View Full Version : Who looks more Western/Germanic the Germans or the Dutch?

Lemon Kush
01-10-2013, 01:59 PM
I think the Dutch. In Germany there is a Baltid component which is completely absent in the Netherlands. Also the Netherlands is more precisely situated in the north which gives it alot more Nordish types than Germany. What do you guys think?

01-10-2013, 02:06 PM
I have seen some Dutch and even French people who had Baltoid phenotypes though.

01-10-2013, 02:12 PM
Germanic ≠ Western.
If we exclude the Atlanto-Mediterranean admixture in Dutch, they look the most Germanic of all Germanic peoples

01-10-2013, 02:26 PM
Overall Dutch and Germans are rather similar, admixture wise.

Dodecad Globe13

North European

Germans 59.2
Dutch 56%


Dutch 33%
Germans 29.7%

West Asian

Dutch 7.8%
Germans 7.3%

Southwest Asian

Germans 3.6%
Dutch 2.3%

Germanic ≠ Western.
If we exclude the Atlanto-Mediterranean admixture in Dutch

It's rather significant and can not really be excluded.

01-10-2013, 02:29 PM
Dutch looks more western. I have a Dutch friends.

01-10-2013, 02:32 PM
The Dutch have more British looking people than the Germans, and the British are more western than both so i'd say the Dutch, even though i think lumping together Germany into one can be misleading, as likely the NW Germans are very similar to the Dutch, while those in the south and east are more distinct in their own way. There must be some sort of regionality in Germany that you get less of in the Netherlands, as it's a much smaller country.

Lemon Kush
01-10-2013, 02:33 PM
Germanic ≠ Western.
If we exclude the Atlanto-Mediterranean admixture in Dutch, they look the most Germanic of all Germanic peoples

By Western I meant North-Western European and that's where pred Germanic people are found.

Lemon Kush
01-10-2013, 02:53 PM
The Dutch have more British looking people than the Germans, and the British are more western than both so i'd say the Dutch, even though i think lumping together Germany into one can be misleading, as likely the NW Germans are very similar to the Dutch, while those in the south and east are more distinct in their own way. There must be some sort of regionality in Germany that you get less of in the Netherlands, as it's a much smaller country.

Precisely what I think. The Dutch have more Keltic-Nordids and less Baltids.

Lemon Kush
01-10-2013, 04:46 PM

Lemon Kush
01-10-2013, 10:33 PM

01-10-2013, 10:41 PM
I'm confused here.

What exactly do you mean by western? More than just Germany & Netherlands are western. Secondly how do you define "more Germanic".

If i recall what i read on another board, both the Dutch & British have more celtic input than Germans. If only i could remember the haplotype. It was so far back, but basicaly it was common in most areas of Europe celts were in, and the Dutch sample was as strong as the British one.

Help me out here someone, i'll probably remember it when this topic isn't even being discussed anymore.

edit: Ah yes, i remember now, i think it was HG1.

01-10-2013, 10:59 PM
I'm confused here.

What exactly do you mean by western? More than just Germany & Netherlands are western. Secondly how do you define "more Germanic".

If i recall what i read on another board, both the Dutch & British have more celtic input than Germans. If only i could remember the haplotype. It was so far back, but basicaly it was common in most areas of Europe celts were in, and the Dutch sample was as strong as the British one.

Help me out here someone, i'll probably remember it when this topic isn't even being discussed anymore.

edit: Ah yes, i remember now, i think it was HG1.

Depends what types of Celts we are talking about though. R1b-U152 has a strongly Italo-Celtic distribution while R1b-L21 has a strongly Brythonic Celtic distrubtion. Also there are great number of 'Slavic type' R1a1a in Germany (particularly in the east) than in either the Netherlands or England. However, R1b-U106 which matches the spread of Germanic languages quite well (although probably also had a smaller presence in some of the Celtic tribes closest to the Germanic tribes) is present in significant numbers in all three.

01-10-2013, 11:01 PM
dutch are more western/germanic
Germans tend to have dinarids in the south and baltic in the east.

