View Full Version : How common are Blue eyes in Portugal

01-06-2013, 09:41 PM
How common would you say? And the Portuguese posters here. How many relatives do you have with blue eyes?

01-07-2013, 04:05 PM
Blue eyes are rare.
Probably only around 5 % of the population has them.

I have two cousins and an uncle with blue eyes, in a total of 38 cousins/uncles.

01-07-2013, 04:07 PM
Aren't light eyes about 30%?

01-07-2013, 04:11 PM
It seems to be not so common. All my Portuguese acquaintances had brown eyes.

01-07-2013, 04:16 PM
Aren't light eyes about 30%?

yes, around that.
5% is for pure blue eyes.
Green eyes are far more common, or some kind of mix.
for example all of my father's 7 brothers have green or greenish blue eyes.

01-07-2013, 05:03 PM
I would say about half of them with light eyes.Mums side almost all have Green(Mostly) and blue.My Dads side mainly Brown with occasional light one.

I've got Brown like Dad and my Sis has Green like my Mum.

01-07-2013, 06:35 PM
Green eyes count as mixed or light-mixed.

Damiăo de Góis
01-07-2013, 08:56 PM
Not very common, most people have brown or hazel eyes. I'm not sure about the exact percentage.

My closest family is mostly green eyed, but we are not the rule.

01-07-2013, 08:57 PM
Aren't light eyes about 30%?

That would probably include colours like hazel.

01-07-2013, 09:03 PM
As for my Portuguese side. My Grandfather and my great Grandmother have blue eyes. I also have a blue eyed cousin

01-07-2013, 09:05 PM
Blue eyes are rare.
Probably only around 5 % of the population has them...

Aren't light eyes about 30%?

'Blue eyes' is not solely synonymous to 'Light eyes'.

According Peter Frost, Light eyes fall in between 20-49% of the Portuguese population.

There's a higher frequency of Green and Hazel eyes among Portuguese people, than Blue, if that's what's your asking.
Brown eyes predominate nevertheless.

Atlantic Islander
01-07-2013, 09:08 PM
There's a branch of my family that has quite a few blue-eyed people. The rest of my family has Brown (majority), Hazel, & Green. Also a few with heterochromia.

01-08-2013, 03:26 AM
Portuguese are mainly a brown and hazel-eyed people, with dark brown hair not black!! About a third have black hair. Blue eyes are not in the majority of course like in any Southern European nation. Around 12% have blue eyes and up to 23-25% have blue,green,gray eyes combined.

01-08-2013, 01:57 PM
""According to a 2010 study including over 8000 samples, light eyes(including light-mixed eyes) in Europe reach greatest distribution in Finland(at 89%), followed in descending order by Sweden, Norway(88%); Estonia, Denmark(85%); Latvia, Ireland(83%); Scotland(80%); Lithuania(78%); The Netherlands(76%); Belarus, England(74%); Germany(70%); Poland, Wales(68%); Russia, The Czech Republic(65%); Slovakia(63%); Belgium(60%); Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine(53%); France, Slovenia(50%); Hungary(43%); Croatia(40%); Bosnia and Herzegovina(38%); Romania(33%); Italy(30%); Serbia, Bulgaria(28%); Spain(25%); Georgia, Portugal(23%); Albania(20%); Turkey and Greece(18%). Analysis of the results demonstrates that the overall average frequency of light eyes in Europe is 50%, with 68% in Northern Europe and 30% in Southern Europe.

In the Middle East and North Africa light eyes reach an average of 8%, with 18% in Lebanon, 15% in Armenia and Syria, 13% in Israel, 8% in Iran, 5% in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, as well as 3% in Saudi Arabia.

Light eyes are also found at 73% in Australia, 69% for Non-Hispanic White people in the United States with a maximum frequency in the Midwest and parts of the South(up to 80% in states like North Dakota) and at 67% in Canada, as well as 15-25% of Caucasian Latin Americans and at generally lower values throughout the rest of Asia and Oceania."

As for blue eyes alone... there are better statistics on that too.

"According to the same research, pure blue eyes in Europe approach greatest frequency in Finland, Sweden and Norway(at 72%), followed by Estonia, Denmark(69%); Latvia, Ireland(66%); Scotland(63%); Lithuania(61%); The Netherlands(58%); Belarus, England(55%); Germany(53%); Poland, Wales(50%); Russia, The Czech Republic(48%); Slovakia(46%); Belgium(43%); Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine(37%); France, Slovenia(34%); Hungary(28%); Croatia(26%); Bosnia and Herzegovina(24%); Romania(20%); Italy(18%); Serbia, Bulgaria(17%); Spain(15%); Georgia, Portugal(13%); Albania(11%); Turkey and Greece(10%). Further analysis shows that the average occurrence of blue eyes in Europe is 34%, with 50% in Northern Europe and 18% in Southern Europe.

