View Full Version : Who Are the Kosovars?

07-18-2009, 04:10 PM
I'm confused, so I just thought I'd ask the question here. Are Kosovars #1:Serbs who live in the region of Kosovo
2: Albanian/Turkish Muslims who live in Kosovo
3: A seperate Balkan nationality
4: Related ethnically to the Bosniaks?
I've heard a lot about Kosovo, but I'm still rather unclear as to what they actually are.I know that Serbia claims Kosovo as its southernmost province, which makes me think that Kosovars are Serbs, but then I hear that a lot of Albanians live in that area, as well. I threw out the suggestion that the Kosovars are related to the Islamic Bosniaks because I heard that many Kosovars are Muslims. So, would somebody please tell me..who are the Kosovars?

07-18-2009, 05:05 PM
That is a question like asking who are the Macedonians. The Greeks will say is it the Greeks. The Slavic Macedonians will say it is the Slavic Macedonians. It is a highly politicized issue.

The Ancient Macedonians were niether Greek nor Slavic. They were an independent Indo-European people. However, even within the scientific linguistic community, there remains a question as to whether Macedonian is a sister language to Greek (like German and English are sister languages) or a cousin (like English and French). And this latter question is politicized, with most of the Greek scholars arguing it is a sister language.

Accordingly, the answer to your question depeds on who you ask.

07-18-2009, 06:53 PM
They are Albanians, simple as that. That name is only used by supporters of independent Kosovo and Metohija.There is no political or ethical or culturally or geographically issue or question and the only thing they want is to unite with Albania and to make "Greater Albania" , something which was granted to them by Nazi Germans and Italians. They also wanted to separate Western part of FYROM and Southern part of Serbia, municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja in 2001. and they actually were little wars, but it went without Western Media's intention and now they are trying again in those municipalities of Southern Serbia. Within a week they attacked and wounded Gendarmes with rocket launcher and a few days later they putted explosive in front of the building where they were living... two persons were wounded also... That happened a few days ago....

07-18-2009, 06:58 PM
I'm confused, so I just thought I'd ask the question here. Are Kosovars #1:Serbs who live in the region of Kosovo

Not Serbs. Serbs will never speak of Kosova, they speak of Kosovo. The Albanoids have bastardised it to Kosova in some kind of attempt at legitimizing their presence there.

2: Albanian/Turkish Muslims who live in Kosovo

Kosovars are Albanian fencejumpers living in Kosovo province today. They're not necessarily all Muslims though the majority would be.

The Serbs here must please correct me if I'm mistaken but as far as I'm aware the "Bosniaks" are ethnically / racially the same as the Serbs but were converted to Islam under Turkish rule. They're not Albanian.

I know that Serbia claims Kosovo as its southernmost province

Usually "claims" are made by countries over disputed territory. There is no such thing as a "Kosovan nation" and neither was it part of Albania's officially recognised territory. Any pre 1990's reference or map to it would clearly show it as part of Serbia and Yugoslavia.

This all changed after certain elements controlling the USA and EU decided to enlarge their Balkan real estate through the manipulation of local hostilities. Serbia used to be the regional power and by arming, bribing and funding the other groups in the Balkans against Serbia they have turned the former Yugoslavia into a series of pointless little matchbox fiefdoms ruled over by tinpot dictators and smugglers who take orders from Brussels and Washington.

07-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Kosovo Polje is not only a Serbian monument but also a symbol of (repeated) treason. Hunyadi and the Walachians betrayed the remaining German and Bohemian crusaders in 1448 when he and his army deserted, fearing defeat.


07-18-2009, 07:24 PM
Kosovo Polje is not only a Serbian monument but also a symbol of (repeated) treason. Hunyadi and the Walachians betrayed the remaining German and Bohemian crusaders in 1448 when he and his army deserted, fearing defeat.

Those were Hungarians, Serbs did not betray Germans, we did not have any armies by 1448 to fight as we fought several already with the biggest battle in 1389 on the 28th of June, only Serbian fortress that was still standing was in the town of Smederevo, built by the Brankovic family even tho they were modernly accused for treason of Serbian army in the actual battle. In 1389 only small armies from Croatia, Bosnia and Western countries fought along with Serbs against the Turks.