01-11-2013, 04:28 PM
obviously dutch

04-02-2014, 01:58 PM
Germany has more nordic looking people, while the Dutch are more western than the Germans. Germans are Central Europeans and that is how they look like. But I have rarely seen nordic individuals in the Netherlands, most of the Dutch are relatively dark for the position of the territory on which they live. I mean, North Germany is full of flaxen haired and blue eyed people while you can rarely find that in the Netherlands.

04-02-2014, 02:49 PM
I mean, North Germany is full of flaxen haired and blue eyed people while you can rarely find that in the Netherlands.

I respectfully disagree with you. You have to visit the Dutch province of Utrecht, I bet you'll meet a lot of tallest blonde people with blue eyes.

04-02-2014, 02:57 PM
I respectfully disagree with you. You have to visit the Dutch province of Utrecht, I bet you'll meet a lot of tallest blonde people with blue eyes.

But not enough I think. You can find more nordic people in North ermany than in the Netherlands. The Dutch seem to have pronounced Atlantid tendencies.

04-02-2014, 05:04 PM
But not enough I think. You can find more nordic people in North ermany than in the Netherlands. The Dutch seem to have pronounced Atlantid tendencies.

Most of the Dutch people i've met/known were tall and fair.

04-02-2014, 05:15 PM
the Dutch naturally.

04-02-2014, 05:25 PM
Most of the Dutch people i've met/known were tall and fair.

That is not difficult if you are used to English standards :D

04-02-2014, 05:53 PM
That is not difficult if you are used to English standards :D

We're not that dark. :P

04-30-2014, 02:26 PM
Actually, Germany has more Nordid individuals than the Netherlands, since its population is higher.

04-30-2014, 05:51 PM
Actually, Germany has more Nordid individuals than the Netherlands, since its population is higher.

I don't think so.

04-30-2014, 06:19 PM
I don't think so.

Germany has more Northern area and is more stretched in the North than the Netherlands.

The Dutch look more Western, while the Germans are lighter.

04-30-2014, 06:31 PM
Germany has more Northern area and is more stretched in the North than the Netherlands.

Don't you see two differences of population of the countries between Germany and Netherlands? Probably you've never been in there in the Netherlands, please visit the Netherlands and spend your time to travel some small Dutch cities and villages, I bet you'll meet many tallest blondes with blue eyes. Ask Beitel or Dexter Morgan, they can confirm all what I've written here

The Dutch look more Western, while the Germans are lighter.

Excuse me?

04-30-2014, 06:44 PM
Don't you see two differences of population of the countries between Germany and Netherlands? Probably you've never been in there in the Netherlands, please visit the Netherlands and spend your time to travel some small Dutch cities and villages, I bet you'll meet many tallest blondes with blue eyes. Ask Beitel or Dexter Morgan, they can confirm all what I've written here

Excuse me?

Which part of that don't you understand?

Actually, I was already in the Netherlands and I can tell you the Dutch are not taller or lighter than the North Germans.

04-30-2014, 07:09 PM
Which part of that don't you understand?

I just didn't understand some logical sequence between "lighter" and "western". Both of them are quite light, actually, and both are western people, as well.

Actually, I was already in the Netherlands and I can tell you the Dutch are not taller or lighter than the North Germans.

In what part of the Netherlands have you visited? I can also tell you more about Utrecht and its neighboring areas which have a majority of blonde people. Yeah, and now again, The Netherlands has the tallest people in the world, after all.

04-30-2014, 07:17 PM
The Dutch are closer to us, so I'd say they're more Western. As far as I'm concerned, the West stops at the Rhine.

04-30-2014, 07:27 PM
I just didn't understand some logical sequence between "lighter" and "western". Both of them are quite light, actually, and both are western people, as well.

In what part of the Netherlands have you visited? I can also tell you more about Utrecht and its neighboring areas which have a majority of blonde people. Yeah, and now again, The Netherlands has the tallest people in the world, after all.

Germans are as a whole more Central European, especially those from Central and East Germany.

Most of the Dutch are not blonde, they have a lot darker individuals like Famke Janssen for example.

04-30-2014, 08:53 PM
The Dutch are a bit more northwestern European, and there's only a significant divide genetically between the North and the South, but divides within Germany are much larger. The northern Dutch are very similar to northern Germans, and southern Dutch very similar to western Germans, and they are all generally similar to each other. However many areas of Germany are significantly more central/southern/eastern European looking genetically. So i'd say if you took them both as a whole, the Dutch are more western than northern, eastern and south-eastern Germans, but less so than western and south-western Germans, while the Dutch are about as Germanic as north and north-western Germans, and more so than southern Germans.

