day. I don't have moods. I'm not bitchy. I'm not demanding. According to my husband, I am a pleasure to be married to. :D

11-09-2012, 10:45 PM
Melancholic. For I have a Poetry Blog. :(

11-09-2012, 10:45 PM
Melancholic-Phlegmatic blend.

Bloody hell, I have already classified so many people that I'm using racial classification slangs here!

11-10-2012, 07:09 AM
A mix of Melancholic and Phlegmatic but more of Melancholic (maybe thanks to my Slav ancestry?)

Atlantic Islander
11-10-2012, 07:15 AM
So many Melancholic people here.

11-10-2012, 07:20 AM
Sanguine + Choleric. Can't decide what is dominant, seems like an even mixture.

11-10-2012, 07:27 AM
melancholic = 50%
sanguine = 25%
choleric = 15%
Phlegmatic = 10%

11-10-2012, 07:30 AM
We did this test in school at psychology class and my result was Melancholic.

11-23-2012, 02:28 PM
I found this in my school book and I have to admit that it correlates at least with my personalty:

Melancholisches Temperament
Menschen mit dunklen Haaren, trockener blasser Haut, hagerem Körper und schmalen Schultern.
Das Nervensystem reagiert langsam, häufig trübe Gemütsstimmung

11-23-2012, 03:17 PM
Idk, either Phlegmatic or Melancholic. I've always said it, I have a Northern European temperament)

I'm quite calm and cool.

11-23-2012, 03:47 PM
Melancholic and phlegmatic.

Siberian Cold Breeze
11-23-2012, 06:52 PM
Sanguine dominantly

Incel King
11-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Extremely melancholic.

11-24-2012, 07:28 AM
Between choleric and melancholic, depending. I'm introverted but I still have some leader like qualities and will take charge if I have to. I just don't like doing it (INTJ)

11-24-2012, 07:40 AM
Choleric with a strong dash of Sanguine.

Typical with my region.

11-24-2012, 07:44 AM
Extremely melancholic.

I can tell :D

11-24-2012, 07:57 AM
Choleric and HIGHLY organized.

11-28-2012, 04:30 AM

11-29-2013, 01:14 PM
I think I am melancholic, with a light admixture of Phlegmatic and Choleric along with a very distant Sanguine.

12-26-2013, 07:35 AM
Definitely choleric

Leo Iscariot
01-13-2014, 02:20 AM
I'd say a cross between Sanguine and Phlegmatic.

02-17-2014, 05:06 PM
True Northern Melancholic

de Burgh II
06-17-2014, 05:08 AM
I would say phlegmatic seems about accurate personality wise.

06-17-2014, 05:13 AM
I'm actually all of these personality types at once and at different times. I have multiple personalities. I'm just as comfortable at a refined wine party held at a mansion socializing with worldly jet setters as I am in a ghetto nightclub interacting with working class folks. I also tend to be a loner and when alone, am usually melancholic. But at the same time, I'm ambitious and get things done, when I am usually in group settings, leadership positions often fall on me for many reasons, even when I don't ask for them.

06-17-2014, 05:17 AM
I'm actually all of these personality types at once and at different times. I have multiple personalities. I'm just as comfortable at a refined wine party held at a mansion socializing with worldly jet setters as I am in a ghetto nightclub interacting with working class folks. I also tend to be a loner and when alone, am usually melancholic. But at the same time, I'm ambitious and get things done, when I am usually in group settings, leadership positions often fall on me for many reasons, even when I don't ask for them.

Yours is a very curious case of nurture versus nature on which nurture took over nature, or so I would think, but i'm not really well versed on East Asian temperament. For all practical purposes I think your whole self is as typical American as it gets. Being totally honest with you, I had a hard time believing you were actually Asian. It's hard for me to picture you being Asian for some reason.

06-17-2014, 05:27 AM
Yours is a very curious case of nurture versus nature on which nurture took over nature, or so I would think, but i'm not really well versed on East Asian temperament. For all practical purposes I think your whole self is as typical American as it gets. Being totally honest with you, I had a hard time believing you were actually Asian. It's hard for me to picture you being Asian for some reason.

On the whole, my personality is far more American. Actually, it is very quintessentially American in many respects. But I do have a great deal of pride and knowledge about my heritage.

06-17-2014, 05:40 AM
Melancholic mostly....except that I can't stand poetry and most art forms:laugh:

06-17-2014, 05:44 AM
Yours is a very curious case of nurture versus nature on which nurture took over nature, or so I would think, but i'm not really well versed on East Asian temperament. For all practical purposes I think your whole self is as typical American as it gets. Being totally honest with you, I had a hard time believing you were actually Asian. It's hard for me to picture you being Asian for some reason.