That is a Beautiful painting by Uros Predic a Serbian paintor and it represents a Serbian girl that roamed around the field where the battle of Kosovo between Serbs and Turks raged, tail says she was singing a song to her lover who died on Kosovo and carried water to Serbian soldiers who were about to die, it is about battle in 1389 and have nothing to do with the Second Battle of Kosovo in 1448

07-18-2009, 07:27 PM
These photos were taken after the USA and EU and their NATO vehicle occupying Kosovo proclaimed that it has now become an "independent country".

Note the absence of their supposed EU knock-off type flag and the overwhelming presence of the Albanian Eagle. Our US and EU rulers kept on assuring the world that this "independence" had nothing to do with Albanian expansionism or Greater Albania.

Judge for yourself.......

The "Kosovan" flag..... apparently


The reality:




07-18-2009, 07:32 PM
Just ethnic Albanians, living outside of Albania, imo.

07-18-2009, 07:53 PM
Those were Hungarians, Serbs did not betray Germans

I know. It is a symbol of betrayal, for different paarties, in different times. Lazar was betrayed as well.

it is about battle in 1389 and have nothing to do with the Second Battle of Kosovo in 1448

I know. But it stands for the myth of Kosovo Polje. Similar to Tannenberg, Langemarck or Stalingrad for my people.

07-18-2009, 07:54 PM
In the U.S. the mafia only has their cities (Las Vegas, Atlantic City) - in Europe it has its own country now.

07-18-2009, 08:03 PM
Just ethnic Albanians, living outside of Albania, imo.

Are they mainly Tosk Southern Albanian?

07-18-2009, 08:04 PM
paarties, in different times. Lazar was betrayed as well.

Indeed, as I read, we were promised knights from other countries of which no one ever arrived on the field, in some sources it says some armies did, in some it says no one did, they do say, later on, when the news of the battle were spread through Europe, Bells of the Notre Dame Chapel were ringing in the honour of Serbian and Christian victory, there were no victory, even if we did stop the Turks for several years or a little more, Serbs did not have any armies for the future battles as we lost to many men, it was not a victory, all of our knights including a leader himself were perished, however, if we were strengthen with some more troops, Turks would probably never entered further in Europe.

What I find rather funny is that USA found themselves important enough to spread the justice around and tell it is not our land while when our first churches were built on Kosovo, they were not even planned as a nation.

07-18-2009, 08:06 PM
Are they mainly Tosk Southern Albanian?
Have no idea. I'm not interested in "Albanian studies" that much to know all their ethnic groups differences and dialects.

07-18-2009, 08:06 PM
Not Serbs. Serbs will never speak of Kosova, they speak of Kosovo. The Albanoids have bastardised it to Kosova in some kind of attempt at legitimizing their presence there.

I agree here, the Serboids have older indigenous regional genetics there, genetic markers R1b, R1a1, I1b, I suppose as well as regional names, than the Albanoids (E3b's) which moved there in the early 20th century from Northern Albania. They are rather new recent immigrants to the Serb region of Kosovo.

07-18-2009, 09:28 PM
I agree here, the Serboids have older indigenous regional genetics there, genetic markers R1b, R1a1, I1b, I suppose as well as regional names, than the Albanoids (E3b's) which moved there in the early 20th century from Northern Albania. They are rather new recent immigrants to the Serb region of Kosovo.

Also, topology is of Serbian roots (Slavic) which is just another proof that Albanians from Kosovo are just immigrants (vast majority of them actually)... Also, speaking about their origins on Kosovo, i could provide censuses of population during medieval and late history....

07-19-2009, 03:00 AM
Oh, okay, so the Albanians in Kosovo are recent interlopers into a historically Serbian province and the real indigenes of Kosovo are in fact Serbs. I think I'm starting to understand why some Serbs are so hostile to Albanians.It seems that the Albanians are actually trying to invade Serbia by way of Kosovo..

07-19-2009, 03:45 AM
Oh, okay, so the Albanians in Kosovo are recent interlopers into a historically Serbian province and the real indigenes of Kosovo are in fact Serbs. I think I'm starting to understand why some Serbs are so hostile to Albanians.It seems that the Albanians are actually trying to invade Serbia by way of Kosovo..


