View Full Version : Bosnia vital statistics

12-10-2012, 04:40 PM


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Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 04:48 PM
Hmmm very interesting,in other words serbs and croats are dying out of Bosnia while Bosniaks are becoming majority :D

5+ kids is da rule :D

12-10-2012, 05:10 PM
last year was disaster for bosniaks too when it comes to births..i'm afraid even to think
how will things look like when post war generations come,they are too much brainwashed by media,movies etc

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:11 PM
last year was disaster for bosniaks too when it comes to births..i'm afraid even to think
how will things look like when post war generations come,they are too much brainwashed by media,movies etc

Yet it looks a lot better compared to serbs and croats,and majority of born kids are Bosniak

12-10-2012, 05:15 PM
Well done Bosnia/Bosniaks. :D

12-10-2012, 05:15 PM
Yet it looks a lot better compared to serbs and croats,and majority of born kids are Bosniak
it is better,but not good enough...we have youngest population so our numbers should be much higher

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:17 PM
Well done Bosnia/Bosniaks. :D

When turkish president was in Bosnia he said every bosnian family should have at least 5 kids :D it was funny but smart:D

12-10-2012, 05:18 PM
Croats and Serbs are even dying in Serbia an Croatia :

Honestly, I don't see how in the world you guys are really increasing in number, but looking at other ppls numbers and percentages only makes you feel good about your self over one big nothing. There's still more than enough of both, Serbs and Croats, when compared to your ppl. :)

12-10-2012, 05:20 PM
When turkish president was in Bosnia he said every bosnian family should have at least 5 kids :D it was funny but smart:D

Your country can barely feed your current population let alone families of +7.

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:20 PM
Honestly, I don't see how in the world you guys are really increasing in number, but looking at other ppls numbers and percentages only makes you feel good about your self over one big nothing. There's still more than enough of both, Serbs and Croats, when compared to your ppl. :)

We want bosniak majority Bosnia,we dont care about Serbia ;)

12-10-2012, 05:21 PM
When turkish president was in Bosnia he said every bosnian family should have at least 5 kids :D it was funny but smart:D

Lol are you serious? :picard2: :lol:

12-10-2012, 05:21 PM
its commonly known serbs are thawing away faster than any other people in europe

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:21 PM
Your country can barely feed your current population let alone families of +7.

huh,and albanians 20 years ago were rich so they could breed like rabits :rolleyes::D

bosniaks are doing fine,most families at least

12-10-2012, 05:25 PM
We want bosniak majority Bosnia,we dont care about Serbia ;)

Wishes are one thing, reality completely other; besides, Serbs in BiH have RS.

12-10-2012, 05:25 PM
huh,and albanians 20 years ago were rich so they could breed like rabits :rolleyes::D

bosniaks are doing fine,most families at least

Adhominem and i will reply with one myself, ye bosnia is doing so great which is why you yourself is posting from sweden.

12-10-2012, 05:25 PM
Your country can barely feed your current population let alone families of +7.

when compared with albanians ,we live like sheiks...better education ,better heath care,higher salaries ...etc

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Adhominem and ye bosnia is doing so great which is why you yourself is posting from sweden.

We had a war 20 years ago which means many left Bosnia back then :rolleyes:

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Wishes are one thing, reality completely other; besides, Serbs in BiH have RS.

RS je pusta suma i brda

12-10-2012, 05:28 PM
Honestly, I don't see how in the world you guys are really increasing in number, but looking at other ppls numbers and percentages only makes you feel good about your self over one big nothing. There's still more than enough of both, Serbs and Croats, when compared to your ppl. :)

Yes there are more Serbs and Croats in their lands, but what matters is Bosnia.
It's good to see that trend because if it keeps going that way, there will come a day where that genocidal entity will just be disbanded by a parliament vote, obsurantism will be banished etc.

12-10-2012, 05:35 PM
Lol are you serious? :picard2: :lol:


-I believe him and i will make 7


Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:36 PM

-I believe him and i will make 7


lol so it was news in turkey too :D

12-10-2012, 05:37 PM
Yes there are more Serbs and Croats in their lands, but what matters is Bosnia.
It's good to see that trend because if it keeps going that way, there will come a day where that genocidal entity will just be disbanded by a parliament vote, obsurantism will be banished etc.

No matter your best wishes, RS is there to stay, you know that, I know that.

Cheers! :)

12-10-2012, 05:41 PM
lol so it was news in turkey too :D

yeah he also wants us having at least 3 children, he is such a sicko :D

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:42 PM
yeah he also wants us having at least 3 children, he is such a sicko :D

why we 5 and you 3:D

12-10-2012, 05:44 PM
RS je pusta suma i brda

Point? Sume su neprocenjivo prirodno bogatstvo, najcesce pod zastitom drzave.

12-10-2012, 05:45 PM
beside low birth,rates additional problem for serbs and croats in bosnia is that their youth goes to neighboring countries to study,and ones they go,they usualy stay there,get marry

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:46 PM
Point? Sume su neprocenjivo prirodno bogatstvo, najcesce pod zastitom drzave.

Dzaba sume kad je pusto sve,bosnjaci ce natalitetom da osvoje RS gradove,primjer Srebrenica ;) ili gradovi poput Viteza

12-10-2012, 05:49 PM
Dzaba sume kad je pusto sve,bosnjaci ce natalitetom da osvoje RS gradove,primjer Srebrenica ;) ili gradovi poput Viteza

Hahaha! Eto ti sad :D cas ti smetaju sume, a kad su sume ok, onda nas osvajate natalitetom itd.
Bolje razmisljate malo kako da unapredite sebe i okolinu, nego na obicnu reprodukciju makar nemali ni koru hleba na stolu.

EDIT: Po sumama i gorama hehehe!