BTW, not only in personality but my physical presence and body language, pretty much confounds most people's stereotypes of an Asian male FYI. I've often been told that by people after they get comfortable with me. I'm definitely the opposite of many peoples' stereotypes of meek, agreeable, nerdy Asians, though I don't think that stereotype is fair at all because I've known a lot of Asian males, particularly in China who were very masculine and dominant (though most of the pop culture idols are a bunch of pussies who I hate).

08-12-2014, 03:26 PM


In a nutshell...

Melancholic people are emotionally sensitive, perfectionistic introverts.


The defining feature of a melancholic attitude is perfectionism. They are idealists who wish for things to be a certain way, and they get distressed when they are not.

They hold themselves and others to unrealistically high standards, and get distressed when these standards are not met.
This leads to them being self-deprecating - because they do not meet their own standards - and critical of others - because those others do not meet their standards.

Their generally dour demeanour comes from their inner struggle between an imperfect world and a desire for perfection.

Many melancholics wish to learn and to understand, to know the details of every little thing, because to be ignorant is to stray from perfection. They are not content to just accept things the way that they are.
They are inquisitive and ask specific questions in order to come to a clearer understanding.

This leads many of them to be overanalytical, neurotic worriers.

They are very stubborn, because they try very hard to stick to their own carefully considered views and standards of perfection, and are not easily shifted from this path. They do not go with the flow.

They are tenacious and cannot let things go, because 'good enough' is not good enough. They strive for perfection.

They are very pessimistic, and assume the worst due to these unrealistic standards.

They think and plan before they act; they are not the types who will resort to rash, impulsive behaviour, and will panic if they are unable to plan in advance.

It's easier for them to reject and hate things than it is for them to love and embrace them. Their interests and tastes are picked carefully, and they give a lot of attention to each one, and hold them close to their hearts, rather than having many fleeting interests that change quickly and often.

They complain a lot, in a 'whinging' kind of way rather than a 'put down' or 'demanding' kind of way.

They tend to argue, because they cannot simply let things be if they seem wrong. They argue using reason, evidence, logic, and explanations, delivered analytically or with pleading. They only argue to set wrongs right, rather than to assert dominance. The argument is about the issue, not about them.

They respond poorly to compliments, often 'rebutting' them by saying that they're not so great after all.
"Wow, that's a really nice painting you just made!"
"I don't know, the eyes are probably too big..." (rather than "Thanks!")

They will blame themselves for mistakes, because they are acutely aware of their own imperfection.

They tend to prefer things to be tidy, organised in some way or another. This doesn't necessarily mean 'neat' as such; often they have very idiosyncratic organisation methods.

They are idealists, who imagine perfect fantasies and feel upset when things don't live up to these fantasies.

They prefer to tackle the heart of the matter, which can lead to them avoiding 'beating around the bush'.


Melancholics are the most introverted of the temperaments in that they crave time alone, and are most at ease in their own company.

They can enjoy spending time with others, but this drains their energy, and they need alone time in order to recharge.

Much of their introversion comes from their perfectionism. They are picky about the sorts of people that they associate with; people who meet their standards and share their outlook. People that don't will make them uncomfortable; they do not wish to talk to 'anyone and everyone'.
Their self-deprecation also makes them think that they might not be very interesting anyway, that they aren't really worth spending time with, even if they know in the depths of their minds that they are very interesting indeed.

Once they have someone to talk to in a quiet and relaxed environment, they can talk a lot and will enjoy sharing thoughts and ideas.

They are very wary of making friends. Unlike sanguines, it can take them a very long time for them to consider someone they're familiar with a 'friend', but once they've reached this point, they will likely stick with that person loyally.

They prefer having a few close friends to many acquaintances.

They can be seen as selfish, because they prefer to be alone with their thoughts, to have their own things, rather than sharing time or possessions socially with others.
They are usually very possessive about the things that they own and are reluctant to let others borrow or use them, because they treat their own things well, care about everything deeply, and will worry that others will not look after them with the same level of care.

They could be described as 'intense', rather than 'easy-going'.


Melancholics are very emotional. They are moved deeply by beauty, and by distress. They are very easily hurt, because of their perfectionistic tendencies.
Often their moods are like delicate glass sculptures; built up slowly, deliberately, and carefully, but easily broken, and hard to repair once shattered.

They respond to things that they dislike with misery and with tears rather than with rage.

They are very slow to 'snap', but will hold onto emotions for a very long time. They hold grudges, because people who have failed to meet their standards, who have hurt them, will not just suddenly meet those standards without changing drastically.

They can become very 'moody', and they can be difficult to interact with because they are so easily hurt.