Turkish cadastral tax census (defter)9 of the Brankovic dynasty lands (covering 80% of present-day Kosovo and Metohija) recorded 480 villages, 13,693 adult males, 12,985 dwellings, 14,087 household heads (480 widows and 13,607 adult males). By ethnicity:

* 12,985 Serbian dwellings present in all 480 villages and towns
* 75 Vlach dwellings in 34 villages
* 46 Albanian dwellings in 23 villages
* 17 Bulgarian dwellings in 10 villages
* 5 Greek dwellings in Lauša, Vučitrn
* 1 Jewish dwelling in Vučitrn
* 1 Croat dwelling

19th century

19th century data about the population of Kosovo tend to be rather conflicting, giving sometimes numerical superiority to the Serbs and sometimes to the Albanians. Many historians regard Ottoman statistics as being unreliable, as the empire counted its citizens by religion rather than nationality, using birth records rather than surveys of individuals.
A study in 1838 by an Austrian physician, dr. Joseph Müller found Metohija to be mostly Slavic (Serbian) in character. 10 Müller gives data for the three counties (Bezirk) of Prizren, Pec and Djakovica which roughly covered Metohija, the portion adjacent to Albania and most affected by Albanian settlers. Out of 195,000 inhabitants in Metohija, Müller found:

* 73,572 Orthodox Serbs 38%
* 5,120 Catholic Albanians 3%
* 2,308 other non-Muslims (Vlachs etc.)
* 114,000 Muslims (58%), of which:
o c. 38,000 are Serbs (19%)
o c. 76,000 are Albanians (39%)

Another study done in 1871 by Austrian colonel Peter Kukulj for the internal use of the Austro-Hungarian army showed that the mutesarifluk of Prizren (corresponding largely to present-day Kosovo and Metohija) had some 500,000 inhabitants, of which:

* 318.000 Serbs (64%),
* 161.000 Albanians (32%),
* 10.000 Roma (Gypsies) and Circassians,
* 2.000 Turks

20th century

In the 20th century, German scholar Gustav Weigand gave the following statistical data about the population of Kosovo in Ethnography of Macedonia (1924, written 1919), based on the pre-war situation in Kosovo in 1912:

* Pristina District: 67% Albanians, 30% Serbs
* Prizren District: 63% Albanians, 36% Serbs
* Vucitrn District: 90% Albanians, 10% Serbs
* Ferizovic (Urosevac) District: 70% Albanians, 30% Serbs
* Gilani (Gnjilane) District: 75% Albanians, 23% Serbs
* Mitrovica District: 40% Albanians, 60% Serbs

World War II

Most of the teritorry of today's province is occupied by Italian-occupied Greater Albania, massacres of some 10,000 Serbs, ethnic cleansing of about 100,000 and settling of 70,000 of Albanians from Albania.

* 1948: 727,820 total inhabitants5,6; 498,242 Albanians or 68.46%5
* 1953: 524,559 Albanians or 65%5
* 1961: 646,604 Albanians or 67.1%1,5

This is the most important part of the whole story about Serbs and Albanians ...Either this (they are filthy and unthankful immigrants who threw out their host from his home) or they are true Illyrian decadents, but i am wondering, where they were hiding for 2000 years and how it is possible that they survived Roman Empire, Byzantium, Slavic migrations and Illyrians were not peaceful tribe..

And in 1999 250.000 Serbs were cleansed from Kosovo and Metohija and their property was just occupied from Albanian highlanders who entered Kosovo together with KFOR....

And after entering of KFOR and Albanians, this:


Now tell me, how somebody normal would be able to like them when they were and still are destroying Serbian cultural and religious heritage?

07-19-2009, 05:18 AM
Oh, okay, so the Albanians in Kosovo are recent interlopers into a historically Serbian province and the real indigenes of Kosovo are in fact Serbs. I think I'm starting to understand why some Serbs are so hostile to Albanians.It seems that the Albanians are actually trying to invade Serbia by way of Kosovo..

"Kosovar" is a word first coined by Bill Clinton, or was it Monica :D :rolleyes:


07-19-2009, 06:19 AM
It seems that the Albanians are actually trying to invade Serbia by way of Kosovo..