12-10-2012, 05:50 PM
Dzaba sume kad je pusto sve,bosnjaci ce natalitetom da osvoje RS gradove,primjer Srebrenica ;) ili gradovi poput Vitezama kakav naš natalitet...šta ćeemo zauzeti sa +3000 ljudi godišnje,a ako uračunamo emigraciju od nekih 10 000 godišnje,onda ispada da smo i sami u minusu

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 05:53 PM
ma kakav naš natalitet...šta ćeemo zauzeti sa +3000 ljudi godišnje,a ako uračunamo emigraciju od nekih 10 000 godišnje,onda ispada da smo i sami u minusu

Ma nisam mislila sad bukvalno da cemo sutra osvajati RS gradove:D,ali veoma je bitno da bosnjaci povecaju % u BIH,bez obzira na sve

12-10-2012, 06:01 PM
Ma nisam mislila sad bukvalno da cemo sutra osvajati RS gradove:D,ali veoma je bitno da bosnjaci povecaju % u BIH,bez obzira na sve

pa jedino da se vi vratite iz bijela svijeta :P...mada je realnije da vratimo one bošnjake iz turske koji su otišli 1878 nego vas :D

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 06:03 PM
pa jedino da se vi vratite iz bijela svijeta :P...mada je realnije da vratimo one bošnjake iz turske koji su otišli 1878 nego vas :D

pa kako god okrenes veca je sansa da ce se vratiti neki bosnjaci u BIH nego srbi i hrvati,njihova omladina bjezi u hrvatsku i srbiju.tu su i sandzalije

i plus nas bolji natalitet(dobro ne dovoljno dobar,ali bolji) :D

12-10-2012, 06:07 PM
pa kako god okrenes veca je sansa da ce se vratiti neki bosnjaci u BIH nego srbi i hrvati,njihova omladina bjezi u hrvatsku i srbiju.tu su i sandzalije

i plus nas bolji natalitet(dobro ne dovoljno dobar,ali bolji) :D
istina...znam par njih koji su se vratili,ali su uglavnom u pitanju zreli ljudi,omladina teško,naročito ovi koji su rođeni vani,što je razumljivo...malo ih toga veže za bosnu...naročito ovi koji su preko velike bare odlepršali...njih ćemo najbrže da izgubimo

Hurrem sultana
12-10-2012, 06:10 PM
istina...znam par njih koji su se vratili,ali su uglavnom u pitanju zreli ljudi,omladina teško,naročito ovi koji su rođeni vani,što je razumljivo...malo ih toga veže za bosnu...naročito ovi koji su preko velike bare odlepršali...njih ćemo najbrže da izgubimo

Amerika je skroz druga prica,tamo djeci daju americka imena :rolleyes: na zap.Evropi malo drugacije,bar ovdje ljudi se uglavnom vezu za BIH i bh identitet je itekako jak i medju onima i koji su ovdje rodjeni

12-10-2012, 10:14 PM
when compared with albanians ,we live like sheiks...better education ,better heath care,higher salaries ...etc
my ass you living as sheiks,just come to kosova and compare our houses with yours,or go to fyrom or albania or montenegro(albanian parts) and my aunt lives in bosnia and your salaries arent higher than the ones in kosova
and second albanians in bosnia are richer than bosniaks so there you fail also

12-10-2012, 10:21 PM
why we 5 and you 3:D because you live in the Balkans and the Turkish president wants as much Turkish slaves in here as he can get...

12-10-2012, 10:54 PM
huh,and albanians 20 years ago were rich so they could breed like rabits :rolleyes::D

bosniaks are doing fine,most families at least

You realize they were getting rewards to have more children right? during communism anyways.

12-10-2012, 10:57 PM
Yet it looks a lot better compared to serbs and croats,and majority of born kids are Bosniak

This is why half of your population lives in st louis missouri :thumb001:

12-10-2012, 11:08 PM
This is why half of your population lives in st louis missouri :thumb001:

The stats I posted are only people living in Bosnia and born in Bosnia which shows that we're going to be more and more important in total population. 60% of babies born in BiH today are ethnic Bosniaks.

12-10-2012, 11:12 PM
You realize they were getting rewards to have more children right? during communism anyways.

Sure, you were leeching off a gov. social progs and subsidies. Something no honest person, person with a dignity, would do.
Oh, and no, it wasn't 'reward' but simple social prog for a ppl who couldn't make it on their own.

12-10-2012, 11:14 PM
Where did you get these statistics?

12-10-2012, 11:16 PM
Sure, you were leeching off a gov. social progs and subsidies. Something no honest person, person with a dignity, would do.
Oh, and no, it wasn't 'reward' but simple social prog for a ppl who couldn't make it on their own.
stop you nagging missy he's talking about communism in albania,communism in yugo didnt give albanians any favours to reproduce,how pathetic can you get,apparently very in your case:D

12-10-2012, 11:17 PM
my ass you living as sheiks,just come to kosova and compare our houses with yours,or go to fyrom or albania or montenegro(albanian parts) and my aunt lives in bosnia and your salaries arent higher than the ones in kosova
and second albanians in bosnia are richer than bosniaks so there you fail also

Bosnia, no matter what, is West for you guys. You people can't even provide a normal electric supply, much less anything else. Make sure you hit first net cafe when electricity is not available anymore, they've aggregates, unlike banks or hospitals. Aham... reality check!

12-10-2012, 11:18 PM
Sure, you were leeching off a gov. social progs and subsidies. Something no honest person, person with a dignity, would do.
Oh, and no, it wasn't 'reward' but simple social prog for a ppl who couldn't make it on their own.

He was referring to albania not kosova. Albanians did not leech off yugoslavia the way others did. Theres a reason why albanians were selling ice cream, byrek etc while the rest of you "worked" in your comfy stste jobs.

12-10-2012, 11:19 PM
stop you nagging missy he's talking about communism in albania,communism in yugo didnt give albanians any favours to reproduce,how pathetic can you get,apparently very in your case:D

:icon_rolleyes: Dralos, you've no idea about gov social progs in Ex YU.

12-10-2012, 11:21 PM
He was referring to albania not kosova. Albanians did not leech off yugoslavia the way others did.

Like? Albos leeched off Yugo founds a big time, especially found for undeveloped regions in Ex YU. Also, there was a system to get a condo via more kids; more kids higher on the list you get etc... I know precisely what I'm talking about Nird, not saying things just to insult.

12-10-2012, 11:21 PM
Where did you get these statistics?




12-10-2012, 11:24 PM
Like? Albos leeched off Yugo founds a big time, especially found for undeveloped regions in Ex YU. Also, there was a system to get a condo via more kids; more kids higher on the list you get etc... I know precisely what I'm talking about Nird, not saying things just to insult.

Funny the slavs from my parents area were given free apartments, state jobs (only a few traitors/udba albanian spies got any of these jobs), interest free loans etc while the albanians had to migrate elsewhere to find work.

