View Full Version : What would make you break up with someone?

12-02-2012, 09:35 PM
I would break up (and never get back together) with any girl who:

- Cheats (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Physically attacks me in any way (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Withholds sex (after talking to her about it once*)
- Is way too controlling (after talking to her about it once*)
- Flirts with other guys (a few minor incidents is forgivable, but if it happens regularly or is heavy flirting, it's over)

What about you?

* Specifically once, because if those problems aren't permanently solved the first time, they never will be.

12-02-2012, 09:42 PM
I would break up (and never get back together) with any girl who:

- Cheats (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Physically attacks me in any way (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Withholds sex (after talking to her about it once*)
- Is too controlling (after talking to her about it once*)
- Flirts with other guys (a few minor incidents is forgivable, but if it happens regularly or is heavy flirting, it's over)

What about you?

* Specifically once, because if those problems aren't permanently solved the first time, they never will be.

-cheats, yes of course immediately. but could maybe forgive, depends on severity of case and circumstances, also how much blind of love i am
-physically attacks, agree too but also depends on severity of case, if it was a good fight between us and she hit me a bit i probably wont
-Witholds sex, no would not break up with her because of it, would just wait until she wants it again
-too Controlling, dont know depends on severity of case, if she is a bit jealous and want to forbid me other women, i would feel charmed actually. Needs to be severe case for me to Freak out, but if she wants to forbid me cigarettes, coffee or Internet probably it wouldnt last Long
-Flirts with other guys, i guess so but it would break my heart to leave her but i guess there is no other way. she degrades me in public actually with such behaviour

12-02-2012, 09:44 PM
All the aforementioned except I would not break up with someone for withholding sex *once* :D I've had long term relationships, I know lovers can go through phases, we all have our ups and downs.

I did break up with someone for repeatedly withholding sex, though. :wink He was always tired and spaced out - plus he had some physical issues. I liked the guy a lot but we ended up being hanging out like buddies without any sex involved whatsoever so there was no point in calling ourselves a couple - and I told him that over tea and cookies and then we went on with our general discussion ;)

12-02-2012, 09:47 PM
All the aforementioned except I would not break up with someone for withholding sex *once* :D I've had long term relationships, I know lovers can go through phases, we all have our ups and downs.

I did break up with someone for repeatedly withholding sex, though. :wink He was always tired and spaced out - plus he had some physical issues. I liked the guy a lot but we ended up being hanging out like buddies without any sex involved whatsoever so there was no point in calling ourselves a couple - and I told him that over tea and cookies and then we went on with our general discussion ;)

i think i would break up with someone if she wants too much sex for fun bot no Baby with me. if she withholds sex often but not exactly always. then not.


King Claus
12-02-2012, 09:51 PM
i think i would break up with someone if she wants too much sex for fun bot no Baby with me. if she withholds sex often but not exactly always. then not.


Lol at your avatar bro...

12-02-2012, 09:52 PM
lack of love definitely, I thought I couldnt forgive cheats, but I actually did once :(

Queen B
12-02-2012, 09:59 PM
- Cheating. I m loyal, and I expect the same.
- Physical abuse. The moment he lays a hand, this moment I ll smash his head.
- Insulting/no respect. Respect is one of the most important parts in a relationship.
- Lack of sexual chemistry.
- Jealousy scenes and over-the-limit-jealousy.
- Laziness
- Lack of Hygeine.

12-02-2012, 10:05 PM
All the aforementioned except I would not break up with someone for withholding sex *once* :D

When I say "withholds sex", I mean regularly, not just once.

That being said though, it's the type of thing that I'd want to "nip in the bud" very early on before it becomes a big problem, so if I notice that the lack of sex is becoming a problem for a month, then I will talk to her about it, and if it doesn't change very quickly, I would dump her.

By the way, by withholding sex for a month, I don't mean no sex at all for a month, I just mean her often refusing sex for a month.

12-02-2012, 10:07 PM
If i'm watching an important game and she cuts the power cord....

12-04-2012, 01:46 PM

12-04-2012, 01:51 PM
I cannot tell for obvious reasons. I never established a relationship so as a consequence I never broke up

12-04-2012, 01:52 PM
- Cheats (instant break up, no exceptions)

- Withholds sex (after talking to her about it once*)

- Flirts with other guys (a few minor incidents is forgivable, but if it happens regularly or is heavy flirting, it's over)

Those happened to me.

I was way too forgiving about the first and last one, never again.

The second is annoying, when a girl demands sex she expects you to collaborate but when you want it you have to wank it. No thank you, fuck off.