05-03-2014, 09:13 AM
The Dutch are a bit more northwestern European, and there's only a significant divide genetically between the North and the South, but divides within Germany are much larger. The northern Dutch are very similar to northern Germans, and southern Dutch very similar to western Germans, and they are all generally similar to each other. However many areas of Germany are significantly more central/southern/eastern European looking genetically. So i'd say if you took them both as a whole, the Dutch are more western than northern, eastern and south-eastern Germans, but less so than western and south-western Germans, while the Dutch are about as Germanic as north and north-western Germans, and more so than southern Germans.

No, the Dutch have shitloads of North Atlantid which is a very typical Western European phenotype, South and West Germans have much more tendencies towards Alpinid and Faelid which are rather Central European phenotypes.

03-19-2017, 12:07 PM
I think the Dutch. In Germany there is a Baltid component which is completely absent in the Netherlands. Also the Netherlands is more precisely situated in the north which gives it alot more Nordish types than Germany. What do you guys think?

Sure. The Dutch as a whole look more "Western" than Germans! The Dutch are the most Germanic people of Europe, even more Germanic than the more prevalently blond, blue-eyed Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, Icelandic populations. Germany on the other hand does have stronger Baltid or Eastern component in comparison.

03-19-2017, 12:13 PM
Actually, Germany has more Nordid individuals than the Netherlands, since its population is higher.

No. The Dutch has a much higher frequency of Nordid-looking individuals than Germans by a margin whether in the Hallstatt or Keltic variety. Germany has more of the Borreby and Faelid types.

03-19-2017, 12:18 PM
No. The Dutch has a much higher frequency of Nordid-looking individuals than Germans by a margin whether in the Hallstatt or Keltic variety. Germany has more of the Borreby and Faelid types.

Grace O'Malley
03-19-2017, 12:29 PM
What I've noticed is that as an Irish person I have a lot of affinity with Dutch (specifically North Dutch). The only reason I can think of is that Northwestern Europeans descend from similar populations. Anyone else got any theories on this?

My Eurogenes K13

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 North_Atlantic 52.04
2 Baltic 25.27
3 West_Med 9.81
4 West_Asian 7.25
5 East_Med 1.77
6 Red_Sea 1.50
7 Amerindian 1.38

Finished reading population data. 204 populations found.
13 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 North_Dutch @ 3.343981
2 Irish @ 3.397813
3 West_Scottish @ 4.026271
4 Norwegian @ 4.042346
5 Orcadian @ 4.244986
6 Danish @ 4.289660
7 North_German @ 6.192955
8 Southeast_English @ 6.842666
9 Southwest_English @ 6.901150
10 Swedish @ 7.318733
11 South_Dutch @ 11.629003
12 West_German @ 12.655422
13 North_Swedish @ 14.482445
14 Austrian @ 17.549162
15 East_German @ 17.693420
16 French @ 18.062477
17 Hungarian @ 22.544872
18 Southwest_Finnish @ 23.876503
19 Spanish_Cataluna @ 26.292759
20 Southwest_French @ 27.316259

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Irish +50% Norwegian @ 2.522953

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Irish +25% Norwegian +25% Norwegian @ 2.522953

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
1 Irish + Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.519424
2 Irish + Irish + Norwegian + Norwegian @ 2.522953
3 Irish + Irish + North_Dutch + Norwegian @ 2.540311
4 Irish + North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.548502
5 Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.564251
6 North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.622005
7 North_German + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.648387
8 Irish + Irish + Irish + Norwegian @ 2.664680
9 Irish + North_German + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.680890
10 Danish + Irish + Irish + Norwegian @ 2.683445
11 Danish + Irish + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.695799
12 Irish + Irish + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.721051
13 North_Dutch + North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.729033
14 Danish + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.747781
15 Irish + Irish + Swedish + West_Scottish @ 2.753577
16 Irish + Irish + North_German + Norwegian @ 2.764748
17 Irish + North_Dutch + North_Dutch + Norwegian @ 2.766720
18 North_Dutch + Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.767802
19 Irish + Swedish + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.767981
20 Irish + Irish + Irish + Swedish @ 2.775764

My K15 map


Interesting but I think this is because of similar population origins. I don't have any Dutch ancestry.

