View Full Version : [-GRAPHIC] Swede beaten in Malmö cinema by immigrants

01-06-2013, 06:31 PM
This guy got beaten up by 6 immigrants in Sweden, Malmö.

It happened inside a cinema in Malmö. The immigrants were talking and disturbing the audience.
A woman asked if they could keep it down.
Their reply was that she could shut up.
They continued. This guy had enough, and also asked if they could keep it down.

When the film was done, one of the immigrants hit this guys friend in the head.
He went after them and said "You don't behave like that".
The outcome? Six immigrants started beating him up.





HIS FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/filip.wennerlund.9

Can any kind Swede please translate his FB description into English? Thanks. :)

"Så här "snygg" blir man om man säger ifrån inne på en biosalong i Malmö. Sex stycken killar med utländsk bakgrund sitter och pratar högt och beter sig illa när filmen har börjat. När en kvinna säger till grabbarna att vara tysta, så svarar dem med att säga till henne att hålla käften. Jag säger också till killarna. Killarna lugnar ner sig. För stunden.. Börjar efter ett tag att störa igen. När det återstår fem minuter av filmen så lämnar killarna salongen. Sista killen slår till min kompis i huvudet med en öppen hand. Jag går då ut i gången efter killen och säger "så kan man inte bete sig" då vänder sig han och hans fem kompisar om och börjar slå mig med knytnävsslag. Näsan blev knäckt, kraftig blåtira ömmande skalle som resultat. Polisen griper alla killarna efter en snabb och bra insats. Vill tacka ett vittne som följde efter killarna och kunde peka ut dem åt polisen.
Detta skriver inte jag för att få sympati. Utanför att alla som läser detta ska fråga sig vilket samhälle vill vi alla egentligen leva i? Reagerar man inte mot orättvisor vad får vi då för samhälle?"

01-06-2013, 06:32 PM
And we are called "fascists" for wanting immigrants out of our countries... Those immigrants that come from 3rd world countries where there is no law or civilization, they come to 1st world countries with their 3rd world brains and we are supposed to not be against that. Now I hope more people will start to realize that.

01-06-2013, 06:36 PM
The problem is that the immigrants move but their mindset and standards of behavior don't change to fit the new country.

King Claus
01-06-2013, 07:29 PM
fucking retards.

01-06-2013, 08:12 PM
"This is how "good looking" one gets when one speaks up inside a movie theater in Malmö.
Six foreigners sat and talked loudly, and behaved badly when the movie had started; that is when a woman told the guys to be quiet, the guys answered with telling her to shut up. I did as the woman. The guys calmed down, for a moment... But started to make a fuss again after a while.
When 5 minutes remained of the movie, the guys left the salon. The last guy hit my friend in the head with an opened fist. I then stepped out on the platform following the guy, saying "one should not behave that way"; he and his 5 friends then turned around and started punching me with closed fists.
The nose got cracked, a heavy black eye and a achy head as a result.
The police arrested the guys quickly and good. I want to thank a witness that followed the guys and could point them out to the police.
I do not write this to get sympathy, but to (he wrote outside) get everyone who reads this to ask themselves; what kind of a society do we actually want to live in? If one does not react against injustice, then what kind of society do we get?"

01-06-2013, 08:41 PM
This is what our freedom, human rights, and democracy give us, our people getting beat up in our own country by immigrants and our government not being able to do anything against it without being called fascists and nazis.

01-06-2013, 08:55 PM
Welcome to Eurabia. If he reports it he'll probably be punished for cultural insensitivity and have to pay a jizra.

01-08-2013, 07:20 PM
europe needs capital punishment again

01-08-2013, 07:24 PM
We have to send back these camelshits to their shitty states of sand and scorpions.

King Claus
01-08-2013, 07:26 PM
We have to send back these camelshits to their shitty states of sand and scorpions.

They Will never go willingly though, woman like these will hunt them down xD

01-08-2013, 10:29 PM
Europe, once a great continent and culture. We are doomed. Little by little they are taking away our culture and everything we believed in.

01-09-2013, 07:12 AM
Europe, once a great continent and culture. We are doomed. Little by little they are taking away our culture and everything we believed in.

Nationalism is rising in all our countries and soon blood will be spilling all across Europe. So many people are becoming violently nationalist. I believe our cultures will survive. We have been in worse times before.

01-09-2013, 07:20 AM
Yes, eventually we will repel all these fucks. Middle Easterners, North Africans, SSA , and the rest. Dirty scum, just like their appearance.

01-09-2013, 07:30 AM
Why not put a bullet on each of those fuckers? Oh wait, sweden has no gun laws!
It must be depressing as hell to get beat up on your home by some foreigners.
I would simply kill them all if i could find them. I wouldn't even file charges.

01-09-2013, 07:48 AM
Why not put a bullet on each of those fuckers? Oh wait, sweden has no gun laws!
It must be depressing as hell to get beat up on your home by some foreigners.
I would simply kill them all if i could find them. I wouldn't even file charges.

Well no gun laws, means a man like Breivik will come out with lots of guns to do what all the rest want to and will "take one for the nation"... I am surprised a "Breivik" did not come out in Greece and take one for the nation, with that many illegal immigrants who kill and steal everyday, still nothing :confused:.

01-09-2013, 07:56 AM
This guy got beaten up by 6 immigrants in Sweden, Malmö.

It happened inside a cinema in Malmö. The immigrants were talking and disturbing the audience.
A woman asked if they could keep it down.
Their reply was that she could shut up.
They continued. This guy had enough, and also asked if they could keep it down.

When the film was done, one of the immigrants hit this guys friend in the head.
He went after them and said "You don't behave like that".
The outcome? Six immigrants started beating him up.





HIS FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/filip.wennerlund.9

Can any kind Swede please translate his FB description into English? Thanks. :)

"Så här "snygg" blir man om man säger ifrån inne på en biosalong i Malmö. Sex stycken killar med utländsk bakgrund sitter och pratar högt och beter sig illa när filmen har börjat. När en kvinna säger till grabbarna att vara tysta, så svarar dem med att säga till henne att hålla käften. Jag säger också till killarna. Killarna lugnar ner sig. För stunden.. Börjar efter ett tag att störa igen. När det återstår fem minuter av filmen så lämnar killarna salongen. Sista killen slår till min kompis i huvudet med en öppen hand. Jag går då ut i gången efter killen och säger "så kan man inte bete sig" då vänder sig han och hans fem kompisar om och börjar slå mig med knytnävsslag. Näsan blev knäckt, kraftig blåtira ömmande skalle som resultat. Polisen griper alla killarna efter en snabb och bra insats. Vill tacka ett vittne som följde efter killarna och kunde peka ut dem åt polisen.
Detta skriver inte jag för att få sympati. Utanför att alla som läser detta ska fråga sig vilket samhälle vill vi alla egentligen leva i? Reagerar man inte mot orättvisor vad får vi då för samhälle?"

Beaten but proud, he wasn't intimidated and stood his ground. A thousand like him and there's still hope for Sweden.

01-09-2013, 07:59 AM
He was looking for it and he got away easy.