View Full Version : Classify Welsh Comdedians

01-06-2013, 06:14 PM

awyr dywyll
01-06-2013, 06:58 PM

01-06-2013, 06:59 PM
I'd be tempted to go for Atlantid for both of them. Great comedians.

01-06-2013, 07:00 PM
first looks Atlanto Brunn, Second is Atlandid I think

Aunt Hilda
01-06-2013, 07:02 PM
first looks Atlanto Brunn, Second is Atlandid I think

second that

01-06-2013, 09:09 PM
both atlantid-brunnish

01-06-2013, 09:10 PM
Almost identical and usual head shapes especially jaws.

"would I lie to you" is a funny show.

01-06-2013, 09:13 PM
1- Atlanto-Brünn
2- Atlantid

What are their places of origin Graham?

01-06-2013, 09:18 PM
What are their places of origin Graham?

Griffith Rhys Jones - Cardiff, Wales
Rob Brydon (Robert Brydon Jones) - Baglan, Wales

Think they both look indigenous British. As in pre-Germanic & Scandinavian Britain.

Like Atlanto-Brunn-Keltic

01-06-2013, 09:20 PM
Griffith Rhys Jones - Cardiff, Wales
Rob Brydon (Robert Brydon Jones) - Baglan, Wales

Think they both look indigenous British. As in pre-Germanic & Scandinavian Britain.

Like Atlanto-Brunn-Keltic

Thank you mate, I agree with you.

Interesting, I definitely fit in Wales. :coffee:

01-06-2013, 09:26 PM
Think they both look indigenous British. As in pre-Germanic & Scandinavian Britain.

What makes you think that the indigenous Brits were of this sub-racial type?

Aunt Hilda
01-06-2013, 09:27 PM
What makes you think that the indigenous Brits were of this sub-racial type?

the history of wales

01-06-2013, 09:39 PM
What makes you think that the indigenous Brits were of this sub-racial type?

I say indigenous as a lose term. Don't make me think too hard. lol There would have been different variations back then.

Neolithics & the Celts. It's the dark Atlantid type. A type found more in places like Wales.


01-06-2013, 10:03 PM
Don't make me think too hard. lol
Don't worry, mate. I never ask of others what I'm not prepared to do myself! :D

Neolithics & the Celts. It's the dark Atlantid type. A type found more in places like Wales.


So it's because of frequency, mostly related to pigmentation that you've come to this conclusion? It's interesting for me... my Dad would be of a very similar type (regarding facial morphology), but with pale, freckly skin that never tans at all, pale blonde hair and blue eyes. (His background is mostly English but with some Scottish and Welsh also.) Most people on these sorts of forums would (and have) classified him as SkandoNordid, therefore implying that his racial type had come with the Germanics. But put dark hair and slightly darker skin on him and all of a sudden you'd have what would be considered a dark Atlantid (native to the Brit Isles). Doesn't make sense to me.

01-06-2013, 10:04 PM
the history of wales

Can you elaborate?

01-06-2013, 10:07 PM
Don't worry, mate. I never ask of others what I'm not prepared to do myself! :D

So it's because of frequency, mostly related to pigmentation that you've come to this conclusion? It's interesting for me... my Dad would be of a very similar type (regarding facial morphology), but with pale, freckly skin that never tans at all, pale blonde hair and blue eyes. (His background is mostly English but with some Scottish and Welsh also.) Most people on these sorts of forums would (and have) classified him as SkandoNordid, therefore implying that his racial type had come with the Germanics. But put dark hair and slightly darker skin on him and all of a sudden you'd have what would be considered a dark Atlantid (native to the Brit Isles). Doesn't make sense to me.

Looks to me that pre Celto-Germanic populations of both areas were probably quite similar already, so it may just be due to phenotypical overlap.

Aunt Hilda
01-06-2013, 10:07 PM
Can you elaborate?

god knows i don't remember lol
It was mentioned on QI i think
just wikipedia it

01-06-2013, 10:14 PM
Obviously a Crunchy Nut! :rofl_002:


Aunt Hilda
01-06-2013, 10:15 PM
Obviously a Crunchy Nut! :rofl_002:



Mans not hot
01-06-2013, 10:18 PM
So it's because of frequency, mostly related to pigmentation that you've come to this conclusion? It's interesting for me... my Dad would be of a very similar type (regarding facial morphology), but with pale, freckly skin that never tans at all, pale blonde hair and blue eyes. (His background is mostly English but with some Scottish and Welsh also.) Most people on these sorts of forums would (and have) classified him as SkandoNordid, therefore implying that his racial type had come with the Germanics. But put dark hair and slightly darker skin on him and all of a sudden you'd have what would be considered a dark Atlantid (native to the Brit Isles). Doesn't make sense to me.
Exactly and that is why I don't like about anthropology.

