View Full Version : A Negro runs for governor in Russia for the first time in history

07-25-2009, 11:25 PM
Black man runs for governor in Russia for the first time in history (http://www.mosnews.com/society/2009/07/22/blackrussian/)


37 year-old Joakim Krema from Guinea-Bissau has announced a desire to run for the head of one of the districts of Volgograd region. The senior of the Russian Pedagogic University moved to Volgograd 12 years ago.

Krema lives in the Sredneakhtubinsk district of Volgograd region, Southern Russia, and considers himself Russian. He always introduces himself as Vasily Ivanovich, using the Russian honorific of a Patronymic name. He took this name in honor of the famous Red Army commander during the Russian Civil War, Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev.

Russian newspapers have already nicknamed him “Volgograd’s Obama”.

Krema has promised to the citizens of Sredneakhtubinsk that he will toil like a Negro for the prosperity of the district.

Now the prospective governor is selling watermelons at the Volgograd-Akhtubinsk route, not far from the billboards with his picture and the inscription “Vasily Krima. The new head of the district”.

According to the report, Volgograd’s citizens consider that Krima’s nomination is an advantage to the current head of Sredneakhtubinsk Vladimir Romanov. They think that Romanov wants to look much more impressive against Krima’s background. The candidates have not yet commented on this.

Elections will take place on October 11, 2009.

07-26-2009, 04:48 PM
My Russian friend is fairly certain this is some sort of elaborate hoax. I'm not sure exactly what to think of this except I laughed hard when I saw the picture of him during his day-job:


07-26-2009, 05:05 PM
My Russian friend is fairly certain this is some sort of elaborate hoax.

From the Mosnews.com (http://www.mosnews.com/society/2009/07/22/blackrussian/)?

Check this;

Krema has promised to the citizens of Sredneakhtubinsk that he will toil like a Negro for the prosperity of the district.


07-26-2009, 07:30 PM
My Russian friend is fairly certain this is some sort of elaborate hoax. I'm not sure exactly what to think of this except I laughed hard when I saw the picture of him during his day-job:


You do realize that a picture of any person of that race with a watermelon is racist.;)

The Lawspeaker
07-26-2009, 07:55 PM
Krema has promised to the citizens of Sredneakhtubinsk that he will toil like a Negro for the prosperity of the district.
Then I'll feel sorry for his constituency when they elect him.

07-26-2009, 07:57 PM
There will be suicides among Russian skinhead movements if he wins ;)

07-28-2009, 06:28 AM
You do realize that a picture of any person of that race with a watermelon is racist.;)

Another one :lol00001:


07-28-2009, 03:09 PM
You do realize that a picture of any person of that race with a watermelon is racist.;)

Why is that so?


But besides that I doubt he makes much of change to get elected.

07-28-2009, 03:14 PM
Negroes are just supersensitive. You can't have pictures of them with fried chicken either.

08-15-2009, 02:44 AM
My Russian friend is fairly certain this is some sort of elaborate hoax.

No, it is not. This is for real.

Another source in English with the story that I found;


SREDNYAYA AKHTUBA, Russia (AP) — An African-born farmer is making an improbable run for office in Russia, inspired by President Barack Obama and undaunted by racial attitudes that have changed little in decades.

Joaquim Crima, a 37-year-old native of Guinea Bissau who settled in southern Russia after earning a degree at a local university, is promising to battle corruption and bring development to his district on the Volga River.

In Russia, a black man running for office is so unusual that Crima is being called "the Russian Obama."


He married an Armenian woman :D

Puddle of Mudd
09-05-2009, 11:29 PM
Knowing the general Russian attitude towards ethnics, I would say those watermelons have a better chance of being elected to the position.

09-06-2009, 03:17 AM
Give the guy credit for making the attempt; it's pretty ballsy.

09-06-2009, 11:04 AM
Knowing the general Russian attitude towards ethnics, I would say those watermelons have a better chance of being elected to the position.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

09-06-2009, 11:25 AM
yeah, if the alternative is a proven joke and corrupt beyond belief... why not go with the total joke alternative? :D

09-16-2009, 07:36 PM
Knowing the general Russian attitude towards ethnics, I would say those watermelons have a better chance of being elected to the position.

A little of Russian's history to you :eek:

He would not to be the first if he really win;
Abram Petrovich Gannibal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal)

Major-General Abram Petrovich Gannibal, also Hannibal or Ganibal or Ibrahim Hannibal or Abram Petrov, (1696 – 14 May, 1781) was an African prince who was brought to Russia by Peter the Great and became major-general, military engineer and governor of Reval. He is perhaps best known today as the great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin, who wrote an unfinished novel about him, Peter the Great's Negro.



