View Full Version : Has anyone else been diagnosed with a health/mental disorder?

07-26-2009, 04:24 PM
I have Anxiety Disorder and I think I may also have Hypochondriasis (my paternal grandmother has it and I've been noticing it more in myself recently). Don't be surprised if I think I am dying again like I was yesterday. My grandmother thinks she is dying once a week. :D Otherwise I am fairly healthy.

07-26-2009, 04:35 PM
Good day Elfichka;

As I have written at length elsewhere, I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression a little over 4 years ago. This was exacerbated by my too great a fondness for whiskey; I self-medicated a lot.

I was on medication for a year and cut way back on the ethanol ingestion. Aside from bouts of procrastination and reclusiveness, I seem to be okay now.

07-26-2009, 04:45 PM
A psychiatrist I knew in college is convinced that I have either asocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder, but he couldn't tell for sure he claimed without some in-depth talks and tests. I told him I wasn't interested in being diagnosed though.

All it's good for is that I'd be drugged on gov't selected pills to alter the state of my mind. And I'm pretty proud of my mind, so don't want it interfered with by chemicals.

The Lawspeaker
07-26-2009, 04:51 PM
I have been diagnosed (without any prior tests) with a mild form of PDD-NOS when I was 14/15. In those days it was quite common to "diagnose" children in care as for each diagnosed child they received subsidies.

I always refused any medication and only took seroxat for a brief time when I was 18 to fight depression, which failed and made me sicker (headaches, dizziness etc) so I quit taking those (oddly enough my depression was suddenly gone as well).

Troll's Puzzle
07-26-2009, 05:22 PM
Yes, I have Updog.

07-26-2009, 05:40 PM
What's Updog?

T'ain't nothin', man...

07-26-2009, 05:52 PM
After the death of my father in 2004 i went through a form of depression, the fact that my marriage ended a month after he was buried did not help much.
Lack of sleep and a poor diet all have effects on the mind.
In my case i did not need medication as i had good friends to get me through the trauma of my life at the time.
Briefly i self medicated with alcohol, but that did not last long.
Happily i am glad to say i am well, and have a positive attitude, towards life and the future....:)

07-26-2009, 07:01 PM
No, I've just never been to a psychiatrist.;)

07-26-2009, 07:04 PM
Nope, I've spoken to a few in the field but apparently they think I'm quite sane.

07-26-2009, 09:47 PM
Read my signature :D

07-27-2009, 02:07 PM
I was thinking for some minutes if i should write in this thread or not!! You know , i dont wanted to talk about it but some people in the thread do and then i think it is only fair when i write about me also.

Hm i try to make it short:

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder two years past. Sometimes i have a very euphoric and funny mood and sometimes i am depressed and feel sad! That was a reason to go a doctor with my mother and i got the diagnosis after some sessions. :embarrassed But he said i have no strong form. I dont take the psychotropic medicament he prescribed me ---- i feel i can handle it alone!! And i was not at any psycho doctor in the last around two years.

And before we moved here to Germany i was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder by a Latvian doctor. I have received the diagnose after the event where my father was stabbed and i pushed against a wall!! I was writing a little bit more some month back here http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2265&page=2

And that is all. I hope you dont use my opneness against me!! Please. I am not crazy or retarded and i am not in therapy or on medicaments.

07-27-2009, 02:15 PM
I dont take the psychotropic medicament he prescribed me ---- i feel i can handle it alone!!

Oh no, that is a huge mistake... :mad:

Bipolar is not a debilitating disorder, provided that you take your medicine. That is the good thing about it, it is rather treatable and you will not have problems in your life.

But when in the manic state you feel so "hyper" and absolutely "great" so you don't want to take your medication.
This is the most common thing that bipolar individuals do.

But after the manic stage climaxes, you'll get depressed! And it will be very hard to regain your neurochemical balance back...

Even if you do have the mildest form, please don't neglect doctor's suggestions... :( At least consult him regularly and do not neglect yourself...

07-27-2009, 02:41 PM
Oh no, that is a huge mistake... :mad:

Bipolar is not a debilitating disorder, provided that you take your medicine. That is the good thing about it, it is rather treatable and you will not have problems in your life.

But when in the manic state you feel so "hyper" and absolutely "great" so you don't want to take your medication.
This is the most common thing that bipolar individuals do.

But after the manic stage climaxes, you'll get depressed! And it will be very hard to regain your neurochemical balance back...

Even if you do have the mildest form, please don't neglect doctor's suggestions... :( At least consult him regularly and do not neglect yourself...

Not necessarily Absinthe, I was diagnosed with a mild form of Bipolar when I was at University. You have a choice, either be prescribed Lithium which you will have to take for the rest of your life and feel like shit (it takes the depression and mania away but you feel completely exhausted, almost drunk), or just put up with the rollercoastering which you get used to. Personally, I find simple things like listening to music a fantastic antedote to melancholia - as they say, music soothes a troubled soul. Still get good and bad days, but never reach the suicidal stage these days. :thumb001:

Good luck to you Inese, I'm sure you'll find your own way in dealing with it. ;)

07-27-2009, 02:42 PM
Now that I think of it more I may not be be a hypochondriac. It's likely just something to do with my anxiety disorder. But who knows, it does run in the family.

I appreciate the openness of the members who've posted in this thread. :thumb001: Anxiety disorder was my first official diagnosis. I no longer take medication for it though since it only dumbed me down. It never did much but dry my mouth out and make me a zombie.

07-27-2009, 07:16 PM
Oh no, that is a huge mistake... :mad:

Bipolar is not a debilitating disorder, provided that you take your medicine. That is the good thing about it, it is rather treatable and you will not have problems in your life.
Hm yes but i dont know if the trend to prescripe medicaments for everything is a good trend ---- i have no big problems without medicaments and i can life with it!! The euphoric phases are great and i see it as a advantage to have a good mood when others are angry with the world!! You know , one teacher called me "Miss sunshine" because i can look so happy and nothing brings me down. There are weeks were i feel absolute super! :D lol

The other phases are not so great you are right. I feel not good and have no big motivation to do something, i can be sad and think much. But it is not so bad that i hate my life or the people around me!! I find exitement when i am with my friends or watching wonderful movies!! I have a mild form and i have support of my family, in winter i sleep more. When i think it becomes too much for me i can search help anytime , of course!

What i ask me: Is the trend with diagnosed psychological disorder a wrong trend?? It goes trough my mind. Psychological disorders can not be proven with medicine and it is in the eyes of the psychologist or psychater if a person has a disorder or not!! What a psychologist sees as a disorder the next psychologist could see it as a normal mood swing. In the past very less people were diagnosed with disorders but now there are so many new disorders and it does not stop!! I have read a little bit to understand my disorder more and the ICD index is crazy , with every ICD update new disorders are born!! Psychological disorders are a mind product of psychologists to classify behavior of people!! I ask what was 100 years ago?? When you go after psychologists many childs have ADHD today!! But is it everytime true?? It is not good to make complete parts of society to ill persons!