12-10-2012, 11:25 PM
Like? Albos leeched off Yugo founds a big time, especially found for undeveloped regions in Ex YU. Also, there was a system to get a condo via more kids; more kids higher on the list you get etc... I know precisely what I'm talking about Nird, not saying things just to insult.
you know shit,all in my family almost have 4 kids or more and nobody got anything for free,we always had to work for it,you got all best state jobs,while we had to make it at our own

12-10-2012, 11:27 PM
soon she will tell us that alboz had control over yugoslavia and that serbs were discriminated:D

12-10-2012, 11:28 PM
soon she will tell us that alboz had control over yugoslavia and that serbs were discriminated:D

You forgot the part where tito brought albanians in from albania to kosova. :D

12-10-2012, 11:29 PM
Funny the slavs from my parents area were given free apartments, state jobs (only a few traitors/udba albanian spies got any of these jobs), interest free loans etc while the albanians had to migrate elsewhere to find work.

Nah, not funny at all. For instance, I know Albo family in Belgrade (he worked in Duga Co.) and they got huge condo based on the number of kids, while people who worked for the same Co , with less kids, got a smaller one... Fact!
Only difference could make a Co you worked for, (or been unemployed) not ethnicity nor anything else.

12-10-2012, 11:32 PM
Nah, not funny at all. For instance, I know Albo family in Belgrade (he worked in Duga Co.) and they got huge condo based on the number of kids, while people who worked for the same Co , with less kids, got a smaller one... Fact!
Only difference could make a Co you worked for, (or been unemployed) not ethnicity nor anything else.
while your imaginary opinion is quite interesting but reality was totally different,there is a book or article written by a croat to describe how similair albanian situation in yugoslavia was to blacks in usa

12-10-2012, 11:40 PM
lol @Dralos. Why there were so many Albanian in all communist Yugoslav institutions .You even had your own paralel institutions in Kosovo back then .

"Ono što je verovatno dosta pomoglo Albancima u procesu otcepljenja je i bojkotovanje popisa stanovništva. Poslednji popis na koji su izašli je onaj iz 1981. godine, za koji je bio zadužen pokrajinski Statistički zavod, koji su tada činili većinom albanski statističari, tako da je postojala sumnja u tačnost podataka. Kako saznajemo, na tom popisu mnogi su se popisivali više puta, a i prijavljene su i osobe koje su odavno preminule. Popis iz 1991. bio je bojkotovan od većine Albanaca, tako da se kao jedini relevantan smatrao čak onaj iz 1961. godine

whole text here

Kako su Šiptari s Kosova gotovo dve decenije bojkotovali državu Srbiju

Privilegija se nisu odricali
U državnim bolnicama i domovima zdravlja uvek je ostajalo u radnom odnosu bar nekoliko albanskih lekara, i to na ključnim pozicijama. Nisu se odrekli ni ličnih karata i pasoša koji su im bili neophodni za putovanja. Nisu bojkotovali državne penzije i mogućnost da otkupe stanove. Priština i danas prepuna srpskih proizvoda

BEOGRAD-Politiku bojkotovanja skoro svih segmenata države u kojoj žive, Albanci na Kosovu zvanično su započeli 17. marta 1980. Tog dana u Švajcarskoj je osnovano radikalno krilo albanskih separatista, poznato kao „Vlada u egzilu“, čiji su članovi kasnije otvoreno radili na otcepljenju Kosova, uglavnom finansirajući tu ideju. Albanci su zvanično izašli iz svih državnih institucija po dekretu koji je usvojila samozvana Pokrajinska skupština osnovana 2. jula 1990.

Pored državnih institucija, devedesetih godina Šiptari počinju da bojkotuju i sve ono što je deo života u jednoj državi, pa tako osnivaju paralelne sisteme obrazovanja, sisteme zdravstvene zaštite, vojsku... Međutim, prema rečima jednog od naših sagovornika, njihov bojkot institucija nikada nije bio potpun. Tako je, recimo, u državnim bolnicama i domovima zdravlja uvek ostajalo u radnom odnosu bar nekoliko albanskih lekara, i to na ključnim pozicijama, koji su navodno bili lojalni državi u kojoj žive. NJihova prava uloga bila je da omoguće lečenje težih bolesnika, i ispravljanje grešaka koje su napravili lekari paralelnog albanskog sistema zdravstvene zaštite koji su, ispostavlja se, bili vrlo nestručni i nisu radili u adekvatnim uslovima. Taj paralelni zdravstveni sistem je trebalo da pokaže kako Albanci na Kosmetu već imaju državu u okviru države, i da su u stanju da sami organizuju sve segmente života bez učešća i uplitanja Srba. Slično se dešavalo i sa obrazovnim sistemom, kada su bojkotovali nastavu na srpskom jeziku i odbijali da rade po usvojenom nastavnom planu i programu. Školske 1991/1992. godine, stvorili su paralelni Prištinski univerzitet odbijajući da ga prihvate kao deo državnog univerziteta. Sa druge strane, tražili su da država finansira fakultet, da obezbedi prostorije i sve drugo što je potrebno za funkcionisanje novog univerziteta. Prema rečima Čedomira Antića, ovim potezom Albanci su sami sebi naneli veliku kulturnu štetu.


Ono što je verovatno dosta pomoglo Albancima u procesu otcepljenja je i bojkotovanje popisa stanovništva. Poslednji popis na koji su izašli je onaj iz 1981. godine, za koji je bio zadužen pokrajinski Statistički zavod, koji su tada činili većinom albanski statističari, tako da je postojala sumnja u tačnost podataka. Kako saznajemo, na tom popisu mnogi su se popisivali više puta, a i prijavljene su i osobe koje su odavno preminule. Popis iz 1991. bio je bojkotovan od većine Albanaca, tako da se kao jedini relevantan smatrao čak onaj iz 1961. godine.

- Osnivati fakultete bez biblioteka, učila, prostorija i svega onoga što je ozbiljnom fakultetu neophodno je, u suštini, bilo stvaranje političkih fakulteta. Sa nastavnim programom koji nije bio kvalitetan stvorili su generacije nekvalitetnih studenata, i posledice toga se i danas osećaju. Milošević je doduše pokušao da pregovara o povratku Albanaca u državni obrazovni sistem, posredstvom nevladine organizacije iz Vatikana „Sveti Eđidio“. Nakon dugih pregovora, 1998. godine, neki od ilegalnih fakulteta su se vratili u državni sistem, ali pod svojim programom, nakon čega je usledio protest srpskih studenata. Koliko se sećam, veliki nemiri i sukobi sa policijom bili su vezani za Fakultet biologije. - Antić je dodao da je za ovakav sled događaja direktno odgovoran Milošević, koji je, da bi sačuvao svoju vlast, podržavao politiku Ibrahima Rugove. Paradoks je u tome, što je favorizovao Rugovu ne samo u odnosu na tvrdo Tačijevo krilo, već i u odnosu na svog partijskog kolegu Azema Vlasija.

