View Full Version : anthropological note on southasia, what do you think?

12-11-2012, 05:54 PM
note on southasia
-southasia and the diversity of the world was predominantly described by europeans and a few People who worked with european concepts.
-obviously there are phenotypical differences among southasians, some will be darker and differing traits then others, depends on the Region, caste, ethnic Group. but im not sure if it can be described as different races let alone meta-races (caucasoid, negroid, australoid, mongoloid). those are eurocentric concepts to describe the world and southasia, they find somewhere a "caucasoid" skull and claimed there have been the superior White man. there are phentoypical differences in europe too some will be darker and yelowisher in Skin tone and with rounder broader head with slanter eyes then others, but no one will say those are different meta-races but subvarieties within european race. i think the southasians are not that much different from one another to be described as different meta-races. also to me southindian tribals dont look like aboriginals to be grouped with them. they look more evolved, graciler, and less archaic. so im not sure if any native ethnic Group in southasia is australoid.
-the perception of southasia within europeans changed a few times in history, as describing all as part aboriginals to idealise the northwest Indian high castes as textbook caucasian.
-obviously genetics is a Revival of old europeancentric concepts of race reality
-fairest would be if a multiracial consortium representing every race, every Region, every Country would sit down and describe the racial diversity we have on the planet with emphasis on their own Region. of course they should be Independent and not influenced by politics, lobbies, Money they receive from
-maybe southasians shouldnt be labeled as caucasoid and proto-australoid or a gradual mixture thereof but maybe have a compeltely different Label, a own race, with subvarieties.