View Full Version : Classify Dacians

Big Bandido
12-07-2012, 01:27 PM







12-07-2012, 01:41 PM
they look albo

12-07-2012, 02:42 PM
Look Proto-Slavic.

12-07-2012, 02:50 PM

Zmey Gorynych
12-07-2012, 02:54 PM
Cro-Magnons, all of them

12-07-2012, 03:01 PM
CroMagnid strongly dominant in all of them. These seem to be all short-faced and have big lips. One can find Romanians with Dacian faces, but they are not common:

Steppe type Aryan element very strong (and dominant) in Trajan's Column realistic depictions of everyday Dacians:
Absolutely no Corded Aryan element (who has always been dominant in early Slavs or Germanics), as in modern Romanians.

Racial proof is clear Dacians had a contribution to Romanian ethnicity, but not the most important. Alpine & Mediterannean, the most common elements today, seem to have been absent in Dacians. Dinaric was present, but not dominant. Aryan was strongly present, mixed with Dinaric and unreduced CroMagnid.

12-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Ok, show me a picture of what you consider "Aryan".

Mans not hot
12-07-2012, 03:43 PM
Ok, show me a picture of what you consider "Aryan".


12-07-2012, 03:45 PM

No no, I want him to show me a picture of what he considers "Aryan".

12-07-2012, 04:22 PM
All have high vaults and quite straight foreheads,high cheekbones.

12-07-2012, 04:56 PM
To add:
no one can explain at least 20% of the words from romanian language with common roots with slavic languages.
What can not be explained and is even more weird is that romanian language have slavic sounds/sonority,which are not present in other languages from Europe and that are plenty of places in Romania which are explained by slavic names and common names of places with other slavic countries.
So I think dacians were some kind of mix of proto-slavs with iranic populations.
Their wolf thingy is present also in old serbians religion.
Maybe we have mostly words of latin origins,but the sonority of our language is more closed to slavic,me thinks.
All romanians can pronounce any word from serbian/bulgarian without any effort,lol.
A very interesting thing,in romanian language we are saying to snow zapada which comes from old slavic zapadati,which means to fall snow.
Now do not tell me that dacians did not had word for snow and they borrowed it from slavs,lol.
While all other slavic languages are using for snow words from germanic origins (snjeg etc).

Big Bandido
12-07-2012, 05:40 PM
The Mediterranean type was also present.


(conclusions in English and French at the end of the PDF)



12-07-2012, 05:50 PM
Lol in Romania most people med are pontids,which are slavic,not atlanto-meds.
We also have plenty of neo-danubian people,which is a south-eastern european baltid,still slavic.
We also have plenty of dinarids and significant germanic-nordish phenotypes,hardly doubt we have too many atlanto-meds here.

12-07-2012, 06:31 PM
romanians look like bulgarians,romanul you are a nordicist

Big Bandido
12-08-2012, 08:10 AM
Here's a Baltid who spoke Latin:

Emperor Galerius


12-08-2012, 01:53 PM
The Mediterranean type was also present.


(conclusions in English and French at the end of the PDF)



Well, the Roman reliefs depicting Dacians fighting against Trajan show faces also typical of Scythians, present today overwhelmingly in people with blond(ish) hair and blue eyes. This type is the original condition of the Aryan race (CroMagnid transitioning towards classical "Nordid").

Individual portraits of Dacian captives, on the other hand, show people of CroMagnid phenotype with little to no Aryan tendency. What they resemble best are Balkan CroMagnids (particularly people of Yugoslavia and Albania).

Evidence from racial anthropology is scanty (since Dacians, like all Aryans, cremated their dead) and no less conflicting. In your sources, they speak of nordid/mediterannean/cromagnid interchangeably.

Big Bandido
12-11-2012, 09:06 AM
Evidence from racial anthropology is scanty (since Dacians, like all Aryans, cremated their dead) and no less conflicting. In your sources, they speak of nordid/mediterannean/cromagnid interchangeably.

This is a major study of a Chernyakhov site situated in northern Romania( Botosani county).
The native Dacian population is described as being mainly Mediterranean and Cromagnon.
The Mediterranean type is the most prevalent,this is intriguing ,since we are dealing with such a northern site,from a Gothic culture,outside of the Roman province Dacia.