Međutim, i u vreme najvećeg bojkota svega što je odlika države u kojoj žive, nisu se libili da koriste sve dobre mogućnosti koje im država pruža. Tako se, recimo, nisu odrekli ličnih karata i pasoša koji su im bili neophodni za putovanja. Nisu bojkotovali državne penzije i mogućnost da otkupe državne stanove. Iako, navodno, bojkotuju srpske proizvode, čak i danas nakon nelegalnog samootcepljenja od Srbije prodavnice su pune naših proizvoda, koji su, začudo, u Prištini jeftiniji nego u Beogradu.

12-10-2012, 11:43 PM
nice a serbian source:D and i really understand it:D

12-10-2012, 11:44 PM
Sure, you were leeching off a gov. social progs and subsidies. Something no honest person, person with a dignity, would do.
Oh, and no, it wasn't 'reward' but simple social prog for a ppl who couldn't make it on their own.

As it was mentioned twice already I was speaking of the Albanians in Albania, but just in case that didn't get through your head I will say it as well I WAS SPEAKING ABOUT THE ALBANIANS OF ALBANIA.
The "right" choice is easier said, then done when faced with it. It's easy to mention dignity because you haven't been in that situation. If having a child gives you money to feed you and your family then by all means do it. If you are able to work and there is work to be found then there is no dignity in taking government benefits, but the case with the Albanians was quite the contrary. So please don't give me this bs about Dignity I'm sure if your family members were starving, and you couldnt find work, you would have done the same. Not even to mention that in todays society we ALL directly or indirectly get benefits from the government, so where is you dignity huh?:rolleyes:

12-10-2012, 11:49 PM
nice a serbian source:D and i really understand it:D
Of course you understand .Most Albos from Kosovo know Serbian very well when its in their interest to speak it.Besides it was meant for Lena primarely and u can use google translate if you forgot Serbian :D

12-10-2012, 11:53 PM
Not even to mention that in todays society we ALL directly or indirectly get benefits from the government, so where is you dignity huh?:rolleyes:
Don't be silly pls :D We pay taxes and then, additional one which is a city tax. You know how it goes... right? Pls, enlighten me, what benefit I take via gov from other tax payers?

12-11-2012, 12:01 AM
Of course you understand .Most Albos from Kosovo know Serbian very well when its in their interest to speak it.Besides it was meant for Lena primarely and u can use google translate if you forgot Serbian :D

Hvala :)


12-11-2012, 12:21 AM
Don't be silly pls :D We pay taxes and then, additional one which is a city tax. You know how it goes... right? Pls, enlighten me, what benefit I take via gov from other tax payers?

So you understood the first part, and how what you said was as you say silly? ok good, now we are progressing.
Well for one things like, maybe college loans, social security (in the future), medicare (in the future), health insurance for your children, even to things like vaccines for children, pension, if you have a job in the federal government, the middle school and high school education you received (at least that you hopefully received). Anyways i don't know much about you so this is a tricky response, but most likely alot of things i listed you probably have benefited from or will benefit from. As for the fact that you pay taxes, please are you kidding you think those taxes alone cover all those benefits you get? most likely those who pay higher taxes are paying for some of your benefits.

12-11-2012, 12:28 AM
So you understood the first part, and how what you said was as you say silly? ok good, now we are progressing.

To be honest, you said that you were referring to Albos from Albania proper and there's exactly point where my interests stopped.

Well for one things like, maybe college loans, social security (in the future), medicare (in the future), health insurance for your children, even to things like vaccines for children, pension, if you have a job in the federal government, the middle school and high school education you received (at least that you hopefully received). Anyways i don't know much about you so this is a tricky response, but most likely alot of things i listed you probably have benefited from or will benefit from. As for the fact that you pay taxes, please are you kidding you think those taxes alone cover all those benefits you get? most likely those who pay higher taxes are paying for some of your benefits.

Tricky it was.. that's all I'm going to say, not gonna argue :)

12-11-2012, 12:38 AM
To be honest, you said that you were referring to Albos from Albania proper and there's exactly point where my interests stopped.

Tricky it was.. that's all I'm going to say, not gonna argue :)
It's "difficult" because i have to find out a specific way, and in my general statement i said we all. Therefore those that i listed i tried to apply to you according to what age i assumed you to be. But that still doesn't exclude the fact that ALL people receive gov't benefits directly or indirectly. Even if you have benefited from or will benefit from ONLY ONE of the programs i listed above, then you have received government assistance, so in fact when you criticized Albanians receiving gov't benefits is ironic since you are getting gov't help as well.
Right so no rebuttal then?
So you haven't responded to what i said, are you saying that you haven't benefited or are going to benefit from any of the things i just listed?I think we both know the truth to that.

Hurrem sultana
12-11-2012, 08:22 AM
As it was mentioned twice already I was speaking of the Albanians in Albania, but just in case that didn't get through your head I will say it as well I WAS SPEAKING ABOUT THE ALBANIANS OF ALBANIA.
The "right" choice is easier said, then done when faced with it. It's easy to mention dignity because you haven't been in that situation. If having a child gives you money to feed you and your family then by all means do it. If you are able to work and there is work to be found then there is no dignity in taking government benefits, but the case with the Albanians was quite the contrary. So please don't give me this bs about Dignity I'm sure if your family members were starving, and you couldnt find work, you would have done the same. Not even to mention that in todays society we ALL directly or indirectly get benefits from the government, so where is you dignity huh?:rolleyes:

In other words you were no different from the gypsies and arabs of western Europe that do the same fo "social":picard1::D

12-11-2012, 11:46 AM
It's "difficult" because i have to find out a specific way, and in my general statement i said we all. Therefore those that i listed i tried to apply to you according to what age i assumed you to be. But that still doesn't exclude the fact that ALL people receive gov't benefits directly or indirectly. Even if you have benefited from or will benefit from ONLY ONE of the programs i listed above, then you have received government assistance, so in fact when you criticized Albanians receiving gov't benefits is ironic since you are getting gov't help as well.
Right so no rebuttal then?
So you haven't responded to what i said, are you saying that you haven't benefited or are going to benefit from any of the things i just listed?I think we both know the truth to that.