In the Middle East and North Africa blue eyes reach an average of 4%, with 10% in Lebanon, 8% in Armenia and Syria, 7% in Israel, 4% in Iran, 3% in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, and also at 1% in Saudi Arabia.

Pure blue eyes also reach 55% in Australia, 50% for Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States with a maximum frequency in the Midwest and parts of the South(reaching 61% in several states) and at 49% in Canada, as well as 5-15% of Caucasian Latin Americans and at generally lower levels throughout the rest of the world.

01-09-2013, 02:07 AM
More Portuguese have green eyes than blue from my experience.

01-09-2013, 11:09 AM
""According to a 2010 study including over 8000 samples, light eyes(including light-mixed eyes) in Europe reach greatest distribution in Finland(at 89%), followed in descending order by Sweden, Norway(88%); Estonia, Denmark(85%); Latvia, Ireland(83%); Scotland(80%); Lithuania(78%); The Netherlands(76%); Belarus, England(74%); Germany(70%); Poland, Wales(68%); Russia, The Czech Republic(65%); Slovakia(63%); Belgium(60%); Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine(53%); France, Slovenia(50%); Hungary(43%); Croatia(40%); Bosnia and Herzegovina(38%); Romania(33%); Italy(30%); Serbia, Bulgaria(28%); Spain(25%); Georgia, Portugal(23%); Albania(20%); Turkey and Greece(18%). Analysis of the results demonstrates that the overall average frequency of light eyes in Europe is 50%, with 68% in Northern Europe and 30% in Southern Europe.

In the Middle East and North Africa light eyes reach an average of 8%, with 18% in Lebanon, 15% in Armenia and Syria, 13% in Israel, 8% in Iran, 5% in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, as well as 3% in Saudi Arabia.

Light eyes are also found at 73% in Australia, 69% for Non-Hispanic White people in the United States with a maximum frequency in the Midwest and parts of the South(up to 80% in states like North Dakota) and at 67% in Canada, as well as 15-25% of Caucasian Latin Americans and at generally lower values throughout the rest of Asia and Oceania."

As for blue eyes alone... there are better statistics on that too.

"According to the same research, pure blue eyes in Europe approach greatest frequency in Finland, Sweden and Norway(at 72%), followed by Estonia, Denmark(69%); Latvia, Ireland(66%); Scotland(63%); Lithuania(61%); The Netherlands(58%); Belarus, England(55%); Germany(53%); Poland, Wales(50%); Russia, The Czech Republic(48%); Slovakia(46%); Belgium(43%); Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine(37%); France, Slovenia(34%); Hungary(28%); Croatia(26%); Bosnia and Herzegovina(24%); Romania(20%); Italy(18%); Serbia, Bulgaria(17%); Spain(15%); Georgia, Portugal(13%); Albania(11%); Turkey and Greece(10%). Further analysis shows that the average occurrence of blue eyes in Europe is 34%, with 50% in Northern Europe and 18% in Southern Europe.

In the Middle East and North Africa blue eyes reach an average of 4%, with 10% in Lebanon, 8% in Armenia and Syria, 7% in Israel, 4% in Iran, 3% in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, and also at 1% in Saudi Arabia.

Pure blue eyes also reach 55% in Australia, 50% for Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States with a maximum frequency in the Midwest and parts of the South(reaching 61% in several states) and at 49% in Canada, as well as 5-15% of Caucasian Latin Americans and at generally lower levels throughout the rest of the world.

30% for Italy sounds reasonable :thumb001:

03-12-2013, 06:35 AM
Blue-eyed people are not frequent in Southern Europe, as is the case among the Portuguese. Around 13% of the Portuguese have pure blue eyes, and for light eyes altogether(blue,green) about 20-25%.

03-12-2013, 06:37 AM
You right on the spot.

03-12-2013, 06:37 AM
Nice my thread was bumped:D. Just curious as my grandfather has pure blue eyes.

03-12-2013, 06:46 AM
I personally know more than 100 Portuguese people from Portugal. I had a high school girlfriend who was Portuguese in ancestry, she was quite beautiful with the blackest hair, I've ever seen on a White person. I quickly realized that Portuguese people were quite dark-haired with brown and hazel eyes, very few had blue eyes, but a good number had the dark greenish-brown mix type., the majority have actually more of dark brown than black hair.