Not just Serbia. Also FYROM (very likely the next "country" to be colonised by the Albanians), Montenegro, Bosnia, Italy and Greece to name a few examples.

Read up on "Greater Albania" and you'll get the picture of what the masters in the EU and USA are playing at.


This article gives a rough idea though imo it's not wholly realistic as it attempts to give a neutral / balanced view of the situation. For example, we are told that "only 2.5" of Albanians in Kosovo favoured integration into Albania. While that may or may not be the case, take a look at those photos I posted earlier and it is pretty clear where their loyalties lie. The reason for not wanting integration may be partially political since the USA and EU sold the myth of "Kosovo Independence" and not Albania's expansion to the world in order to not upset other Balkans countries and to avoid complications with International Law and the UN.

Agreements exist about the inviolability of existing borders of UN Member states and the "Kosovo Solution" was clearly in breach of those laws and agreements. In the end none of this matters because when countries have enough power and influence the "law" or "agreement" is whatever they decide it is at any given time. In other words, the only law that matters in this world is the "Law Of The Jungle".

The Albanians have been given an opportunity by the US and EU to build their Empire (in order to weaken resistance of local Balkans people to US and EU occupation and exploitation) through land seizures and mass immigration which they're taking and making full use of. The same things are happening to the rest of Europe and the US though at a somewhat slower pace.

Unless radical changes in the political landscape takes place in the US (the rejection of the 2-party Republican / Democrat circus) and the EU (the rejection of the EU, EU integration and existing major parties) by the electorate we're going to be sleepwalking into our own destruction within a few decades.

07-19-2009, 12:53 PM
Kosovar in Ex Yugoslavia was a term for Montenenrgins and Serbs which lived on the terotory of Kosovo i Metohija. Kosovo was mainly with Serbian population and Metohija was Montenegrin mainly population. Kosovar wasn't term for Albanians, at all!!!
They called them Shiptari (Albanians don't like that term even it is very similar how they prounounced own ethnicity Shqiptar-Albanian, Shqiptaria-Albania). Italia gived them the name Albanians and Albania.

About Tosk dialect hm no idea, but North Albanians speak in Gheg dialect which is present in Montenegro's albanian population.No idea what is official dialect in Kosovo for Albanians.

Manifest Destiny
07-19-2009, 01:57 PM
Kosovo is a place, not an ethnicity, so Kosovars are residents of Kosovo. Kosovo's residents include Serbs and Albanians, the latter of which is trying to steal the land from the former.

07-19-2009, 03:04 PM
I don't like the fact that the Albanians are called Kosov-anything because they simply do not belong there. The same is true with the population of FYROM who call themselves Macedonians, when they have nothing to do with ancient or current Macedonians; Greeks.

Hopefully Serbia will once again claim holy Kosovo.

07-19-2009, 03:41 PM
I don't like the fact that the Albanians are called Kosov-anything because they simply do not belong there. The same is true with the population of FYROM who call themselves Macedonians, when they have nothing to do with ancient or current Macedonians; Greeks.

Hopefully Serbia will once again claim holy Kosovo.

From what I've gathered, Kosovo's part of Serbia as it is and the "Kosovars" are simply Serbs who've dwelt in Kosovo since the Serbs entered Serbia.The Albanian invaders simply came on too quickly and had out of control breeding habits, rather like the Hispanics in this country..for every one caught and sent home, twelve more enter in and start their own large families, at least, in the case of the Hispanics here, but I'm thinking that might be one factor explaining why the Albanians gained a majority in Kosovo.

07-19-2009, 04:08 PM
They called them Shiptari (Albanians don't like that term even it is very similar how they prounounced own ethnicity Shqiptar-Albanian, Shqiptaria-Albania). Italia gived them the name Albanians and Albania.

Until 1963 they were officially referred to as Skipetars( Albanian: Shqiptarėt). The term Albanian is a very recent - and totally un-Albanian Latinized - one, as far as it used for the citizens of Albania. The term was used for an Illyric tribe in antiquity, but those have zero to do with nowadayys Albanians. Sam thing goes for the Albanians in the Caucasus region.

07-19-2009, 04:14 PM
I didn't know that was so recent.