Without going personal here with info, let me put it this way... Majority of the employed people, especially if both parents are employed, prepay all basic 'benefits' to their kids (future kids) such is schooling progs and medical insurance...of course, this applies only and only when it comes to average family of 4, unless they're sitting on the loads of money and in both cases gov assistance is ruled out. lol!
Here we were talking about leeching off the social progs and benefits, something Albos did a lot, nothing else.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:03 PM
it is better,but not good enough...we have youngest population so our numbers should be much higher

I think this is an advantage of Croats and Serbs, they are shedding, if you will, of their older population. Yeah their numbers will take a considerable hit, but in the end the birth/death ratio will equalize on European norm eventually after the old farts are gone. I presume Serbs will stabilize on 700K to 800K from their current 1,1 million (but Eastern Bosnia is probably going to become first European demographic gray zone). While Croats if they keep moving out to Croatia because of the EU and keep concentrating on Herzegovinian peripheries will drop around 300-350K or even less if Croatia goes the same way as Greece thanks to their ridiculous debt they managed to score under 10 years.

I am afraid to even think what will happen after the generation of Bosniaks which were born in 60s and 70s and basically make up around 40-50% of population "dođu na naplatu" :(

And non of you Bosniak "patriots" want to understand the 100-108 male/female demographic dis-balance and higher female births compared to male ones. Without some serious changes Bosniaks in 20-30 years will be in an incredibly shitty situation and we will be envious of today's place of Serbs and Croats.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:11 PM
when compared with albanians ,we live like sheiks...better education ,better heath care,higher salaries ...etc

That's kinda sad when you think about it...

Sarajevo was ravaged in a 4 year siege with most of being bombed into oblivion yet we have higher GDP, better educational opportunities and economic growth than Skopje, Tirana, Priština and few other places in the Deep South.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:17 PM
yeah he also wants us having at least 3 children, he is such a sicko :D

Yeah it is standard for Turkey-Greece-Israel-North Ireland leaders to make such retarded "demands" :coffee:

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:18 PM
pa jedino da se vi vratite iz bijela svijeta :P...mada je realnije da vratimo one bošnjake iz turske koji su otišli 1878 nego vas :D

Radije bih ganjao nove preobraćenike sa obrazovanjem iz Europe nego vraćao te izrode i izdajice natrag u Bosnu.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:20 PM
because you live in the Balkans and the Turkish president wants as much Turkish slaves in here as he can get...

Aren't Greeks enough for him? :confused:

Hurrem sultana
12-11-2012, 12:23 PM
Radije bih ganjao nove preobraćenike sa obrazovanjem iz Europe nego vraćao te izrode i izdajice natrag u Bosnu.

ne budi budala

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:32 PM
ne budi budala

Jesi tupav stvor.

Većina tih BIVŠIH Bošnjaka u Turskoj su pripadnici siromašnije klase, većina bez završene SSS koja im omogućava da naprduju dalje u školovanju, već su odavno asimilirani među Turke i pripadaju Turskoj naciji.

Dok s druge strane ja bih dao čitavu ukupnu populaciju Bošnjaka Skandinavije i Njemačke da dobijem (http://www.turntoislam.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52869)desetak hiljada novih Bošnjaka i Bošnjakinja na njezinom nivou. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtSnn974cik)

Idiota bez ikakvih stručnih ili tehnički vještina ima jednostavno previše u Bosni, ova teška ekonomska situacija je zapravo blagoslov u neku ruku. Riješavamo se apsulutno bezpotrebnih morona koji su se školovali za umjetnike, filozofe, pravnike, pisce ili su bili jedan od 20,000 nezaposlanih politiologa. :coffee:

12-11-2012, 12:36 PM
That's kinda sad when you think about it...

Sarajevo was ravaged in a 4 year siege with most of being bombed into oblivion yet we have higher GDP, better educational opportunities and economic growth than Skopje, Tirana, Priština and few other places in the Deep South.
40 years of hardest communism regime has really improved albania and this comparing to a 4year little war is nothing when thinking bosnia was very ahead ecomonomically compared to kosova wich was poorest region in yugoslavia and even got totally bombed and gdp or not albanians still are way richer than bosniaks,to see this just come to kosova or albania and they both are improving much faster considering they had to start from minus zero while you didnt

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:45 PM
40 years of hardest communism regime has really improved albania and this comparing to a 4year little war is nothing when thinking bosnia

The entire city was destroyed. Infrastructure, educational facilities, industry, everything was gone.

And after mere 20 years we rebuilt nearly everything, while Albanians got free of the shackles of communism much earlier nor did you suffer an invasion in which 10% of your population was dead and over a quarter had to leave their homes (in most cases never to return again) still are in the one same place they were in the early 90s.

12-11-2012, 12:49 PM
in communist time you barely had good infrastructure or any infrastructure atall in albania or any industry and there was also civil war and all chaos in 97's and kosova was also much worser than bosnia while it was equally bad before war as bosnia past war so think about it,there was nothing in kosova and only way to earn money was to work in another country

12-11-2012, 12:53 PM
And non of you Bosniak "patriots" want to understand the 100-108 male/female demographic dis-balance and higher female births compared to male ones. Without some serious changes Bosniaks in 20-30 years will be in an incredibly shitty situation and we will be envious of today's place of Serbs and Croats.

Man this is not true, there are always more boys born than girls, even in Bosnia. Boys are weaker and more likely to have dangerous and irresponsible behavior so that's why when we check some years later girls outnumber them, you can easily solve this by education and laws, there is a reason why there is a collapse of male population at the age of driving license.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 12:55 PM
Man this is not true, there is always more boys born than girls, even in Bosnia. Boys are weaker and more likely to have dangerous and irresponsible behavior so that's why when we check some years later girls outnumber them, you can easily solve this by education and laws.

Check the demographic sites you like to visit to see in Sarajevo alone how many more girls are being born compared to boys.

Hurrem sultana
12-11-2012, 12:59 PM
Check the demographic sites you like to visit to see in Sarajevo alone how many more girls are being born compared to boys.

this happenes everywhere

12-11-2012, 01:01 PM
this happenes everywhere
in albania you have more boys actually:D

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 01:01 PM
this happenes everywhere

But non of them have it high as we do. We are practically becoming a "New Russia" when it comes to numerical female domination over men.

12-11-2012, 01:08 PM
Check the demographic sites you like to visit to see in Sarajevo alone how many more girls are being born compared to boys.

There are always more baby boys.

In Sarajevo : 2411 males/2311 females.
In F.BiH : 11 014 males/10 214 females.

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 01:10 PM
There are always more boys born.

In Sarajevo : 2411 males/2311 females.
In F.BiH : 11 014 males/10 214 females.

One "good year" doesn't make up for last 15 years :bored:

12-11-2012, 01:15 PM
One "good year" doesn't make up for last 15 years :bored:

You can check here archives back to 2001


There is no male shortage at birth, maybe in older age category, but it is avoidable.