01-06-2013, 10:18 PM
So it's because of frequency, mostly related to pigmentation that you've come to this conclusion? It's interesting for me... my Dad would be of a very similar type (regarding facial morphology), but with pale, freckly skin that never tans at all, pale blonde hair and blue eyes. (His background is mostly English but with some Scottish and Welsh also.) Most people on these sorts of forums would (and have) classified him as SkandoNordid, therefore implying that his racial type had come with the Germanics. But put dark hair and slightly darker skin on him and all of a sudden you'd have what would be considered a dark Atlantid (native to the Brit Isles). Doesn't make sense to me.

There's a general laziness when it comes to hair colours. Those thin, straight & downwards nose types, that the two Welsh have, are very typical for Britain. That's the first thing I look at.

You're better asking Finbay, Pallantides & the Scandanvians. Also us brits. With him.

My brother is blonde and blue eyed, but still looks very British.

If you're most typical for Britain/Ireland and not Norway, Denmark etc.. That's a good sign.

01-06-2013, 10:18 PM
Atlantid-Bruenn for both of them.

Very native British.

01-06-2013, 10:20 PM
Can you elaborate?

The indigenous (pre-Celtic) population of Britain is Atlantid and Paleo-Atlantid inspired. Celtic populations, mainly Brythonic Celts got great part of their look from these pre-Celtic peoples.

Fair characteristics like light eyes, skin and hair were introduced in the isles through the Germanic invasions (Anglos, Saxons, Frisians, Scandinavians...). And probably your father is some sort of Atlanto-Nordid, but not necessarily.

Skandonordid (and any other Nordid types) share a characteristic with the Atlantids, that is the fact that both have more progressive features, so yes, they can overlap a little.

01-06-2013, 10:23 PM
Don't worry, mate. I never ask of others what I'm not prepared to do myself! :D

So it's because of frequency, mostly related to pigmentation that you've come to this conclusion? It's interesting for me... my Dad would be of a very similar type (regarding facial morphology), but with pale, freckly skin that never tans at all, pale blonde hair and blue eyes. (His background is mostly English but with some Scottish and Welsh also.) Most people on these sorts of forums would (and have) classified him as SkandoNordid, therefore implying that his racial type had come with the Germanics. But put dark hair and slightly darker skin on him and all of a sudden you'd have what would be considered a dark Atlantid (native to the Brit Isles). Doesn't make sense to me.

Atlantids and Nordids and to a lesser extent Mediterraneans are very similar morphologically, the only real difference is pigmentation.

01-06-2013, 10:25 PM
Nordiforms = Neolithic Invaders :D

01-06-2013, 10:26 PM
Trying to do a morph, those with a Keltic influences of some sort, like Keltic-Nordid & Antlanto-Keltic... etc..

I've put the pictures together..Think all these folk look very British, ones Irish. I mentioned about the nose. :P


01-06-2013, 10:29 PM
Trying to do a morph, those with a Keltic influences of some sort, like Keltic-Nordid & Antlanto-Keltic... etc..

. I've put the pictures together..Think all these folk look very British, ones Irish. I mentioned about the nose. :P

All of them look good in there apart from the Bell Beaker type ones like christopher eccleston. Somehow don't seem right in the same category because the nose is very different to the normal Keltic type like Tilda Swinton

01-06-2013, 10:29 PM
^^All look either very British/Irish or Northern French/Dutch-Belgian.

01-06-2013, 10:31 PM
All of them look good in there apart from the Bell Beaker type ones like christopher eccleston. Somehow don't seem right in the same category because the nose is very different to the normal Keltic type like Tilda Swinton

ta, was hoping someone, would pick someone out, I could chuck. :D

01-06-2013, 10:34 PM
the Keltic type has got to be one of the most interchangeable sub-races though. It's distinctive but there are many different looks to it.

Mans not hot
01-06-2013, 10:37 PM
Durrerque = Aviane/Cleemont?

01-06-2013, 10:42 PM

He really does sound like small man in a box! :laugh:


01-06-2013, 10:43 PM
Durrerque = Aviane/Cleemont?

You could pass in Brittany, England & Shut the fuck Upistan.

Aviane told me to say that. Don't shoot the messenger.

01-06-2013, 10:59 PM
Rhys Jones in his youth (with the paint brush) :


awyr dywyll
01-07-2013, 09:15 AM
Fair characteristics like light eyes, skin and hair were introduced in the isles through the Germanic invasions (Anglos, Saxons, Frisians, Scandinavians...). And probably your father is some sort of Atlanto-Nordid, but not necessarily.