07-19-2009, 04:16 PM
Just ask; I'll explain the Balkans to you. ;)

07-19-2009, 05:38 PM
Until 1963 they were officially referred to as Skipetars( Albanian: Shqiptarėt). The term Albanian is a very recent - and totally un-Albanian Latinized - one, as far as it used for the citizens of Albania. The term was used for an Illyric tribe in antiquity, but those have zero to do with nowadayys Albanians. Sam thing goes for the Albanians in the Caucasus region.

Hm...not really. Until 15th century Albanians seem to have called themselves Arbėreshė/Arbėneshė, when, for unknown reasons, the name of the people was switched to shqipėtar, of incertain origin. The former name is according to some derived from the name Albanoi, an Illyrian tribe already mentioned by Polybius, while other linguists and historians bring it into relation with the town which was called Arben in the middle ages, today Kruja. Albanians who emigrated to Italy prior to the Turkish conquest of Albania and preserved their language to this day (they live in Calabria and are by religion Catholics of Eastern rite) completely ignore the designation shqipėtar. Albanians who emigrated to Croatia (surroundings of Zadar) in 17th century call themselves Arbanasi. Old Greek name for Albanians, Arvanites, is also derived from this root, as well as the Turkish designation Arnavut.

Besides, "independent" Kosova is an absurdity. Kosova belongs to Albania.

07-19-2009, 05:48 PM
Besides, "independent" Kosova is an absurdity. Kosova belongs to Albania.
Oh right. You're the idiot that voted that Greece also belongs to Africa. :rolleyes:

07-19-2009, 05:49 PM
I thought it belonged to the mafia now.

And of course I was referring to Albanians in the state of Albania. Unfortunately most Albanians live outside Albania and that is the main reason why they cause so much trouble.

07-19-2009, 06:06 PM
Oh right. You're the idiot that voted that Greece also belongs to Africa. :rolleyes:

That vote was a joke. Greece doesn't belong to Africa. It is your fault that you offered that option, thus opening possibility for such jokes.:D

Whereas what I said about Kosova, I mean it seriously.

07-19-2009, 06:28 PM
Africa belongs to Greece. At least the former Ptolemaic parts.

07-19-2009, 06:37 PM
Afghanistan belongs to Greece then too (Bactria).

07-19-2009, 06:48 PM
All your base are do belong to us.

07-19-2009, 06:51 PM
Whereas what I said about Kosova, I mean it seriously.

Lions on the forums, rats on the streets :)

07-19-2009, 06:55 PM
Lions on the forums, rats on the streets :)

We haven't yet met in the street.

Crvena zvezda
07-19-2009, 09:33 PM
I don't like the fact that the Albanians are called Kosov-anything because they simply do not belong there. The same is true with the population of FYROM who call themselves Macedonians, when they have nothing to do with ancient or current Macedonians; Greeks.

Hopefully Serbia will once again claim holy Kosovo.

Refer to yourself by the regions name, hopefully people believe it's yours.

You have it in Bosnia. Bosnian didn't refer to anyone of the groups living their, so the Muslims started calling themselves Bosniaks <-- bringing back a word referring to any inhabitant of Bosnia that went out of use in the 19th century.

07-19-2009, 11:00 PM
I don't like the fact that the Albanians are called Kosov-anything because they simply do not belong there. The same is true with the population of FYROM who call themselves Macedonians, when they have nothing to do with ancient or current Macedonians; Greeks.

Hopefully Serbia will once again claim holy Kosovo.

The Ancient Macedonians were not Slavs and were not Greeks. The available linguistic data has proven that fairly conclusively.

The Ancient Macedonians are gone, as are the Thracians and the Dacians and the Phrygians and the Pelasgians and the Minoans, etc. The Greeks now live in western Thrace, but that does not make them Thracians, except by location. The population of FYROM and the Greeks now live in Northern and Southern Macedonia, repsectively, but that does not make them Macedonians, except by location.

Manifest Destiny
07-19-2009, 11:09 PM
I don't like the fact that the Albanians are called Kosov-anything because they simply do not belong there. The same is true with the population of FYROM who call themselves Macedonians, when they have nothing to do with ancient or current Macedonians; Greeks.