Hurrem sultana
12-11-2012, 01:21 PM
Prosipas se :D eto ispade nesto fali bosanskim muskarcima pa sad samo prave zensku djecu :D a mraz ti daje statistiku

Sultan Suleiman
12-11-2012, 01:24 PM
You can check here archives back to 2001


There is no male shortage at birth, maybe in older age category, but it is avoidable.

Yup maybe you should check up on the early 2000s till 2005 ;)

12-11-2012, 01:33 PM
Yup maybe you should check up on the early 2000s till 2005 ;)

On their publications it's always on the page N° 12 that you see on the F.BiH births and it seems that there is no exceptions to the laws of the nature. :D

12-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Check the demographic sites you like to visit to see in Sarajevo alone how many more girls are being born compared to boys.

not truth man...imamo blagi suficit mudonja

12-12-2012, 02:31 AM
In other words you were no different from the gypsies and arabs of western Europe that do the same fo "social":picard1::D

sorry but
please reread what i previously wrote?

12-12-2012, 02:38 AM
Without going personal here with info, let me put it this way... Majority of the employed people, especially if both parents are employed, prepay all basic 'benefits' to their kids (future kids) such is schooling progs and medical insurance...of course, this applies only and only when it comes to average family of 4, unless they're sitting on the loads of money and in both cases gov assistance is ruled out. lol!
Here we were talking about leeching off the social progs and benefits, something Albos did a lot, nothing else.

Like i said the taxes you pay you think cover up everything from medicare to medicaid, to pension, to social security, to school? So in fact you are benefiting from the government. You are giving something, but nothing compared to what you get in return.
As for the Albanians, like i said you haven't been in their shoes. Serbia in Yugoslavia exploited and benefited from other countries while people in Kosovo were struggling to survive. I don't even know why were talking about this, supposibly how there is no dignity to get government benefits to feed your family, i don't think you realize what you are saying, your a just too blinded in your attempts to insult the Albanians?

05-30-2014, 09:49 PM
Population growth in FBiH 2012 :

20 859 deaths :

13 933 Bosniaks
5078 Croats
1279 Serbs

569 Others (Muslims, Bosnians, Gypsies, mixed, minorities,...)

21 472 births

Unmarried : 1795

1436 Bosniaks
298 Croats
61 Others

Married and both parents have the same ethnicity 19 677 :

15 567 Bosniaks
3278 Croats
106 Serbs

726 Others

Total births :

17 003 Bosniaks
3 576 Croats
106 Serbs
787 Others

Source : http://www.fzs.ba/

Total FBiH 2012 :

+ 3070 Bosniaks
+ 218 Others
- 1502 Croats
- 1173 Serbs

It's nice to see Bosniaks still have a positive population growth, even if it's not much :)

05-30-2014, 09:57 PM
Population growth in FBiH 2012 :

20 859 deaths :

13 933 Bosniaks
5078 Croats
1279 Serbs

569 Others (Muslims, Bosnians, Gypsies, mixed, minorities,...)

21 472 births

Unmarried : 1795

1436 Bosniaks
298 Croats
61 Others

Married and both parents have the same ethnicity 19 677 :

15 567 Bosniaks.
3278 Croats.
106 Serbs.

726 Others

Total births :

17 003 Bosniaks
3 576 Croats
106 Serbs
787 Others

Total FBiH 2012 :

+ 3070 Bosniaks
+ 218 Others
- 1502 Croats
- 1173 Serbs

It's nice to see Bosniaks still have a positive population growth, even if it's not much :)

Have anything on Republika Sumska?

05-30-2014, 09:59 PM
Have anything on Republika Sumska?

Yes You can check here : http://www.rzs.rs.ba/front/article/778/?left_mi=None&add=None

I'll post the summary for RS + Brcko.

05-30-2014, 10:05 PM
Yes You can check here : http://www.rzs.rs.ba/front/article/778/?left_mi=None&add=None

I'll post the summary for RS + Brcko.

I just had a quick glance and their estimated population is dropping :whoo:

05-30-2014, 10:13 PM
For year 2012 in RS :

13 796 died :

870 Bosniaks
11 391 Serbs
238 Croats

1297 "unknowns"

9978 Births :

718 Bosniaks
8761 Serbs
51 Croats

448 "unknowns"

Total RS :

- 152 Bosniaks
- 2630 Serbs
- 849 "Unknowns"
- 187 Croats

05-30-2014, 10:46 PM
For year 2012 Brcko Distrikt :

Deaths : 923

Bosniaks : 368
Serbs : 391
Croats : 160
Others : 4

Births : 964

Bosniaks : 494
Serbs : 390
Croats : 54
Others : 26

Source : http://www.bhas.ba/publikacijebd/Demografija%20za%202012%20bilten__BOS.pdf

Total Brcko Distrikt :

+ 126 Bosniaks
+ 22 Others
- 1 Serbs
- 106 Croats

05-30-2014, 11:08 PM
Total Bosnia 2012 :

+ 3044 Bosniaks
+ 240 Others
- 3804 Serbs
- 1795 Croats
- 849 Unkowns

That's how Bosnia has a negative population growth.

And following births :

56% Bosniaks
28,5% Serbs
10,4% Croats
5,1% Others + Unknowns

06-01-2014, 06:07 PM
Total Bosnia 2012 :


And following births :

56% Bosniaks
28,5% Serbs
10,4% Croats
[B]5,1% Others + Unknowns

probably the vast majority of so called "unknown" are born in dominated Bosnjak areas so you can count most of them as Bosniak births.
that will place number of births for Bosnjaks close to 60%

06-01-2014, 08:26 PM
probably the vast majority of so called "unknown" are born in dominated Bosnjak areas so you can count most of them as Bosniak births.
that will place number of births for Bosnjaks close to 60%

Yes more likely, but I wrote what is sure I'm a sceptical person :D

The Illyrian Warrior
06-01-2014, 08:36 PM
Based on stats looks like Bosniaks have positive demographic development than I've expected while Croats the worst, but still way to go in order the genocidal entity RS to perish so the Bosniak can roam freely in entire territory of country. :)

06-01-2014, 09:28 PM
Based on stats looks like Bosniaks have positive demographic development than I've expected while Croats the worst, but still way to go in order the genocidal entity RS to perish so the Bosniak can roam freely in entire territory of country. :)

in BiH statistics there is one data missing...number of people leaving Bosnia.
it's considerable the number of Serbs that leave toward Serbia and abroad...what makes the situation difficult for them is that persons leaving are always at young age, and thus creating a big gap for the Serbian future of BiH...something similar is happening also for Croats