My opinion is that i dont know if i have it what they say or not , on paper i have bipolar disorder but i can handle it myself and for me they are only normal mood swings ---- every person feels sometimes good and bad or not?!! And i dont want that medicaments control my life!! I am a adult girl now and i will do what is think is correct.

07-27-2009, 07:28 PM
Ok Inese, I am just saying that you should generally be taking care of yourself and not leave things to chance because you have a whole life ahead of you and you should enjoy it to the maximum extent...

I know that the manic phase is perceived as very pleasant by those experiencing it, but it may frequently lead to some unwanted consequences, such as compulsive buys, irritability, narcissistic tendencies, denial, aggressiveness, inability to concentrate, sleep disruption, etc...

Not saying that you should necessarily exhibit any of those, just to be careful and take good care of yourself... :)

07-27-2009, 07:34 PM
i dont know if the trend to prescripe medicaments for everything is a good trend

Is the trend with diagnosed psychological disorder a wrong trend?

I agree completely. The pharma companies just want to sell as many doses of their latest new psych pill as they possibly can and the government is happy people suddenly behave obediently. Without anyone really caring

1) whether the pills are necessary or not
2) whether the pills actually do any good or whether they're harmful.

Just go to any school that has a high concentration of less intelligent pupils and look at how many of them pop a Ritalin several times a day. 20 years ago those kids were climbing in trees or working on the fields. Some people just aren't made to sit on a chair and listen to a bigwig talking endlessly about some random Roman emperor's fifth wife's interest in barn animals (or whatever they teach kids in history class these days)

But as long as people on psychotropic pills are easier for the government to control, and make the pharma companies a lot of money, they won't stop peddling their filth.

07-27-2009, 07:47 PM
Yes okay , thank!! :thumb001: If i feel too bad i always seek help , i am not stupid. When i am ill and if it is more than a cold i go to a doctor and when i think my psyche is too miserable i will go to a psychologist again!! Promise okay?? But my mood swings are not so terrible. Mood swings are normal at many people and i dont trust psychologists that all are bipolar!! :rolleyes: And when i feel down i know that it is only a matter of a little time until i feel very much better! ^_^

It ruins not my life and i go my way , it do not stop me from anything and no one who knows me could think of my " disorder" until i tell them if i want. You know i joined Apricity in last november and i had some depressive phases in that time! Could you feel any differences in my writing behaviour?? No. And i have good coping methods --- family, friends , music, television and sleeping!! I always know that i had much luck in my life with many things --- our living standard after leaving Latvia , my super family and parents, my friends, my looks , my character and many more. I know what i have and i give a middlefinger to my bad mood phases!! :eviltongue: Dispite all my bad experiences i like my life.

07-27-2009, 07:49 PM
I went to a doctor once when I was in high school and he said I was mildly obsessive, anxious, and depressed. :rolleyes:

I tried an anti-depressant for 1 week and then threw it out after stomach aches and a depleted sex-drive. I was depressed for f**k's sake, don't take away one of the only things which gave me pleasure. I decided I'd rather be able to wank, and be slightly miserable than be an acquiescent eunuch. The doctors never listen to what the patients are really telling them, they just want to prescribe medication, so they can make more money.

When I was in school, I'd have these stomach aches, and then when I asked to go to the bathroom, I'd leave class and then immediately they'd go away. The classes were 1 hour and 45 minutes long and contained the most annoying, pointless, soul-crushing bitch-work imaginable. Not to mention I was smarter than many of my teachers (and much more modest to boot, :D).

When I went to college, I felt free for the first time in my life. I was euphoric. I could shave my head, or dye it blue without having to listen to anyone's bitching. I realized all my stomach cramps and most of my reflux problem was stress induced.

07-27-2009, 07:59 PM
Thank Goodness no, Elfichka. I am a healthy person.. :P ;)

Perhaps I have some insomnia disorder, sometimes difficulty in falling asleep.

07-27-2009, 09:01 PM
Never been into a shrink, and like every self-respecting, conservative Finnish male, will probably never go. ;)

And anyway, what's the point: if they find out that I'm mad, what can they do? Give me some funny little pills that make me see little gnomes? Or put me to an asylum? :D :crazy: No thanks. And I have deep distrust for doctors when it gets more complicated than a broken leg or a couch. :coffee:

07-27-2009, 09:30 PM
Anxiety and depression in that order.

07-27-2009, 09:32 PM
I've never been diagnosed with any sort of mental illness but have to see the effects of depression on both my parents and my boyfriend. It's difficult when you see them in the morning and straight away from the look on their faces and the way they carry themselves you can tell it's a bad day. Sometimes I get upset because there's nothing I can do to help them or make it go away, but most of the time I try and just be supportive and make it easier on them :(

Fortis in Arduis
07-27-2009, 10:26 PM
Aspergers' syndrome - it's lonely - but I have to live with it, as there is no getting better, and no medication for it.

07-27-2009, 11:21 PM
Aspergers' syndrome - it's lonely - but I have to live with it, as there is no getting better, and no medication for it.

I haven't been completely honest in my previous posts in this thread, I have also been diagnosed with Aspergers' - might as well be honest. There are people who'd use this against me, I don't think I need to bring their names up in this thread. :rolleyes: But, I do have an Aspergers' diagnosis. A lot of people just assume I am shy. I am not sure if my Anxiety Disorder diagnosis goes hand in hand with my Aspergers' diagnosis or they are two separate afflictions that affect me. I had been medicated for both simultaneously at one point but now I am medication free and believe it or not I feel better than ever.

I also suspect my father has it, but he was never officially diagnosed. My grandmother was diagnosed with Hypochondriasis in her sixties, and my father in his fifties is yet undiagnosed. But I am fairly certain he has Aspergers' too. He's still on the same medications I used to take. My sister, she's a lot like my grandmother in many respects. But she hasn't wanted to go to the hospital for a simple headache or a stomachache yet. The episode the other day was most likely attributed to my previously mentioned Anxiety disorder, sinus pressure which is now gone, and PMS. I rarely complain about little aches and pains, so likely it was just coincidental. I'm no longer worried I am dying right now. :tongue

07-27-2009, 11:36 PM
Not necessarily Absinthe, I was diagnosed with a mild form of Bipolar when I was at University. You have a choice, either be prescribed Lithium which you will have to take for the rest of your life and feel like shit (it takes the depression and mania away but you feel completely exhausted, almost drunk), or just put up with the rollercoastering which you get used to. Personally, I find simple things like listening to music a fantastic antedote to melancholia - as they say, music soothes a troubled soul. Still get good and bad days, but never reach the suicidal stage these days. :thumb001:

Is it possible that you (and Inese?) may suffer from cylothymic disorder rather than bipolar disorder?

07-27-2009, 11:40 PM
Is it possible that you (and Inese?) may suffer from cylothymic disorder rather than bipolar disorder?

I suppose it is possible, but the diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder is never made when there is a history of mania or major depressive episode or mixed episode.

07-27-2009, 11:48 PM
Aspergers' syndrome - it's lonely - but I have to live with it, as there is no getting better, and no medication for it.