They are not aggressive, and wish to flee from things that cause them distress.

If they want to get back at another person, they are more likely to make them feel guilty than to insult them bluntly.

They are 'thin-skinned'.


In our distant ancestors, the melancholic members of a pack may have been the analysts, the information gatherers. They scouted for potential danger, or for food, and reported back to the pack leader. The more accurate their findings were, the better; this led to a trend towards perfectionism, as the 'analysts' closer to perfection survived better than those that made sloppy mistakes.

In current society, they often tend towards analytical roles such as scientists, analysts, programmers, logicians, and so on. In fantasy settings, they may be wizards or sages.



In a nutshell...

Phlegmatic people are meek, submissive introverts who live to please others.


Phlegmatics do not act as if they are better than others. They are eager to please, and quick to give in to others rather than asserting their own desires as if they're the most important.

They take the path of least resistance whenever possible. They so desperately wish for peace, for everyone to get along, and to avoid conflict at all costs.

Conflict terrifies them. They do not start it (except perhaps in extreme circumstances), or provoke it, and try to defuse it when it comes up. When forced into an argument, they get very upset and distressed, seeking escape rather than victory.

If confronted, they are likely to admit that they are in the wrong in order to prevent hostilities.

They don't believe that they know best.

They have no desire to be a 'winner'; they only wish for peace.

They are well-behaved; rebelling against established rules would feel deeply uncomfortable to them. They're the sort who'd say, worriedly, 'should we really be doing this?' or 'we might get in trouble!'.

They really, really do not wish to be a bother to others, and always put others first. This is due to a deep-rooted unease about asserting themselves rather than a lack of confidence, or a conscious desire to be a 'nice person'.

They are quick to apologise for any mistakes that they may have made, and will sacrifice their own happiness to ensure that others are happy.

They are empathetic, and acutely aware of the feelings of those that they are interacting with, as they do not wish to hurt these feelings.

They have tremendous difficulty saying no, and will go along with things that they dislike to make others happy.

They are extremely trustworthy; if they make a promise, it's very likely that they will keep it.

They're terrified of doing things wrong.

They will blame themselves if mistakes are made, even if it was someone else's fault, just to make others feel better and more at ease.

They try and word things in a way that is not offensive to others. The will be more supportive than critical.


They'll defer to others to make choices, and will feel upset and pressured if they have to make a decision themselves; this comes from their inability to see themselves in a 'leader' role.

They are natural followers, and work best when they are told what to do.

Their language is generally full of uncertain phrases such as 'I think', 'maybe', 'perhaps', 'or something'. Compare "maybe you could do X, or something?" to "do X" or "you should do X".

Rather than saying or doing the wrong thing, they'll say or do nothing at all.

Obstacles that get in the way of their steady path will cause them to halt and fumble around, not sure what to do. They're more likely to travel around than through it; their path is easily changed by others.


Phlegmatics are introverted, and enjoy time alone. However, they are much 'nicer' and more friendly and social than the melancholic, as they're unburdened by 'perfectionism' and as such do not judge others.

They enjoy spending time with friends, and are very loyal to these friends, sticking with them through thick and thin, even through abuse. This is because they put others first, and will not leave another even if THEY want to because the other person may not want them to leave.

They are almost immune to anger. They have extremely long fuses, and will only snap after a long period of prolonged and persistent abuse. Even then, they're more likely to retreat within themselves and cry than to try to harm another.

They like calm and steady lives, free of surprises. They can be relatively confident in familiar situations - if not necessarily assertive - but panic when placed in new ones. They do not seek thrills, and enjoy predictable, quiet, ritualistic lifestyles.

They are very quiet, and do not share their own inner thoughts readily, as they fear judgement and don't wish to bother others by waffling on about themselves.

They are however excellent and attentive listeners, who will quietly and politely take in and absorb the conversations of their friends. They will always pay attention, and will offer supportive feedback rather than criticism or advice. They'd never say things like 'bored now', as if it's the duty of others to entertain them.

Since they hate to offend or hurt others, they generally don't ever resort to aggressive insults or attacks. Belittling or hurting another makes them feel bad, not 'powerful and in control' or amused, so they'll worry about having done this accidentally.

They could be described as 'nice guys/girls' or, more horribly, 'doormats' by those with different temperaments.

They barely express emotion at all. While the sanguine might whoop and cheer and jump for joy at the slightest provocation, phlegmatics are unlikely to express more than a smile or a frown. Their emotions happen mainly internally.

They lack 'passion', as their emotions are mostly internal. They often rely on others ordering them to do things to get motivation.


In our distant past, the phlegmatic members of a pack might have been the obedient followers who'd get much of the actual work done at the command of their superiors. They may not stand out, but without them, nothing would work.

