View Full Version : Where would these Portuguese people pass as a group?

12-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Other than Portugal. They are Portuguese. If this thread turns into a shitstorm/trollfest I will request the admin/mods to shut it down.


(No, the nigger is not ethnic Portuguese, so don't mind him on the pic as part of the group)








(The guy on the right is a light mulatto, so the same rules apply to him, don't mind him on the pic as part of the group)



12-07-2012, 09:10 PM
Some of them can pass as Sicilian, but they don't fit there as a group.

Portugal, Spain, and France I think. Even though most of them could IMO only be Portuguese.

12-07-2012, 09:12 PM
Some of them can pass as Sicilian, but they don't fit there as a group.

Portugal, Spain, and France I think. Even though most of them could IMO only be Portuguese.

Which ones do you think could only be Portuguese? Just out of curiosity. ;)

12-07-2012, 09:16 PM
These two:


Guy on left:




And these:


12-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Some of them can pass as Sicilian, but they don't fit there as a group.

Portugal, Spain, and France I think. Even though most of them could IMO only be Portuguese.

altought it seems extrange i am agree with Sikeliot, most of them have something exotic being iberians

12-07-2012, 09:17 PM
altought it seems extrange i am agree with Sikeliot, most of them have something exotic being iberians

I say it all the time, but I really think there is a distinctive Portuguese look that I rarely see elsewhere. Maybe they have the purest original "Iberian" look, not sure.

I think Spanish people fit better in other countries than Portuguese do. Like, in a Spanish group I'd see more Italian looking people than in a Portuguese one.

12-07-2012, 09:22 PM
^They are from the westernmost point of the Iberian peninsula. In such a large amount of land it is natural that differences might have formed. I don't know whether they would fit in Spain or not, but I decided not to include Spain in the poll because they obviously wouldn't be too foreign in the western borderlands and maybe in the southern part of Galicia bordering northern Portugal.

12-07-2012, 09:26 PM
I almost want to say that the distinctive "Portuguese" look is one that I have seen in Sardinians but also in some northern Moroccans (the most European looking ones, of course). And in western Spain. It might be a western Iberian look or something very ancient Med.

12-07-2012, 09:27 PM
^I think that the Portuguese are more Cro-Magnid influenced on average than other populations of the Iberian peninsula.

12-07-2012, 09:28 PM
^I think that the Portuguese are more Cro-Magnid influenced on average than other populations of the Iberian peninsula.

And more than other Southern Europeans. But the fact that a lot of North Africans have a strong Cromagnid look makes me draw comparisons.

12-07-2012, 09:36 PM
And more than other Southern Europeans. But the fact that a lot of North Africans have a strong Cromagnid look makes me draw comparisons.

So, would you say that -obvious minority- of N. Africans you talk about are some sort of pure N. Africans or just ancient Iberians converted to Islam that got kicked out in the Reconquista? Or even part of the very old stock that populated either this part of the peninsula and tips of N. Africa? I honestly can't draw many comparisons because 99% of N. Africans today are way to mixed with Arabid and SSA to even take them as examples of comparison.