View Full Version : Do you dye your hair?

Atlantic Islander
12-02-2012, 08:11 AM
Do you dye your hair? If yes, why?

12-02-2012, 08:16 AM
Yeah I've been dying it since I was 14.... I changed all colours of the rainbow and went from different shades of red to raven black to blond to purple etc... :P

I guess when I started dying my (otherwise beautiful and naturally golden brown/auburn hair) I wanted to stand out and make a difference. I was into various subcultures (metal and alternative and punk/hardcore and later goth) so dying the hair eccentric colours was part of the look.

After some years it just became a habit and it's painfully difficult to try and re-create my natural colour (cause the colour is gonna be fading, washing itself out, looking like crap) so I just keep doing it a honey shade of blond for the time being cause it looks nice and natural on me now.

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 08:19 AM
Every few months I have very subtle back-combed gradated foil highlights put in to the ends of my hair and at the front.

The colourist chooses a shade which matches my natural sun-induced highlights.

Why? It looks like my hair has caught the sun, and it looks youthful, and natural. :shrug:

12-02-2012, 08:35 AM
Never did and never will. My manly awesomeness doesn't need any artificial cosmetic additions :cool:

12-02-2012, 08:45 AM
I never have but always wanted to try 'Blue Black'. I even bought it once and after months of it sitting in my closet, I finally opened it... but then, of course, I chickened out.

12-02-2012, 08:46 AM
never dyed but i did spray it once green and once pink-red. i was a punk in highschool :D

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 09:02 AM
I never have but always wanted to try 'Blue Black'. I even bought it once and after months of it sitting in my closet, I finally opened it... but then, of course, I chickened out.

If you have 'high yella (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6qtOMFe79o)' skin, then it could have looked really sharp.

12-02-2012, 09:20 AM
When I was around 16 years old, had the blonde highlights. :P That is it.

12-02-2012, 05:56 PM

I dye my naturally light blonde hair with blue-black.

I hate blonde hair, on me at least. I went the red route, the purple route, the green route and the blue route. I settled on black. It is practical, doesn't wash out. I can buy cheap or expensive - black is black.

I can now wear clothes of any colours and shades which I was not able to do blonde. My wardrobe options have increased dramatically since dyeing it black

I don't feel like a blonde. Never have, which is why I've tried to get rid of it for so long. I don't like the blonde image. And people treat blondes differently. They get much more attention and I prefer to be under cover.

And it brings out my eye colour.


12-02-2012, 06:04 PM
No I don't. It'd probably be a bother to dye and wash this huge amount of hair every week.

12-02-2012, 06:13 PM
Nope except I used an ash blonde spray to conceal my grey hair (I know 18 is a bit young for grey hair) my hair is a boring intermediate between brown and blonde. I think I would look better with black hair but I wouldn't late the risk of dying it because it might look bad.

12-02-2012, 06:21 PM
I sprayed my hair blue once! This was many years ago, when we were breaking up for school holidays. I saw some people spraying each other, and asked if I could use some. On the way home, many people kept staring at me; I think it was because of my tie. Not many students had that tie...

Sultan Suleiman
12-02-2012, 06:23 PM
I perma dyed my hair into black every few months before it started to take it's toil on my scalp.

My natural light/medium brown just don't do me any favors :(

12-02-2012, 06:27 PM
Nope,never crossed my mind.
Blonde forever.

12-02-2012, 06:29 PM
Yes, i dye my hair violet.

12-02-2012, 06:35 PM
I never dyed my hair.

12-02-2012, 06:37 PM
used to be red,violet,mohawk,every imaginary lenght ,than when I was in metal stage ,raven black, I desperatly wanted to get rid of chestnut pigment in the hair and to have perfectly black hair that goes with pale complexion and corpse bride make up :picard1::picard1::picard1:......and then my hair become demaged and bad ,so I cut it to almost bald :D my head looked good though :)
and since then I never dyed it again with chemical dye ....I used indigo powder few times ...new hair it's fully grown now and normal :D

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 06:39 PM
Nope except I used an ash blonde spray to conceal my grey hair (I know 18 is a but young for grey hair) my hair is a boring intermediate between brown and blonde. I think I would look better with black hair but I wouldn't late the risk of dying it because it might look bad.

Young grey looks good.

12-02-2012, 06:44 PM
Nope. I have never dyed my hair before and never will. Blonde forever. :)

12-02-2012, 06:45 PM
a few times but not since Long anymore

12-02-2012, 06:46 PM
I don't understand how hair can become damaged using black dye?

With going blonde and the amount of peroxide and bleach involved, hair can become brittle and dry.

I've been dyeing my hair black for 12 years and I've never had hair damage or other bad things happen to my hair.