03-19-2017, 01:04 PM
No, the Dutch have shitloads of North Atlantid which is a very typical Western European phenotype, South and West Germans have much more tendencies towards Alpinid and Faelid which are rather Central European phenotypes.

The North-Atlantid phenotype is not a very typical Western European phenotype by any means. It is a North-West European phenotype in which individuals with dark hair combine it with a usually very light skin and very light eyes ( frequently light blue eyes), it is a predominantly Nordid(Keltic) with some Atlantid admixture. The Alpinid or West Alpine phenotype is much more of a typical Western European since it is much more common throughout Western Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium). The Atlantid type is also more common in Western Europe, especially France. Don't confuse the Atlantid with the North-Atlantid!! Germany also has a much higher percentage of the "big-noses" or "hook-nosed" Dinarids than the Dutch. The Dinarid is a central and south-eastern European phenotype.

03-19-2017, 01:10 PM
What I've noticed is that as an Irish person I have a lot of affinity with Dutch (specifically North Dutch). The only reason I can think of is that Northwestern Europeans descend from similar populations. Anyone else got any theories on this?

My Eurogenes K13

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 North_Atlantic 52.04
2 Baltic 25.27
3 West_Med 9.81
4 West_Asian 7.25
5 East_Med 1.77
6 Red_Sea 1.50
7 Amerindian 1.38

Finished reading population data. 204 populations found.
13 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 North_Dutch @ 3.343981
2 Irish @ 3.397813
3 West_Scottish @ 4.026271
4 Norwegian @ 4.042346
5 Orcadian @ 4.244986
6 Danish @ 4.289660
7 North_German @ 6.192955
8 Southeast_English @ 6.842666
9 Southwest_English @ 6.901150
10 Swedish @ 7.318733
11 South_Dutch @ 11.629003
12 West_German @ 12.655422
13 North_Swedish @ 14.482445
14 Austrian @ 17.549162
15 East_German @ 17.693420
16 French @ 18.062477
17 Hungarian @ 22.544872
18 Southwest_Finnish @ 23.876503
19 Spanish_Cataluna @ 26.292759
20 Southwest_French @ 27.316259

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Irish +50% Norwegian @ 2.522953

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Irish +25% Norwegian +25% Norwegian @ 2.522953

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
1 Irish + Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.519424
2 Irish + Irish + Norwegian + Norwegian @ 2.522953
3 Irish + Irish + North_Dutch + Norwegian @ 2.540311
4 Irish + North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.548502
5 Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.564251
6 North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.622005
7 North_German + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.648387
8 Irish + Irish + Irish + Norwegian @ 2.664680
9 Irish + North_German + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.680890
10 Danish + Irish + Irish + Norwegian @ 2.683445
11 Danish + Irish + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.695799
12 Irish + Irish + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.721051
13 North_Dutch + North_Dutch + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.729033
14 Danish + Norwegian + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.747781
15 Irish + Irish + Swedish + West_Scottish @ 2.753577
16 Irish + Irish + North_German + Norwegian @ 2.764748
17 Irish + North_Dutch + North_Dutch + Norwegian @ 2.766720
18 North_Dutch + Norwegian + Norwegian + West_Scottish @ 2.767802
19 Irish + Swedish + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 2.767981
20 Irish + Irish + Irish + Swedish @ 2.775764

My K15 map


Interesting but I think this is because of similar population origins. I don't have any Dutch ancestry.

It is pretty simple in my opinion. The Irish as yourself show many similarities with the North Dutch, Danish and some Norwegian groups due to the fact, there was an earlier link between North-West Europeans before they became distinctly Celtic and Germanic. So is due to an Ancient Northern European link. This is why it is many times very difficult to separate the Celtic from the Germanic in English populations by genetics, because to begin with they are similar.

03-23-2017, 04:46 PM

07-06-2019, 07:02 PM

07-08-2019, 02:19 AM
I think the Dutch. In Germany there is a Baltid component which is completely absent in the Netherlands. Also the Netherlands is more precisely situated in the north which gives it alot more Nordish types than Germany. What do you guys think?