I know what you mean. I suspect that I might have it, but I've never been diagnosed. I hate it when neuros treat it like a disease and then talk down to Asperger people (I hate the term "Aspy", they're not a freakin' breed of dog!), especially considering these people have IQs that eclipse neurotypicals.

07-28-2009, 01:48 AM
I was dragged to a psychiatrist when I was 10 or 11 to assess my severe violent streak and depressive moods.

I have made it my mission in life to give two fingers up to psychies and dodge them at all costs.

07-28-2009, 04:08 AM
I'm autistic. A psychologist wanted me diagnosed when I was a child but my mother wouldn't have a bar of it. I don't need the diagnosis as I see a lot of my youngest son's (he has been diagnosed) in me. In this instance I believe it to be genetically predisposed. You live in a different world to everybody else, and it had been incredibly lonely at various times of my life, due mainly to the lack of understanding of what was happening to me.

I had also been diagnosed with depression (and suffered post natal depression), but the tablets I took made me feel like a zombie and the headaches were also horrendous. I don't need a shrink to tell me how to live with myself - let alone drug me into a stupor. I do better without it. The worst period in this regard was when my father died, and yet I was able to not only live through it but come out at the other side.

I think about who and what I have in my life, and my spiritual path has been my sanity saver. It still grips me from time to time but not in the same way it used to. I feel it's because I have a better understanding of who I am and what triggers these episodes.

07-28-2009, 06:56 AM
I'm with Kempenzoon on the pharmaceuticals. My fiance has clinical depression of 5 years. She was very bad to start with, bordering on bipolar. But through my encouragement and her own strength she's weened herself off of the medication gradually. Now she's down to a quarter of her prescribed dose. She's more stable and happy than ever and I believe it's as a result of coming off the meds as opposed to the other way around. The Doctors refused to help her come off the medication, as though they were happy to keep throwing drugs at her for the rest of her life. This leads me to believe that they pander to the interests of the drugs companies, not the patient. Doctors have such an arrogant certainty that 'drugs fix all', I find it worrying.

Anti-depressants, in my (secondhand) experience don't fix ANYTHING. All they do is lift your mood, but over time, that life in mood decreases so that you need the medication just to feel normal, like you'd feel if you'd never taken the anti-depressants to start with. Like all drugs, the effect fades, until you need the drug just to feel 'normal'.

07-28-2009, 09:03 AM
What about simple health disorders? I have plenty and learned to live with them without medication. Simply because my kidneys and liver are too pre-damaged to deal with the effects of the chemical mace.

As A German is am also prone to melancholy, which of course nowadays is automatically diagnosed as depression, unless you're a Finn. Then it is just natural. ;)

In high school a school psychologist diagnosed me with clinical depression. I got a second opinion, an IQ test was made, the result showed I was simply disinterested in school and that was that. Nobody bothered me after that. I would guess that I also have a mild form of autism, something in the direction of Asperger's. I am, however, still able to handle a very stressful and unhealthy tech support job without crashing, so I guess I will cope. After all I only have a few more years to kill. ;)

07-28-2009, 09:18 AM
I hope you dont use my opneness against me!! Please. I am not crazy or retarded and i am not in therapy or on medicaments.

On the contrary. This information is helpful for us in order to interact with you in the most appropriate and beneficial way. Thanks for letting us know, it will help me, in particular, to relate to what you're going through.

Creeping Death
07-28-2009, 09:39 AM
A psychiatrist told me I had an obsessive-compulsive disorder I didnt believe him so I had to call him nine times to make sure he was certain.

07-28-2009, 10:02 AM
I have an underactive thyroid, and some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism can mimic depression. Coupled with my basically quiet and reserved nature, I probably seem very depressed and withdrawn to others. ;)

07-28-2009, 10:09 AM
After reading your descriptions and diagnosis, I'd better stay away from psychiatrists, because that could certainly ruin my career, after the symptoms I have. ;)
Once, I fooled a young psychologist, giving her the answers she wanted to hear and hiding my real problems, making them seem like only the average "teenage" ones. I've just managed to look stupider and "normal". Good, my parents didn't allow a psychiatrist to speak with me, neither let me in the therapy group doctors wanted to put me in. One girl I know went in such group, they gave her medicines and things gone much worse.

07-28-2009, 11:30 AM
I've spoken to a psychologist at 3 occasions.

1st when I was very little, the teachers thought I had anger issues, because I would get angry from time to time when some people bullied me. the psychologist did not think so. When you have 7 kids vs one teasing and tormenting I'd say only the insane would not be angry.

2nd time, I tried to come to terms with my tendency to end up as a loner, as a pre-emptive measurement before I entered the army as I did not want to be in the same situation I was in school, that still happened though, and the only thing the psychologist said was that I knew my self extremely well, how I reacted to things why I did stuff etc. I'm not a creature of impulse, I don't even get violent when I am angry any more, everything must be a consius desicssion more or less.

3rd time I spoke with a currator in the army, I did mostly because there was this one guy who was bulling me, so I went to the captain, nothing changed, I went to the captain again, nothing changed I went to the captain a third time, he aranged for me to speak to him so we could get some new eyes on the situation. Did not help.
half a year had passed since the start of the bullining with him and I decided enough was enough so I kneed him in the stomach and punched him four times in his face. Problem fixed. And he even appologized to me.

07-28-2009, 11:48 AM
As A German is am also prone to melancholy, which of course nowadays is automatically diagnosed as depression, unless you're a Finn. Then it is just natural. ;)

Very true! :D

Also in Greece, for example, Asperger's is underdiagnosed and/or ignored as a condition since pretty much everyone behaves in a bizarre manner in most social settings. :p

Fortis in Arduis
07-28-2009, 12:48 PM
Autism is most prevalent in Northern Finland.

I think that one could imagine all sort of theories about it, as it is a rather 'white' condition.

07-28-2009, 01:55 PM
Autism is most prevalent in Northern Finland.

I think that one could imagine all sort of theories about it, as it is a rather 'white' condition.

Lappsjuka is also common in that region :P

07-28-2009, 04:11 PM
Wow, I am reading up on the symptoms of anxiety disorder and it's exactly how I've been feeling.

People with GAD can't seem to shake their concerns (YES! I tend to dwell on my concerns until they overcome me)
Even though they usually realize that their anxiety is more intense than the situation warrants (YES! I know that feeling very well. ;))
People with GAD also seem unable to relax (YES! It takes a long time for me to fall asleep)
They often have trouble falling or staying asleep (YES! See above)
Their worries are accompanied by physical symptoms, especially trembling, twitching, muscle tension, headaches, irritability, sweating, or hot flashes. (YES! I was going through those things last night all in one episode, the headache that went on and off, the twitching, the trembling, my muscles were tense, I broke out into a sweat)
They may feel lightheaded or out of breath. (YES! That's how I often feel)
They may feel nauseated or have to go to the bathroom frequently. (YES!)
Or they might feel as though they have a lump in the throat. (YES! Right now in fact I do)

Irritability (YES!)
Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge (YES!)
Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank (YES!)
Muscle tension (YES!)
Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep) (YES!)