09-16-2009, 10:59 PM
The above fellow was imported by the Czar and ennobled by the Czar; the serfs didn't have a say. That's the big difference- when the Czar says so, who's to argue? :)

09-16-2009, 11:26 PM
I wouldn't be so sure about that.

From people who've been there, all I've heard on the subject is that almost all Russians really hate blacks.

09-17-2009, 05:21 AM
The above fellow was imported by the Czar and ennobled by the Czar; the serfs didn't have a say. That's the big difference- when the Czar says so, who's to argue? :)

As if serfs had any "racial awareness" and cared at all.

09-17-2009, 01:26 PM
As if serfs had any "racial consciousness" and cared at all.

They didn't care then and their progeny don't care now.

Motörhead Remember Me
09-18-2009, 02:09 PM
From people who've been there, all I've heard on the subject is that almost all Russians really hate blacks.

A fair number of Russians have a damned good reason to also hate other Russians. ..

I bet a black governor would have a serious reason to clean up the Russian streets from screaming and abusing Russian skinheads, loitering and pestering Russian drunks, thiefing Russian streetchildren abandoned by their Russian parents.

Not only would he as a black feel safer, so would good, hardworking and innocent passer by's do to.

Hell, he'd be voted "The negro of the year".


Motörhead Remember Me
09-18-2009, 02:13 PM
My Russian friend is fairly certain this is some sort of elaborate hoax. I'm not sure exactly what to think of this except I laughed hard when I saw the picture of him during his day-job:


Don't laugh. The guy have a job and he's aiming high...

How many regular Ivan's in Volgograd than boast with that?

09-18-2009, 02:15 PM
I'd vote for him if I was Russian... Time to get rid of the KGB ;) :p

Manifest Destiny
09-18-2009, 02:18 PM
One candidate belongs to a group that is prone to criminality, lack of ethics and poor hygiene. And the other candidate is a black dude. I don't know who I'd support in this election. :confused:


09-18-2009, 02:35 PM
One candidate belongs to a group that is prone to criminality, lack of ethics and poor hygiene. And the other candidate is a black dude. I don't know who I'd support in this election. :confused:


You mean Mccain and Obama? I would vote for black guy if there is no other option.

09-18-2009, 02:36 PM
I'd vote for him if I was Russian... Time to get rid of the KGB ;) :p

He is member of "United Russia", pro-Putin party.

F.M.S. Panzerfaust
09-18-2009, 02:46 PM
At the time of Peter the Great there was no talk about nationalism nor racialism. These doctrines didnt exist at that time, and politics were based on dynasties.

09-18-2009, 02:58 PM
Racialism was never official doctrine of Russia, nor was it widespread there in informal ways, even after it became widely accepted in the Western world.

09-18-2009, 08:17 PM
He is member of "United Russia", pro-Putin party.

Geez :eek: So that Fela has a real chance.. :D

Motörhead Remember Me
09-19-2009, 10:05 AM
Dresden wrote:

One candidate belongs to a group that is prone to criminality, lack of ethics and poor hygiene.

You mean Mccain and Obama?

No, he clearly meant Russians...


09-27-2009, 04:31 AM
How did I miss this story? Wait until I tell my wife about this!! Her attitude about blacks is that they "aren't too smart, are dirty and have no sense of law and order..." She tells me Russians don't feel very strongly good or bad about blacks. They are simply irrelevant...

09-27-2009, 06:57 PM
Racialism was never official doctrine of Russia, nor was it widespread there in informal ways, even after it became widely accepted in the Western world.
Actually, that's not entirely correct. In the beginning of XX century there was boom of everything related to race in Russia as well as in the rest of Europe. For example, first Russian political party promoted racialism as part of official ideology was founded in 1908 and had support of prime-minister Stolypin.

Apart from the SRN, another quite influential organization existed in the times of Stolypin: the “All-Russian National Union” (Vserosijskiy Natsionalniy Soyuz or VNS), founded in 1908. We also intend to mention this party since it united a whole nationalist movement: Russian national-democrats. Among the leaders of this movement were: M.O. Menshikov, a journalist of the newspaper “New Time”; P.I. Kovalevsky, professor at Warsaw University; I.A. Sikorsky, a prominent anthropologist; the ideologists Gerasimov and Stroganov.