They are the cooks, the cleaners, the quiet office drones, the redshirts, the white mages.



In a nutshell...

Choleric people are the proud, extroverted 'alphas' of our species.


Cholerics people are leaders and directors. They seek to be in control of situations, to be on top, to be the best.

This doesn't necessarily mean that they are all driven to reach the top of the corporate ladder or anything, or that they all want to have leadership roles, but in day-to-day interactions with other people, they have a tendency towards one-upsmanship.

They use imperative, commanding language, wording things as orders rather than requests. Compare "get me a drink" to "can I have a drink?". They probably use phrases like 'deal with it', 'get over yourself', 'stop being such a wimp', etc, or may start sentences with "look", or maybe "look, buddy" or "listen, pal" or things like that.

They word things with confidence and certainty. Compare "X is this way" to "maybe X is this way, or something?".

They are firm and forceful in their approach to problems. They believe in 'tough love', and try to 'help' others by challenging them to prove themselves, as they themselves would.

They're more likely to tell someone who they are trying to 'help' that they're pathetic, expecting the person to say 'no, I'm not pathetic, I'll show you!', as indeed a choleric would in response to such a thing.

If met by opposition, they react confrontationally to defend themselves. They are constantly trying to be 'dominant' in every situation, subconsciously, either by being louder and better than those around them, or more restrained and therefore superior to those who lose their cool.

Most bullies are choleric, but few cholerics are bullies. Many will in fact stand up to those who bully others, rather than letting them get away with things.

Their confidence and demanding natures make them natural leaders, though this doesn't mean that they would necessarily enjoy leadership positions; they're just more likely to take charge if necessary rather than fumbling around worrying.

They will 'challenge' others aggressively in order to show their respect for the person's strength. They believe that it is important to 'prove oneself'.

They have a tendency to argue for reasons that are different to the melancholic. They're more driven by a desire to prove themselves greater than whoever they're arguing with, to assert that they are right, rather than to reach some kind of truth or compromise. They can lie in order to maintain the dominant position. The argument is about them moreso than the issue; a battle of egos rather than a quest for truth.

They say things like "if anyone tries to mess with me, I make them wish they'd never started on me in the first place".

They love competition... but hate to lose.

They are defiant of authority, challenging them as if to knock them off the top spot and assert their own dominance as the alpha of this pack, the leader of this tribe.

They can be very condescending to those that they look down upon.

They may take pleasure in the pain, misfortune, or humiliation of people they are not on good terms with. This is because it brings them pleasure to feel superior to others. "Haha! Look at that loser messing up! Hilarious!" (Compare this with the phlegmatic, who'd be more likely to feel distress when seeing someone being harmed, even if it was their worst enemy.)

Words like 'hot-blooded', 'brash', 'domineering', 'overbearing', might be used to describe this temperament.

They blame others for their own mistakes, often to the point of lying to save face.

They feel that they can define and understand and advise others, but laugh at the thought that others could do the same to them. This is because analysing and defining another puts you in the superior position, while being defined would put them in the inferior position, which they resist.


Cholerics are extroverted in the sense that they will meddle in others' affairs and 'speak their mind' if they feel it is necessary, rather than minding their own business.

They generally respond well to new situations, and seek thrills.

They seek to prove themselves externally, to show that they are great and the best and things like that. They must prove that they are strong.

They believe that it is important to 'say things how they are', to be bluntly honest about their opinions rather than 'sugar-coating' them.

They speak their mind, but often don't mind their speech.

Their pride and drive for dominance, as well as their open expression of emotion, naturally leads to outright aggression when challenged. They will raise their voices and get angry to show that they are the biggest and strongest, and to assert superiority.

They brag and boast to show how amazing they are, in an 'I am better than others' kind of way.

They are pragmatic, doing what needs to be done bluntly rather than worrying about fantasy scenarios.

They will plough through obstacles that bar their path (metaphorically speaking); they are single-minded in moving towards their goals.


They generally believe that they are right, and have immense stubbornness about admitting their flaws, UNLESS admitting these flaws would make them look better than others ("I'm strong enough to admit I'm wrong, unlike you").

They demand respect from others, and will hold grudges against those that they consider to be rivals.
They can be great, supportive friends who'd take a bullet for those close to them, unless you get on their bad side, in which case they'll try their best to 'rub your nose into the dirt'.

It is important to them that they are strong and courageous, not afraid of anything. If they are afraid, they will deny it (again, unless admitting it makes them look strong).

They often - but not necessarily - have high self-esteem.

They will 'rise to the challenge', in order to prove themselves, and look for opportunities to do so.

It's important for them to be tough and strong.

