View Full Version : Fat again - Broccoli and Tofu awaits...

Fortis in Arduis
11-18-2012, 04:23 PM
I have turned into a fat lump again.

I have been drinking and eating cake and coffee and eating out and generally enjoying the pleasure of life including cigars and port. You get the picture.

My waist is still 34", but none of this is acceptable. I am in danger of growing big boobs again.

My solution?

Broccoli and tofu, nuts and protein shakes.

No cheese, and no eggs this time, they just glue me up!

HELP?! How do I start this shit? I am such a gourmand. I cannot pass a restaurant without eating something fattening, and I keep drinking.

I am currently withdrawing from opiates, and I do feel like a flat tyre, but that is no excuse. The only good thing is that I have taken control of the opiates, because it was making me really constipated, and that I no longer smoke.

11-21-2012, 08:35 PM
I have turned into a fat lump again.

I have been drinking and eating cake and coffee and eating out and generally enjoying the pleasure of life including cigars and port. You get the picture.

My waist is still 34", but none of this is acceptable. I am in danger of growing big boobs again.

My solution?

Broccoli and tofu, nuts and protein shakes.

No cheese, and no eggs this time, they just glue me up!

HELP?! How do I start this shit? I am such a gourmand. I cannot pass a restaurant without eating something fattening, and I keep drinking.

I am currently withdrawing from opiates, and I do feel like a flat tyre, but that is no excuse. The only good thing is that I have taken control of the opiates, because it was making me really constipated, and that I no longer smoke.

Tofu has a lot of estrogen in it, so that will make you grow boobs before anything else would.

I suggest looking up Donna Gates with her body ecology diet, maybe she might have some useful information for you.


Fortis in Arduis
11-22-2012, 03:57 AM
Frigga, I do not give a tiny scybalum of excrement about estrogen.

I am not planning on reproduction, and I want to retain my hair. :eyes

My 'moobs' were much less than average; I do not suffer from gynaceomastia or somesuchshit.

I am just fed up with being a fat person... :o

Fortis in Arduis
06-04-2013, 02:00 PM
Back to caprese salads and broccoli and tofu. I now cook with MSG to reduce salt requirement. Yes, I want to loose weight again.

Trying to track down the right sugar-free syrup, based upon Erythritol. Erythritol is the sugar alcohol with the least impact on blood sugar.


Monin syrups also contain sucralose. Is that really necessary? :(

Fortis in Arduis
02-26-2014, 05:48 PM

^ This.

I will say something when I am thin again.

02-26-2014, 06:09 PM
IMO, too many carbs, and no meat!

02-26-2014, 06:13 PM
I have turned into a fat lump again.

I have been drinking and eating cake and coffee and eating out and generally enjoying the pleasure of life including cigars and port. You get the picture.

My waist is still 34", but none of this is acceptable. I am in danger of growing big boobs again.

My solution?

Broccoli and tofu, nuts and protein shakes.

No cheese, and no eggs this time, they just glue me up!

HELP?! How do I start this shit? I am such a gourmand. I cannot pass a restaurant without eating something fattening, and I keep drinking.

I am currently withdrawing from opiates, and I do feel like a flat tyre, but that is no excuse. The only good thing is that I have taken control of the opiates, because it was making me really constipated, and that I no longer smoke.

Just do sports. You can eat everything and stay slim. lol maybe it is because I am 14 years younger than you and hence i have a better metabolism but I eat a lot and do at the same time a lot of sports.

02-26-2014, 06:25 PM
Walk for Km and eat less

02-26-2014, 06:27 PM
All you need to do to lose weight and become healthy is to eat a very simple plant based diet; salads, fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, etc. Whey protein shakes with plain yogurt is good. Spirulina! That is very good. Mix it with some water and drink it. Homemade soups. Walk more, exercise more. Go hiking. Drink water! :)

Eat less meat, like 3x a week instead of everyday.

04-23-2014, 09:23 PM
How about quit your stupid diets and go slam the weights.


