View Full Version : Ancient migration: Genes link Australia with India

01-16-2013, 03:23 AM
Ancient migration: Genes link Australia with India

Researchers compared the DNA of Aboriginal Australians with Indians' genetic material

Australia experienced a wave of migration from India about 4,000 years ago, a genetic study suggests.

It was thought the continent had been largely isolated after the first humans arrived about 40,000 years ago until the Europeans moved in in the 1800s.

But DNA from Aboriginal Australians revealed there had been some movement from India during this period.

The researchers believe the Indian migrants may have introduced the dingo :dog00000: to Australia.

In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they say that the fossil record suggests the wild dogs arrived in Australia at around the same time.

They also suggest that Indians may have brought stone tools called microliths (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microlith) to their new home.

Ancient origins

"For a long time, it has been commonly assumed that following the initial colonization, Australia was largely isolated as there wasn't much evidence of further contact with the outside world," explained Prof Mark Stoneking, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.

Dingoes first appeared in Australia at about the same time as the Indians "It is one of the first dispersals of modern humans - and it did seem a bit of a conundrum that people who got there this early would have been so isolated."

To study the early origins of Australia's population, the team compared genetic material from Aboriginal Australians with DNA from people in New Guinea, South East Asia and India.

By looking at specific locations, called genetic markers, within the DNA sequences, the researchers were able to track the genes to see who was most closely related to whom.

They found an ancient genetic association between New Guineans and Australians, which dates to about 35,000 to 45,000 years ago. At that time, Australia and New Guinea were a single land mass, called Sahul, and this tallies with the period when the first humans arrived.

“It is strongly suggestive that microliths, dingo and the movement of people were all connected”
Mark Stoneking
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

But the researchers also found a substantial amount of gene flow between India and Australia.

Prof Stoneking said: "We have a pretty clear signal from looking at a large number of genetic markers from all across the genome that there was contact between India and Australia somewhere around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago."

He said the genetic data could not establish the route the Indians would have taken to reach the continent, but it was evidence that Australia was not as cut off as had been assumed.

"Our results show that there were indeed people that made a genetic contribution to Australians from India," Prof Stoneking explained.

The researchers also looked at fossils and other archaeological discoveries that date to this period.

They said changes in tool technology and new animals could possibly be attributed to the new migrants.

Prof Stoneking said: "We don't have direct evidence of any connection, but it strongly suggestive that microliths, dingo and the movement of people were all connected."

Dingoes first appeared in Australia at about the same time as the Indians

01-16-2013, 03:33 AM
This doesn't surprise me. Some South Indians and Sri Lankans almost can approach the appearance you find in Australian Aborigines.

Crn Volk
01-16-2013, 03:41 AM
I guess this means the current influx of Indian migrants to Australia is re-balancing the population mix in their favour. I'm sure the local Indians will love this story as they seek to flood into Australia.

01-16-2013, 03:48 AM
They invented stick... and introduced Dingo. Nice.

Crn Volk
01-16-2013, 03:52 AM
They invented stick... and introduced Dingo. Nice.



01-16-2013, 03:57 AM
Indians (except for possibly some Austroloids) don't have the same facial structure as Aborigines eg the browridges.

01-16-2013, 04:01 AM
i believe that is an old article rashka, whatever. all humans are out of eastern africa, if you want like that.

i wrote a note on southasia a while back ago
note on southasia
-southasia and the diversity of the world was predominantly described by europeans and a few People who worked with european concepts.
-obviously there are phenotypical differences among southasians, some will be darker and differing traits then others, depends on the Region, caste, ethnic Group. but im not sure if it can be described as different races let alone meta-races (caucasoid, negroid, australoid, mongoloid). those are eurocentric concepts to describe the world and southasia, they find somewhere a "caucasoid" skull and claimed there have been the superior White man. there are phentoypical differences in europe too some will be darker and yelowisher in Skin tone and with rounder broader head with slanter eyes then others, but no one will say those are different meta-races but subvarieties within european race. i think the southasians are not that much different from one another to be described as different meta-races. also to me southindian tribals dont look like aboriginals to be grouped with them. they look more evolved, graciler, and less archaic. so im not sure if any native ethnic Group in southasia is australoid.
-the perception of southasia within europeans changed a few times in history, as describing all as part aboriginals to idealise the northwest Indian high castes as textbook caucasian.
-obviously genetics is a Revival of old europeancentric concepts of race reality
-fairest would be if a multiracial consortium representing every race, every Region, every Country would sit down and describe the racial diversity we have on the planet with emphasis on their own Region. of course they should be Independent and not influenced by politics, lobbies, Money they receive from
-maybe southasians shouldnt be labeled as caucasoid and proto-australoid or a gradual mixture thereof but maybe have a compeltely different Label, a own race, with subvarieties.

01-16-2013, 04:10 AM
Date of story: 14 January 2013

01-16-2013, 04:15 AM
Date of story: 14 January 2013

ok but i saw a similar article a few years ago. so the News is not really new. but i dont criticise you. it is ok

01-16-2013, 05:01 AM
-obviously genetics is a Revival of old europeancentric concepts of race reality

Nice text wall. I think genetics has a little more behind it than "old europeancentric concepts of race reality". Every heard of science?

Given that they found about only 10% dravidian DNA in the aboriginal population they studied a lack of obvious physical similarity is unsurprising.

01-16-2013, 05:06 AM
Nice text wall. I think genetics has a little more behind it than "old europeancentric concepts of race reality". Every heard of science?

Given that they found about only 10% dravidian DNA in the aboriginal population they studied a lack of obvious physical similarity is unsurprising.

everything is science, which uses such scientific methodology or Tools for Research. but it doesnt mean it is truthful or objectively correct and right depicted