View Full Version : Dublin today

08-03-2009, 02:13 AM

It's interesting to watch snippets of towns and cities across the world. You expect to see a difference from your own home town and perhaps be enriched by the new experiences you find...but that video just made me remember that each town and city across Europe is one uniform of multiculturalism.
In a bid to bring in "diversity", the elite has done the complete opposite.
All that can be seen now is one culture, one people, all ruled over by one power; the EU. :wof:

Sol Invictus
08-03-2009, 02:24 AM
They tell us it is in the name of diversity and acceptance which are buzzwords that we know just as well as they know that doesn't work. We all know that those unbrainwashed by mtv and other people who don't suffer from that sort of mental disease, know that people and animals prefer to be with their own kind because it is natural and it is the right order of things. Those trying to bring diversity to Dublin and everywhere else in this world are begging for a sectarian powder keg to explode. To watch the balkanization of Nations, watch the susbsequent tribal based violence blow up, then here they come to pick up the pieces and mold our lands and it's laws to whatever it is to their liking. What a sick world order we live in.