See chapter VIII, 'Concluzii'


another Chernyakhov necropolis from Vaslui county:

Georgeta Miu 'Preliminary anthropological...'


Big Bandido
12-11-2012, 10:28 AM

Dinaric was present, but not dominant. Aryan was strongly present, mixed with Dinaric and unreduced CroMagnid.

The cromagnid-dinaric-nordic mix looks very Central-European( the first 2 pictures from my initial post).Others look East-Europoid,some of them with slight Mongoloid traits( the Scythian invaders from 7th century BC?)









12-12-2012, 05:00 AM
The cromagnid-dinaric-nordic mix looks very Central-European( the first 2 pictures from my initial post).Others look East-Europoid,some of them with slight Mongoloid traits( the Scythian invaders from 7th century BC?)









For the record. Scythians were Aryan-race individuals and had absolutely no Mongoloid element. The fact that Dacians depicted in Trajan's column, obviously realistically portrayed since faces are different as in real life ethnic groups, had a strong Scythian vibe, proves that Aryan race was very much stronger in Dacians than Romanians.

Now the people you have given are typical Romanians, but would be very untypical Dacians. True Dacian faces had a strong CroMagnid vibe. Here is where individual portraits of Dacian prisoners and those depicted in Trajan's column coincide. CroMagnid (wherever in Aryan or local form) was very strongly predominant, whereas in Romanians it's very weak. Faces with a Dacian vibe are not unfrequent, though, but they are much softer:

Big Bandido
12-12-2012, 09:44 AM

According to David Anthony(The Horse ,The Wheel and Langauge) the main Kurgan type was an Europoid-Mongoloid mix ,he names it Proto-Europoid.After all, haplogroup R is close to Q .
Of course, this doesn't sound coonish,but the Germanic Empires(US,EU) had been already established- today's Germanic propaganda is much more weaker(or at least of much poorer quality).
I'm sorry for spoiling the fairy-tale,but there isn't just 2 major races(The Mediterranean and Nordic one)-but only the Germanic lust, to steal the Ancient Civilisations Identities(especially Rome's).
You could see this tendency since Early Middle Ages (The Franks,The Goths,perhaps The Gepids),The Holly Roman Empire of Germanic nation,but also Hollywood recent creations(King's Arthur Legend movie)

Regarding Dacians:

I shouldn't say 'slight Mongoloid';that gave you hope.
Some of them had PRONOUNCED Mongoloid features(see the Trajan's Column,Marcus Aurelius Column,Dacian Statues);true, i don't know how many of them looked that way.

Dacian Statues(starting at 21:11)



Compare the 2nd woman from Figure 75 with Adrian Ilie:



Big Bandido
12-26-2012, 10:15 AM

I shouldn't say 'slight Mongoloid';that gave you hope.
Some of them had PRONOUNCED Mongoloid features(see the Trajan's Column,Marcus Aurelius Column,Dacian Statues);





Big Bandido
12-26-2012, 11:10 AM
For the record. Scythians were Aryan-race individuals and had absolutely no Mongoloid element.

For the record, when we talk about indo-iranians, we DEFINITELY must talk about broad head;whether is of Cromagnon or Mongoloid,or both.

We also need to be very specific("which Scythians?" and "from what period?")





ancient persians:



iranian women:



12-26-2012, 07:22 PM




In real life, they would have been typical Romanians. First one looks Alpine-based mix. The other looks archaic CroMagnid.

12-26-2012, 07:35 PM
Site you quoted from collects the way they looked like better than any other:
http://statuidedaci.ro/ (http://statuidedaci.ro/ro/germania)

Here one finds Balkan CroMagnid by far the dominant element, followed by Dinaric. Not a single individual in Roman statues is Mediterannean/Aryan or even Alpine (which is very strong among Romanians today)...

