View Full Version : The 150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of

01-21-2013, 03:55 PM
The 150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of

Every year, the online magazine Edge--the so-called smartest website in the world (http://edge.org/conversation/-quotthe-man-who-runs-the-world-39s-smartest-website-quot-in-the-observer)--asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was "What Should We Be Worried About?" (http://edge.org/annual-question/q2013), and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven't yet been widely recognized.

This year's respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet's biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don't have to: here's the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest (http://edge.org/annual-question/q2013) if any of the below get you fretting.

What keeps the smartest folks in the world awake at night? Here goes:

1. The proliferation of Chinese eugenics. – Geoffrey Miller, evolutionary psychologist.

2. Black swan events, and the fact that we continue to rely on models that have been proven fraudulent. – Nassem Nicholas Taleb

3. That we will be unable to defeat viruses by learning to push them beyond the error catastrophe threshold. – William McEwan, molecular biology researcher

4. That pseudoscience will gain ground. – Helena Cronin, author, philospher

5. That the age of accelerating technology will overwhelm us with opportunities to be worried. – Dan Sperber, social and cognitive scientist

6. Genuine apocalyptic events. The growing number of low-probability events that could lead to the total devastation of human society. – Martin Rees, former president of the Royal Society

7. The decline in science coverage in newspapers. – Barbara Strauch, New York Times science editor ...

The 150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of | Motherboard (http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/what-150-of-the-worlds-smartest-scientists-are-worried-about)

01-21-2013, 03:59 PM
Answers #4 and #7 are plain grotesque. For sure it has to be smarter women around.

01-21-2013, 04:10 PM
# 12. That search engines will become arbiters of truth. --W. Daniel Hillis, physicist


02-24-2013, 02:05 PM
What keeps the smartest folks in the world awake at night? Here goes:

1. The proliferation of Chinese eugenics. – Geoffrey Miller, evolutionary psychologist.

That pseudoscience will gain ground. – Helena Cronin, author, philospher


02-24-2013, 02:16 PM
About Helen Cronin, now it seems that I understand, a Darwinian philosopher?
Already on the word'' proliferation'' of Chinese Eugenia.
I thought the misuse of the word, because I remember proliferation as epidemic or disease.