03-12-2013, 05:41 PM
Aren't light eyes about 30%?

Yes. More green than blue, but the latter is certainly more than 5%.

03-12-2013, 05:42 PM
Portuguese are mainly a brown and hazel-eyed people, with dark brown hair not black!! About a third have black hair. Blue eyes are not in the majority of course like in any Southern European nation. Around 12% have blue eyes and up to 23-25% have blue,green,gray eyes combined.

I would disagree with the black hair fraction.

03-12-2013, 05:50 PM
That would probably include colours like hazel.

To my knowledge hazel is treated as dark by biological anthropologists, certainly at least the deeper shades. If hazel is included the Portuguese would probably total in the 30-35 percent light eyes category.

03-12-2013, 06:07 PM
I quickly realized that Portuguese people were quite dark-haired with brown and hazel eyes, very few had blue eyes, but a good number had the dark greenish-brown mix type., the majority have actually more of dark brown than black hair.

Yes, pretty much. The "dark greenish-brown mix type", are very common, although many usually look brown if you don't pay attention, or if you are under poor lightening.

As a sample:

On my father's side my grandmother has dark gray-green eyes, grandfather had dark-brown. The large majority of my uncles and cousins has dark-brown eyes, one of my uncles has blue eyes and dark blonde/light brown hair. His descendents all have green/light-hazel eyes. All other cousins on this side all have brown hair (medium to dark) and dark eyes.

On my mother's side dark-brown (http://visianinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/mac-melon-pigment-eye-closeup-300x224.jpg) eyes simply do not exist, the darkest are my mother's but they are just pure-brown (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Uj683cZ6C68/Tlv4P9yMsZI/AAAAAAAAAPA/abHQbuZlSO4/s1600/brown+eye.jpg). Most have hazel (many lightening ranges), blue or gray eyes. Hair ranges from light blond to dark brown, the most common being medium brown. One uncle has "black" hair.

03-12-2013, 06:16 PM
Yes, pretty much. The "dark greenish-brown mix type", are very common, although many usually look brown if you don't pay attention, or if you are under poor lightening.

As a sample:

On my father's side my grandmother has dark gray-green eyes, grandfather had dark-brown. The large majority of my uncles and cousins has dark-brown eyes, one of my uncles has blue eyes and dark blonde/light brown hair. His descendents all have green/light-hazel eyes. All other cousins on this side all have brown hair (medium to dark) and dark eyes.

On my mother's side dark-brown (http://visianinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/mac-melon-pigment-eye-closeup-300x224.jpg) eyes simply do not exist, the darkest are my mother's but they are just pure-brown (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Uj683cZ6C68/Tlv4P9yMsZI/AAAAAAAAAPA/abHQbuZlSO4/s1600/brown+eye.jpg). Most have hazel (many lightening ranges), blue or gray eyes. Hair ranges from light blond to dark brown, the most common being medium brown. One uncle has "black" hair.

Yes, many Portuguese have medium to sandy brown hair. There are also a large number of chestnut (brown, red, blond blend) haired people.

03-12-2013, 06:23 PM
eye color>normal light IMO, otherwise all the stats get messed up because of difference in calculation
for dark it should be dark or mixed dark

03-12-2013, 07:06 PM
eye color>normal light IMO, otherwise all the stats get messed up because of difference in calculation
for dark it should be dark or mixed dark

Most of the eye color "studies" that are referenced on anthro fora regularly have substantial issues with methodology.

05-01-2017, 10:21 PM
To my knowledge hazel is treated as dark by biological anthropologists, certainly at least the deeper shades. If hazel is included the Portuguese would probably total in the 30-35 percent light eyes category.

In Southern European populations, hazel is not counted as "dark". In the Portuguese population as that the rest of the Iberian Peninsula, approximately a quarter have light eyes!!!

05-01-2017, 10:23 PM
I would disagree with the black hair fraction.

The black hair fraction? It's around there or a little less than a third. Though the vast majority of Portuguese are brown-haired and 11% as a whole are blond-haired.

05-01-2017, 10:32 PM
More Portuguese have green eyes than blue from my experience.
Yes, greenish (greenish-browns) eyes are more common than blue eyes. Nevetheless, purely green eyes are more rare than pure blue.

10-12-2017, 01:55 AM
How common would you say? And the Portuguese posters here. How many relatives do you have with blue eyes?

According to proper studies done, 9% of the Portuguese population is blue-eyed! Portuguese are less blue-eyed than Spaniards (11.75%) and Italians (10.3%).