I think I must be the poster-child for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. :D


02-01-2013, 09:27 PM
Yep I have several diagnoses.

The big one is Major Depressive Disorder which I've had since childhood (been on meds since age 14).

I also have had issues with OCD, anxiety, panic, and severe PMS.

My cousin has paranoid schizophrenia and my doc thinks I might have had it at one point. I disagree, I think it was depression related psychosis.

Despite all of this, I am a very sane person. :D

02-02-2013, 05:10 PM
Very true! :D

Also in Greece, for example, Asperger's is underdiagnosed and/or ignored as a condition since pretty much everyone behaves in a bizarre manner in most social settings. :p

What you mention happens in most of the world. I think the US is the only country that it's obsessed to convince its citizens they are all sick. As it's usual in me, I'll blame the jews.

02-02-2013, 05:13 PM
Yep I have several diagnoses.

The big one is Major Depressive Disorder which I've had since childhood (been on meds since age 14).

I also have had issues with OCD, anxiety, panic, and severe PMS.

Despite all of this, I am a very sane person. :D

Sounds so familiar.

02-02-2013, 06:08 PM
wellll, they diagnosed me as ADD when i was young, i dont like to take the meds much these days though :P i use forums like these to take breaks when i study or focus :)

ive had bouts of depression starting in high school, generalized anxiety, eating disorder/self-injury... those days are loooooooooongg behind me now, though! i can still feel depressed every now and then buts nothing like it was before... im way more stable now :)

02-02-2013, 06:11 PM
I's sad to see Inese's post in this thread.

02-02-2013, 06:12 PM
Yes, my therapist diagnosed me with something called attention def...


02-02-2013, 06:59 PM
I was "diagnosed" with OCD and ADHD, I don't really believe in that crap though. The diagnostic process these psychologists use is idiotic and you can bet they'll give you a false positive just so that they can hand you a per$cription.

Bobby Six Killer
02-02-2013, 07:05 PM
I have Anxiety Disorder and I think I may also have Hypochondriasis (my paternal grandmother has it and I've been noticing it more in myself recently). Don't be surprised if I think I am dying again like I was yesterday. My grandmother thinks she is dying once a week. :D Otherwise I am fairly healthy.

I had the same thing like 4 years ago. It was really annoying, they prescribe me Valium :picard1:

But today i'm healthy and almost forgot i was linked to anxiety. I guess having hobbies, or practicin sports would make u forget about that "condition". Which i strongly believe is related to stress.

02-02-2013, 07:23 PM
I never received treatment or was diagnosed as anorexic, but 3-3.5 years ago, I decided to start an extreme diet cause I felt a bit fat.
Inicially I weighted 48-49 kg and my height is 1.61-1.62 m so I quite eating carbs (bread, cookies, cakes) and fats, I only ate vegetables and fruits and ocassionally grille breast chicken, I lost about 14 kg, I followed this behavior for over 1.5-2 year then I understood that I was hurting myself so I left. Actually I weight 44-45 kg and I feel good with myself.

02-03-2013, 08:27 PM
I was "diagnosed" with OCD and ADHD, I don't really believe in that crap though. The diagnostic process these psychologists use is idiotic and you can bet they'll give you a false positive just so that they can hand you a per$cription.

Yes, I subscribe to this. I had something like 5 sessions with my therapist, paid 50 € each, in the end she just rushingly diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and gave me some fake-ass prescription (which didn't help me in any way, btw). What a rip-off.

They could try to treat the underlying cause for once, but oh well I guess they wouldn't make as much money that way :rolleyes:

02-03-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes, I subscribe to this. I had something like 5 sessions with my therapist, paid 50 € each, in the end she just rushingly diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and gave me some fake-ass prescription (which didn't help me in any way, btw). What a rip-off.

They could try to treat the underlying cause for once, but oh well I guess they wouldn't make as much money that way :rolleyes:

Then you didn't really have the disorder.

I cannot function without meds. I've tried.

02-03-2013, 08:41 PM
Then you didn't really have the disorder.

Well I wouldn't know about that. Eventually they gave the right prescription (tianeptine, it's somewhat light but it helped in my case), of course after I wasted more bucks on another therapist.

Otherwise it was hardly bearable. There were days when I would literally feel *dead* inside; though it was more on the apathy spectrum rather than proper depression (don't know if anyone can relate with what I write). For a time I tried to combat it with booze, but that was a fiasco.

02-03-2013, 08:46 PM
Well I wouldn't know about that. Eventually they gave the right prescription (tianeptine, it's somewhat light but it helped in my case), of course after I wasted more bucks on another therapist.

Otherwise it was hardly bearable. There were days when I would literally feel *dead* inside; though it was more on the apathy spectrum rather than proper depression (don't know if anyone can relate with what I write). For a time I tried to combat it with booze, but that was a fiasco.

Luckily meds work well for me, but I've tried to go off them and relapsed so many times that they are losing their effectiveness. I'm back on track now and plan to stay on them unless I decide to get pregnant again.

I don't want to talk about my symptoms but it truly is unbearable. When I'm on the meds I feel fine and want to go off them. I think I can handle it by myself, but I can't.

It is genetic in my family and it sucks, but I view it as just another illness, just like diabetes or what have you.

02-03-2013, 08:47 PM
I'm diagnosed with Asperger.

02-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Thanks god, nothing...

02-03-2013, 08:57 PM
I too have OCD. Anthroboards are the best places to meet others with this disorder :D

02-03-2013, 09:09 PM
Nothing asides the occasional panic attack, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic allergic rhinitis, and well, quite a lot of the usual stress-related auto-immune responses. :)

02-03-2013, 09:59 PM
Was diagnosed with the OCD. I luckily for me despite not wanting to take medications rid of it over several years period.

02-03-2013, 10:07 PM
Bipolar I Mood Disorder.

The highs are fantastic! The consequences when you come back down to earth are not as fantastic because they usually involve tarnished reputation and a lot of money.

I am perfectly stable in between episodes because of medication. I've only had 3 episodes (1 manic, 2 depressed) in the past 4 years. Before that, up to my mid twenties I was relapsing 3-5 times a year. Over the years the time period between episodes has become longer, but the episodes themselves when they hit are also more intense and last longer too.

I take my pills, look after myself well, know the warning signs of impending episodes and otherwise just carry on with life.

02-03-2013, 10:10 PM
And Inese is proof why bipolars SHOULD be on medication, and what happens when you think you are stronger than the disease. :(

02-03-2013, 10:15 PM
Bipolar is a bitch and MUCH more dangerous than people believe... You're absolutely right Kazi, one needs to be very rigid about medication and self-control. If it is let on the loose it can have severe consequences ranging from going bankrupt to entirely humiliating oneself and getting shunned from your peers, to, well...suicide.