Big Bandido
12-27-2012, 09:32 AM
Site you quoted from collects the way they looked like better than any other:
http://statuidedaci.ro/ (http://statuidedaci.ro/ro/germania)

Here one finds Balkan CroMagnid by far the dominant element, followed by Dinaric. Not a single individual in Roman statues is Mediterannean/Aryan or even Alpine (which is very strong among Romanians today)...

The Alpine spectrum stretches as far as northern Slavic countries,Central Asia ,or Asia Minor .
I find extremely unlikely for Romania not to have ancient Alpines or Mediterraneans.
Coon also mentions some Bronze Age movements of the Alpines from Central Europe to south-east:

The Bell Beaker people were probably the first intrusive brachycephals to enter the Austrian Alps, and the mountains of northeastern Bohemia, for the push of Lake Dwelling Alpines southeastward toward the Balkans happened later in the Bronze Age. It is, therefore, possible that the present Dinaric populations of the Dinaric Alps and the Carpathians may be derived in part from this eastward invasion.

I don't know if this involves,for ancient Romania/Dacia, unabsorbed "native" tribes of Alpine/Mediterranean stock, or something else.

This one has Alpine traits:


Alpine Dacian woman:


Also,compare this Dacian with the old Romanian shepherd:



12-27-2012, 05:22 PM
The Alpine spectrum stretches as far as northern Slavic countries,Central Asia ,or Asia Minor .
I find extremely unlikely for Romania not to have ancient Alpines or Mediterraneans.
Coon also mentions some Bronze Age movements of the Alpines from Central Europe to south-east:

The Bell Beaker people were probably the first intrusive brachycephals to enter the Austrian Alps, and the mountains of northeastern Bohemia, for the push of Lake Dwelling Alpines southeastward toward the Balkans happened later in the Bronze Age. It is, therefore, possible that the present Dinaric populations of the Dinaric Alps and the Carpathians may be derived in part from this eastward invasion.

I don't know if this involves,for ancient Romania/Dacia, unabsorbed "native" tribes of Alpine/Mediterranean stock, or something else.

This one has Alpine traits:


Alpine Dacian woman:


Also,compare this Dacian with the old Romanian shepherd:



Woman appears to be Alpine, indeed, but her features are an exception. Other individuals you have exemplified look like short-faced CroMagnids. These are features still typical for Romanian or Russian speaking groups in Eastern Carpathians (Moldavians, Hutsuls), both of indisputable (partial) Dacian ethnic origin. It is possible that those short-faced CroMagnids latter evolved into Alpines through gracilization (which also affected people of Aryan race)... Still, this is unlikely, since today people with similar features (see Florin Piersic or his son) are often blondish (never truly brunet), and Alpines are almost always brunet.

By the way, one can only admire Romans' effort to portray real-life Dacians in Column as opposed to featureless caricatures, almost like a tribute to defeated barbarians.

Big Bandido
09-12-2014, 11:22 AM
Well, the Roman reliefs depicting Dacians fighting against Trajan show faces also typical of Scythians, present today overwhelmingly in people with blond(ish) hair and blue eyes. This type is the original condition of the Aryan race (CroMagnid transitioning towards classical "Nordid").


At least some of them have round features of Baltic type,while the Scythians had squarer heads, towards a Thraco-Germanic direction.
Are these guys auxiliary(they don't wear armours) troops of the Sarmatian(Roxolan)army?!Recruited,perhaps,from the populations whom they ruled?
Against this, is the Trajans Column itself:many Dacian women(esp. figure 77) are depicted in the same Baltic/East-Alpine fashion:


09-12-2014, 10:24 PM
So basically this was the origin of the Dacian population:

The meds mostly the neolithic layer, a part of them maybe and an another part of them definitely various Indoeuropeans. The Alpinoids and Taurids (Dinarid) were Bronze age peoples, a part of them maybe not Indoeuropeans. The Cromagnoids were basically Indo-iranians from the steppe or a few minority of them were mesolithic survivors.

Pjeter Pan
09-12-2014, 10:26 PM
they look albo
I agree, there is a theory that we orginated from them.

09-12-2014, 10:33 PM
I agree, there is a theory that we orginated from them.

Pjeter Pan
09-12-2014, 10:35 PM
we??????? sorry I ment we Albanians not you lol.