04-23-2014, 09:31 PM
Forget the stupid tofu, eat a balance diet with meat, vegetables and grain, lay off alcohol, pop, excessive sweets, fried food and chips, run, lift weights and do a lot of ab exercises. Try to reduce break time between sets, or alternate to different exercises during sets so this way you get your heart rate pumping, burn fat and build stamina.

Fortis in Arduis
04-24-2014, 01:53 AM
Forget the stupid tofu, eat a balance diet with meat, vegetables and grain, lay off alcohol, pop, excessive sweets, fried food and chips, run, lift weights and do a lot of ab exercises. Try to reduce break time between sets, or alternate to different exercises during sets so this way you get your heart rate pumping, burn fat and build stamina.

I have been vegetarian for more than half my life because I dislike the taste, texture and odour of meat.

Currently, I am eating rice and lentils with ginger, spices, lemon and chopped vegetables; a dish called khichari, which is very popular with yogis, and in Gujarat, India. I am detoxing from heroin, and khichari is a detox food, suitable for the elderly, babies and the sick, and I have lost a lot of fat since switching to khichari.

I have to follow a sattvic diet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sattvic_diet) anyway, because I am firstly a yoga practicioner before anything else, and it is right and traditional for serious aspirants, but I want to go back to weight training again, once my yoga practise has been resurrected and I have detoxified from opiates.

Your advice sounds solid and sensible, but if it is good advice for me, it comes twenty years too late. I always found it hard to stomach meat, so I am not sure that it was ever my optimal food. I am circumspect about dairy products now; I do have a mild intolerance. My fitness might come on in leaps and bounds, but right now I am taking baby steps and my physiology is fragile, which is why I am eating baby food.

I qualified to teach this in 2005, but I am out of practice:


This is body-building hatha yoga, and actually, it was developed alongside a body-building school and students (who were the male members of the Maharani of Mysore's household) often went in for weight-training in addition to hatha yoga. The two studios were next to each other in Mysore Palace.

My life took a bad turn shortly after I qualified, and I am just getting my life back.

04-24-2014, 01:03 PM
I have been vegetarian for more than half my life because I dislike the taste, texture and odour of meat.

Currently, I am eating rice and lentils with ginger, spices, lemon and chopped vegetables; a dish called khichari, which is very popular with yogis, and in Gujarat, India. I am detoxing from heroin, and khichari is a detox food, suitable for the elderly, babies and the sick, and I have lost a lot of fat since switching to khichari.

I have to follow a sattvic diet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sattvic_diet) anyway, because I am firstly a yoga practicioner before anything else, and it is right and traditional for serious aspirants, but I want to go back to weight training again, once my yoga practise has been resurrected and I have detoxified from opiates.

Your advice sounds solid and sensible, but if it is good advice for me, it comes twenty years too late. I always found it hard to stomach meat, so I am not sure that it was ever my optimal food. I am circumspect about dairy products now; I do have a mild intolerance. My fitness might come on in leaps and bounds, but right now I am taking baby steps and my physiology is fragile, which is why I am eating baby food.

I qualified to teach this in 2005, but I am out of practice:


This is body-building hatha yoga, and actually, it was developed alongside a body-building school and students (who were the male members of the Maharani of Mysore's household) often went in for weight-training in addition to hatha yoga. The two studios were next to each other in Mysore Palace.

My life took a bad turn shortly after I qualified, and I am just getting my life back.
What about meats such as chicken and fish?
They are heavy in protein and very lean. Some fish in particular have the added bonus to have oils that are good for you. But regardless of the protein source, a balanced diet is always best.

04-24-2014, 01:26 PM
I have turned into a fat lump again.

I have been drinking and eating cake and coffee and eating out and generally enjoying the pleasure of life including cigars and port. You get the picture.

My waist is still 34", but none of this is acceptable. I am in danger of growing big boobs again.

My solution?

Broccoli and tofu, nuts and protein shakes.