12-02-2012, 06:52 PM
I want to dye my hair black. But my hair is already black! :rofl_002:

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 06:56 PM
I don't understand how hair can become damaged using black dye?

With going blonde and the amount of peroxide and bleach involved, hair can become brittle and dry.

I've been dyeing my hair black for 12 years and I've never had hair damage or other bad things happen to my hair.


There is a problem with this chemical: p-Phenylenediamine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-Phenylenediamine)

The CDC lists PPD as being a contact allergen. Exposure routes are through inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, and skin and/or eye contact; symptoms of exposure include throat irritation (pharynx and larynx), bronchial asthma, and sensitization dermatitis. Sensitization is a lifelong issue, which may lead to active sensitization to products including, but not limited to black clothing, various inks, hair dye, dyed fur, dyed leather, and certain photographic products. It was voted Allergen of the Year in 2006 by the American Contact Dermatitis Society.

This is why people should always do a skin test. Sensitisation builds over time and severe reactions can occur. Also known as 'black henna', a misnomer.

12-02-2012, 06:57 PM
I don't understand how hair can become damaged using black dye?

With going blonde and the amount of peroxide and bleach involved, hair can become brittle and dry.

I've been dyeing my hair black for 12 years and I've never had hair damage or other bad things happen to my hair.


Peroxide or not,it's still a chemical dye.....and I was applying it every 2 weeks ...it really demage it bad....when you pull a hair it streched like a bubble gum and then snip ....

12-02-2012, 06:59 PM
I don't understand how hair can become damaged using black dye?

With going blonde and the amount of peroxide and bleach involved, hair can become brittle and dry.

I've been dyeing my hair black for 12 years and I've never had hair damage or other bad things happen to my hair.


I heard it can go 'grey' early, if you keep dying it.

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 06:59 PM
Peroxide or not,it's still a chemical dye.....and I was applying it every 2 weeks ...it really demage it bad....when you pull a hair it streched like a bubble gum and then snip ....

PPD is in all darkening hair dye which requires mixing with weak peroxide (2%) to fix it. ;)

12-02-2012, 07:00 PM
I want to dye my hair black. But my hair is already black! :rofl_002:

Go play with your live wires in the bath! :p

12-02-2012, 07:01 PM
PPD is in all darkening hair dye which requires mixing with weak peroxide (2%) to fix it. ;)
I know that now
that's why no chemical will land my hair again
Indigo powder is good,if you can find it :)

12-02-2012, 07:09 PM
I must admit that something really weird did happen to me a few months ago.

I opted for a dodgy super-cheap black dye. When I put it on my head, after about 5 minutes the tattoo on my leg swelled up. It was very strange. The black ink became intense deep black and it stood out almost like a branding mark. It wasn't sore, just tingled, but only the tattoo, not the leg itself.

Once I washed the dye off my head everything was okay. I haven't used that particular brand of dye again and it hasn't happened with my usual brand.

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 07:12 PM
I must admit that something really weird did happen to me a few months ago.

I opted for a dodgy super-cheap black dye. When I put it on my head, after about 5 minutes the tattoo on my leg swelled up. It was very strange. The black ink became intense deep black and it stood out almost like a branding mark. It wasn't sore, just tingled, but only the tattoo, not the leg itself.

Once I washed the dye off my head everything was okay. I haven't used that particular brand of dye again and it hasn't happened with my usual brand.

Watch out for PPD, you have it in your leg tattoo and you are already sensitised to it.

Next time you could have welts forming.

12-02-2012, 07:18 PM
I never dyed it and will never do, guys here don't do that because it's seen as feminine or gay, but I noticed that my cousins in Bosnia do that...This said, my cousins like to drink and fight and are much more masculine that guys here :D

12-02-2012, 07:20 PM
Use to work with high concentrate Hydrogen peroxide. Would sting so bad on the skin if you spilled any.

12-02-2012, 07:23 PM
Watch out for PPD, you have it in your leg tattoo and you are already sensitised to it.

Next time you could have welts forming.

This is very scary.

But how could I dye my hair the black that I want without resorting to the mess of henna?

12-02-2012, 07:26 PM
No, i've dark brown hairs and near-black beard, so other colors would look unnatural and fake.

12-02-2012, 07:27 PM
I used to, but I haven't dyed my hair in almost four years. I used to dye it darker brown, but I did dye it blonde once when I was about 19

Fortis in Arduis
12-02-2012, 07:32 PM
This is very scary.

But how could I dye my hair the black that I want without resorting to the mess of henna?

Well, this is the point. 'Black Henna' is a misnomer for PPD, which is now a poison for you.

Certainly, you need to avoid 'black henna' tattoos.

You might be able to get away with using PPD dyes if they are low in concentration, but perform a skin test firstly, as per the instructions.