The core of this circle also received the support of P.A. Stolypin and in 1911 published a volume of articles called “Lado”. It was an ideological answer to the Black Hundred’s monarchist and Christian-democratic monarchist positions. The ideologists of the VNS never emphasized the problems of “Jewry” or “Masonry”; they were rather national-progressivists and considered mostly such matters as Russian ethnos, Slavdom and the White race as a whole.

The works of Michail Menshikov (executed by Bolsheviks in 1918) deserve our special attention. He was a fundamentally new thinker for Russia that we can call a “New Right” thinker. In his article “Race Struggle” (1911), he wrote: “Nature has created not one nationality but many nationalities. Hence, to propagate their intermixture is a sin against nature”. Having the works of the Russian Anthropological School (19th – 20th centuries) as a base for his ideas, Menshikov criticized the theories of the so-called “ethereal Russian spirit”. He understood very well that “every nation is a living body” and that it is “one and the same soul that lives in one body”.

As an ideologist of racial struggle, Menshikov was dissatisfied with the idea of “making Russia a bastard state, and dissolving the noble metal of our race into cheap alloys”. He was in favour of the slogan “Russia for Russians”, but he accentuated that “Russian nationalism is not violent. Nationalism is an honest delimitation” (“apartheid” to put it in Afrikaans).

Motörhead Remember Me
09-28-2009, 10:26 AM
Her attitude about blacks is that they "aren't too smart, are dirty and have no sense of law and order....

If so then it's another proof that anything is better than ethnic Russian politicians.

09-29-2009, 09:43 AM
If so then it's another proof that anything is better than ethnic Russian politicians.

Wow, brilliant. Thanks, I didn't realize my own logic. I will pass this news on to her father and mother in Russia...

Motormouth, I am honored to have found a photo of your ancestors in "Lapland":


Motörhead Remember Me
09-29-2009, 10:15 AM
I'm 1/32 part forrest Saami. Those are not forrest Saamis.

But the Saamis on the pic were proud and free people who fished, hunted and traded for thousands of years, understood nature, defended their lands and made it through to these days. These people are uniquely European, true descendant of the hunter gatherers that populated Europe.

You know it takes a brain to survive in the real world. Anyone can be a lazy drunk pogrom loathing in the datsha all day long and live on the party's little aid consisting of vodka, cucumbers and canned borstj...

I see you are of Swedish and Finnish descent too. You maybe surprised to find that you might cluster more tightly with me than with anyone else if you ever do the genetical ancestry test. Fuck, you might even be 1/28 part Saami...

09-29-2009, 01:52 PM
But the Saamis on the pic were proud and free people who fished, hunted and traded for thousands of years, understood nature, defended their lands and made it through to these days. These people are uniquely European, true descendant of the hunter gatherers that populated Europe.

Care to explain? Saamis aren't even Finno-Ugric.

Motörhead Remember Me
09-29-2009, 06:39 PM
You don't have to be Finno Ugrian to be old in Europe. From Wiki.

Recent genetic studies have indicated that the two most frequent maternal linages of the Sámi people are the first Homo sapiens inhabitants of Europe and the second, descendants of common ancestors with Basque people, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula. The most common paternal linage among the Sami are possible ancestors originating from the Volga-Ural region who may represent a Finno-Ugric speaking people. The result being, of a population product of two lines of migration represented by each sex, met at some point in history in the same area (or a former one, perhaps near by). Being the one represented by the female mitochondrial DNA haplogroups the more sedentary, or local, the one with western origins more in common with other Europeans, and the male Y-DNA haplogroups the ones with an eastern origin more in common with other western Asian, Uralic peoples. At which point in history, and how it came to be, is an interesting question that however shows a much earlier date than the arrival of other human groups to the region, and maybe much southern in geography, as other archaeological finds perhaps related to the Sami have been found of earlier ages in southern parts of Scandinavia.
The Northern Saami have a legend that tells how their ancestors arrived in the region and subdued the original inhabitants, then later came people distantly related to them that were on a more advanced level and showed them new tools and ideas and then came the age of the king.
This corresponds with the idea that the first inhabitants arrived there from south Europe, then came speakers of an Uralic language and conquered them. After that a new wave of Uralic speakers (ancestors to modern BalticFinns) and the king was the Swedish conquest of Lapland.

09-29-2009, 06:51 PM
I see you are of Swedish and Finnish descent too. You maybe surprised to find that you might cluster more tightly with me than with anyone else if you ever do the genetical ancestry test. Fuck, you might even be 1/28 part Saami...

Funny thing as that the main Saami haplogroups (N1c, I1, R1a, Rb1) are also found in ethnic Swedes, Finns and Norwegians...naturally Saami are not from Mars, but native of region in same degree.