No cheese, and no eggs this time, they just glue me up!

HELP?! How do I start this shit? I am such a gourmand. I cannot pass a restaurant without eating something fattening, and I keep drinking.

I am currently withdrawing from opiates, and I do feel like a flat tyre, but that is no excuse. The only good thing is that I have taken control of the opiates, because it was making me really constipated, and that I no longer smoke.

I'm sort of in the same predicament. I've began fasting and drinking a lot of juices and water.

04-24-2014, 01:42 PM
I think rice is the fat-making ingredient. I read that carbs from potatoes are better.

Do you eat eggs? A very nutritious source of protein. Yummy as well boiled.

04-24-2014, 02:47 PM
I think rice is the fat-making ingredient. I read that carbs from potatoes are better.

Do you eat eggs? A very nutritious source of protein. Yummy as well boiled.

Yeah boiled eggs are very good. I've started eating them myself.

Opiates make you suppress appetite so I can imagine how easy it would be to binge eat getting off them. I enjoy fasting though. Go a couple of days just drinking fluids and eating only fruits/veggies and even the smallest regular meal you can savour instead of just shoving it down. If you restrict you calories 6 days a week you can also take a cheat day once a week and eat whatever you like. The body won't be able to process all the excess calories just doing it one day a week and it will also reset your metabolism.

04-24-2014, 02:50 PM
this thread is old but i noticed that you again gained some weight, you looked it

04-24-2014, 03:18 PM
Go running. Start jogging very slowly and calmly, and increase speed on each running track lap. Do this for 30+ mins 3 times a week or more. It is said that you start burning fat reservoirs after 30 mins of running.

I was around 96 kg after Christmas and started doing this and now i'm 79 kg. I could weight less, but i'm also lifting and obviously built some muscle mass.

Also, forget about liquid calories, keep sugars to the minimum and keep an eye on your calories. It isn't that hard, you just have to be willing to sweat.

04-24-2014, 03:24 PM
I've been thinking of jogging myself, I need to burn this small beer belly I got that makes my 6-pack a faint 4-pack. But most of all it's not only for aesthetics, I just need to be healthy and agile more than I am at this age.

Fortis in Arduis
04-25-2014, 12:45 AM
What about meats such as chicken and fish?
They are heavy in protein and very lean. Some fish in particular have the added bonus to have oils that are good for you. But regardless of the protein source, a balanced diet is always best.

I am forbidden to eat them, because they are not sattvic but I never really liked them anyway. Whether it was the way my mother cooked them or something else I am not sure, but meat, fish and eggs seem messy, unclean or disgusting to me, even though I was brought up to eat these foods at home. Conversely, I have a strong taste for sattvic foods. It might just be an expression of the soul's desire for purity.

I think rice is the fat-making ingredient. I read that carbs from potatoes are better.

Do you eat eggs? A very nutritious source of protein. Yummy as well boiled.

Excess carbohydrate will turn into fat. I suppose potatoes digest slowly and so they might be better than rice for curtailing hunger.

I do like cheese omelettes, but not that much, and I am trying to return to the yogic lifestyle and so I am forbidden to eat eggs, because they are tamasic and I am trying to follow the sattvic diet again. Potato and tomato are considered to be borderline sattvic / rajasic (pure-light / fiery-stimulating) foods.

this thread is old but i noticed that you again gained some weight, you looked it

Yes, and it went again. I had a double/triple chin which grew from eating convenience comfort foods when I was staying somewhere as a guest for a few months, but after I returned home it went away again quite quickly. It does that. The fat on the face can fluctuate a lot. When you lost weight, you lost a lot of fat from your face and the difference was quite striking, as I recall.

I am not fixated on my weight per se and I am not weighing myself, I just want to keep making effort until I lose all the fat from my belly. When losing body fat, the belly fat is the last bit to go, which is why my end goal is to get rid of the belly fat. Actually, I am more concerned with detoxing from heroin than anything else, but I recognise that when detoxing, I have to watch that I do not run for those fattening comfort foods.