I used to confect really subtle dye-jobs for Sinbad, and I was applying PPD-based dyes after gentle bleaching to give him a subtle blonded look, and a couple of times I felt myself reacting and wheezing a bit.

You have to look for alternatives to PPD, but PPD is everywhere, because it is the best dye for darkening hair.


12-02-2012, 07:35 PM
Indigo.........use indigo,you can purchase it online or find henna blocks that have certificate that contain indigo,not PPD
(Lush has "black henna" with indigo" )

12-02-2012, 07:36 PM
No I would never do this. It looks ridicolous on men

12-02-2012, 07:37 PM

12-02-2012, 07:44 PM
I don't like this hair dying stuff, no one should dye their hairs...

12-02-2012, 07:45 PM
Yes, i dye my hair pink :redface_002:

12-02-2012, 07:54 PM
When I was 15 I went through a punk phase and I dyed my hair carrot orange. I did a tongue, chin and nose piercing and a wrist tattoo as well. Thankfully I've been cured.

Atlantic Islander
12-02-2012, 11:34 PM
When I was 14 I started getting a few grey strands, so I started dying my hair. I've dyed it all of the natural shades, but mostly stuck with different shades of red. Red suits me well for some reason.

I've been doing it for so long that my youngest sister didn't even know what my natural hair color was.

Queen B
12-02-2012, 11:35 PM
Yes, I do. I dye them darker than my natural, I do them dark brown :)

12-10-2012, 07:43 PM
I get my hair highlighted every few months (my sister is a hair colorist... I love that I don't have to pay). I can't go red (looks horrible on me...). Love the blond!

02-05-2013, 08:20 PM
I used to dye my hair all the time when I was younger, like every two months :o I had it blonde, light brown, black, dark brown, purple..basically anything. Nowadays I just dye it black every few months, because I think it suits me better than my natural hair colour (medium/dark brown) and it makes it look healthier.

02-05-2013, 08:50 PM
Never died my hair, never plan on dying it. I've been blond and a brown naturally, and i like brown.

02-10-2013, 11:01 PM
I used to, all the time. My favorite color was black. I've also done various shades of red and blonde :D Now I am am old so I keep my natural color while I still have it.

Although I have a couple of grays now...:eek:

02-10-2013, 11:04 PM
No, I've never done it.

02-10-2013, 11:08 PM
Fuck no! :D

02-10-2013, 11:52 PM
Do you dye your hair? If yes, why?

No, never, as my hair is perfect.

02-10-2013, 11:53 PM
no, i don't.

i used to. I dyed it black for years, and i did dye it pink, red, and blue.

02-10-2013, 11:57 PM
Blonde hair begs to be desecrated in all ways imaginable. I desecrate it regularly each month with black, although in the past it was orange, blue and purple.

02-11-2013, 12:01 AM

02-11-2013, 12:02 AM
Blonde hair begs to be desecrated in all ways imaginable. I desecrate it regularly each month with black, although in the past it was orange, blue and purple.

You look very good with black hair. And look very Jewish as well, just the way I like my Jewish wife to look like!

02-11-2013, 12:04 AM
Nope, never have and I never will.

02-11-2013, 12:06 AM
Never. But many asked me if I'm doing it since...

1. My hair was dark brown when it was short but it became light brown after it became longer.
2.After it became longer, some tufts of my hair appeared dark blond :eek: it is visible in some photos.

Atlantic Islander
02-11-2013, 12:06 AM
...and i did dye it pink, red, and blue.

I've never dyed mine an unnatural color, the closest I've ever gone was blue-black.

Atlantic Islander
02-11-2013, 12:07 AM
Never. But many asked me if I'm doing it since...

1. My hair was dark brown when it was short but it became light brown after it became longer.
2.After it became longer, some tufts of my hair appeared dark blond :eek: it is visible in some photos.

Exposure to the elements causes damage and lightens hair.

02-11-2013, 12:08 AM
Not really, not anymore at least. I have had highlights before, and I have dyed it a very dark shade of brown (like my avatar) but now I keep my natural hair colour, I might consider dying it darker again.

02-11-2013, 12:13 AM
Exposure to the elements causes damage and lightens hair.

Well, I do not think it is about something chemical. As long as it became, it lightened.

Atlantic Islander
02-11-2013, 12:16 AM
Well, I do not think it is about something chemical. As long as it became, it lightened.

The elements, sun, wind, etc. naturally highlight and lighten hair by damaging it - is what I meant.

05-03-2013, 03:20 PM
If I want to change my hair color to lighter, I usually just get it highlighted instead of dying the whole thing. My hair is naturally medium/dark brown, so around spring/summer I like to change it up and make it lighter, then by fall/winter I let put in low lights.

I do it because I like it :)