09-12-2014, 10:37 PM
sorry I ment we Albanians not you lol.
talking like that to one of the descendant of the original albanian lords will get you killed

09-12-2014, 10:39 PM

Pjeter Pan
09-12-2014, 10:40 PM
talking like that to one of the descendant of the original albanian lords will get you killed
Albanian lords of what? gyspykova? :p

09-12-2014, 10:41 PM

Like aherme said, this makes the most sense. Since a lot of balkan cms were alpinized and brachycephaly increased overall, it would also make the most sense.

09-12-2014, 10:44 PM
Albanian lords of what? gyspykova? :p
few gypsy slaves but 99% uber albo borrebies

09-13-2014, 03:02 AM
Eastern Cromagnid very dominant.

11-28-2014, 08:59 AM

Racial proof is clear Dacians had a contribution to Romanian ethnicity, but not the most important. Alpine & Mediterannean, the most common elements today, seem to have been absent in Dacians. Dinaric was present, but not dominant. Aryan was strongly present, mixed with Dinaric and unreduced CroMagnid.

Which ethnic groups made the dominant contributions to the Romanian gene pool then?

11-28-2014, 09:51 AM
Which ethnic groups made the dominant contributions to the Romanian gene pool then?

Romanians, like Hungarians, are a very mixed ethnicity. Phenotypes vary widely, from swarthy East Meds to textbook "Nordids". CroMagnid, however, is rare, so the main component in Dacians finds little expression in Romanians. In Romanians, dominant component comes from Neolithic farmers of Near East (Alpine, Dinaric, Med), which is why Romanians are brunet as a rule. The other component comes from Slavs: Baltid+/EastNordid and accounts for the great majority of light(ish) people. In addition of this, there is a national Aryan type that is obviously not Slavic in origin (since it has nothing Baltid whatsoever), sometimes also carrying a Balkan CM imprint, which obviously comes from Dacians, but it's uncommon.

11-28-2014, 10:48 AM
Romanians, like Hungarians, are a very mixed ethnicity. Phenotypes vary widely, from swarthy East Meds to textbook "Nordids". CroMagnid, however, is rare, so the main component in Dacians finds little expression in Romanians. In Romanians, dominant component comes from Neolithic farmers of Near East (Alpine, Dinaric, Med), which is why Romanians are brunet as a rule. The other component comes from Slavs: Baltid+/EastNordid and accounts for the great majority of light(ish) people. In addition of this, there is a national Aryan type that is obviously not Slavic in origin (since it has nothing Baltid whatsoever), sometimes also carrying a Balkan CM imprint, which obviously comes from Dacians, but it's uncommon.
Werenět Dacians largely derived from Neolithic era people or if not who gives this elements that are dominant in Romanians?

11-28-2014, 10:48 AM
Also what do you think are the main ethnic elements that make up hungarians, not just phenotypes?

11-28-2014, 12:34 PM

11-28-2014, 01:26 PM
Also what do you think are the main ethnic elements that make up hungarians, not just phenotypes?

West Siberian Ugrics (CM and Turanids) with Northwest Kazahstan and Volga valley Sarmatians (CM and Turanids), Central Asian Iranians (Pamirids and Mediterranids) and Caucasian Iranians (Eastern Dinarids and Armenids) Trandsdanubian and West Balkanite Slavs (Dinarids, Alpinids and Mediterranids). These are the basics ethnic elements of the Hungarians. The Turkic and other local strains were not significants. Mainly Eastern European steppic peoples with Central Asian, North Caucasian steppic and West Balkanite European strains.

The small size conqueror assimilated the local masses was a 19th century obsolate theory. This is an urban legend only today. The two direction of this obsolate theory was this:

1. Basically the Hungarians are Central Europeans. <-- this was not true, basically the Hungarians are [steppic] Eastern Europeans.
2. The Hungarian conquerors were Mongoloids. <-- this was not true, the average Hungarian conqueror were Europid from the Eastern European steppe. Only the rich conqueror aristocracy were more Europo-Mongoloid.
3. The assimilation of the locals in the Carpathian basin was basically a language change. <-- this was not true also, the local non-Hungarian majority never assimilated, they were the ancestors of the Slovaks or the Croats for example, and the assimilation of their minority was a mixation with the Hungarian conquerors.