How are you getting on?

04-25-2014, 03:08 AM
Go running. Start jogging very slowly and calmly, and increase speed on each running track lap. Do this for 30+ mins 3 times a week or more. It is said that you start burning fat reservoirs after 30 mins of running.

I was around 96 kg after Christmas and started doing this and now i'm 79 kg. I could weight less, but i'm also lifting and obviously built some muscle mass.

Also, forget about liquid calories, keep sugars to the minimum and keep an eye on your calories. It isn't that hard, you just have to be willing to sweat.


Fortis in Arduis
06-05-2014, 09:07 PM
I have gone back to this diet again. I drank 15g of spirulina (grown in an open air pond) this morning, and it tasted like... pond water.

I will shrink nicely, though, and I am not hungry.

06-05-2014, 09:15 PM
I recommend intermittent fasting, it's a great way to detox and cleanse yourself from the garbage you might have eaten recently. Combine that with a quality diet and some dietary supplements and you'll shred off the weight.

What exercise are you doing?

Fortis in Arduis
06-05-2014, 09:23 PM
I recommend intermittent fasting, it's a great way to detox and cleanse yourself from the garbage you might have eaten recently. Combine that with a quality diet and some dietary supplements and you'll shred off the weight.

What exercise are you doing?

Right. I am fatigued because I am twenty-four days post opiate withdrawal. I quit heroin myself, using 24mg of buprenophine, over three days, and a hot bath.

I should have started this diet when or before I detoxed, but anyway.

I am taking l-Tyrosine for the reduced dopamine levels, I have vitamin supplements also, but I tend to avoid. I am sleeping about six hours now, it was four hours a week ago, and I have stopped sneezing.

Exercise. The only exercise I really know or care for is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. I will start once the effect of the diet makes me more energetic. It works nicely.

Siberian Cold Breeze
06-06-2014, 01:36 AM
Currently, I am eating rice and lentils with ginger, spices, lemon and chopped vegetables; a dish called khichari, which is very popular with yogis, and in Gujarat, India. I am detoxing from heroin, and khichari is a detox food, suitable for the elderly, babies and the sick, and I have lost a lot of fat since switching to khichari.

I have to follow a sattvic diet anyway, because I am firstly a yoga practicioner before anything else, and it is right and traditional for serious aspirants, but I want to go back to weight training again, once my yoga practise has been resurrected and I have detoxified from opiates.

Your advice sounds solid and sensible, but if it is good advice for me, it comes twenty years too late. I always found it hard to stomach meat, so I am not sure that it was ever my optimal food. I am circumspect about dairy products now; I do have a mild intolerance. My fitness might come on in leaps and bounds, but right now I am taking baby steps and my physiology is fragile, which is why I am eating baby food.

I don't know what you mean by these words ..but seems like you are fighting with food and food is attacking you back..

Your body having a panic of death due to agressive type diets ,fastings and he is depositing whatver you eat to stay alive ..not punishing you with fat , be nice to him

I eat whatver i want , I m 43 years old and 55 kg with 168 cm ..never followed a diet and i consume 500 gr butter a week
With this tofu and broccoli thing ..meh..i m sure i'd lose all my joy in short time ..why torturing to yourself ?

Fortis in Arduis
06-06-2014, 08:00 AM
I don't know what you mean by these words ..but seems like you are fighting with food and food is attacking you back..

Your body having a panic of death due to agressive type diets ,fastings and he is depositing whatver you eat to stay alive ..not punishing you with fat , be nice to him

I eat whatver i want , I m 43 years old and 55 kg with 168 cm ..never followed a diet and i consume 500 gr butter a week
With this tofu and broccoli thing ..meh..i m sure i'd lose all my joy in short time ..why torturing to yourself ?