The Dutch are the most Germanic people by Y-Dna lineages in the world. "Germanic-looking", well I'd say the Germanic Nordic ( Anglo-Saxon) phenotype is more common among them than with Germans, especially in the provinces of Friesland and Groningen. Other phenotypes common among Germanic people of Europe such as Hallstatt, Dalofaelid, Borreby to a lesser extent Tronder are not rare. "Slavic" phenotypes such as Neo-Danubian, East Baltid, Pre-Slavic, even Ladogan are more common in Germany than in the Netherlands. That says it all!

07-08-2019, 07:06 AM
Phenotypes generally follow geography, I think that answers the thread...

07-08-2019, 07:13 AM
The Dutch

07-08-2019, 07:17 AM
The Dutch for sure. Southern and eastern germans have a little bit slavic and med admixture.

07-08-2019, 11:35 AM
The Dutch. My mother plots slightly to the NW of the South Dutch/Belgian dot on the K15 plot, and her phenotype fits that well position well.

The Blade
07-08-2019, 11:39 AM
The Dutch by a good margin.

02-06-2020, 07:12 PM
Dutch are the most Germanic group in Europe, we lack the Slavic/Celtic/Finnic/Baltic admixture found in Germans and Scandinavians, it doesn't get more Germanic than the Dutch. Finns are Finnic and Swedes are Germanic with Finnic admixture. Russians are Germanic/Finnic mixture with some Slavic admixture. If blondness was the sole criterian for Germanicness Estonia would be the most Germanic country or something logically retarded like that.

Anglos literally don't know how Germanics look.

02-06-2020, 10:51 PM
The Dutch I think, though NW Germany would be the same. Germany is just much larger and the heart of Europe, but the Dutch I think are the ultimate germanic country, along with the Danish, a lot of this is due to population size.

02-07-2020, 02:33 AM
The Dutch, obviously.

I have seen some Dutch and even French people who had Baltoid phenotypes though.

I haven't seen any French person with a Baltid phenotype, but I have seen some Dutch people with it. Although many Western European so called "Baltids" are in fact Subnordids, even though they can look similar at times.

02-07-2020, 02:47 AM
The Dutch I think, though NW Germany would be the same. Germany is just much larger and the heart of Europe, but the Dutch I think are the ultimate germanic country, along with the Danish, a lot of this is due to population size.
The Netherlands is a Celto-Germanic country overall, as is Germany.

Can someone define what looking 'Western' means? If being Western means to look most NW Euro, it's obviously the Dutch. If it means to look most like SW Euro's, it's probably the Germans.

02-07-2020, 02:52 AM
The Netherlands is a Celto-Germanic country overall, as is Germany.

Can someone define what looking 'Western' means? If being Western means to look most NW Euro, it's obviously the Dutch. If it means to look most like SW Euro's, it's probably the Germans.

I live in a rural area where there's a lot of Dutch and Mennonite farmers. The Dutch don't look at all like like your average Anglo-Canadian for example. They look very Nordic and Scandinavian. As for the Mennonites who are mostly from the Rhine regions, they resemble Anglos or northwest Europeans much more than Dutch-Canadians do.

02-07-2020, 02:58 AM
But not enough I think. You can find more nordic people in North ermany than in the Netherlands. The Dutch seem to have pronounced Atlantid tendencies.

Germans are mentally obsessed with blonde haired and blue eyed people. Atlantids skulls are more morphologically similar to Nordic skulls than faelids, borrebies, dinarids, alpines, baltids etc.. in Germany. The whole Nazi Aryan philosophy is a complete joke.

02-07-2020, 03:08 AM
The Netherlands is a Celto-Germanic country overall, as is Germany.

Can someone define what looking 'Western' means? If being Western means to look most NW Euro, it's obviously the Dutch. If it means to look most like SW Euro's, it's probably the Germans.

With all due respect the so called 'celtic admixture' in the Dutch is actually pre-celtic Neolithic/megalithic atlanto-mediterranean :


02-07-2020, 03:19 AM
With all due respect the so called 'celtic admixture' in the Dutch is actually pre-celtic Neolithic/megalithic atlanto-mediterranean :
The Southern Netherlands was Celtic Belgae territory, it obviously has significant Celtic blood. The Netherlands is one of the least likely places for a Neolithic holdout, it's flat and the crossroads of NW Europe. The purest Bell Beakers sprung from there.

