View Full Version : Welsh angel introduces new scheme.

07-20-2009, 04:27 PM
Plaid Cymru AM Elin Jones today launched a new Welsh Government scheme to enable more young people to get into farming. The scheme called the Young Entrants Support Scheme (YESS) offers financial help and business support to people under 40 who want to get into farming for themselves.

Launching the scheme, Wales’ Agriculture Minister Elin Jones AM, said that she’s confident that this is a significant step forward for the industry. “Evidence suggests that there are between 100 and 200 young entrants taking over the running of farming businesses in Wales each year. This rate needs to increase significantly if the industry is to thrive.
“I am confident that this scheme represents a significant step in the right direction toward the creation of a dynamic and competitive farming industry in Wales, fit for the future.”
Plaid AM for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, Rhodri Glyn Thomas who sits on the National Assembly’s Rural Development sub-committee added:
“As those in the farming industry know, Plaid has been calling for a scheme of this nature for many years. It is essential that we nurture the young talent that we have in all walks of life, and for agriculture this represents a significant boost.
“In Wales, we’re certainly not short of young people who have got huge amounts of enthusiasm, ability and drive. It is only right that the Welsh government should be helping those people to start out in the industry.”

Source (http://www.plaidcymru.org/content.php?nID=14;ID=1425;lID=1)

Good scheme. :thumb001: I wish I was Welsh. :p

07-20-2009, 06:49 PM
It's good to see a political party that still places value on farming.