A close friend's mother spent a few years with untreated Bipolar I and eventually they had to hospitalize her for quite some time before she became stable again... In the meanwhile she had hurt herself jumping from a high place, maxed out her credit cards, walked around naked, called up everyone in her phone book and swore at them, filled her place with rotten and infectious trash thinking she was making "art", and so on and so forth... She disappeared for a couple of days and they issued a silver alert to find her, wandering at the streets without money or ID card on her... :(

Black Sun Dimension
02-03-2013, 10:18 PM
I've anger management issues :flame. I dunno if that's a disorder... :noidea:

Fortis in Arduis
02-04-2013, 02:54 AM
And Inese is proof why bipolars SHOULD be on medication, and what happens when you think you are stronger than the disease. :(


I hounded and cyber-bullied her to death, remember? :)

02-04-2013, 03:54 AM
I have dealt with major depression, anxiety attacks and a "Delayed Stress Reaction" (due to killing a man during a security detail in 1987) in myself.

I have dealt with major depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in my wife (who was in combat during the US v. Iraq Gulf War in the early 1990's).

I took prescription drugs, I boozed, I spent too much money, I made bad decisions and good...I survived.

My wife and I will celebrate the 35th anniversary of our 1st date next Saturday.

02-04-2013, 04:16 AM
ADHD and SchizoAffective Disorder-Bipolar type

Atlantic Islander
02-04-2013, 04:17 AM

It's wrong of course.


10-22-2013, 07:22 PM
I have Anxiety Disorder and I think I may also have Hypochondriasis (my paternal grandmother has it and I've been noticing it more in myself recently).


Gustave H
09-30-2014, 10:05 PM
Some people (including a friend who is a professional) are convinced that I am a "megalomaniac". I disagree. I have OCD pretty bad, berserker blind rage syndrome and I am bipolar. Have had extremely bad anger issues since childhood but I am starting to calm down.

09-30-2014, 10:08 PM

Prince Of Macrobia
09-30-2014, 10:18 PM
Years ago I was having stress for a months after my Aunt from dad's side whom I love so much passed away and I was so restless these days sometimes could not even eat, I couldn't sleep either, but one day I decide to travel long distance from Cape Town to Johannesburg estimated around 1800km it was where some of my family lives and I spent that side 3 months, later when I get back stress went away.

09-30-2014, 10:18 PM
No. Not yet anyway :p

09-30-2014, 10:19 PM

Unless a self diagnosed minor case of Weltschmerz counts.

09-30-2014, 10:19 PM
Some people (including a friend who is a professional) are convinced that I am a "megalomaniac". I disagree. I have OCD pretty bad, berserker blind rage syndrome and I am bipolar. Have had extremely bad anger issues since childhood but I am starting to calm down.

Explains a lot.

Gustave H
09-30-2014, 10:21 PM
Explains a lot.

Shut up, Dictator.

09-30-2014, 10:21 PM
Shut up, Dictator.
I still love you no homo.

Gustave H
09-30-2014, 10:23 PM
I still love you no homo.

ily2 no homo

09-30-2014, 10:30 PM
ily2 no homo

Don't worry we all have our problems. I have Antisocial Personality Disorder and Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Gustave H
09-30-2014, 10:47 PM
Don't worry we all have our problems. I have Antisocial Personality Disorder and Schizoid Personality Disorder.

That's why we get along so well.

09-30-2014, 10:48 PM
That's why we hate others together so well.


09-30-2014, 10:55 PM
Some people (including a friend who is a professional) are convinced that I am a "megalomaniac". I disagree. I have OCD pretty bad, berserker blind rage syndrome and I am bipolar. Have had extremely bad anger issues since childhood but I am starting to calm down.

Explains a lot.

Shut up, Dictator.

I still love you no homo.

ily2 no homo

Don't worry we all have our problems. I have Antisocial Personality Disorder and Schizoid Personality Disorder.

That's why we get along so well.
still a better............

09-30-2014, 10:56 PM
still a better............

I don't see the point I'm sorry :confused:

09-30-2014, 10:59 PM
I don't see the point I'm sorry :confused:


09-30-2014, 11:00 PM


10-01-2014, 02:22 AM
still a better............

love story than Twilight?

10-01-2014, 02:26 AM
ADD non-hyperactive.

10-01-2014, 02:32 AM

Leo Iscariot
10-01-2014, 02:50 AM
Depression, and Fibromyalgia (Since some doctors theorize that it's part physical and part mental.)

10-01-2014, 02:51 AM
I was first diagnosed with a type of PDD at 9.

6 years later, it was revealed that I have Asperger's.

I have some anxiety too (which often makes me feel itchy).

I find it rather hard to interact with others. And I may seem kinda annoying at times. But it isn't my fault. Blame it on my disorder :mad:.

10-01-2014, 04:42 PM
Major Depressive Disorder characterized by Melancholic depression, characterized by a loss of pleasure in most or all activities, a failure of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli, a quality of depressed mood more pronounced than that of grief or loss, a worsening of symptoms in the morning hours, early-morning waking, excessive weight loss (not to be confused with anorexia nervosa), or excessive guilt.

I can manage it quite well, and don't rely on anti-depressants as they are not much more than a band-aid solution. I've developed my own methods of coping with it essentially.

10-01-2014, 04:52 PM
I think I have this
I feel like punching whoever decides to eat close to me after 10 AM.

10-01-2014, 04:57 PM
I think I have this
I feel like punching whoever decides to eat close to me after 10 AM.

It sounds like my brother has something similar to this, but he also has Aspergers as well. That and sensitivity to certain sounds go hand in hand.

10-01-2014, 04:57 PM
ocd and HA

and im not talking OCD like odd numbers, switching off lights, im talking waste of 10-20 minutes on doing useless shit.

and health anxiety id sweat thinking i had some sickness..and that i dont have much to live

10-01-2014, 09:31 PM
love story than Twilight?


10-02-2014, 12:34 PM
I's sad to see Inese's post in this thread.
Agreed. :(


I hounded and cyber-bullied her to death, remember? :)
:confused: Are you joking, aren't you?

I had a smaller form of social phobia but it has grown to the better in the last few years, with my fiance, my scheduled marriage and our child. :) The best pill against psychical trouble is love. Love you receive and love you can share.

10-02-2014, 12:38 PM

I think these "disorders" are inventions for bored rich people. Go to work in a field or a building site and see how quick your depression is cured.

10-02-2014, 12:41 PM
I do not have any kind of disorder, except misanthropy. I generally dont like mass crowd, people who speak loud, people who laugh without reason, i find those stuff very irritating.
I had some rough periods of my life when my family member passed away but i overcame it .

Pjeter Pan
10-02-2014, 01:40 PM
I'm healthy as a horse. Nothing wrong with me

10-03-2014, 02:30 AM
I'm healthy as a horse. Nothing wrong with me

Like a stallion??

Sorry!! I couldn't resist xD

10-03-2014, 02:31 AM
Like a stallion??

He's hung like a mouse though. He showed me

Ars Moriendi
10-03-2014, 02:33 AM
I went to a new psychiatrist 3 days ago.

Diagnosis is: Dire depressive episode + unidentified personality disorder.

So, I may have a slight thing but nothing serious. Seem to be more circumstancial than illness really.

