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01-17-2013, 01:54 AM
Turkey's science state council halts publication of evolution books

The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) has put a stop to the publication and sale of all books in its archives that support the theory of evolution, daily Radikal has reported.

The evolutionist books, previously available through TÜBİTAK's Popular Science Publications’ List, will no longer be provided by the council.

The books have long been listed as “out of stock” on TÜBİTAK's website, but their further publication is now slated to be stopped permanently.

Titles by Richard Dawkins, Alan Moorehead, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Levontin and James Watson are all included in the list of books that will no longer be available to Turkish readers.

In early 2009, a huge uproar occurred when the cover story of a publication by TÜBİTAK was pulled, reportedly because it focused on Darwin’s theory of evolution.

The incident led to intense criticism and resulted in finger-pointing by various officials of that publication and its parent institute.

A few months later, the article in question appeared as the publication’s cover story.


01-17-2013, 01:56 AM
wow, that's kind of terrible. the funny and ironic thing is, though, is that evolution is completely compatible with all semetic religions...

01-17-2013, 02:00 AM
wow, that's kind of terrible. the funny and ironic thing is, though, is that evolution is completely compatible with all semetic religions...

There are also some Muslims who think evolution and Islam are coherent, like me. This article (http://www.linamalkawi.com/2009/07/support-for-evolution-in-quran.html?m=1) helped me to leave atheism for example.

01-17-2013, 02:03 AM
Point is, it shouldn't matter at all if it's compatible or not.

01-17-2013, 02:12 AM
There are also some Muslims who think evolution and Islam are coherent, like me. This article (http://www.linamalkawi.com/2009/07/support-for-evolution-in-quran.html?m=1) helped me to leave atheism for example.

yes, i've read alot of articles like that. i don't know too much about islam in general (other than it requires stricter adherence to rules, similar to some sects of judaism) but basically every single church in canada that i've ever seen, been to, read about, etc... all support evolution and learning it. they differ in how they treat the 'big bang' per se, but they believe evolution is completely viable and in no way stands in defiance of any christian principles... why would it, really? god couldn't be smart enough to get the ball rolling on earth so evolution could occur? seems like christians who oppose it think that god is stupid or something lmao (:

Point is, it shouldn't matter at all if it's compatible or not.

that's definitely true, of course. it does everyone a disservice when founded scientific principles are censored. even if a 'theory' turns out to be wrong, it's usually because a better, more intelligent, and more preened theory has taken it's place

01-17-2013, 02:21 AM
^Yeah I have said the same thing many times. If a person is religious, that person shouldn't stand above god and decide how god could or couldn't have done things. Anyway, nice to hear christians in Canada have a different view than the majority in USA. I didn't know that tbh.

01-20-2013, 11:17 AM
The Ministry of Truth attacks again!

01-20-2013, 02:17 PM
The newspaper Hürriyet is not a reliable source to me if the news is about İslam ,Muslims ,Evolition- İslamists etc.
Here's Tübitak's response to claims:

TÜBİTAK, Evrim Teorisi ile ilgili kitapları satış listesinden çıkardığına ilişkin haberleri yazılı bir açıklama ile yalanladı.

Açıklamada "Konu tamamen yayın hakkı sözleşmelerinin yenilenmesi süreci ve telif haklarıyla ilgili olup, Evrim Teorisi yayınlarının kaldırmasıyla ilgili değildir" denildi.

TÜBİTAK, açıklamasında "bu konuyla ilgili olarak ne bilim kurulumuzda ne de yayın danışma ve değerlendirme kurulumuzda herhangi bir karar alınmadığı gibi gündem dahi olmamıştır" ifadelerine yer verdi.

Konunun tamamen yayın hakkı sözleşmelerinin yenilenmesi ve telif haklarıyla ilgili olduğuna dikkat çeken TÜBİTAK, "konu Evrim Teorisi yayınlarının kaldırmasıyla ilgili değildir, Evrim Teorisi konusunda halihazırda hem yayında hem de baskı programında kitaplarımız bulunmaktadır" dedi.

TÜBİTAK'ın yalanladığı haberlerde Darwin'in Evrim kitaplarının basımını ve satışını durdurduğu, "Evrim"e ilişkin diğer kitapları da satış listesinden çıkardığı öne sürülmüştü.


01-20-2013, 02:29 PM
Anyways as far as big bang theory goes it was proposed by a priest. :)

01-20-2013, 02:32 PM
finally...somebody had to do it first....they shouldn't ban it,they should of just moved it along with other fairy tales