View Full Version : Austrian Jewish leader warns of increasing anti-Semitism in his country and elsewhere in EU

01-07-2013, 09:52 AM
Austrian Jewish leader warns of increasing anti-Semitism in his country and elsewhere in EU

VIENNA - The leader of Vienna's Jewish community says the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Austria reported to his office have doubled over the past year and adds that Jews are under duress elsewhere in the EU as well.

Oskar Deutsch tells the Kurier newspaper that the Jewish community registered 135 such incidents last year, compared to 71 in 2011.

In comments published Monday, he named Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Finland, France and Greece as the EU countries where Jews are most under threat, adding that fearful Jewish families in Hungary have recently started to immigrate to Austria.

http://www.edmontonjournal.com/life/Austrian+Jewish+leader+warns+increasing+antiSemiti sm/7783274/story.html

01-07-2013, 09:55 AM
Mainly coming from your computer

01-07-2013, 10:00 AM
America: Goldman-Sachs, Warburg, Rothschild, Bernard Madoff, warmonger Tom Lantos - all Jewish.
Austria: Heinz Fischer - quarter Jewish and married to a Jewess.
UK: Cameron - eight Jewish; Milliband, Bercow - both Jewish.
France: Sarkozy - quarter Jewish; Hollande, Strauss-Kahn - both Jewish.
Global foreign affairs: dominated by Israel's interest.

List not exhaustive...

Seriously, is anyone still surprised, that when you have people of Jewish extraction playing a significant role in running our country - and indeed the entire world - to shit, even in this 'liberal day and age', that people are going to have reservations about Jews in general? I'd more than anything call it a self-fulfilling prophecy. :tongue

There was a damn good reason why Jews were expelled from pretty much every other European country at some point during recorded history, and it was hardly because farmers were out of witches to burn and needed a new playground. :rolleyes:

Just my two cents. You play with fire, you got to expect ending up burnt...