View Full Version : Волжка България; "Ние сме българи, не Татаl

01-12-2013, 10:19 AM

01-12-2013, 10:25 AM
We now should wait for Onur's new pathetic post. :laugh:

01-12-2013, 10:50 AM
we now should wait for onur's new pathetic post. :laugh:

Турците поискване ние изгубената братя на север е ново явление. Като нов пантюркизъм халюцинации.

01-12-2013, 10:56 AM
pretty funny how many of the modern Tatar nationalists praise Mongols, while they are actually are mostly come from the Bulgarians, who have suffered from the Mongols even more Russian.

01-12-2013, 11:02 AM
The European looking Tatars had been calling themselves "Bulgarians" up to 1937, when they were inscribed as "Tatars". Since then being a "Bulgarian" is officially forbidden there in Tatarstan.

Thus both of them are considered to be "Tatars":

http://rings66.ru/var/rings/storage/images/arhiv/dekabr_06/marat_basharov_blagodarya_figurnomu_kataniyu_pohud el_na_vosem_kilogrammov/marat_basharov/4987-1-rus-RU/marat_basharov.jpg


01-12-2013, 11:10 AM
Is it true that the name of Tatarstan was Bulgaristan till 1920 or so?

01-12-2013, 11:19 AM
Is it true that the name of Tatarstan was Bulgaristan till 1920 or so?

Tatarstan - did not exist until the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. This is called Kazan Governorate (Kazanskaya Guberniya), but it was far more than modern Tatarstan

01-12-2013, 11:25 AM
is it true that the name of tatarstan was bulgaristan till 1920 or so?

Волжските българи неведнъж са се опитвали да възстановят държавата си, като последният път е през 1917 г., но само след 1 година руснаците създават Татарстан и преименуват населението по тези земи на волжки татари.


Според резултатите от преброяването през 1897 г. българите на руска земя са 1,3 млн. души, а през 1926 г. – 1,5 млн. души.


През 2002 г. правото да се наричат българи (или булгари) са придобили 701 души. Предполага се, че с български произход и самосъзнание са около 7 млн. души. Смята се, че хората с български произход в Русия са между 15 и 20 млн. души, мнозинството от които са волжки българи.

01-12-2013, 11:36 AM
Is it true that the name of Tatarstan was Bulgaristan till 1920 or so?

There was only the Kazan province. But probably in everyday life Volga Bulgarians called their lands as "Bulgaristan".
On the other hand "stan" (land) is a Persian, non-Turkic word. I don't see why they would use it.

01-12-2013, 11:50 AM
There was only the Kazan province. But probably in everyday life Volga Bulgarians called their lands as "Bulgaristan".
On the other hand "stan" (land) is a Persian, non-Turkic word. I don't see why they would use it.

It's because Islam influenced their vocabulary a quite bit. Volga Bulgarians adopted Islam mostly in opposition to Russians. I think we should have missionaries in Volga Bulgaria to introduce them to Bulgarian Christianity if they find the idea agreeable.

They also have been publishing a nationalist paper called Bulgar Times for about three years now. That's a certainly encouraging development.



01-12-2013, 11:58 AM
They also have been publishing a nationalist paper called Bulgar Times for about three years now. That's a certainly encouraging development.

Yes, there is a Bulgarian nationalist (anti-Tatar) movement in Tatarstan. But Tatar authorities are trying to push on them.

It's because Islam influenced their vocabulary a quite bit.

Persians are Shii Muslims, while Volga Bulgarians are Suni. The Suni and Shii hate each other like Irish Protestants and Catholics do.

01-12-2013, 12:11 PM
Persians are Shii Muslims, while Volga Bulgarians are Suni. The Suni and Shii hate each other like Irish Protestants and Catholics do.

Direct descendants of Volga Bulgarians - Chuvashs is Christians. Tatars - linguistic descendants of Central Asian Turks (Golden Horde) - Kipchaks.