Hopefully Serbia will once again claim holy Kosovo.

I'm not concerned with the religious aspects of the Serb-Albanian conflict in Kosovo, but I think it would be terrible idea to say the least to allow a bunch of Muslims to steal a big chunk of land from Europeans IN EUROPE.

07-20-2009, 03:20 AM
...this is only the beginning:
...I think it would be terrible idea to say the least to allow a bunch of Muslims to steal a big chunk of land from Europeans IN EUROPE.coming - soon - to a neighborhood near you.

07-20-2009, 04:55 AM
Kosovars are Albanians living in Kosova. Simple as that.

The Lawspeaker
07-21-2009, 08:30 PM
Kosovars are Albanians living in Kosova. Simple as that.
LOL Kosova is stolen Serb land nicked by Albanian (and Turkish) squatters send there by the Ottoman Turks.

07-21-2009, 09:45 PM
The Ancient Macedonians were not Slavs and were not Greeks. The available linguistic data has proven that fairly conclusively.

Yes, the most famous member of the ancient Macedonians had two Greek words combined to form his name, yet he was not Greek.

I'm just going to ignore the rest of your written stupidity about Greeks. As any real historian would laugh at your ridiculousness, I will too. :D

07-21-2009, 09:54 PM
LOL Kosova is stolen Serb land nicked by Albanian (and Turkish) squatters send there by the Ottoman Turks.

Not even that.

Supposedly the illyrians were albanians... why exactly they stopped calling themselves illyrian is a mystery tho.

Anyways, back then they were living in the region nowadays known as kosovo.
Since then they left.
During the 1960s uppheavals in albania, albanian refugees fled, and were taken in by yugoslavia and settled in kosovo. Now those same refugees imagine the land had been theirs for the last few thousand years.

(Not unlike another population who imagine they too left and are returning..
http://mondediplo.com/2008/09/07israel )

07-21-2009, 10:10 PM
Not even that.

Supposedly the illyrians were albanians... why exactly they stopped calling themselves illyrian is a mystery tho.

Greeks called the ancient peoples of Dalmatia that.

07-22-2009, 12:29 AM
The Ancient Macedonians were not Slavs and were not Greeks. The available linguistic data has proven that fairly conclusively.

Ancient Macedonian gave way to koine in any event.

@ whoever said we don't know the origin of the term shqiptar

[From Wiki]

the Albanian endonym being shqiptar, from the term for the Albanian language, shqip, a derivation of the verb shqipoj "to speak clearly", perhaps ultimately a loan from Latin excipio.[36]

07-22-2009, 01:51 PM
The Ancient Macedonians were niether Greek nor Slavic. They were an independent Indo-European people. However, even within the scientific linguistic community, there remains a question as to whether Macedonian is a sister language to Greek (like German and English are sister languages) or a cousin (like English and French). And this latter question is politicized, with most of the Greek scholars arguing it is a sister language.

Bollocks. If they were anything but Greek they would have left traces. The Slavic theory is hilarious considering the Slavs hadn't even reached the Balkans yet by that time.
There absolutely no historical evidence that suggests anything other than that they were "hic" Greeks.

07-22-2009, 02:07 PM
Not even that.

Supposedly the illyrians were albanians... why exactly they stopped calling themselves illyrian is a mystery tho.

Anyways, back then they were living in the region nowadays known as kosovo.
Since then they left.
During the 1960s uppheavals in albania, albanian refugees fled, and were taken in by yugoslavia and settled in kosovo. Now those same refugees imagine the land had been theirs for the last few thousand years.

(Not unlike another population who imagine they too left and are returning..
http://mondediplo.com/2008/09/07israel )


Here is the map of the region which Illyrians were inhabited and Dardania is Kosovo and Metohija... If they are trully Illyrians then they have the right to demand half of Balkan Peninsula, but instead, they demand the regions where they make the biggest population... They don't know what are they talking about and who they are,they don't have history, culture and heritage so they are filling that gap by taking those elements by stealing from their neighbours...


You see, you see, you see :D :D?


