View Full Version : Welcoming the Hero: Iconographic Parallel between Pontic Region and Scandinavia..

08-08-2009, 08:05 PM
Welcoming the Hero: Iconographic Parallel between Pontic Region and Scandinavia.. (http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cache:o1LDllHDFoIJ:www.library.ukma.kiev.ua/e-lib/NZ/NZV24_2004/09_korol_d.pdf+WELCOMING+THE+HERO:+ICONOGRAPHIC+PA RALLEL+BETWEEN+PONTIC+REGION+AND+SCANDINAVIA&hl=en&gl=us)

In this paper we should like to observe (and
explain) one motive of the archaic funeral art in two
remote regions of Europe, namely Scandinavia and
North Pontic region. It is a welcoming scene with
a rider and the female deity - a complicated
multi-object composition, which represent itself
some kind of a code, some symbolism, common
to the world outlook of the peoples of both regions.