05-02-2015, 11:12 PM
Year 2013, FBIH :

Total births : 20.145

= 16.116 Bosniaks
= 3424 Croats
= 138 Serbs
= 467 others

Total deaths : 20.465

= 13.459 Bosniaks
= 5143 Croats
= 1230 Serbs
= 633 others

==> + 2657 Bosniaks
==> - 1719 Croats
==> - 1092 Serbs
==> - 166 others

Year 2013, RS :

Total births : 9510

= 8357 Serbs
= 617 Bosniaks
= 52 Croats
= 484 others

Total deaths : 13.978

= 11.517 Serbs
= 1029 Bosniaks
= 271 Croats
= 1161 others

==> - 3160 Serbs
==> - 412 Bosniaks
==> - 219 Croats
==> - 677 others

Year 2013, Brcko :

Total births : 896

= 435 Bosniaks
= 372 Serbs
= 63 Croats
= 26 others

Total deaths : 936

= 403 Serbs
= 357 Bosniaks
= 172 Croats
= 4 others

==> +78 Bosniaks
==> -31 Serbs
==> -109 Croats
==> +22 others

Total BiH 2013 :

==> + 2323 Bosniaks
==> - 4283 Serbs
==> - 1420 Croats
==> - 821 Others

= 56% Bosniaks
= 29% Serbs
= 11% Croats
= 4% others

Sources :


05-02-2015, 11:24 PM
Year 2013, FBIH :

Total births : 20.145

= 16.116 Bosniaks
= 3424 Croats
= 138 Serbs
= 467 others

Total deaths : 20.465

= 13.459 Bosniaks
= 5143 Croats
= 1230 Serbs
= 633 others

==> + 2657 Bosniaks
==> - 1719 Croats
==> - 1092 Serbs
==> - 166 others

Year 2013, RS :

Total births : 9510

= 8357 Serbs
= 617 Bosniaks
= 52 Croats
= 484 others

Total deaths : 13.978

= 11.517 Serbs
= 1029 Bosniaks
= 271 Croats
= 1161 others

==> - 3160 Serbs
==> - 412 Bosniaks
==> - 219 Croats
==> - 677 others

Year 2013, Brcko :

Total births : 896

= 435 Bosniaks
= 372 Serbs
= 63 Croats
= 26 others

Total deaths : 936

= 403 Serbs
= 357 Bosniaks
= 172 Croats
= 4 others

==> +78 Bosniaks
==> -31 Serbs
==> -109 Croats
==> +22 others

Total BiH 2013 :

==> + 2323 Bosniaks
==> - 4283 Serbs
==> - 1420 Croats
==> - 821 Others

= 56% Bosniaks
= 29% Serbs
= 11% Croats
= 4% others

Sources :


So, how many turban Bosniaks males and burqua Bosniaks females are included into these official BiH statistics?

05-02-2015, 11:32 PM
So, how many turban Bosniaks males and burqua Bosniaks females are included into these official BiH statistics?

At least 56% of population :)

05-02-2015, 11:36 PM
At least 56% of population :)

6-7% less what I expected, but it is fine. Wish you happy live, Bosniaks :)

05-02-2015, 11:39 PM
6-7% less what I expected, but it is fine. Wish you happy live, Bosniaks :)

I don't really understand what you mean.

05-02-2015, 11:43 PM
= 56% Bosniaks
= 29% Serbs
= 11% Croats
= 4% others

These are birth percentages?
Do these correlate in any way with overall population?

05-02-2015, 11:53 PM
These are birth percentages?
Do these correlate in any way with overall population?

Those are birth %, it's more or less acurate I guess, but the trend is there and we are a majority.
For the population, you have to wait the census, but more likely it will be a big joke, the best way to see how much there
are Bosniaks is to look births, deaths or kids in school.

05-02-2015, 11:58 PM
I don't really understand what you mean.

Never hope I can understand Bosnian from Krajina after ca 1,500 years, so I am fine with it :)

The Illyrian Warrior
05-03-2015, 12:04 AM
Any clue what might TFR of Bosniaks be along with other two groups, Serbs and Croats?

05-03-2015, 01:17 AM
Any clue what might TFR of Bosniaks be along with other two groups, Serbs and Croats?

Fertility rate in Bosnia is 1.27, it's very low and she is 5th country with fastest shrinking population. IDK for the 3 groups, it would be nice to calculate it but I have no idea how to do it, anyway I doubt Bosniaks can maintain population growth for long, we'll sooner or later have a decline if we keep this way. For the moment I enjoy seeing in 2 years -13 000 non Bosniaks and + 5300 Bosniaks. Applied during 10, 20 years we would be able to reform the State.

05-03-2015, 02:09 AM
Fertility rate in Bosnia is 1.27, it's very low and she is 5th country with fastest shrinking population. IDK for the 3 groups, it would be nice to calculate it but I have no idea how to do it, anyway I doubt Bosniaks can maintain population growth for long, we'll sooner or later have a decline if we keep this way. For the moment I enjoy seeing in 2 years -13 000 non Bosniaks and + 5300 Bosniaks. Applied during 10, 20 years we would be able to reform the State.

I think it's impossible to calculate at the moment.
You would need to know the number of births to Bosniak women in the age groups, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49 which I don't think those demographics statistics list.
As well as the total number of Bosniak women in those age groups which again there's no info on I don't think.

The rest is a straightforward math formula, if the info I read is correct anyway.

05-03-2015, 02:51 AM
I think it's impossible to calculate at the moment.
You would need to know the number of births to Bosniak women in the age groups, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49 which I don't think those demographics statistics list.
As well as the total number of Bosniak women in those age groups which again there's no info on I don't think.

The rest is a straightforward math formula, if the info I read is correct anyway.

You have the numbers of births/age for FBiH P17, but there is no age pyramid nor statistics about the number of people by age tranche, except a 0-14; 15-64; +65 repartition :/

05-03-2015, 09:05 AM
Any clue what might TFR of Bosniaks be along with other two groups, Serbs and Croats?

The fertility rate doesnt matter as much as lower fertility rate in Serbs/Croats.
If there are just 1000 Bosniaks more every year than before, but 10 000 less Serbs and Croats, thats still a 11 000 advantage for us every year.

05-03-2015, 09:30 AM
Dont get your hopes too high son, Serbs are making money in foreign countries where as you on the other hand are simply vegetating.

So you see in the old days of retirement Serbs come back to their lands and houses they built with hard work where as you simply stay vagrant beggars.