Point taken. What you do not know is that I tend to have huge sugar highs and sugar lows (Type II diabetic in the making), high cholesterol (excess carbohydrates cause this) and that I have been an over-eater for many years. No, I am not terribly fat, but I know where I went wrong, so, yes, I have to correct it. I still enjoy the food I eat when dieting like this.


I eat a lot of butter, also.

Siberian Cold Breeze
06-06-2014, 05:57 PM
Point taken. What you do not know is that I tend to have huge sugar highs and sugar lows (Type II diabetic in the making), high cholesterol (excess carbohydrates cause this) and that I have been an over-eater for many years. No, I am not terribly fat, but I know where I went wrong, so, yes, I have to correct it. I still enjoy the food I eat when dieting like this.

I see..That is a big problem ofcourse ..:(
I recommend bulgur , with it's lower glycemic index and high fiber , I use too because one bowl can keep one long hours (I mix with plain yogurt ) better than processed corn or wheat products in cartoon boxes ..

Compared to unenriched white rice, bulgur has more fiber and protein, a lower glycemic index, and higher levels of most vitamins and minerals. One cup (140 g)of dry bulgur contains approximately: [4]

Energy: 1717 kJ (412 kcal)
Dietary fiber: 25.6 g
Protein: 17.21 g
Carbohydrate: 69 g whereof 0.8 g sugars
Fat: 1.86 g whereof 0.2 g saturated fat
Potassium: 574 mg
Iron: 3.44 mg

Glycemic Index: 48[5]

Fortis in Arduis
08-02-2014, 03:17 PM
I followed this, my favourite diet.

At first, I had mozzarella and tomato salad for lunch, and then a broccoli and tofu dish in the evening.

Then, I dropped the mozzarella and tomato and just had broccoli and tofu every day. I really like the broccoli and tofu dish. Sometimes I make it with coconut milk and lemongrass and so forth, other times more dry with ginger, mustard seeds, cumin, clove. Sometimes with tomato and masala spices. It depends, there are lots of variations.

My appetite has whittled away to almost nothing, and I hardly want to eat at all now. This is a little bit strange, but so long as I am not feeling tired or irritable, I do not see a problem. I suppose that I am just digesting my own fat.

I have been making and drinking my own lemonade with either fresh lemon or limes, or PLJ lemon juice which comes in a bottle, sweetened with sucralose sweetener. I prefer to drink this sugar-free lemonade than eat, but I do try to eat something every day because I think that it is strange not to eat, even if I am not hungry.

I enjoy a coffee with cream and sweetener every day, and if you have have been on ********, you will have seen how much fat I have lost. I really have lost a lot of fat, and I am so very happy about this, and I am not going to stop until all the appreciable fat has gone from my belly. ALL OF IT.

The fat first went from my face. There is a certain order to which fat accumulates on the body, and when it leaves, it leaves in reverse order. Men and women have slightly different bodyfat patterns, but the last bit to go is on the belly, and the first is on the face. Seeing the progress has been delightful, especially seeing my face re-emerge as the double chin vanished.

Fellow fat-loss aspirants take note. It can be done.

I did plenty of exercise; I exercised control and restraint! I did not need to go running or swimming or change my daily activities at all, I just restricted my diet and found that by eliminating sugar and carbohydrates in general, my appetite diminished extraordinarily.

I am going to stick with it until I am happy with the belly. This might require that I take up some physical exercise. If and when I reintroduce carbohydrate foods, I will stack them towards the beginning of the day, but my 'sweet tooth' and desire for such has almost gone, and I wonder, just wonder, whether this is really the natural or optimal taste palette for human psychophysiology. Certainly, I have found it almost impossible to eat out without breaking the diet, although the Pizza Express chain are able to serve a double portion of mozzarella and tomato salad, and most cafes can serve a coffee with cream and sweetener.

This might sound a little too rapturous, but, not only have I liberated, and am I liberating myself from, bodyfat, but also from the subtle and addictive dietary poisons that are plaguing the materialist and consumerist human environment.

08-02-2014, 03:40 PM
You are not fat at all!!