02-07-2020, 03:26 AM
With all due respect the so called 'celtic admixture' in the Dutch is actually pre-celtic Neolithic/megalithic atlanto-mediterranean :

You resemble Mennonite farmers more than Dutch-Canadian farmers.

https://as2.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/50/54/35/500_F_150543519_wlqPNKEEnhnOyNYCxaod0pzTexmGdwTQ.j pg


02-07-2020, 03:32 AM
The Southern Netherlands was Celtic Belgae territory, it obviously has significant Celtic blood. The Netherlands is one of the least likely places for a Neolithic holdout, it's flat and the crossroads of NW Europe. The purest Bell Beakers sprung from there.

The Belgians are not Celtic they are some that are French and some are Germanic Flemish. On paper I should be part celtic but I associate it with the Neolithic/megalithic admixture from the Frankish French.

02-07-2020, 08:53 PM
The Belgians are not Celtic they are some that are French and some are Germanic Flemish. On paper I should be part celtic but I associate it with the Neolithic/megalithic admixture from the Frankish French.


Belgae themselves though and the name Belgium have Celtic origins.

01-31-2021, 05:47 PM
I think the Dutch. In Germany there is a Baltid component which is completely absent in the Netherlands. Also the Netherlands is more precisely situated in the north which gives it alot more Nordish types than Germany. What do you guys think?

Both Dutch or Germans are in the majority Western Germanic. The Dutch are as a whole more Germanic than any other any other population with the exception of the Icelanders!

02-01-2021, 03:50 AM
I think the Dutch. In Germany there is a Baltid component which is completely absent in the Netherlands. Also the Netherlands is more precisely situated in the north which gives it alot more Nordish types than Germany. What do you guys think?


02-01-2021, 04:02 AM
Germany has more Northern area and is more stretched in the North than the Netherlands.

The Dutch look more Western, while the Germans are lighter.

Yes it is true that the typical pigmentation of the Dutch and Germans is blond.

Germany : (dark) Blond hair + Blue/Gray eyes + Fair skin + Tall stature
The Netherlands : (dark) Blond hair + Blue/Green eyes + Fair skin + (very) Tall stature

The overall percentage of light hair is higher among the Dutch than the Germans.

02-01-2021, 04:19 AM
Yes it is true that the typical pigmentation of the Dutch and Germans is blond.

Germany : (dark) Blond + Blue/Gray + Fair skin + Tall stature
The Netherlands : (dark) Blond + Blue/Green + Fair skin + (very) Tall stature

The Netherlands is the most populated country in the world with 477 people per square kilometer of the land (393 people including the internal waters). Netherlands is populated in 81% by Caucasian Dutch population of Germanic or Gallo Celtic descent. Contrary to the popular ideas, more Dutch are catholic 31% than protestant 21%.


^ if the Dutch are some kind of nordic people then why are they mostly Catholic and why is there a significant Gallo-Celtic strain ? Maybe, we should consider them some kind of Germanic French people e.g. Frankish.

Dutch must be more Western while Germans have a slavic element which maybe in fact , believe it not, perhaps make them lighter (I'm not sure). For instance, places such as Zeeland have to be significantly different from Friesland. I don't see what the big deal is. Most of the Dutch have met in New York city have been blonde hair and green or blue eyed but they could have been from a specific region(s). I don't understand why people here glorify light hair and eyes it is nazi-like. People here make it sound like the Dutch are practically Scandinavians.

I'm not saying I'm Dutch since I'm American but G25 says I'm very closely related to the Dutch. Notice the Western iberian component that could double as a South French component perhaps :

Target: Kevin_scaled
Distance: 2.5583% / 0.02558347 | R4P | ADC: 0.5x RC
60.4 Scandanavian:Norwegian
24.2 West_and_Central_Europe: Dutch
15.4 Iberia:Spanish_Soria

Distance to: Kevin_scaled
0.02865262 West_and_Central_Europe: Dutch
0.02966312 Scandanavian:Norwegian

02-01-2021, 08:54 AM
The Netherlands is the most populated country in the world with 477 people per square kilometer of the land (393 people including the internal waters). Netherlands is populated in 81% by Caucasian Dutch population of Germanic or Gallo Celtic descent. Contrary to the popular ideas, more Dutch are catholic 31% than protestant 21%.