They are in many ways the opposite of the phlegmatic in that they are controlling, assertive, and see conflict and challenge and competition as a desirable form of interaction.

They have similarities to the melancholic in that both are stubborn and opinionated, but the choleric is more forceful and 'tough' while the melancholic is uncertain and sensitive.

Cholerics strive for independence, because to be dependent is to rely on others, to not be in the superior position. Dependence is weakness.

They are 'thick-skinned', in many cases bulletproof against the criticisms of others, able to shrug or laugh them off.


In our distant ancestors, the choleric members of the pack would be the alphas, the leaders. They would command their subordinates, and assert their dominance using force. If challenged, they would respond by getting angry, larger, in order to intimidate and to prove that THEY were the strongest, the most fit to lead.

In current society, they often tend towards leadership roles, such as managers, politicians, captains, team leaders, and so on, though not necessarily. In fantasy, they might be the proud warriors, the esteemed Kings.



In a nutshell...

Sanguine people are boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social extroverts.


Sanguines find social interactions with faces both familiar and unfamiliar invigorating. This is how they recharge, and time alone - while sometimes desirable - can bore them quickly.

The more people they're surrounded by, the better they feel, and they're not picky about who they get to know. They enjoy having many, many friends.

While sanguines enjoy being around other people, it's largely because they enjoy the attention of others and feel good about the fact that they are not lonely.

They are talkers more than they are listeners.

They may move away from friends that they consider to be boring or dull.

They are bubbly, fun-loving, extroverted people-people who are always in the mood for a good time. They love wild nights out.

They make friends quickly, and they'll cheerily talk to strangers. People of the melancholic temperament might perceive a room of twenty strangers as frightening or uncomfortable, while a sanguine might see them as opportunities to meet new friends.

They are not picky, and will usually like more things than they dislike. They tend to enjoy things that are trendy, popular, and so on.

They enjoy social situations, and believe that everyone else would too. They're likely to convince people to come along with things like 'come on, you'll enjoy it!' or 'you don't know what you're missing!'

Being friends with a Sanguine is often as simple as knowing each other's face and name.

They aren't particularly trustworthy... as they'll be too eager to spill secrets with others, and their general flightiness can make them unreliable as they're likely to get easily distracted by other things.


They are talkative, and speak in a friendly, energetic, playful kind of way; they're often charismatic, and when interacting with them, you can feel like you've known them all your life.

They are very emotional, and their emotions can be extreme but fleeting. They are the sorts who will be screaming "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!" one day, then mere hours later, they'll be profusely apologising about it, then expecting everything to all be water under the bridge after that.

They are quick to 'forgive and forget' - and expect others to do the same - because they live in the moment rather than dwelling in the past.

They tend to have open senses of humour (rather than dry or subtle humour), and laugh and smile often and clearly.

They may tease others in a 'playful' way, expecting them not to 'take it so seriously'.

They are very show-offy and have high self-esteem. They're prone to bragging, in a 'look how amazing I am!!' kind of way rather than 'I am better than you' (which is more choleric).

They are extreme in their emotions, and may go through stages of melodramatic misery and self-loathing as well.

They can be very easy-going, suggesting that more serious people 'mellow out' or 'take a chill pill'.

Sanguines can be great motivators, as they'll enthusiastically encourage others towards action, and they see things positively, optimistically, and would convince others to see things that way too.

They are naturally physical with others, very 'touchy-feely', openly expressing their affection through hugs and stroking and grabbing shoulders and things like that.

They could not be said to be neat and tidy. They live in the moment, which can lead to poor planning or disorganisation, messiness.


They love attention. They desire to be in the spotlight, and for people to compliment and praise them. Everyone loves compliments, but sanguines will go out of their way to get them.

They are often performers, party animals, drama queens.

They wish to fit in and be popular. Or, they'll seek to be Different in a way that will make them remarkable.

The embarrassment of making a fool of themselves is outweighed by the pleasure of putting on a show. They will go to extraordinary lengths to add the life they feel is missing from any party, such as dancing on tables, eating food off the ground, etc.

Of course, the reason they'd do silly things isn't JUST to get attention. They do these things because them find them amusing themselves.

They require constant entertainment, and will complain about being bored if they are not sufficiently entertained, often at another person who's failing to entertain them.

They will show off their abilities to others in order to get praise.

They are dramatic, and will exaggerate to make things seem more extreme than they are.

They have a tendency to be vain, and to care about how they look.

If nobody is paying attention to them, they will barge into a conversation or say something in order to attract some attention. They are very uncomfortable being left out.


In our distant past, the sanguine members of the pack might have played a supportive, encouraging, social role. They would have been the glue that kept the group together.