11-28-2014, 01:51 PM
Werenět Dacians largely derived from Neolithic era people or if not who gives this elements that are dominant in Romanians?

I do not know and nobody really knows. As I said in another thread, in mixed people, phenotypes are not stable. Expression of a component varies over time (sometimes even during individuals' lifetime): Poles of today look markedly different from their ancestors a millennium ago (baltid-pontid now vs. eastnordid then). It's possible that Romanians descend from Dacians, but expression of Near Eastern component was so low in Dacians and so high in Romanians (over 80% look Dinaric/Med/Alpine) that the argument doesn't have much likelihood. If one looks at Yugoslavs (and excludes Slavic component), it's easy to relate the Aryan-Dinaric-CM-Med mix in ancient Illyrians to their modern descendants (it's only that proportions are reversed). However, if Romanians were descended from Dacians one would expect higher CM component than found in reality.

11-28-2014, 03:04 PM
Maybe phenotypes changed because of enviromental factors too. The Roman element was likely of chiefly Illyro-Thracian stock. Anyone has any other ideas? What about Blogen's ideas about Hungarians?

11-28-2014, 04:52 PM
What about Blogen's ideas about Hungarians?

Not my ideas, I do not have ideas in these questions, since I know the facts only.

The three basic cluster of the Magyar conqueror population:

The craniometric analogies:

And the regions were the closest historical populations lived once:

source: Éry Kinga: Újabb összehasonlító statisztikai vizsgálatok a Kárpát-medence 6-12. századi népességeinek embertanához - A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, 1982 (http://epa.oszk.hu/01600/01610/00016/pdf/vmm_16_1982_05_ery.pdf)

Styrian Mujo
11-28-2014, 04:57 PM
I do not know and nobody really knows. As I said in another thread, in mixed people, phenotypes are not stable. Expression of a component varies over time (sometimes even during individuals' lifetime): Poles of today look markedly different from their ancestors a millennium ago (baltid-pontid now vs. eastnordid then). It's possible that Romanians descend from Dacians, but expression of Near Eastern component was so low in Dacians and so high in Romanians (over 80% look Dinaric/Med/Alpine) that the argument doesn't have much likelihood. If one looks at Yugoslavs (and excludes Slavic component), it's easy to relate the Aryan-Dinaric-CM-Med mix in ancient Illyrians to their modern descendants (it's only that proportions are reversed). However, if Romanians were descended from Dacians one would expect higher CM component than found in reality.
Why do you think where these older phenotypes better preserved in Yugoslavs than in Romanians?

11-28-2014, 05:04 PM
I think phenotypes were changed by enviromental factors too and not just foreign admixture. No reason why even craniofacial features would not change because of different diet, life style,climate etc

11-29-2014, 10:03 AM
Why do you think where these older phenotypes better preserved in Yugoslavs than in Romanians?

Because Balkan CM is much more common in Yugoslavs than in Romanians. Still, when it does occur in Romanians, it deeply resembles Dacians', so some Dacian ancestry is certain.

11-29-2014, 10:04 AM
I think phenotypes were changed by enviromental factors too and not just foreign admixture. No reason why even craniofacial features would not change because of different diet, life style,climate etc

That's a very valid point: the only reason why they exist is either adaptation to environment or random selection. Same environment produces similar results...

11-29-2014, 10:34 AM
I think I look just like ancient Dacians. CM with maybe a Nordic strain

11-29-2014, 10:55 AM
That's a very valid point: the only reason why they exist is either adaptation to environment or random selection. Same environment produces similar results...

Not true. Basically no evidence onto the environmental selection between the races. Except the skin colour.

11-29-2014, 11:00 AM

Looks like the Kastrioti avatar dude.

11-29-2014, 11:03 AM
That's a good proof that Balkanians didn't change much phenotype wise after Slavic invasions (especially Albanians and Romanians)

11-29-2014, 11:05 AM
That's a good proof that Balkanians didn't change much phenotype wise after Slavic invasions (especially Albanians and Romanians)

The Albanians and the Romanians were the survivors of the Slavonic invasion in the mountians.