Depigmented people were introduced in Britain long before Germans. Moreover blonde Anglo-Saxons/vikings is just a stereotype.

Lemon Kush
01-07-2013, 09:32 AM
1. Brunn/Atlantid
2. Kelticized Atlantid with strong Brunn influence.

01-07-2013, 12:51 PM
Depigmented people were introduced in Britain long before Germans. Moreover blonde Anglo-Saxons/vikings is just a stereotype.

I don't think that the aboriginal British were light featured. I am not saying they were wogs, but certainly they were not as light as the types brought by the Germanic invasions. I guess Richard Hammond is a good example of how pre-Celtic Brits looked like.

01-07-2013, 01:28 PM
Sounds like fantasy on your part, Uhtred... unless you can back up your assertions with historical documentation or such like.

XtraXavier, I agree that it's all a load of cobblers. All of this anthropolgical speculation is based on "pie in the sky", outdated theories of men who were always motivated by political agendas, rather than finding historical truths.

There's no reason to believe that depigmentation, as it were, was never native to the British Isles and only a result of genetic mixing with Germanics. I'm not saying that it was a native physical characteristic though, just that there's no way of knowing either way now.

Presenting fantastical opinions as facts is quite ridiculous.

01-07-2013, 01:36 PM
There's more than one occasion of Roman writers describing Brits as fair, or at least some. Of course the Silures were described as short, dark with curly hair and the Picts as tall and red headed. Tacitus was convinced this is because they had a German origin, but probably this was because the Germans had set a northern European standard in terms of looks. After all i could claim that that all red hair in Germany comes from Britain, which is untrue and is basically the same as Tacitus' claim.

It's almost certain there were blond and red headed people in Celtic Britain and Ireland, just they were made more common by Germanic intrusions. If we want to start arguing that these happened thousands of years ago - they would be pre-Germanic, pre-Celtic anyway. Red hair in the isles could have become much more common than in other areas through selection or something similar, but i don't know if there is any basis for that argument.

01-07-2013, 02:04 PM
Sounds like fantasy on your part, Uhtred... unless you can back up your assertions with historical documentation or such like.

Care to elaborate? Why do you think aboriginal Brits were light? If Celts and Germanic are light, so were did Dark Brits come from? From the pre-Celtic populations.

There's more than one occasion of Roman writers describing Brits as fair, or at least some. Of course the Silures were described as short, dark with curly hair and the Picts as tall and red headed. Tacitus was convinced this is because they had a German origin, but probably this was because the Germans had set a northern European standard in terms of looks. After all i could claim that that all red hair in Germany comes from Britain, which is untrue and is basically the same as Tacitus' claim.

It's almost certain there were blond and red headed people in Celtic Britain and Ireland, just they were made more common by Germanic intrusions. If we want to start arguing that these happened thousands of years ago - they would be pre-Germanic, pre-Celtic anyway. Red hair in the isles could have become much more common than in other areas through selection or something similar, but i don't know if there is any basis for that argument.

Really? I read some Romans sources that state that the Picts were short and dark. As for the Brythonic Celts, of course there were light types, but I also belive there were dark types. How to explain the quite high incidence of dark Brits in Wales and Western England?

01-07-2013, 02:12 PM
Care to elaborate? Why do you think aboriginal Brits were light? If Celts and Germanic are light, so were did Dark Brits come from? From the pre-Celtic populations.

Really? I read some Romans sources that state that the Picts were short and dark. As for the Brythonic Celts, of course there were light types, but I also belive there were dark types. How to explain the quite high incidence of dark Brits in Wales and Western England?

Well yeah. This doesn't mean that the Picts were one or the other, rather both. You know an Irish bog body (can't remember the name, will look for it in a bit) from around the Roman period in Britain was 6"6'.

The darker phenotypes in Wales and the West are most likely due to the fact that the Brythonic peoples were darker than their Germanic counterparts on average, but you are looking at it too black and white. Sure there must have been a higher frequency of dark types among them, but this doesn't mean that they were all dark. Also, Germanic invaders would have had their own dark types as well, just less of them.

01-07-2013, 02:16 PM
Well yeah. This doesn't mean that the Picts were one or the other, rather both. You know an Irish bog body (can't remember the name, will look for it in a bit) from around the Roman period in Britain was 6"6'.

The darker phenotypes in Wales and the West are most likely due to the fact that the Brythonic peoples were darker than their Germanic counterparts on average, but you are looking at it too black and white. Sure there must have been a higher frequency of dark types among them, but this doesn't mean that they were all dark. Also, Germanic invaders would have had their own dark types as well, just less of them.

