View Full Version : Classify Serbian Swimmer, Miroslava Najdanovski

11-18-2012, 02:28 PM

11-18-2012, 03:07 PM

Mans not hot
11-18-2012, 03:16 PM
Her surname sound Macedonian.

11-18-2012, 03:34 PM
Her surname sound Macedonian.

Having a surname ending on ski, ov, ev does not necessarily mean it's Macedonian or Bulgarian surname. Those surnames are common in Vojvodina(where Miroslava is born) and occur all over Serbian living space, in Bosnia, Montenegro, etc.

Zmey Gorynych
11-18-2012, 03:35 PM
norid/west-baltid mix

Mans not hot
11-18-2012, 03:36 PM
My signature is better than urs.

Deal with it.

Zmey Gorynych
11-18-2012, 03:38 PM
My signature is better than urs.

Deal with it.
yeah but not as good as Artek's :)

Mans not hot
11-18-2012, 03:39 PM
yeah but not as good as Artek's :)
:thumb down

11-18-2012, 07:23 PM
Najdanovski is part Maco Slav by ancestry, the root of her name "Najdan" from the Maco-slav word for "Found" - Najde.

Vojvodina -ski surnames typically have no "ovski" but are like "Bordjoski, Malagurski, Pedagoski, Arandjanski".

11-18-2012, 07:36 PM
Norid with additional Nordid and Baltoid tendency.


11-18-2012, 07:40 PM
Najdanovski is part Maco Slav by ancestry, the root of her name "Najdan" from the Maco-slav word for "Found" - Najde.

Vojvodina -ski surnames typically have no "ovski" but are like "Bordjoski, Malagurski, Pedagoski, Arandjanski".

Wrong, for example:


11-18-2012, 07:46 PM
^That's a maco-slav guapo. You agree that Najdanovski is part Maco then?

Martin Najdanovski, from Skopje


11-18-2012, 07:58 PM
Having a surname ending on ski, ov, ev does not necessarily mean it's Macedonian or Bulgarian surname. Those surnames are common in Vojvodina(where Miroslava is born) and occur all over Serbian living space, in Bosnia, Montenegro, etc.


(„Цариградски вестник”, 15 февр. 1855)

...Црна гора Скопска ся назива така, после като турчино усвои Болгария, Тракия, Македония, Сербия, всичка приморска Илирия и като пекски србски патриарх Арсений IV Йоанович Шакабент воздигна народо славянски и арнаутски от Велес, Прилеп, Скопе, Кратова, Тетова, Призрен, Ипек, Диякова и побегна с тако до 35 хиляди семейства, а други казуват до 80 000 и ся пресели в Срем и гдето с патриархо ся вселиха на л. 1737. Овия семейства са били вси благородни и богати люди...


Can anyone confirm?

Makes sense, though. Alboz, especially, will be happy. It would explain the albo dress.


And the albo hats in that orthodox wall-paining.

And of course, it will explain the Bulgarian surnames in Voyvodina.

11-18-2012, 08:06 PM
Only Bulgarian surnames in Vojvodina are the surnames of members of a small ethnic community of Vojvodina(Banat) Bulgarians. Ski and ov surnames in Vojvodina are of different origins and are Austro-Hungarian political creation from 19. century, if I remember well.

About the confirmation and the painting, I can't tell you much now, but I will check it.

11-18-2012, 08:09 PM
^That's a maco-slav guapo. You agree that Najdanovski is part Maco then?

Martin Najdanovski, from Skopje


suffix -ovski are Macedonianized Serbs. Najdan is Serbian first name:


Lol@the bulgar's post about albo dress and 'bulgar' surnames

11-18-2012, 08:10 PM
Only Bulgarian surnames in Vojvodina are the surnames of members of a small ethnic community of Vojvodina(Banat) Bulgarians.

About the confirmation and the painting, I can't tell you much now, but I will check it.

If what Dimo Hadzhidimov-Dzhinot writes is true, then it was not so much a Serb migration, but Serbo-Albo-Bulgarian migration.

11-18-2012, 08:13 PM
suffix -ovski are Macedonianized Serbs.

Good to know that I'm a pure Serb! :cool:

11-18-2012, 08:13 PM
suffix -ovski are Macedonianized Serbs. Najdan is Serbian first name:


Lol@the bulgar's post about albo dress and 'bulgar' surnames

Найден (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayden_Gerov).

11-18-2012, 08:19 PM
It's just a painting. Some researchers maintain that the migrations never took place (or never in such a large scale), and describe the events as a "myth" to make Serbs as outsiders/newcomers in Austo-Hungarian lands. Serbs have always lived there.