Pjeter Pan
10-03-2014, 02:33 AM
He's hung like a mouse though. He showed me
Your welcome

10-03-2014, 02:33 AM
Thnx voor de info! Dat wist ik niet man. Vandaar dat ik werd gediagnosticeerd met van alles en nog wat toen ik 9 was, waar waarschijnlijk de helft niet van klopte.

Stelletje oplichters zijn het: stomme etiketten plakken zodat ze je lekker kunnen volstampen met medicijnen, waar de farmaceutische bedrijven weer lekker aan kunnen verdienen..Ik ben een zwaar tegenstander, tegen ''medicijnen'' voor ziektebeelden waar betere alternatieven voor zijn, dan door middel van het drogeren van mensen en ze verslaafd te maken. Ik ben van mening dat het beste medicijn nog altijd sport en een goed luisterend oor zijn en dat deze twee veel meer wonderen verrichten dan die stomme 'medicijnen' die toch alleen maar de symptomen camoufleren maar niet de oorzaak ervan verhelpen.

I have been diagnosed (without any prior tests) with a mild form of PDD-NOS when I was 14/15. In those days it was quite common to "diagnose" children in care as for each diagnosed child they received subsidies.

I always refused any medication and only took seroxat for a brief time when I was 18 to fight depression, which failed and made me sicker (headaches, dizziness etc) so I quit taking those (oddly enough my depression was suddenly gone as well).

Pjeter Pan
10-03-2014, 02:33 AM
Like a stallion??

Sorry!! I couldn't resist xD ahaha its OK

But yes a stallion an Albanian stallion!

10-03-2014, 02:38 AM
He's hung like a mouse though. He showed me

Now I know why you made a thread for him last night :wink_002:

10-03-2014, 02:42 AM
I have an appointment over about 6 days with one. I probably get diagnosed with clinical depression and ADD or something :p What probably result in them wanting to sell me 'medications' to cover the symptoms..

I went to a new psychiatrist 3 days ago.

Diagnosis is: Dire depressive episode + unidentified personality disorder.

So, I may have a slight thing but nothing serious. Seem to be more circumstancial than illness really.

Ars Moriendi
10-03-2014, 02:45 AM
I have an appointment over about 6 days with one. I probably get diagnosed with clinical depression and ADD or something :p What would result in them wanting to sell me 'medications' to cover the symptoms..

I got a new daily medicine: Desvenlafaxine to raise my serotonine. I also got a supplement for sleeping problems that I've managed to not use so far, and of course, Clonatryl for very bad moments (not needed in 2 months now).

So, all in all, it was just fine :)

10-03-2014, 02:47 AM
I got a new daily medicine: Desvenlafaxine to raise my serotonine. I also got a supplement for sleeping problems that I've managed to not use so far, and of course, Clonatryl for very bad moments (not needed in 2 months now).

So, all in all, it was just fine :)

Have you heard about efexor xr?

Ars Moriendi
10-03-2014, 02:47 AM
Have you heard about efexor xr?

No... sounds nasty somehow. Too many X.

10-03-2014, 02:47 AM
Now I know why you made a thread for him last night :wink_002:

He asked me to :shrug:

10-03-2014, 02:49 AM
He asked me to :shrug:

No worries, he told me. He said that I should learn how to share :P

10-03-2014, 02:51 AM
No worries, he told me. He said that I should learn how to share :P

I'm big enough to spread the wealth

10-03-2014, 02:51 AM
No... sounds nasty somehow. Too many X.

It's a medicine includes venlafaxine. Btw, once you get addicted to venlafaxine it's not really easy to quit.

10-03-2014, 02:53 AM
'' Desvenlafaxine to raise my serotonine''

Doesn't this gives the same effect like using MDMA or a similar drug (only than chemically somewhat different and more mild) ? I don't like drugs which influences ones neurotransmitters a lot.

Sleeping problems..I tend to throw my whole rhythm upside down when having (temporarily ) no work or school.

I got a new daily medicine: Desvenlafaxine to raise my serotonine. I also got a supplement for sleeping problems that I've managed to not use so far, and of course, Clonatryl for very bad moments (not needed in 2 months now).

So, all in all, it was just fine :)

10-03-2014, 02:56 AM
I'm big enough to spread the wealth


10-03-2014, 02:56 AM

You need to open wider than that

Pjeter Pan
10-03-2014, 02:57 AM
You need to open wider than that

Ars Moriendi
10-03-2014, 02:59 AM
'' Desvenlafaxine to raise my serotonine''

Doesn't this gives the same effect like using MDMA or a similar drug (only than chemically somewhat different and more mild) ? I don't like drugs which influences ones neurotransmitters a lot.

Sleeping problems..I tend to throw my whole rhythm upside down when having (temporarily ) no work or school.

Supposedly, it doesn't generate addiction and the body's tolerance to it is low, so you don't need higher doses.

But, yes it's a neural medicine.

10-03-2014, 03:01 AM
You need to open wider than that


10-03-2014, 03:02 AM

Right here right now, no bed needed.

10-03-2014, 03:05 AM
Right here right now, no bed needed.

Bedroom is a broad term :laugh:

10-03-2014, 03:08 AM

So is my peepee

10-03-2014, 03:10 AM
Don't like it then..

Supposedly, it doesn't generate addiction and the body's tolerance to it is low, so you don't need higher doses.

But, yes it's a neural medicine.

10-03-2014, 03:11 AM
Went through depression, cured myself in less than a week, currently writing a book about it.

It will include almost everything from my life, it's pretty much an autobiography gone 50 shades of grey but authentic (100 % truth in it).

10-03-2014, 03:13 AM
Went through depression, cured myself in less than a week, currently writing a book about it.

It will include almost everything from my life, it's pretty much an autobiography gone 50 shades of grey but authentic (100 % truth in it).

Everyone has ups and downs in life. I'd rather be "up" than "down" :laugh:

10-03-2014, 03:15 AM
So is my peepee

Broad peepee. That sounds like an oxymoron xD

10-03-2014, 03:16 AM
moron xD

I sure am.

Pjeter Pan
10-03-2014, 03:17 AM
I sure am.
No doubt

10-03-2014, 10:04 AM
Everyone has ups and downs in life. I'd rather be "up" than "down" :laugh:

I saw ur texts, do u need ur morning bj

10-03-2014, 10:14 AM
I have episodes of Depression occasionally,Nostalgia and Anxiety.
The medication only make me feel worst.So i don't take any of It.Heck one was giving me Impotence.How can that help with depression ?

But It's not constant.I have triggers.

10-03-2014, 10:40 AM
Medications only make things worse... Depression is not like the cold or something along that way, you can't just cure it like that.

It takes a lot of commitment, schedules and a total lifestyle change. Medication only helps with severe cases, but your own mind helps you with regular depression. It's either you or it, who is going to win? :wink

10-03-2014, 08:54 PM
i used to have a lot of social anxiety earlier in middle school and high school, too bad i didn't capitalize on it when i had the chance



10-03-2014, 08:59 PM
My opinion is that most mental illness diagnosis is not really mental illness at all but is caused by other factors like a vitamin deficiency, fluoride, lack of mineralization in waters (water should have small traces of lithium salts), wheat allergies, and food allergies to subsidized low quality soy oil, canola, or high fructose corn syrup. All this stuff can cause issues with the thyroid and also messes with your mental state.