And greater Albania

Crvena zvezda
07-22-2009, 06:35 PM

Here is the map of the region which Illyrians were inhabited and Dardania is Kosovo and Metohija... If they are trully Illyrians then they have the right to demand half of Balkan Peninsula, but instead, they demand the regions where they make the biggest population... They don't know what are they talking about and who they are,they don't have history, culture and heritage so they are filling that gap by taking those elements by stealing from their neighbours...

A better map would be one of genetics. The genes described most as being from Illyrians are highest in concentration in Dalmatia and eastern Bosnia. [Regions prestent in the Napoleonic era "Illyria provinces"]. <-- It seems even 200 years ago without the advent of genetics peiople knew Albanians weren't illyrians.

07-22-2009, 07:04 PM

LMAO! That might happen in 300 years if the USA keeps on aiding Albania. :D

07-22-2009, 07:14 PM
A better map would be one of Chetniks. The genes described most as being from Illyrians are highest in concentration in Dalmatia and eastern Bosnia. [Regions prestent in the Napoleonic era "Illyria provinces"]. <-- It seems even 200 years ago without the advent of genetics peiople knew Albanians weren't illyrians.

Of course they aren't Illyrians in modern day. They are a Balkan ethnicity composed of many ancient peoples like any Balkan nation. They have all the haplotypes present I1b, J2, E3b, R1b, R1a1, certainly an Albanian will have an Illyrian down the line, a Turk, a Vlach, a Slav, a Hun, an Avar, and or some Middle Eastern Neolithic immigrant ancestry, like most Balkanians.

Crvena zvezda
07-22-2009, 08:31 PM
Of course they aren't Illyrians in modern day. They are a Balkan ethnicity composed of many ancient peoples like any Balkan nation. They have all the haplotypes present I1b, J2, E3b, R1b, R1a1, certainly an Albanian will have an Illyrian down the line, a Turk, a Vlach, a Slav, a Hun, an Avar, and or some Middle Eastern Neolithic immigrant ancestry, like most Balkanians.

Talk to an albanian, they will claim that they are 100% illyrian.

Yet the genetics tied to Illyrians is least present in Kosovo and Albania.

07-22-2009, 09:10 PM
Talk to an albanian, they will claim that they are 100% illyrian.

Yet the genetics tied to Illyrians is least present in Kosovo and Albania.

I know there are lots of R1b markers apparently in Kosovo from both Serbs and Albnians. Yeah, this is connected with pride for one's nation. :D This isn't true, and some Albanians have Vlach ancestry (ancient Roman), Slav, Turkish, Hun, Avar, Thracian, ancient Neolithic and or Pelasgian influence. It's like Irish claiming they are 100% Celtic. :p There are some Serbs that claim they are 100% Slavic, and some Greeks they are 100% Hellenic, but in the end we know for certain they are a nation of prehistoric ancient European Balkanic people composed of Thracians, Illyrians, Slavs, Romans and other Euros, like some Albanians. ;)

07-23-2009, 12:02 PM
I know there are lots of R1b markers apparently in Kosovo from both Serbs and Albnians. Yeah, this is connected with pride for one's nation. :D This isn't true, and some Albanians have Vlach ancestry (ancient Roman), Slav, Turkish, Hun, Avar, Thracian, ancient Neolithic and or Pelasgian influence. It's like Irish claiming they are 100% Celtic. :p There are some Serbs that claim they are 100% Slavic, and some Greeks they are 100% Hellenic, but in the end we know for certain they are a nation of prehistoric ancient European Balkanic people composed of Thracians, Illyrians, Slavs, Romans and other Euros, like some Albanians. ;)
Which is really the case with every country in the world with the one possible exception being Japan. Of course it depends how much "foreign" (if you can call influences from the middle ages that) influence there is depending on the country.
Being 100 % Greek is impossible nowadays. Greece has absorbed numerous invasions first from Celtic peoples in Ancient times, then again in the Dark- and Middle ages Greece absorbed many East Germanic tribes and last but not least the Serbs managed to hold a large part of Greece for a couple of years. It was simply a matter of territorial gain for the Serbian empire but surely they must have left traces too.

Then there are of course countries with much less foreign influence such as the Scandinavian ones protected by thick forests in the east and the sea to the north, south and west. And naturally the British Isles but they have a long history of invasions too albeit only Celtic and Germanic ones.

I got carried away :redface_002:.