View Full Version : Classify Eva Kerekesova

12-11-2012, 10:41 AM
http://www.abload.de/img/dazdova-vila-eva-kerecgyzq.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/evakerekesova1qqafx.jpg


http://www.abload.de/img/gameblog-53943xnajp.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/22881-destova-vila-ev5was3.jpg


12-11-2012, 10:46 AM
Naughty girl from Slovakia :p

Looks more Celtic than Slavic to me

12-11-2012, 10:54 AM
Naughty girl from Slovakia :p

Indeed :naughty2:

do you think she can be neo-danubian?

Incel King
12-11-2012, 11:01 AM
Alpinid + Baltoid.

12-11-2012, 11:02 AM
Indeed :naughty2:

do you think she can be neo-danubian?

According to my knowledge the term Neo Danubian was invented by Coon to classify people from Central Europe (Hungary, Slovakia, Austria) who don`t fit in another category. So yes in this sense it is right.

If we take he whole description it is not fitting:

From SNAP:

Danubian proto-Nordic altered by the semi-mongolid Ladogan racial type of the northeastern forests. This type was brought westward from the Volga country with the migrations of the Baltic Finns during the centuries immediately preceding and after the time of Christ. Today it presents a variable but easily recognizable phenotype of eastern Europe.


Neo-Danubians are very round-skulled, and their cephalic indices frequently exceed 85. The head form is globular, and the forehead is steep and not seldom protuberant. The face is square to oval in shape, and the combination of a round face and a plump cheek is common. There is often a slight flatness to the Neo-Danubian face.

The nose is moderately leptorrhine, straight to concave in profile, and often snub-tipped in a Ladogan fashion. The nasal skeleton is rather low, with a broad tip.

The upper lip is long and convex, and the cheek furrows are as a rule strong.

Median eyefolds are indicative of a low orbit a heavy deposit of fat in the upper lid. Another fatty deposit - on the malars - seems to be a secondary sex character, as it is most common among women. The malars are only moderately projecting, especially when compared to those of East Baltics and Ladogans.

Neo-Danubian pigmentation is more blond than brunet, and the pigment character is prevailingly light-mixed. The combination of ash-blond hair with gray-mixed eyes seems to be a specialization shared with East Baltics and partially blond Ladogans, but the most common combination is golden blond hair and blue eyes.