Where were filthy muslims when the floods occurred??The most international help came from Serbs in diaspora.


That's such Albanian thing to say xD
And most Serbs in diaspora are from Croatia..Quite a lot of Bosniaks I know here end up going to work abroad, a tradition from 90s when after being forcefully deported their parents worked in Germany etc. where they'd live in refugee settlements and work up a capital.

Our birthrates are proportionate to our numbers me thinks.

05-03-2015, 09:51 AM
a bosniak is here simply a construction worker, a meat nothing more.

a serb and croat on the other hand are actually integrated part of society, this is not albanism.

Don't know much about that.
I know Slovenia is regarded as a more of a transition country for gastarbeiters.Close enough to home, but less money to be earned.

How well "integrated" is one ethnic group compared to others in places like Germany, I don't know, I would guess Herzegovina Croats are leading because of the long tradition of gastarbeiting brought on by the fact Yugoslav government punished them economically after the WWII for being staunchest supporters of Ustasha regime.
Going by this logic of who's been present longest, deported Bosniaks had plenty of time to get accommodated over there during the 90s.

05-03-2015, 10:36 AM
Dont get your hopes too high son, Serbs are making money in foreign countries where as you on the other hand are simply vegetating.

So you see in the old days of retirement Serbs come back to their lands and houses they built with hard work where as you simply stay vagrant beggars.

Where were filthy muslims when the floods occurred??The most international help came from Serbs in diaspora.


a bosniak is here simply a construction worker, a meat nothing more.

a serb and croat on the other hand are actually integrated part of society, this is not albanism.

And you think I see that as a negative :laugh:

I honestly love to hear news how well Serbs live abroad. That means they are more likely to move, and as a bonus stay there, at least till pension, when they stop being useful for anything. And their children, they have grown up in Austria, Germany/Switzerland, they are unlikely to leave all of that to live in a shithole like Serbia

I hope all of you move and become filthy rich and stay in whatever country outside of Balkans you chose to live in.

05-03-2015, 10:48 AM
Serbs are dying out in Bosnia, in 2014 population growth in FBiH was -200, for entire BiH it was -5577 so guess where the -5000 are coming from?
Also, Serbia loses its population (around -35 000 in 2013) and Bosnia seems a good source for migrants as was Kosovo back in time.

06-08-2015, 02:52 PM
From this article I see that are 2 options on table for 2013 census.


option 1 with 3 793 000 people living in BiH - bosniaks 50.2%, serbs 30.4% and croats 15.7%

option 2 with 3 356 000 people living in BiH - bosniaks 49.8%, serbs 31.3% and croats 15.1%

07-04-2015, 09:11 PM
Year 2014, FBIH :

Total births : 19.933

= 15.547 Bosniaks
= 3473 Croats
= 144 Serbs
= 769 others

Total deaths : 20.283

= 13.115 Bosniaks
= 5008 Croats
= 1162 Serbs
= 998 others

==> + 2432 Bosniaks
==> - 1535 Croats
==> - 1018 Serbs
==> - 229 others
FBiH = -350 population.

Source : http://www.fzs.ba/god_bilteni/SB-218Dem2014.pdf

According to statistics for entire BiH 2014 : (http://www.bhas.ba/saopstenja/2015/DEM_2014_001_01-bos.pdf)

Births : 29.247, Deaths : 34.824, Negative growth : -5.577
That makes a negative growth of -5227 for RS+Brcko.

07-05-2015, 01:01 AM
Year 2014, FBIH :

Total births : 19.933

= 15.547 Bosniaks
= 3473 Croats
= 144 Serbs
= 769 others

Total deaths : 20.283

= 13.115 Bosniaks
= 5008 Croats
= 1162 Serbs
= 998 others

==> + 2432 Bosniaks
==> - 1535 Croats
==> - 1018 Serbs
==> - 229 others
FBiH = -350 population.

Source : http://www.fzs.ba/god_bilteni/SB-218Dem2014.pdf

According to statistics for entire BiH 2014 : (http://www.bhas.ba/saopstenja/2015/DEM_2014_001_01-bos.pdf)

Births : 29.247, Deaths : 34.824, Negative growth : -5.577
That makes a negative growth of -5227 for RS+Brcko.

Which of course is 7659 advantage to Bosniaks every year. Thats a Teslic/Jajce of Bosniaks every year

07-05-2015, 01:15 AM
When turkish president was in Bosnia he said every bosnian family should have at least 5 kids :D it was funny but smart:D

i have nothing against turks or bosniaks on a personal level but i dont like these politics he came there and insulted serbs indirectly and kinda wants a new turkish empire

07-05-2015, 10:40 AM
Which of course is 7659 advantage to Bosniaks every year. Thats a Teslic/Jajce of Bosniaks every year

Ovako 20 godina ako Bog da :D

07-13-2015, 06:22 PM


07-14-2015, 01:30 PM


Majke mi nista ljepse nego sjesti, jesti hladno grozdje i citati statistiku o izumiranju Srba :D

07-19-2015, 09:43 PM
Majke mi nista ljepse nego sjesti, jesti hladno grozdje i citati statistiku o izumiranju Srba :D

To ti je poklon za rodjendan :D

08-06-2015, 02:44 PM
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/BiH_population_density_map_2013_by_municipalities. png

http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j371/Almir_Burovic/Prirodni%20prirastaj%20Bosnjaci%20FBIH%202014%20fi nal.png

The Destroyer
08-19-2015, 07:17 PM
Not sure if this fits the topic, but I found something interesting. Apparent population censuses from Ottoman times. One period caught my attention especially.


Is it really possible that Bosnian uprising of 1831-1833 resulted in 120000 Bosniak deaths? I imagined Turks would hunt down some of the participators, but this figure is a bit extreme. Maybe there was a plague or something else at the time?
They did fill the gap by settling 260000 new Orthodogs though, typical.

08-20-2015, 12:13 AM
IDK where you find it, but the first census in Bosnia happened during A-H era.
About the deaths, I read 1/3 of Bosnia's inhabitants were slayed during "anti-heretic" crusades...Since it happened long ago I guess we minimalize those events, but compared to the 90's war all the conflict had much more impact, in number and % of population.

08-20-2015, 12:13 AM
IDK where you find it, but the first census in Bosnia happened during A-H era.
About the deaths, I read 1/3 of Bosnia's inhabitants were slayed during "anti-heretic" crusades...Since it happened long ago I guess we minimalize those events, but compared to the 90's war all the conflict had much more impact, in number and % of population.