View Full Version : what kind of an economy Atatürk proposed for turkey in his time as leader?

01-05-2013, 12:05 AM
i heard he was more liberal at the start but then he had more state capitalism.

01-05-2013, 12:24 AM
Mixed economy.

i heard he was more liberal at the start but then he had more state capitalism.
Correct, and mostly out of necessity than an ideological shift.

01-05-2013, 08:49 AM
As far as I read they identify it as "not liberal,not socialist".It was more liberal at first but turned more statist after 1929.

01-05-2013, 11:55 AM
i heard he was more liberal at the start but then he had more state capitalism.
He tried to create an economical style of it`s own by adding some socialist elements to the liberal capitalism in the name of securing ordinary people`s rights.

So, it was some kind of fusion but ofc it was mainly the liberal capitalism based on free market and classical European way of industrialism.

01-06-2013, 03:21 PM
Atatürk 1932 yılında bir sohbet sırasında, 'Kemalizm diyorsunuz, ne demek Kemalizm?' sorusunu sormakta ve Kemalizm, Socialisme d'Etat (Devlet sosyalizmi) demektir' diye yanıtlamaktadır... (Reşat Kaynar, Atatürkçülük Nedir? Varlık Yay. S. 144. 1965)


In 1932, one professor called Reşit Kaynar asked Atatürk, "You say Kemalism, but what is it exactly?" Atatürk's answer:"Kemalism is Socialisme d'Etat."(State Socialism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_socialism))

I think Statist/Kemalist economy is similar to Ferdinand Lassalle's "State Socialism". That is why almost all of Kemalists are left-wingers.

01-07-2013, 04:50 PM
State socialism. It's also one of the six principles of Kemalism.

Cannabis Sativa
01-07-2013, 05:27 PM
Our Kemalist fellas established a nice elitist system after Atatürk sucking up all the things for their militarist good and beurocratic purposes. Especially İnönü. I remember when İnönü died Kemalist cried a sea. I listened from my cave in Peru.