View Full Version : Another Brick in the Wall..

08-07-2009, 05:30 PM

That is Sleipnir there with Odin on his back..a Valkyrie presents him with mead..??

See the Valknut..?? Is it a snake..??

What an afterlife. The Valkyries choose Odin's chosen. They fight over and over to stave off the Ragnarok. That don't happen though so says the Volva..?? That is all of our Wyrd..!!

The Norns are three..there are three triangles you know in the Valknut. Is it Wyrd..?? Yeah, where is that gravemound..??

What here is the Mother Earth's part though.?? It is to her gravemound we go..!!

Odin is a most interesting god to me. He is at the same time a god of war, and also a god of the farmers. What is the connection between war and farming I wonder. Many a patriarchal god has taken over a matriarchal agricultural society. Why does Odin show both..in his stores and his icongraphy..??

This comes back to the snake..??

You see it under there..it is a Valknut all knotted up..??

The wonderful ability of the serpent to slough its skin and so renew its youth has earned for it throughout the world the character of the master of the mystery of rebirth—of which the moon, waxing and waning, sloughing its shadow and again waxing, is the celestial sign. The moon is the lord and measure of the life-creating rhythm of the womb, and therewith of time, through which beings come and go: lord of the mystery of birth and equally of death—which two, in sum, are aspects of one state of being. The moon is the lord of tides and of the dew that falls at night to refresh the verdure on which the cattle graze. But the serpent, too, is a lord of springs, marches, and water courses, it glides with a motion of waves; or it ascends like a liana into branches, there to hang like some fruit of death. The phallic suggestion is immediate, and, a swallower, the female organ is also suggested; so that a dual image is rendered, which works implicitly on the sentiments. Likewise a dual association of fire and water attaches to the lightning of its strike. The forked darting of its active tongue, and the lethal burning of its poison. When imagined as biting its tail, as the mythological uroboros, it suggests the waters that in all archaic cosmologies surround—as well as lie beneath and permeate—the floating circular island Earth.

Occidental Mythology, pages 9-10

Oh, rebirth, don't take that as us drinking dinosaur piss. Didn't they have scales though..?? Is there a judgment..?? There are two weights between the judge..?? Whichever side it leans doesn't matter. As we are beyond both..the scales..the tree Yggdrasil itself..



Baron Samedi
08-10-2009, 09:12 PM
Strange and beautiful... I have not looked at this recently in this light... Indeed there is a serpent (Ourobourous) beneath Slepnir.

Asgard Above, Migard Below (As Above, So Below)

Notice how both "scenes" seem almost celebratory.....

08-11-2009, 09:10 PM
Odin is a most interesting god to me. He is at the same time a god of war, and also a god of the farmers. What is the connection between war and farming I wonder. Many a patriarchal god has taken over a matriarchal agricultural society. Why does Odin show both..in his stores and his icongraphy..??
Most interesting to me is how Odin shape-shifted into a woman in order to learn women's magic (seidr) from Freyja.

08-11-2009, 09:15 PM
I envision Odin as the perfect example of self-transformation. His suffering on the World Tree is like the suffering that many of us go through in life; his grasping up of the runes examples how we often, after prolonged suffering, can gain insight; his eternal quest for knowledge, including of the future, parallels our own ambition and energy to attain the impossible; his questioning of the seeress is like how we all question our wyrd, either to accept it or seek to overcome it,

Hail Alfather! :D