12-04-2012, 01:59 PM
Won't have sex a lot

12-04-2012, 02:20 PM
Those happened to me.

I was way too forgiving about the first and last one, never again.

The second is annoying, when a girl demands sex she expects you to collaborate but when you want it you have to wank it. No thank you, fuck off.

You look for girls in the wrong places.
A girl who is into other stuff (other than socialising), considers you to be a good looking specimen and is very conservatively shy, is a girl, you would like.

12-04-2012, 02:52 PM
Cheating on me with another man (with woman I could accept it).It don't have to be a direct sex.Talking with other males in a flirtous fashion,getting ego boost with ther interest,talkin on internet with who definitely has an interest in her,sending them her naked photos,these would make me mad.

12-04-2012, 03:01 PM
Cheating or flirting with other men (even talking to other men regularly is unnecessary bullshit), going against me in a situation where I've made my will clear, disagreeing or bickering with me in front of others, withholding sex for no good reason, and incessant nagging, complaining, etc.

I haven't had many of these happen to me, but if they did it would be enough grounds for me to kick her to the curb.

12-04-2012, 05:33 PM
To be honest if I ever get in a relationship I will just make it clear early on that if she begins to withhold sex, the relationship will end very quickly.

12-04-2012, 05:34 PM
I would break up (and never get back together) with any girl who:

- Cheats (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Physically attacks me in any way (instant break up, no exceptions)
- Withholds sex (after talking to her about it once*)
- Is way too controlling (after talking to her about it once*)
- Flirts with other guys (a few minor incidents is forgivable, but if it happens regularly or is heavy flirting, it's over)

What about you?

* Specifically once, because if those problems aren't permanently solved the first time, they never will be.

Cheating: definitely instant break-up, if it is behind my back and I don't know about it. If we were at a party and he got it on with a girl in front of me (which has happened), then why not fool around a little? If it makes him feel good about himself and boosts the ego then I have no problem with it. As long as he goes home with me at the end of the night it's fine. But I wouldn't consider it cheating if it was with my knowledge and consent. If he went alone with her to her house, then there would be problems. But a little bit of fiddling around in social situation, no problems.

Physical attack: he's a goner

Withholding sex: relationships go through cycles, at one stage you're doing it a lot and then there are other times when you're not interested. If I am not interested in getting laid and the hubby has a huge urge I will take matters into my hands (literally). If withholding sex is done as punishment, get rid of. This is a passive-aggressive person who has more agendas than just not giving sex. If it is used as a manipulative tool.

Too controlling: I don't like this at all. I don't like people who are too controlling, as well as people who are very needy. They tend to suffer from jealousy too, which is a killer in my opinion. As much as I give my partner the freedom to do as he pleases, so I want my own. If he wants to go to the pub for a beer on his own, he can go. He also doesn't have a problem if I say to him: I want to have a day out on my own, I need some me-time. Neither of us sees it as an insult. My hubby has had an invitation to go to Venice next year with a group of 11 girls from the University he attended. I am encouraging him to go, and hope he can raise the money to do so. I trust him and I don't have problems with it.

Flirting: flirting is good and it can do a lot for self-esteem, especially if there is a positive response. If it stays as flirting every now and again, no problem. If it is a regular occurence then there are obviously other factors at play too, so I would be worried.

12-04-2012, 05:39 PM
Cheating: definitely instant break-up, if it is behind my back and I don't know about it. If we were at a party and he got it on with a girl in front of me (which has happened), then why not fool around a little? If it makes him feel good about himself and boosts the ego then I have no problem with it. As long as he goes home with me at the end of the night it's fine. But I wouldn't consider it cheating if it was with my knowledge and consent. If he went alone with her to her house, then there would be problems. But a little bit of fiddling around in social situation, no problems.

Flirting: flirting is good and it can do a lot for self-esteem, especially if there is a positive response. If it stays as flirting every now and again, no problem. If it is a regular occurence then there are obviously other factors at play too, so I would be worried.

Surprising. Wasn't expecting that.

Withholding sex: relationships go through cycles, at one stage you're doing it a lot and then there are other times when you're not interested. If I am not interested in getting laid and the hubby has a huge urge I will take matters into my hands (literally). If withholding sex is done as punishment, get rid of. This is a passive-aggressive person who has more agendas than just not giving sex. If it is used as a manipulative tool.

I agree with breaking up with someone who uses sex as a tool, but I was also talking about just not being willing to satisfy your partner's needs. By withholding sex I mean regularly refusing to have sex when your partner wants to.

I guess it applies to men too, but realistically the problem is almost always caused by the woman.

