View Full Version : Faith Healers Acquitted

07-24-2009, 06:32 AM
What a travesty of justice! These willfully ignorant cranks should be rotting in a prison cell.

OREGON CITY, Ore. – An Oregon couple who relied on prayer instead of medical care were acquitted of manslaughter Thursday in the death of their 15-month-old daughter.

The jury convicted the father, Carl Brent Worthington, of criminal mistreatment, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum sentence of a year in jail. The mother, Raylene Worthington, was acquitted in the 2008 death of their daughter Ava.

Both had faced manslaughter charges, which could have carried a sentence of up to six years in prison. The mother also was acquitted of criminal mistreatment.

The prosecution said Ava Worthington failed to flourish through most of her life because of a cyst on her neck that impeded her breathing and eating, contributing to her fatal pneumonia. She died on a Sunday evening after family and church members prayed over her and anointed her with olive oil.

The state medical examiner said she could easily have been saved with antibiotics.

But the defense attacked the credibility of the state's expert witnesses and said the child died of a fast-moving form of sepsis, an infection. The Worthingtons testified that the cyst was a trait in the father's family and that they thought their child only had a cold.

Jurors saw the Worthingtons as loving, caring parents, said 25-year-old juror Ashlee Santos.

"They're people. They're not monsters," she said at a press conference at the Clackamas County courthouse. "They had no intention of harming their child. They're good parents."

She said the father was convicted of criminal mistreatment because the mother wasn't monitoring the girl as closely as he was, so he was more responsible for her condition.

During the trial, the defense made a point of noting that in families of the Worthingtons' church, the Followers of Christ, husbands make all important decisions.

District Attorney John Foote said Thursday prosecutors were "saddened and disappointed," convinced the facts were clear in this case, and determined to be aggressive in enforcing "laws that require parents to protect their children regardless of their religious faith."

The Followers of Christ shuns conventional medicine in favor of faith healing. The church has been in Oregon City since early in the 20th century. Its members, by their own description and that of others, keep to themselves.

The trial was the first under a 10-year-old Oregon law that bars legal defenses based on religious practices in most abuse cases. The law was a response to previous deaths among young members of the Followers of Christ.

The jurors reported on Monday that they were deadlocked on all the charges, but Judge Steven Maurer sent them back to deliberate. Under Oregon law, the verdicts required only 10 votes among the 12-member jury. The jury included eight men and four women.

The jury voted 11-1 to acquit Raylene Worthington of manslaughter and 10-2 on the rest of the charges against her and her husband. Santos said she voted with the majority on every count.

Throughout the trial, which lasted nearly four weeks, members of the church were in the gallery. Courtroom crowds ranged from about 40 people to as many as 80. Carl Brent Worthington and other church members refused to speak to reporters after the verdict was announced.

The husband, who goes by Brent, is a commercial painter. Raylene Worthington is a homemaker and is pregnant.

After Ava's death, their surviving daughter, then 4, got a medical checkup at the insistence of Oregon child welfare workers, one of whom testified at a hearing last year the girl was in good health.

The father's sentencing is scheduled July 31.

Source (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090724/ap_on_re_us/us_faith_healing_trial)

07-24-2009, 06:42 AM
Can they be sterilised along with it? :mad:

07-24-2009, 12:35 PM
It's a good result. If they were convicted, not only would it infringe on freedom of religion, but it would cede control of medical decisions from parents to the state. Then anytime a parent objected to any sort of medical treatment a govt official thought they should get, they could be held liable, for example if you didn't want to give your child vaccines that contained mercury.

07-24-2009, 09:38 PM
It's a good result. If they were convicted, not only would it infringe on freedom of religion, but it would cede control of medical decisions from parents to the state. Then anytime a parent objected to any sort of medical treatment a govt official thought they should get, they could be held liable, for example if you didn't want to give your child vaccines that contained mercury.

I see your point about a slippery slope, but is withholding medical care that'll save a child's life really comparable to vaccinations? It's not like this is the first time a Christian Science couple as sat back and allowed their child to die; this happens every few years. Also, doesn't freedom of religion end when that religion's practices start infringing on the liberties of others? No one's telling these people they can't believe whatever crazy shit they want to, but they basically sacrificed their child to Jehova, and I'm pretty sure that human sacrifice stopped being OK a long time ago. ;)

07-24-2009, 09:43 PM
Hard to tell form the given facts, but the acquittal of the mother does seem to reflect an element of jury nullification, a somewhat positive sign.

07-24-2009, 11:44 PM
They should at least be charged with some sort of neglect. A parent is responsible for acting in the best interest of their child. No matter how fast moving the illness, the child should have at the very least made it to hospital, not lying in a bed doused with olive oil :mad:

07-24-2009, 11:55 PM
Neglect resulting in the death of a child cares a maximum of 1 year! :mad:

That's akin to murder!

This country's justice system needs a large injection of common sense.

Lady L
07-25-2009, 01:50 AM
A shame they let their " Faith " kill their child.

07-25-2009, 06:35 AM
They should at least be charged with some sort of neglect. A parent is responsible for acting in the best interest of their child. No matter how fast moving the illness, the child should have at the very least made it to hospital, not lying in a bed doused with olive oil :mad:

Definitely, or even better - abuse.