In modern society, you might see them as entertainers, singers, dancers, or perhaps simply as the energetic people at parties. In fantasy, they might be Bards.

Source: http://temperaments.fighunter.com/?page=about

08-12-2014, 03:31 PM
Here is a test!


08-12-2014, 03:41 PM
I can't decide.None of them seems to fit 100%.I'll say i have characteristics from all of them leaning towards choleric.

08-12-2014, 04:47 PM
Melancholic, according to Kazimiera's test :).

08-12-2014, 04:52 PM

08-12-2014, 05:18 PM
Phlegmatic/ Sanguine.

I began life as a pure phlegmatic, hands down lol. Sanguine side of self shows on internet. It helps me feel less depressed to internalize a lot of difficult situations as a weird joke of sorts.

Choleric = Controller
Melancholic = Analyzer
Phlegmatic = Caregiver
Sanguine = Cheerleader

These were the terms I originally learned them by.

I can agree that Caregiver is my dominant type and Sanguine is my second personality. I have greatly developed my Analyzer side as well for the past few years. Working on being more Choleric/ Controlling.

A dominant Choleric/Analyzer told me it would go against my nature to do so. I disagree. I would be aiming for balance, so it is only natural I develop the traits to the point where they are functional and useful in making life decisions.

Seraph of the End
08-30-2014, 02:15 PM
Melancholic/Choleric according to the test.

Melancholic people are emotionally sensitive, perfectionistic introverts; Choleric people are the proud, extroverted 'alphas' of our species.

Well, I would say I have some characteristics of both types. I'm sometimes dominant, proud and stubborn (choleric) but also perfectionist, introverted, and sometimes sensitive (Don't know how this works. Sometimes I don't give a f***, and sometimes I'm too emotional -.-)

08-30-2014, 02:27 PM
Upon description, I'd call myself Sanguine. The test confirms, but adds a Melancholic element. Interesting classification.

08-30-2014, 02:27 PM
Choleric and melancholic by the test. At first sight i would have said sanguine..weird.

08-30-2014, 02:46 PM
Phlegmatic and secondary Sanguine according to the test.

Seems to fit, though I'm more stubborn and independent than the Phlegmatic- I don't like being told what to do, and less extrovert than the Sanguine- I prefer being with people I know well.

Edit: Reading through the full descriptions in Kaz's post on page 4, I am very much not Choleric :P

08-30-2014, 02:53 PM
Sanguine and a bit Choleric. Well, that's quite right! ;)

09-03-2014, 03:55 AM
Who would've guessed...a bunch of people on some wacky internet forum voted for option 3.

10-05-2016, 05:19 AM
None seem to perfectly capture me. Closest is probably Melancholic.

10-05-2016, 08:35 AM

10-05-2016, 09:03 AM

Like all Romans are supposed to be :nod:

10-05-2016, 09:18 AM
Like all Romans are supposed to be :nod:

Yeah I guess haha.

Queen B
10-05-2016, 09:20 AM

The sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and romantic. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence. Sanguine people are warm-hearted, pleasant, lively and optimistic


The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive

Ι'm all those bold, so a mix, I guess?

10-27-2016, 10:08 PM
Apparently I'm choleric and melancholic. I didn't like the answer, tried to slighty change the ones that were not a complete yes or no but keep getting this. I have anchor traits.

10-27-2016, 10:12 PM
Melancholic. Totally.

10-27-2016, 10:24 PM
According to some test I've just taken, I am:

45% Melancholic
30% Phlegmatic
15% Choleric
10% Sanguine

10-27-2016, 10:26 PM
Sanguine for sure

10-27-2016, 10:30 PM
According to some test I've just taken, I am:

45% Melancholic
30% Phlegmatic
15% Choleric
10% Sanguine

What test did you take to get percentages?

10-27-2016, 10:31 PM
What test did you take to get percentages?

I doubt if it would be useful to you; it was in Polish language.

10-27-2016, 10:34 PM

10-27-2016, 10:42 PM
I doubt if it would be useful to you; it was in Polish language.

Usually these come in different languages; there's no language option? Too bad.

10-27-2016, 10:47 PM
Usually these come in different languages; there's no language option? Too bad.

Try this one.


I picked random options and the score came out in percentages.

Maybe I'll try it too.

10-27-2016, 10:50 PM
I'm between melancholic and phlegmatic, but I'm more on the phlegmatic side.

Mhhh that moment you see a 4 year old post :(
I even remember my avatar back then it was Sailor Moon :rolleyes:

10-27-2016, 10:57 PM
In between choleric and melancholic.

de Burgh II
10-27-2016, 11:11 PM

The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others


The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive

This variation in the test seems quite accurate.