^ if the Dutch are some kind of nordic people then why are they mostly Catholic and why is there a significant Gallo-Celtic strain ? Maybe, we should consider them some kind of Germanic French people e.g. Frankish.

Dutch must be more Western while Germans have a slavic element which maybe in fact , believe it not, perhaps make them lighter (I'm not sure). For instance, places such as Zeeland have to be significantly different from Friesland. I don't see what the big deal is. Most of the Dutch have met in New York city have been blonde hair and green or blue eyed but they could have been from a specific region(s). I don't understand why people here glorify light hair and eyes it is nazi-like. People here make it sound like the Dutch are practically Scandinavians.

I'm not saying I'm Dutch since I'm American but G25 says I'm very closely related to the Dutch. Notice the Western iberian component that could double as a South French component perhaps :

Target: Kevin_scaled
Distance: 2.5583% / 0.02558347 | R4P | ADC: 0.5x RC
60.4 Scandanavian:Norwegian
24.2 West_and_Central_Europe: Dutch
15.4 Iberia:Spanish_Soria

Distance to: Kevin_scaled
0.02865262 West_and_Central_Europe: Dutch
0.02966312 Scandanavian:Norwegian

Firstly being Catholic or Protestant means absolutely nothing with being Germanic. In the Netherlands, Catholics are concentrated in the south and East, while Protestants are in central and northern parts. Secondly genetically by Y-DNA, the Germanic paternal lineages makes up the vast majority of the Dutch males. In fact there is no country in Europe which has a higher frequency of Germanic paternal lineages than the Netherlands! Thirdly the Netherlands is the blondest nation in Western Europe. Although this doesn’t make it as blond as the Scandinavian countries, Estonia or Latvia of Northern Europe. Nevertheless, blond hair, blue or green eyes, fair skin are frequent in the Netherlands. Within the country, the north is much more blond-hair and light - eyed than the south. The majority Dutch population phenotypically fit within the Nordic sub-race was of the Caucasoid race. The Dutch are a Germanic people. If you are Dutch, you should have known that. I guess you are just a Yankee.

02-01-2021, 09:00 AM
The Dutch of course, they are a more isolated and smaller population. Germans excluding the Dutch encompass Southern Europe, Western, Eastern and Northern.

02-01-2021, 02:52 PM
Germany has more nordic looking people, while the Dutch are more western than the Germans. Germans are Central Europeans and that is how they look like. But I have rarely seen nordic individuals in the Netherlands, most of the Dutch are relatively dark for the position of the territory on which they live. I mean, North Germany is full of flaxen haired and blue eyed people while you can rarely find that in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is much Nordic in race than Germany by a margin. Germany is full of CMs, Alpinids, Dinarids, to an extent even Baltids. Southern Germany is the seat of the greatest concentration of Alpinids in the world.

02-01-2021, 03:13 PM
The Netherlands is much Nordic in race than Germany by a margin. Germany is full of CMs, Alpinids, Dinarids, to an extent even Baltids. Southern Germany is the seat of the greatest concentration of Alpinids in the world.

well, if you classify people like Gerd Müller, Phillip Lahm as "Alpine", imo Wallons and some parts France, are competing for the title as well, and some parts Centraleasteurope like Poland

02-01-2021, 03:55 PM
The Netherlands is much Nordic in race than Germany by a margin. Germany is full of CMs, Alpinids, Dinarids, to an extent even Baltids. Southern Germany is the seat of the greatest concentration of Alpinids in the world.

Germans löok same, this north and south german thing exist only in TA.

02-01-2021, 08:41 PM
Germans löok same, this north and south german thing exist only in TA.

There are much more Borrebies and also partially Baltids in the north and in the northeast of Germany than in the rest of the country

02-02-2021, 02:36 AM
Germans löok same, this north and south german thing exist only in TA.

Germany is far from being an homogeneous nation, from Borreby or East Baltid of the north to Alpinid and Norid of the south and Sub - Nordid of the center.