11-29-2014, 11:10 AM
The Albanians and the Romanians were the survivors of the Slavonic invasion in the mountians.

The two were affected less by the invasion (not sure if it's the mountains to blame) but these faces can be found throughout the Balkans.

11-29-2014, 12:24 PM
West Siberian Ugrics (CM and Turanids) with Northwest Kazahstan and Volga valley Sarmatians (CM and Turanids), Central Asian Iranians (Pamirids and Mediterranids) and Caucasian Iranians (Eastern Dinarids and Armenids) Trandsdanubian and West Balkanite Slavs (Dinarids, Alpinids and Mediterranids). These are the basics ethnic elements of the Hungarians. The Turkic and other local strains were not significants. Mainly Eastern European steppic peoples with Central Asian, North Caucasian steppic and West Balkanite European strains. The small size conqueror assimilated the local masses was a 19th century obsolate theory. This is an urban legend only today. The two direction of this obsolate theory was this: 1. Basically the Hungarians are Central Europeans. You are just a peregrine swarthy Slovak-descendant agent from North-Esatern Hungary. Only fake-NEO-Cumans (romanian-serbian hybrids) and North-Eastern typically slovak-infected population (like you) had non-european look.

11-29-2014, 12:47 PM
You are just a peregrine swarthy Slovak-descendant agent from North-Esatern Hungary. Only fake-NEO-Cumans (romanian-serbian hybrids) and North-Eastern typically slovak-infected population (like you) had non-european look.

Slovaks have to be as light as Hungarians, since they have almost the same ethnic origins as you and cluster genetically with Hungarians, Czechs and Poles.

11-29-2014, 01:36 PM
Slovaks have to be as light as Hungarians, since they have almost the same ethnic origins as you and cluster genetically with Hungarians, Czechs and Poles. Of couse it is not true. Only western Slovaks are light pigmented (close to the austrian czech borders. Average slovaks are the finest exaple of Blogen's turnid race. Blogen's family is originated in North-Eastern region of Hungary, where slovak descendants are dominant. Most of that people changed their names and adopted Hungarian names in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was the typical case with blogen's ancestors. Blogen believe that everybody look like his slovak-infected ancestors and the slovak-mixed people where he grew up.

11-29-2014, 01:41 PM
Of couse it is not true. Only western Slovaks are light pigmented (close to the austrian czech borders. Average slovaks are the finest exaple of Blogen's turnid race. Blogen's family is originated in North-Eastern region of Hungary, where slovak descendants are dominant. Most of that people changed their names and adopted Hungarian names in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was the typical case with blogen's ancestors. Blogen believe that everybody look like his slovak-infected ancestors and the slovak-mixed people where he grew up.

It's nonsense to say Slovaks are turanids or that they would have more Turanic admixture than Hungarians.

11-29-2014, 01:45 PM
Herer are the Slovaks. (do not count the dyed blond hair of women, concentrate only on the men), you can recognize their mongoloid vibe...

That's why I said, slovaks are ideal people and example for blogen's turanid race.

http://www.zahorak-noviny.sk/images/stories/nov4110/v2.jpg http://zmaturuj.zones.sk/images/maturanti/2011-2012/48.jpg http://www.zsbracovce.edu.sk/wp-content/uploads/zborpedag.jpg http://www.oravalive.sk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Stredn%C3%A1-odborn%C3%A1-%C5%A1kola-obchodu-a-slu%C5%BEieb-Doln%C3%BD-Kub%C3%ADn.png http://www.spospredza.edu.sk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/IMAG0399.jpg http://sosvet.edupage.org/photos/skin/clipart/1_(27).JPG http://www.mojanitra.sk/images/clanky/vata/tn_c_25557_4.jpg http://spschhe.edupage.sk/photos/skin/clipart/expert1.jpg