Yes, thank you. That's exactly what I was trying to tell that Australian girl. :thumb001:

01-07-2013, 07:34 PM
Care to elaborate? Why do you think aboriginal Brits were light? If Celts and Germanic are light, so were did Dark Brits come from? From the pre-Celtic populations.

There's no reason to believe that depigmentation, as it were, was never native to the British Isles and only a result of genetic mixing with Germanics. I'm not saying that it was a native physical characteristic though, just that there's no way of knowing either way now.


In any case, I wasn't challenging the idea that native Brits were dark in part, just the idea that blondism in the Isles came with Germanic migrations. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. I think it's highly unlikely that fair skin and fair eyes came with the said migrants/invaders though.

Yes, thank you. That's exactly what I was trying to tell that Australian girl.

Why didn't you tell me that then? I wasn't trying to provoke you by asking why you made the assertion that you did, I was genuinely interested in knowing if you had some knowledge about the subject that I wasn't aware of. Seems not though. Disappointing.

01-07-2013, 07:38 PM

01-07-2013, 08:12 PM

In any case, I wasn't challenging the idea that native Brits were dark in part, just the idea that blondism in the Isles came with Germanic migrations. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. I think it's highly unlikely that fair skin and fair eyes came with the said migrants/invaders though.

Why didn't you tell me that then? I wasn't trying to provoke you by asking why you made the assertion that you did, I was genuinely interested in knowing if you had some knowledge about the subject that I wasn't aware of. Seems not though. Disappointing.

Maybe light features could already be present in the Isles before the Germanic invasions, but I guess they were not as strong as they became after Germanics set foot in Britain.

Many Roman sources describe natives as light, and many as describe them as dark. I just believe the average aboriginal Britishman was darker than his Germanic fellows that came from the East.

Wales and West England didn't suffer the same Germanic influence as East Britain did, and it is right in those areas (West) that most of the dark Brits come from.

awyr dywyll
01-08-2013, 07:49 AM
I don't think that the aboriginal British were light featured. I am not saying they were wogs, but certainly they were not as light as the types brought by the Germanic invasions. .

Ancient writers described southern Britts as very similar to Gaul (that's a cross between Med and Nordid). Silures (southern Welsh) as similar to Iberians with dark hair. and Caledonians as very light, similar to Germans. So we can assume that population of Northern England and Scotland (future Picts) was depigmented in the mass. Besides that, Boadicea was with red hair and bog mummy of aristocrat (Clonycavan Man) lived in Eastern Ireland in 3 BC had red hair also. So hypothesis that all British Nordids arrived during German invasions, looks unrealistic.
Also, there's no evidence how looked Anglo-Saxons in reality. I don't think that they differed dramatically from native Britts.

I guess Richard Hammond is a good example of how pre-Celtic Brits looked like
Or there could be another scenario, Native Britts looked like James May. and Jezzas arrived on boats from Ireland and Hammonds arrived from Netherlands :)

01-08-2013, 11:08 AM
Ancient writers described southern Britts as very similar to Gaul (that's a cross between Med and Nordid). Silures (southern Welsh) as similar to Iberians with dark hair. and Caledonians as very light, similar to Germans. So we can assume that population of Northern England and Scotland (future Picts) was depigmented in the mass. Besides that, Boadicea was with red hair and bog mummy of aristocrat (Clonycavan Man) lived in Eastern Ireland in 3 BC had red hair also. So hypothesis that all British Nordids arrived during German invasions, looks unrealistic.
Also, there's no evidence how looked Anglo-Saxons in reality. I don't think that they differed dramatically from native Britts.

Or there could be another scenario, Native Britts looked like James May. and Jezzas arrived on boats from Ireland and Hammonds arrived from Netherlands :)

I never said that all the Nordid Brits came with the Germanic invasions, actually on my last post I said exactly the contrary. And Frisians came from Frisia... Netherlands.

11-07-2014, 06:26 PM
Rob Brydon: Paleo-Atlantid/Tronder.

Tooting Carmen
01-27-2015, 09:57 PM

07-12-2015, 08:17 PM
The indigenous (pre-Celtic) population of Britain is Atlantid and Paleo-Atlantid inspired. Celtic populations, mainly Brythonic Celts got great part of their look from these pre-Celtic peoples.

Fair characteristics like light eyes, skin and hair were introduced in the isles through the Germanic invasions (Anglos, Saxons, Frisians, Scandinavians...). And probably your father is some sort of Atlanto-Nordid, but not necessarily.

Skandonordid (and any other Nordid types) share a characteristic with the Atlantids, that is the fact that both have more progressive features, so yes, they can overlap a little.

Nonsense! The only thing that Germanic people brought was ash-blondism. Golden, red hair, blue eyes were present way before Anglo-Saxon invasion.