11-18-2012, 08:21 PM
Найден (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayden_Gerov).

Najdan is Serb

11-18-2012, 08:22 PM
suffix -ovski are Macedonianized Serbs. Najdan is Serbian first name:


Lol@the bulgar's post about albo dress and 'bulgar' surnames

Ok however still partial ancestry from Maco-land, not Serbia brate.

11-18-2012, 08:33 PM
@SB you claim everyone to be Serb, exept if they are blonde. don't be a hypocrite.

11-18-2012, 08:53 PM
Ok however still partial ancestry from Maco-land, not Serbia brate.

Says who? We do not know her or the exact background concerning the surname.

11-18-2012, 08:55 PM
@SB you claim everyone to be Serb, exept if they are blonde. don't be a hypocrite.

In the above sentence I agree she is probably Serb by ancestry. But re-affirming the claim that she is regardless from Maco-land and not Zrenjanin as some thought.

Ic is the purest Serb suffix, so that's where I stand.

11-18-2012, 09:01 PM
In the above sentence I agree she is probably Serb by ancestry. But re-affirming the claim that she is regardless from Maco-land and not Zrenjanin as some thought.

Ic is the purest Serb suffix, so that's where I stand.

no brate -EV is the purest and oldest Serb suffix!

Velisavljev, Milosavljev etc. in Central Serbia, very rare.

11-18-2012, 09:04 PM
no brate -EV is the purest and oldest Serb suffix!

Velisavljev, Milosavljev etc. in Central Serbia, very rare.

Rare yeah, but oldest? I doubt.

The first Serbian surnames started from the commoners copying royalty.

Our first Serb Dynasty: Vlastimirovic, second, Vojislavljevic, third Nemanjic, and so on.

11-18-2012, 09:19 PM
Rare yeah, but oldest? I doubt.

The first Serbian surnames started from the commoners copying royalty.

Our first Serb Dynasty: Vlastimirovic, second, Vojislavljevic, third Nemanjic, and so on.

Wrong, diaspora dude. Common folk used suffix -ev long before nobility.

11-18-2012, 09:21 PM
Wrong, diaspora dude. Common folk used suffix -ev long before nobility.

No Serbs (or people in Europe) had surnames before the Vlastimirovici dynasty's era.

And you are diaspora yourself :picard1:

11-18-2012, 09:23 PM
And you are diaspora yourself :picard1:

You do not know me, or maybe you really are Dusan or someone else from here in the past.

you r playing games.

11-18-2012, 09:28 PM
(read a prior post of yours admitting you are from the US)

Plus your english is too good for a non-dijasporac.

11-18-2012, 09:31 PM
(read a prior post of yours admitting you are from the US)

Plus your english is too good for a non-dijasporac.

Riiight, I post blond Serbs for classification and you post dark Serbs right away, Whats your beef?

11-18-2012, 09:33 PM
Riiight, I post blond Serbs for classification and you post dark Serbs right away, Whats your beef?

Nema bifa, you post a ski Serb I post one too brah

11-18-2012, 09:33 PM
as Guapo said, "ić" is not the oldest Serbian suffix and most of our historians agree on that.

11-18-2012, 09:35 PM
as Guapo said, "ić" is not the oldest Serbian suffix and most of our historians agree on that.

Non-Deretic source, brate.

We used -ev -ov for a second name after the father. Thus Marko "Miljanov" or Miljan "Vukov" but that was not the family/bratstvo name.

11-18-2012, 09:38 PM
Nema bifa, you post a ski Serb I post one too brah

Stop trolling, whoever you are. I didnt post an -ovski Serb but you did although according to you -ovski's are Macs. wtf?

11-18-2012, 09:40 PM
Stop trolling, whoever you are. I didnt post an -ovski Serb but you did although according to you -ovski's are Macs. wtf?

Najdanovski we both agreed on is a Serb no? It's all Ski to me bro

11-18-2012, 09:43 PM
name of your father was usually your surname in midlle ages, exp Stefan Konstantin Musić (Musa is the nickname of his father), Vukašin Mrnjavčević etc.
but we are talking about older times.

11-18-2012, 09:46 PM
name of your father was usually your surname in midlle ages, exp Stefan Konstantin Musić (Musa is the nickname of his father), Vukašin Mrnjavčević etc.
but we are talking about older times.