11-29-2014, 01:51 PM
It's nonsense to say Slovaks are turanids or that they would have more Turanic admixture than Hungarians. Slovaks like slavs must have more mongoloid markers than Hungarians. Hungarians like the aboriginal british and french people have only 0,5% mongolid DNA (Q and N) while slavs and northern-germanic countries (incl. N-Germany too) have high ratio of eastern genetics. Read the largest population genetics tablet of European nations: http://www.eupedia.com/europe/european_y-dna_haplogroups.shtml

11-29-2014, 01:58 PM
More average slovaks (They are ideal for blogen's swarthy turanid race):

http://www.europskenoviny.sk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/manneken-pis.jpg http://www.fiit.stuba.sk/images/ocenenia/osobnost-slovenska2009_2.jpg http://www.spse-po.sk/newsletter/2012-03/foto/akcia3b.jpg http://pezincan.pezinok.sk/uploadfiles/Image/ROK2007/2007_06/obr40max.jpg http://www.trencianskatepla.sk/files/file/organizacie_v_obci/slovensky_zvaz_zahradkarov.jpg http://www.generationeuro.eu/files/ecb_en/Phot_awards/Generation_Euro_20140403_AB_ECB_142_MG_1899_1_0436 .jpghttp://www3.teraz.sk/usercontent/photos/b/9/5/4-b951be84004704768dad5ce70db32d3e04758530.jpg

11-29-2014, 02:03 PM
You like posting pictures of tanned people in summer time. They look like Hungarians. I don't see much Turanid influence.

11-29-2014, 02:03 PM
It's nonsense to say Slovaks are turanids or that they would have more Turanic admixture than Hungarians. Any question?

11-29-2014, 02:05 PM
You like posting pictures of tanned people in summer time. They look like Hungarians. I don't see much Turanid influence. Acccording to your weird idea, their hair color and eyes became tanned? Or did their facial features transform due to the solar radiation?

11-29-2014, 02:08 PM
Acccording to your weird idea, their hair color and eyes became tanned? Or did their facial features transform due to the sun-rays?

Their features are normal european with very few having minor turanid influence maybe or even just very round alpinid faces. They have mostly brown hair just like Hungarians. I can't see eye color and many other details. I've seen data and pigmentation maps. They are similar to Hungarians in pigmentation according to such data. They only lack significant proto-Magyar influence and probably much less balkanic admixture, but have same origins as you otherwise.

11-29-2014, 02:12 PM
Their features are normal european with very few having minor turanid influence maybe or even just very round alpinid faces. They have mostly brown hair just like Hungarians. I can't see eye color and many other details. I've seen data and pigmentation maps. They are similar to Hungarians in pigmentation according to such data. They only lack significant proto-Magyar influence and probably much less balkanic admixture, but have same origins as you otherwise. Did you see the genetic chart?? Black hair =/= brown hair. They have high ratio of wide round head forms with weird eyes. They have eastern influences. They are ideal turanids for blogen.

11-29-2014, 02:14 PM
You like posting pictures of tanned people in summer time. They look like Hungarians. I don't see much Turanid influence.

They look like regular Hungarians. Besides, people living further north are generally have lighter complexion. There is such cline from east to west across Europe.

11-29-2014, 02:15 PM
Did you see the genetic chart?? Black hair =/= brown hair. They have high ratio of wide round head forms with weird eyes. They have eastern influences. They are ideal turanids for blogen.

Wide head and face forms are very common among eastern and central europeans, including Hungarians. It is an area of brachycephaly. What happened to all the Cumans, Avars, Pechenegs and the more Mongoloid admixed elements of Proto-Magyars you assimilated?

11-29-2014, 02:45 PM
They look like regular Hungarians. Besides, people living further north are generally have lighter complexion. There is such cline from east to west across Europe. It is not true. Pigmentation do not follow precisely the latitudes in Europe.