10-03-2014, 09:00 PM
Not diagnosed, but I am pretty sure I suffer from a mild form of OCD occasionally.

10-03-2014, 09:03 PM
50 shades of grey

Write a sequence 50 shades of gay featuring Guapo :love0044:

10-03-2014, 09:42 PM
Write a sequence 50 shades of gay featuring Guapo :love0044:

No, that will be the kamasutra edition. :eyes

10-04-2014, 05:58 PM
:laugh2::bowlol: Funny how she uses the word ''nigger'' instead of ''shitface'' or ''b*tch''

I do feel sorry for them because vocal ticks can give many problems for peoples social development.

i used to have a lot of social anxiety earlier in middle school and high school, too bad i didn't capitalize on it when i had the chance



10-08-2014, 09:04 PM
I have inherited Antisocial Tendencies. I can better control it with age, but it is still there. It is very easy for me to commit acts that are far removed from morality if I don't keep myself in line. I find it very easy to lie to get my way, and violence is second nature to me. The only thing that keeps me from being how I was intended to be is my hatred for cramped, cold, prison cells, and my desire for success and freedom. I have a lack of anxiety, but I am very paranoid to the point that it causes me to react harshly to perceived dangers.

♥ Lily ♥
11-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Trauma/phobias/very severe level of depression leading to self-harm, mainly from bad experiences in my past. I take anti-depressants daily and sleeping pills since leaving hospital again, the pills helps me a bit and I need my medicines to cope and I receive fortnightly visits from nurses and sometimes doctors when my weight drops low again to monitor my situation as they know I'm afraid to go outside for somewhile (social phobia). Sometimes nurses have visited me daily when my weight dropped, but now it's only once every 2 weeks again. When I was in hospital, people would try to make me smile, but I was just numb, very low-mood, poor concentration, a total lack of interest in things I used to enjoy like my piano and reading, and just generally unresponsive to a lot of things around me. I find opiate-based painkillers helps me sometimes to relax when I go outside. I isolate myself a lot and tend to shun people. I have nightmares regularly and I I get jumpy and scared easily thinking a burglar or attacker is in the house, etc. I wake up re-checking all the doors and windows multiple times. Sometimes when I tried to walk outside, I ended-up lost due to feeling panicky.

Ars Moriendi
11-12-2014, 02:59 PM
I had picked up this from your posting history, although didn't expect it to be that bad. I'm very sorry to hear.
I also had a nightmare problem (just woke up 30 mins ago and had one), and was developing some form of agoraphobia like you describe. Fortunately, it's much of a less problem nowadays.

I hope you get better in time. Best wishes.

Trauma/phobias/very severe level of depression leading to self-harm, mainly from bad experiences in my past. I take anti-depressants daily and sleeping pills since leaving hospital again, the pills helps me a bit and I need my medicines to cope and I receive fortnightly visits from nurses and sometimes doctors when my weight drops low again to monitor my situation as they know I'm afraid to go outside for somewhile (social phobia). Sometimes nurses have visited me daily when my weight dropped, but now it's only once every 2 weeks again. When I was in hospital, people would try to make me smile, but I was just numb, very low-mood, poor concentration, a total lack of interest in things I used to enjoy like my piano and reading, and just generally unresponsive to a lot of things around me. I find opiate-based painkillers helps me sometimes to relax when I go outside. I isolate myself a lot and tend to shun people. I have nightmares regularly and I I get jumpy and scared easily thinking a burglar or attacker is in the house, etc. I wake up re-checking all the doors and windows multiple times. Sometimes when I tried to walk outside, I ended-up lost due to feeling panicky.

Beit El
11-12-2014, 03:01 PM
My opinion is that most mental illness diagnosis is not really mental illness at all but is caused by other factors like a vitamin deficiency, fluoride, lack of mineralization in waters (water should have small traces of lithium salts), wheat allergies, and food allergies to subsidized low quality soy oil, canola, or high fructose corn syrup. All this stuff can cause issues with the thyroid and also messes with your mental state.

Don't forget toxic social environments.

11-12-2014, 03:03 PM
Not any more. Thankfully I'm ok now.

11-12-2014, 03:04 PM
It's weird, sometimes you forget that everyone on here is a person with their own life full of problems and fears until you see a thread like this. I hope all of you are okay.
Personally, I've struggled with depression for as long as I can remember. It's all identity issues with me.

11-12-2014, 03:55 PM
If physical illnesses were treated like mental illnesses.

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10403607_967567159930962_3914641151442002430_n.png ?oh=62931a8135372c8ddbde322f3b1a209c&oe=54EB6120

♥ Lily ♥
11-12-2014, 04:50 PM
I had picked up this from your posting history, although didn't expect it to be that bad. I'm very sorry to hear.
I also had a nightmare problem (just woke up 30 mins ago and had one), and was developing some form of agoraphobia like you describe. Fortunately, it's much of a less problem nowadays.

I hope you get better in time. Best wishes.

Thanks for your considerate words, I appreciate it. I'm not seeking empathy or pity from people, nor do I want to burden others with my own problems, but I wanted to share and contribute this to make anyone else with their own problems know that they're not alone with this. Initially I was too afraid to say anything here about it for fear people would use it against me, so it took several months for me to pluck-up the courage to contribute to this thread.

I went into hospitals as a child as I'd lock myself away at school from the other children and was afraid of people. My mum found me hiding in the attack one day as I was too afraid to go to school and another time I took an overdose just to avoid going to school. I've had stays in hospitals before I was even an adult, but I've always been a quiet person who likes my own company and would get nervous around other children at school, especially the bullies and loud people who I found overbearing and draining.

I had to finish my school education in a hospital where there was 3 people to a class, but I met some lovely patients whilst staying there, it was a small quiet hospital in the countryside for teenagers suffering from acute psychiatric problems, such as eating disorders, phobias and depression, and I felt able to relate to them more.

Since taking the anti-depressants regularly, my mood has definitely improved. I'm not happy or 'high' (some people mistake anti-depressants as making people feel 'happy'), I just feel more stable. I used to lay helplessly in my bed shutting the world out and not wanting people to see that I wasn't coping. I used to keep wondering why this was happening to me, why I couldn't help myself to snap out of it. That was the worst part in feeling I couldn't help myself.

I wasn't intentionally trying to lose weight, it's just that my appetite got lost in the midst of the depression. Then the doctors would find me and take me into hospital. I try my best to eat healthily again now, and I drink complan on days when I don't feel like eating (which provides vitamins and nutrients in a milk-based drink). I take vitamin supplements too. All this has helped me and things are improving, but there's still a long way to go. I can see light at the end of the tunnel now, and I have more confidence in things getting better now, whereas before the treatment, the situation seemed so hopeless.