12-04-2012, 05:49 PM
I agree with breaking up with someone who uses sex as a tool, but I was also talking about just not being willing to satisfy your partner's needs. By withholding sex I mean regularly refusing to have sex when your partner wants to.

I think it depends under which circumstances this happens. Lets say you are 18 and your girlfriend wants to stay a virgin till marriage and doesn't believe in any sexual experience before the time, then it is about a belief and not you as a person.

If the person just point blank refuses to, then they should question themselves about why they are in that relationship in the first place.

Surprising. Wasn't expecting that.

I think my mind-set came with the years. I was terribly jealous when I was in my late teens and very early 20's. If my boyfriend just looked at another girl I was green with jealousy.

Over 10 years have passed since then. I have learnt a lot about myself and about relationships in general. I am a lot more confident than I was 10 years ago, and with that the jealousy just evaporated. My husband and I have a lot of trust in each other and we are very close. If he fiddles around a bit, I don't have a problem. AS LONG AS it is in front of me and with my knowledge. If I know the other woman it also makes it more comforting. I have never experienced jealousy with regard to this sort of thing.

12-04-2012, 05:54 PM
i think i would try everything possible to Keep the relationship and im quiete forgiving and able to adapt to alot.

12-04-2012, 06:04 PM
I think it depends under which circumstances this happens. Lets say you are 18 and your girlfriend wants to stay a virgin till marriage and doesn't believe in any sexual experience before the time, then it is about a belief and not you as a person.

If the person just point blank refuses to, then they should question themselves about why they are in that relationship in the first place.

Yeah obviously in some circumstances it is different

But if I was in a sexually active relationship and my girlfriend/wife started withholding sex, I would talk to her about it once and make it very clear that the relationship won't last long if it continues. If it doesn't improve after a few weeks, I would dump her for that reason.

It's also one of the main reasons I will definitely get a prenup before marrying anyone.

12-05-2012, 04:33 AM
i think i would try everything possible to Keep the relationship and im quiete forgiving and able to adapt to alot.

ok there is exception

Need to post that sorry:D

12-05-2012, 04:44 AM

I can get through pretty much anything else.

12-05-2012, 04:50 AM
Surprising. Wasn't expecting that.

Why not? We men are way more insecure than women regarding this (in most cases).

Personally, I'd break up if I find out she doesn't want to make a family and have kids.

12-05-2012, 05:16 AM
Personally, I'd break up if I find out she doesn't want to make a family and have kids.

good Point, made that one clear.

Heart of Oak
12-05-2012, 09:45 AM
thats the worst for me an revenge would follow...

12-05-2012, 11:42 AM
talkin on internet with who definitely has an interest in her,

The age of the internet has definitely made it more challenging for relationships, I think.

Atlantic Islander
12-05-2012, 11:45 AM
- Cheating. I m loyal, and I expect the same.
- Physical abuse. The moment he lays a hand, this moment I ll smash his head.
- Insulting/no respect. Respect is one of the most important parts in a relationship.
- Lack of sexual chemistry.
- Jealousy scenes and over-the-limit-jealousy.
- Laziness
- Lack of Hygiene.


12-05-2012, 11:10 PM


Too much flirting with other people (some people are flirty by nature, so if they are then a bit here and there is not worth breaking up over).

Not wanting children if it's definitely a long-term relationship (I know some people don't want children, but i couldn't stay in a relationship with someone indefinitely if they didn't, although i might try to convince them of course). Although i would probably try to avoid getting into a long-term relationship with someone if i knew they didn't want children, saves time and upset.

If the relationship is no longer working and trying everything to get it working again doesn't help, then there would probably be no point continuing on.

I have quite a monogamous mindset with relationships, and i know some people consider them temporary things. I would much prefer to be with one person for a long time - It probably shows my naivety but I know it can be done, something to aim for. Probably makes me more picky though, and reluctant to get into relationships.

12-05-2012, 11:21 PM
-- I can deal with the guy cheating on me if the circumsntances are understandable, and trust me, it under VERY special circumstances.

- If the guy physically or emotionally abuses me, it's over, no exceptions. Don't mind a few shoves or firm grips. I mean actual hitting.

- Oh, and if the guy EMOTIONALLY cheats on me, it's over. There's no point in staying in a relationship like that.

- He's too jealous/possesive, a little jealousy or possesiveness is fine, but if it crosses the line, it's over.

- And last, but not least, if he tries to look through my messages or mails, or simply pricate stuff, it's over. I don't have much to hide, but I like my privacy.

12-05-2012, 11:22 PM
If she's hot.. nothing