That's tru. It evolved into family names though. Before then we had no family names. Just "Jovan, the son of ____"

11-19-2012, 12:39 AM
It`s very simple, in 1945, if you were on he wrong side of the border you would get -ski instead of -ic, no metter you are Serb or not, it`s just simple as that

11-19-2012, 12:39 AM
In Slavs -ski is for place of origin, an -ev, -ov for " son of", and -ic for " a little", for instance, your father`s name was" Djoka" you would be "Djokic" meaning little Djoka :D :D

11-19-2012, 12:51 AM
Ic is the purest Serb suffix, so that's where I stand.

The Ic suffix is very common amongst Poles, Slovaks and Russians.

11-19-2012, 01:02 AM
The Ic suffix is very common amongst Poles, Slovaks and Russians.

Ski is more so. Russians use ic for middle name mostly.

Kvarc for me Ic is Serbian tradition, -ski is there due to historical mistake.

11-19-2012, 01:12 AM
Serbian surnames ending with ski ,čki in Vojvodina (northern Serbia)were mostly reserved for merchants and craftsmen .While those ending with ov or ev were in majority Serbian farmers ,agriculturalists .It was a political and administrative move by Austro-Hungarians to change the Serbian surnames .

11-19-2012, 01:39 AM
Serbian surnames ending with ski ,čki in Vojvodina (northern Serbia)were mostly reserved for merchants and craftsmen .While those ending with ov or ev were in majority Serbian farmers ,agriculturalists .It was a political and administrative move by Austro-Hungarians to change the Serbian surnames .

Exactly, had nothing to do with any migrations.

11-19-2012, 01:43 AM
Serbian surnames ending with ski ,čki in Vojvodina (northern Serbia)were mostly reserved for merchants and craftsmen .While those ending with ov or ev were in majority Serbian farmers ,agriculturalists .It was a political and administrative move by Austro-Hungarians to change the Serbian surnames .

Why all my family have only -ic then? And so u think austro-hungarians changed serb names from ic to -ev and -ov to break the tradition?

11-19-2012, 01:45 AM
Exactly, had nothing to do with any migrations.
Yes Austro-Hungarian authorities changed our surnames there with primal goal to alienate them from other Serbs .But still some old settlers in Bačka kept there old ić ending. Banat Serbs were more if not totally affected with those "reforms" .
Dont forget that present day northern Serbia was a barren wasteland filled with marshes before Serbs started settling there .Do you know why indigenous Serbs in Vojvodina are more Balto-Alpinoids in comparison to other parts and noticeably shorter .Because tuberculosis struck the tallest among our population there in past centuries .So selection played a part aswell .

11-19-2012, 01:58 AM
Why all my family have only -ic then? And so u think austro-hungarians changed serb names from ic to -ev and -ov to break the tradition?

Those arent the only suffixes, you have -in suffix too and then you have surnames in Hercegovina like Ubiparip, Kozomara, Koprivica etc

11-19-2012, 02:01 AM
http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%A1%D1%80%D0%BF%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE_%D0%BF%D1%80% D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B5
look under Austrougarska

11-19-2012, 02:06 AM
Those arent the only suffixes, you have -in suffix too and then you have surnames in Hercegovina like Ubiparip, Kozomara, Koprivica etc

Gazivoda, Popivoda, Sjekloca, Krivoglav, Belobrk, etc yeah those are archaic slavic surnames. But still rare even in Herzegovina/Old Montenegro.

11-19-2012, 02:06 AM
Those arent the only suffixes, you have -in suffix too and then you have surnames in Hercegovina like Ubiparip, Kozomara, Koprivica etc
Correction its Kozomora not Kozomara :D .I met one Kozomora who explained that surname originate from Rashka and made after mountain peak Kozomor on Jadovnik mountain near Prijepolje .
http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/3992/jadovnikticjepolje.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/jadovnikticjepolje.jpg/)

11-19-2012, 02:09 AM
Correction its Kozomora not Kozomara :D .I met one Kozomora who explained that surname originate from Rashka and made after mountain peak Kozomor on Jadovnik mountain near Prijepolje .

No dude, the surname actually is Kozomara.

11-19-2012, 02:12 AM
Ok sorry then .I realize now that both Kozomara and Kozomora are present .

11-19-2012, 02:14 AM
Ok sorry then .I realize now that both Kozomara and Kozomora are present .

This guy is from Mostar :confused::D

11-19-2012, 02:17 AM
Kozomara - "Sheep protector"? ;D

11-19-2012, 02:22 AM
This guy is from Mostar :confused::D
Kozomora i met was somewhere from western Hercegovina-Bosnia "border" area .If he wasnt lying ...