10-27-2016, 11:15 PM
A mixture of sanguine and melancholic.

10-27-2016, 11:27 PM
Try this one.


I picked random options and the score came out in percentages.

Maybe I'll try it too.

33% sanguine
83% choleric
54% melancholic
83% phlegmatic

How is this even possible, strange.

10-27-2016, 11:32 PM
33% sanguine
83% choleric
54% melancholic
83% phlegmatic

How is this even possible, strange.

It means that you picked that percentage of features for specific type. According to that test I am more phlegmatic than melancholic. This test still seems to be more accurate than previous one I took. Not necessarily in case of the result about which I don't really care, but the form of choosing options.

10-27-2016, 11:36 PM
Try this one.


I picked random options and the score came out in percentages.

Maybe I'll try it too.

I'm just after doing the test, here are my results;

You are:
■ 50% Sanguine

■ 46% Choleric

■ 54% Melancholic

■ 46% Phlegmatic

Pretty close to my estimation IMO.

10-27-2016, 11:40 PM

10-28-2016, 05:48 PM
It means that you picked that percentage of features for specific type. According to that test I am more phlegmatic than melancholic. This test still seems to be more accurate than previous one I took. Not necessarily in case of the result about which I don't really care, but the form of choosing options.

I also got more phlegmatic than melancholic in this test. The top two from the other test I got choleric and melancholic while this one gave me choleric and phlegmatic and equally; this is what confused me because the traits are opposite according to at least the first set of description.

What does this mean perfectly balanced, haha. I cancel myself, I don't need someone to compliment me or two people live inside me, haha.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-28-2016, 05:52 PM
Melancholic, aspiring to be Sanguine.

I feel inside a Sanguine. I am not sociable enough, though.

10-28-2016, 05:55 PM
Absolutely choleric

10-28-2016, 05:56 PM
Sanguine+Chorelic (self diagnosed)

You are:
■ 63% Sanguine

■ 42% Choleric

■ 25% Melancholic

■ 21% Phlegmatic

10-28-2016, 05:56 PM
Not going to quantify percentages, but I am easily the 4.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-28-2016, 05:58 PM
From the test:


10-28-2016, 06:12 PM
Melancholic, aspiring to be Sanguine.

I feel inside a Sanguine. I am not sociable enough, though.

Aspiring, something you are working on? If you already feel Sanguine then you are it's the social initiative.

Absolutely choleric

Oh, Etain, I think of you as a very happy girl.

I think these exams take Sanguine and exaggerate it. Suddenly you are not a happy person because you don't squeal and giggle or lose your mind at a concert and party with loud music and cigarettes on a dirty floor.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-28-2016, 06:13 PM
Aspiring, something you are working on? If you already feel Sanguine then you are it's the social initiative.

Oh, Etain, I think of you as a very happy girl.

I think these exams take Sanguine and exaggerate it. Suddenly you are not a happy person because you don't squeal and giggle or lose your mind at a concert and party with loud music and cigarettes on a dirty floor.

pfff you don't know Etain rofl

anyways, yeah, aspiring, as like, I really want to be much more social but it's hard. Currently everyone sees me as melancholic basically.

10-28-2016, 06:15 PM

10-28-2016, 06:19 PM
Aspiring, something you are working on? If you already feel Sanguine then you are it's the social initiative.

Oh, Etain, I think of you as a very happy girl.

I think these exams take Sanguine and exaggerate it. Suddenly you are not a happy person because you don't squeal and giggle or lose your mind at a concert and party with loud music and cigarettes on a dirty floor.

Yeah. Admittedly,these are never super accurate

10-28-2016, 06:36 PM
pfff you don't know Etain rofl

anyways, yeah, aspiring, as like, I really want to be much more social but it's hard. Currently everyone sees me as melancholic basically.

She initiated friendliness, she just has strong some times vulgar jokes, she is very sociable. Hear this Etain I see you as sociable.

Perhaps I define these words differently.

On these tests I always get ISTJ and these along with it Choleric and somehow these are defining as an unpleasant person. But I like myself and care for people even if I don't agree or dislike them sometimes. Sure I have boundaries.

Its difficult to define social. I think these tests have a specific scenario which is greatly defined by many people which pollutes the minds of those who do not fit this social group. We have a few of these threads here. They focus on this scene so much and forget there are many social groups.

I hope you accomplish what you aspire but don't force yourself to a group or be with people siciallyyou don't like this miss the point of friends. You're suppose to feel great with your friends not like worthless shit.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-28-2016, 06:40 PM
She initiated friendliness, she just has strong some times vulgar jokes, she is very sociable. Hear this Etain I see you as sociable.

Perhaps I define these words differently.