11-29-2014, 03:03 PM
Wide head and face forms are very common among eastern and central europeans, including Hungarians. It is an area of brachycephaly. What happened to all the Cumans, Avars, Pechenegs and the more Mongoloid admixed elements of Proto-Magyars you assimilated? Pechenegs were our enemy, we did not mix with them. Cumans have own autonomy territory, a reserve area, where they have privileges like indians reserve area of USA, they were exterminated during the Ottoman wars. Avars were not numerous, that's why avar archeological founds are rare (they were a little elite in pre-Hungarian pannonia) Brachycephaly is not so common amongs Hungarians than Slavs. Hungarians have more western features due to historic reasons. Historically Westerners have never mixed with the slavic or eastern orthodox people. You can found the answer here in the lead of the topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Hungary_%281000%E2%80%931301%29

11-29-2014, 03:17 PM
It is not true. Pigmentation do not follow precisely the latitudes in Europe.

Generally, it does.

11-30-2014, 07:09 AM
Generally, it does. Hahahaha very very greatly. Watch maps about it.

11-30-2014, 11:57 AM
Pechenegs were our enemy, we did not mix with them. Cumans have own autonomy territory, a reserve area, where they have privileges like indians reserve area of USA, they were exterminated during the Ottoman wars. Avars were not numerous, that's why avar archeological founds are rare (they were a little elite in pre-Hungarian pannonia) Brachycephaly is not so common amongs Hungarians than Slavs. Hungarians have more western features due to historic reasons. Historically Westerners have never mixed with the slavic or eastern orthodox people. You can found the answer here in the lead of the topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Hungary_%281000%E2%80%931301%29

Lol even Germans assimilated many Slavs. Who the hell do you think are your ancestors anyway? French, British or Germans? That is how it ''sounds'' like.

11-30-2014, 12:27 PM
Lol even Germans assimilated many Slavs. Who the hell do you think are your ancestors anyway? French, British or Germans? That is how it ''sounds'' like.

Jesus, he is the Troll of the Apricity, meaningless talking with him. The ignore is the only sensible option. :D

11-30-2014, 04:01 PM
Jesus, he is the Troll of the Apricity, meaningless talking with him. The ignore is the only sensible option. :D Blogen is a troll proletarian, from a Hungarianized slovak family from North-Eastern Hungary. HE hate population genetics researches, and he belive that everybody in Hungary have similar slovak-look as his region.

09-21-2015, 09:45 AM
Thise thread died I think but anyway. There are absolutely no mongol features in those dacian statues.

09-21-2015, 10:11 AM
Strong CM + Med and other Eu influences I can't see anything else.. but I'm not an anthropologist (even that you don't have to be one to see that) and I'm really new here..

09-21-2015, 01:17 PM
they look very cro-magnid, others must have looked like subhumans compared to them.

Yes, strong CM

09-21-2015, 01:27 PM
I could have passed as one :D

09-21-2015, 01:40 PM
Mostly CM.

09-21-2015, 03:17 PM

09-22-2015, 08:02 AM
I could have passed as one :D

You definitely look like one of them. I don't know why, but faces like this are much more common in Moldavia than the rest of the country. Overall, Dacians looked a LOT more similar to Albanians or Yugoslavs than to Romanians. Based on Roman sculptures, they must have been entirely CroMagnid.

09-22-2015, 08:17 AM
You definitely look like one of them. I don't know why, but faces like this are much more common in Moldavia than the rest of the country. Overall, Dacians looked a LOT more similar to Albanians or Yugoslavs than to Romanians. Based on Roman sculptures, they must have been entirely CroMagnid.

my cousin :D (fully Romanian, Moldavia region)

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12004835_10203805621100840_7366287950921413510_n.j pg?oh=931d72e5aa04c1a7c2740910b1eb3a06&oe=569D3283

Daco Celtic
12-05-2018, 04:21 AM
Romanian + Irish = Modern Dacian

12-05-2018, 05:09 AM
Honestly they look somewhat similar to the Greek sculptures. Pontid-Alpine for classification

Mainlander Greek look

12-05-2018, 06:56 AM
Honestly they look somewhat similar to the Greek sculptures. Pontid-Alpine for classification

Mainlander Greek look

the Greek sculptures mostly show CM types, Atlantid-like. and these sculptural depictions of Dacians are overly CM as well. maybe it was a standard of beauty the artists were depicting more than the actual look of the people? could be that as well?

12-07-2018, 05:04 PM
Mainly cro-magnids, one of them look to have dinarid influence