I think there's lots of people with problems in life and they can also wear a mask in society in pretending to be fine when asked - it's actually the lie people tell the most when people say, "I'm fine''. :rolleyes:

Ars Moriendi
11-12-2014, 05:47 PM
I think there's lots of people with problems in life and they can also wear a mask in society in pretending to be fine when asked - it's actually the lie people tell the most when people say, "I'm fine''. :rolleyes:

FINE = Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional

I know ;).

Han Cholo
11-12-2014, 06:01 PM
Never diagnosed, but if I tried to find something I'd surely find. I think I'm better being willfully ignorant this time.

11-22-2014, 12:58 PM
If physical illnesses were treated like mental illnesses.

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10403607_967567159930962_3914641151442002430_n.png ?oh=62931a8135372c8ddbde322f3b1a209c&oe=54EB6120

this would be an even better solution

for mental illnesses that is, not real ones


12-14-2014, 07:53 PM
Have had following dxes over 41 years of psychiatric treatment- schizophrenia,schizoaffective mixed type,personality disorder NOS and paranoid personality disorder.
Symptoms include anxiety(general and social) mood swings depression paranoia problems with perception/planning/and social interaction very poor social skills.

I am not fond of DSM/ICD psychiatric diagnoses and prefer to describe myself as having currently primary anxiety with secondary mood and thought problems.
Have been on risperdal consta depot since 2009( before that other antipsychotics, mood stabilisers and occasional anti depressants.

Also possible learning difficulty- never diagnosed (much higher verbal than non verbal IQ) and nearer to non verbal learning disorder than aspergers.

12-14-2014, 08:01 PM
Yes, I'm an aspie.................Common among children of engineers looooool:p

10-20-2021, 07:34 PM
I have been diagnosed with a phobia when I had my mental breakdown but I don't think I have any disorders that I know of. I have genetical bipolar in my genes but 50% of the world has that.

10-20-2021, 07:37 PM

11-27-2021, 11:41 PM
I have a diagnosed history of major depressive disorder, yes.

11-27-2021, 11:56 PM
Depression, it comes and goes.

11-27-2021, 11:58 PM
I have bdd, autism and probably another mental problem, but I have never been actually diagnosed because my parents are ignorant pricks that think psychologists are for looney ppl and, as a result of that, simply don't take me to a psychologist, even tho I asked them to take me to one before

11-28-2021, 12:24 AM
I have bdd, autism and probably another mental problem, but I have never been actually diagnosed because my parents are ignorant pricks that think psychologists are for looney ppl and, as a result of that, simply don't take me to a psychologist, even tho I asked them to take me to one before

You mean psychiatrists ? Psychiatrists are corrupt toadies of the state that are too mentally retarded to understand epigenetics. They will tell you have a permanent condition that needs to be treated for LIFE with big pharma drugs $$$$ meanwhile epigenetics says genes can be turned on and off and it is not permanent. For instance, lets say you have a partially dirty MHTFR if you stop eating and taking folic acid (which blocks receptor sites for l-methyfolate in dirty MHTFR people) etc... etc... you can turn on and off your genes and not be 'mentally ill'. There is more too it than simply not ingesting folic acid but I'm just using one example. In 10 years epigenetics is going to totally revolutionize the health field but psychiatrists will still be trying to spout the same bullshit most likely.

11-28-2021, 12:29 AM
You mean psychiatrists ? Psychiatrists are corrupt toadies of the state that are too mentally retarded to understand epigenetics. They will tell you have a permanent condition that needs to be treated for LIFE with big pharma drugs $$$$ meanwhile epigenetics says genes can be turned on and off and it is not permanent. For instance, lets say you have a partially dirty MHTFR if you stop eating and taking folic acid (which blocks receptor sites for l-methyfolate in dirty MHTR people) etc... etc... you can turn on and off your genes and not be 'mentally ill'. There is more too it than simply not ingesting folic acid but I'm just using one example. In 10 years epigenetics is going to totally revolutionize the health field but psychiatrists will still be trying to spout the same bullshit most likely.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, they think both are for "crazy ppl"... asked to see a psychologist because I thought they would be more willing to take me to a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist, but didn't work.

11-28-2021, 12:32 AM
Some slight depression.

11-28-2021, 12:44 AM
Psychologists, psychiatrists, they think both are for "crazy ppl"... asked to see a psychologist because I thought they would be more willing to take me to a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist, but didn't work.

Try this unless you having a psychotic emergency or something because unless you are having a severe crisis going to see a psychiatrist will be a huge mistake even in the former case psychiatrists will ruin your life in the long run :



11-28-2021, 02:02 AM
Major Depressive Disorder or Chronic Depression. Or as I like to say, a realist.

11-28-2021, 02:06 AM
Major Depressive Disorder or Chronic Depression. Or as I like to say, a realist.

Pessimistic ppl are not more realistic, like... thinking that the worst possible scenario is the most likely scenario as a general rule has no rational basis

I always thought it amusing how pessimistic ppl think in that sense, they're often even more delusional than optimistic ppl, even tho both are wrong most of the times

So no, depression doesn't make you more of a "realist", just more of a sad person really.

11-28-2021, 02:08 AM
Pessimistic ppl are not more realistic, like... thinking that the worst possible scenario is the most likely scenario as a general rule has no rational basis.

Evolutionary psychology would probably argue that for most of the existence of modern humans it would be exceptionally rational to be prepared for the worst.

11-28-2021, 02:16 AM
Evolutionary psychology would probably argue that for most of the existence of modern humans it would be exceptionally rational to be prepared for the worst.

Being prepared for the worst is actually rational, but that's not how most depressed ppl act tho

Even when things are way more likely to not go wrong, depressive ppl over focus on the possibility of things going wrong and then end up actually making things go wrong

Irrational precaution is totally irrational and can completely fuck you up, actual rational ppl analyze what is more likely to happen in a possible scenario and draw a plan on what to do based on that (sometimes even multiple plans, depending on how complex is the situation the person is dealing with)

11-28-2021, 08:33 PM

09-01-2023, 02:44 AM
Melancholy and Anxiety.

10-09-2023, 06:19 PM
Yes, ASPD.

10-09-2023, 06:21 PM
I don't have a mental disorder, just asthma :violin: it doesn't help that I live in a place full of allergens

10-09-2023, 06:27 PM
Major Depressive Disorder or Chronic Depression. Or as I like to say, a realist.

The problem with a depression is that it's not logically wrong. So you can not disprove someone. My paternal grandfather used to say "To see clear means to see black." (Klar sehen heißt schwarz sehen.)

10-09-2023, 06:34 PM

Hay fever.

But it passed with time (and not anymore being exposed to Swedish grass pollen like timothy). :old

10-09-2023, 06:37 PM
Hay fever.

But it passed with time (and not anymore being exposed to Swedish grass pollen like timothy). :old:

I guess you caught it from the dust bowl :eek:

10-10-2023, 01:21 AM
OCD and anxiety, mild depression

12-09-2023, 04:06 AM
Eating disorder, MDD/anxiety

12-09-2023, 04:08 AM
OCD (like a true millennial)

... and mild Aspergers probably, as accused by Mrs.