On these tests I always get ISTJ and these along with it Choleric and somehow these are defining as an unpleasant person. But I like myself and care for people even if I don't agree or dislike them sometimes. Sure I have boundaries.

Its difficult to define social. I think these tests have a specific scenario which is greatly defined by many people which pollutes the minds of those who do not fit this social group. We have a few of these threads here. They focus on this scene so much and forget there are many social groups.

I hope you accomplish what you aspire but don't force yourself to a group or be with people siciallyyou don't like this miss the point of friends. You're suppose to feel great with your friends not like worthless shit.

Yeah, I will probably always be Melancholic because I don't have the confidence in myself to be all-over-the-place though I'd like to be. I don't have it in me. When you approach me, I am a very friendly person and that is all that matters.

Anyone who works with me will be like 'oh, you mean that person? well, they are pretty quiet, they don't talk much, but if you approach them or ask them something they are very friendly about it'

The thing is when someone says something 'off' to me. I am hot-tempered. Sometimes I want to punch certain co-workers in the face. But as I say, if you don't say anything I can interpret as bad, to me, then I will be very nice to you if you approach me and ask for something or just want to talk. You really have to initiate the conversation, though. I don't start conversations.

10-28-2016, 06:57 PM
Yeah, I will probably always be Melancholic because I don't have the confidence in myself to be all-over-the-place though I'd like to be. I don't have it in me. When you approach me, I am a very friendly person and that is all that matters.

Anyone who works with me will be like 'oh, you mean that person? well, they are pretty quiet, they don't talk much, but if you approach them or ask them something they are very friendly about it'

The thing is when someone says something 'off' to me. I am hot-tempered. Sometimes I want to punch certain co-workers in the face. But as I say, if you don't say anything I can interpret as bad, to me, then I will be very nice to you if you approach me and ask for something or just want to talk. You really have to initiate the conversation, though. I don't start conversations.

If you are hot tempered then you have it in you to initiate, you simply haven't cared enough. When you find something you want or desire to accomplish, you will initiate when no one else will. If its something that angers you then you might have an outburst. Then when people say you lost your mind you will say actually no this is progress.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-28-2016, 06:59 PM
If you are hot tempered then you have it in you to initiate, you simply haven't cared enough. When you find something you want or desire to accomplish, you will initiate when no one else will. If its something that angers you then you might have an outburst. Then when people say you lost your mind you will say actually no this is progress.

That's an interesting way of looking at it.

When someone pisses me off I just start slamming shit around and looking angry. If they push it far enough I will say something.

I wanna keep this job though so I am trying to control it.

10-28-2016, 07:32 PM
That's an interesting way of looking at it.

When someone pisses me off I just start slamming shit around and looking angry. If they push it far enough I will say something.

I wanna keep this job though so I am trying to control it.
Control initiated! Big part of social etiquette.

There is a time and place for certain things and if you want to break your things at home, ok, but workplace, no. Sounds like you need strategy dealing with emotion. It's one thing to be assertive not letting people disrespect you but you don't need to be a monster . It's important to follow worplace policy and find alternative ways within reason to deal people here. Lot of this requires judgment and thinking ahead for consequences. Such as complaints to a manager or human resources because sometimes even though they are not suppose to will turn on you. So before you get angry think: who is this person, what did they say, why, is this a opinion, etc.
And the greatest of them all, dont release your anger on innocent bystanders. Remember, it's not their fault.

I think it's great you are working on your anger. But see your job is important enough to do something. :thumb001:

10-28-2016, 07:34 PM
Something in between melancholic and phlegmatic, I'm quite impulsive sometimes, and reckless, but that i regret ask ask myself "how could i do that"

10-28-2016, 07:35 PM
One day this, one day that.xD

10-28-2016, 10:15 PM
Something in between melancholic and phlegmatic, I'm quite impulsive sometimes, and reckless, but that i regret ask ask myself "how could i do that"

One day this, one day that.xD

You're both like a high moon and low tide.:playball:

10-28-2016, 10:25 PM
You're both like a high moon and low tide.:playball:

ahahhahah maybe i should seek a doc :crazy:

10-28-2016, 10:33 PM
ahahhahah maybe i should seek a doc :crazy:

Haha, no. You have a conscience. If you don't feel bad after doing something bad, then I would suggest you seek help.

This is a common flaw to do before thinking. But one must always seek inner improvement.

10-28-2016, 10:46 PM
Melancholic - definitely.

05-31-2017, 11:53 PM

06-24-2017, 01:13 PM

06-24-2017, 05:57 PM

06-24-2017, 05:58 PM
I am melancholic to a certain extent.

06-24-2017, 06:10 PM
Phlegmatic, though I can identify with a few melancholic characteristics as well.